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【809】Underground detector (6)

Summary of the previous chapter: Zheng Yun promised to make a "detector" to find underground detectors, but it would take a month. Ma Xiaoquan decided to return to the Ming Dynasty first and come back when the time is almost up...

How could Ma Xiaoquan stop laughing? Dr. Mingfa had just lifted up his trouser legs, and he clearly had an anklet around his ankle. How could any gentleman wear an anklet? Dr. Mingfa's bad taste is really strong.


Mingfa had a depressed look on his face. To be honest, this anklet was not his own intention. To be honest, it was given to him when he was in love with his child's mother when he was young. Alas, thinking of this, Mingfa felt a twinge in his heart.

of bitterness.


After the two returned to the large warehouse laboratory, Ma Xiaoquan immediately boarded the teleportation platform.

After returning from the Ming Dynasty, Ma Xiaoquan stayed in the underground world for only half a day. Although the time here was very short, because the heart of time in his body had been "sleeping" to recuperate, Ma Xiaoquan expected that this time would come and go.

There will definitely be a time difference. Of course, Ma Xiaoquan can only know the exact difference after returning to the Ming Dynasty.


"Pony" Mingfa stood under the teleportation platform and waved to Ma Xiaoquan: "Remember, come back in one month..."

Ma Xiaoquan shouted helplessly: "Doctor, one month over there is completely different from one month here..."

"Ah, then just stay there for a few years and then come back..."

"...Um, okay..."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded to Dr. Mingfa, then swung his right hand, and a light blue crack immediately opened in front of him.

"I hope... the time won't be too different..." Ma Xiaoquan muttered to himself, arching his body and getting into the crack...

Ming Dynasty, the first year of Taichang, Ma family.

Mrs. Ma had an anxious look on her face and kept pacing in the main hall.

In front of Mrs. Ma, the housekeeper Ma Tong, the eldest grandson's daughter-in-law Li Qinghan, and Liu Yijing's granddaughter Liu Xiangxiang were all present.

The expressions of several people were solemn, as if they had encountered something very difficult.

Mrs. Ma stopped, raised her head and said to the three of them: "How could Quan'er, such a big man, disappear? Don't you all know where he went? Ma Tong, tell me"

The housekeeper Ma Tong looked helpless and said: "Madam, Chu...oh no, the fourth young master did come back, but I really don't know when he disappeared."

"Qinghan, what about you? When was the last time you saw Quan'er?"

Li Qinghan said: "Grandma, the last time I met Ma Xiaoquan was when he was going to work..."

"On duty?"

"Yes." Li Qinghan nodded, "Yes, the commander of Jinyiwei sent someone to deliver an autographed note to Ma Xiaoquan. I have read the note, and it says... Oh, yes, it seems to have something written on it.

Underground detectors and so on... After Ma Xiaoquan read it, he seemed very happy and then left..."

"Underground detector?" Mrs. Ma and Ma Tong looked at each other, and they immediately knew what was going on.

"Well, okay, I understand." Mrs. Ma nodded.

"Grandma Ma, did brother Quan suddenly go out for something? I heard that Jin Yiwei always goes out suddenly to perform tasks?" Liu Xiangxiang asked.

Mrs. Ma chuckled, nodded and said: "Well, it's possible."

As soon as Mrs. Ma said these words, several people present quickly felt that the atmosphere relaxed a lot. It seemed... that "underground detector" seemed to be a very mysterious thing.

Liu Xiangxiang couldn't help it anymore and asked curiously: "Grandma Ma, what is that underground detector that Sister Qinghan just mentioned?"

Mrs. Ma smiled bitterly and asked her, but she didn't know. The reason why Mrs. Ma calmed down was entirely because there was a trace of record about this underground detector in the Ma family's genealogy, and the specific content of the record was

Mrs. Ma couldn't understand it either, because it was all written in Baiyi characters.

However...since Qinghan mentioned the "underground detector", then Ma Xiaoquan, er, the first generation head of the family must know about that thing, but one thing that Mrs. Ma doesn't understand is...the commanding officer of Jinyiwei.

Sir, why did you write about "underground detector" in your own handwritten note? Does the commander also know something?

"Ma Tong." Thinking of this, Mrs. Ma walked to Ma Tong and whispered, "Go and help me investigate Commander Pei of the Jinyi Guards."

Ma Tong nodded and retreated.

Li Qinghan and Liu Xiangxiang were curious when their uncle suddenly left the scene, but when they saw their grandma's face turning serious again, the two girls unanimously chose to remain silent.

"Okay, you guys can go down too, there's nothing for you to do here."

The two women looked at each other and retreated angrily.


"Well..." Mrs. Ma was the only one left in the main hall. She shook her head and sighed, "First-generation head of the family, where are you? That underground detector? What on earth is it?"


At dinner, due to the lack of Ma Xiaoquan, everyone felt very dull throughout the meal. Although the fourth young master was a dandy, he could always make everyone happy during the meal. After the meal, the mood would naturally be much better. But now

The fourth young master is not here, and without him... it would be a bit boring to eat.

"I'm full..." Li Qinghan stood up, put down the rice bowl in his hand, and bowed respectfully to Mrs. Ma.

"I...I'm full too." Liu Xiangxiang followed Li Qinghan, put down the rice bowl in her hand, and stood up.

Mrs. Ma sighed, frowned, and said, "Xiangxiang, finish the meal and don't leave any leftovers!"

"Ah? Oh" Liu Xiangxiang sat down with her head lowered, picked up her rice bowl and continued to eat.

Li Qinghan was about to leave when suddenly, the door to the main hall opened.

Li Qinghan raised his head and glared, and was stunned for a moment.

"What's wrong, Qinghan?" Mrs. Ma stood up and looked toward the door, and was also stunned.

Mrs. Ma was stunned, and everyone turned to look at the main door.

"Brother Quan..." Liu Xiangxiang jumped up first, dropped her job, and flew towards the door.

With a "pop", Liu Xiangxiang slammed into the arms of the man at the door.

The man touched Liu Xiangxiang's hair and comforted him: "Okay, brother Quan is here. Come back and eat quickly."

This chapter has been completed!
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