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【850】Fantasy (4)

Summary of the previous chapter: Ma Xiaoquan suggested staying for a while and waiting for the small square boxes in the hands of Zi Shaoyan and Zi Shaobo to return to normal before moving forward. While a few people were staying, Zi Biao, Zi Long, and Li Qinghan went to look for food. Who

I thought I encountered an unexpected situation...

Zi Shaobo helped Zi Biao sit down and checked Zi Biao's injuries. The injuries on his face were just scratches, but there was a penetrating wound on Zi Biao's arm, which looked very serious.

Zi Shaobo frowned, pulled open Zi Biao's sleeve, and found a hole as thick as a finger on Zi Biao's arm.

"Zi Biao, what's going on?"

Zi Biao gritted his teeth and said with a face full of pain: "The man suddenly attacked me, and I fought back against him. Unexpectedly, he suddenly took out a very strange thing, and with a bang, the thing released a hidden weapon.

.....Uh, the speed of the hidden weapon is really too fast, I can’t dodge it at all..."

"Hidden weapon?" Zi Shaobo looked at Zi Biao's injuries carefully and said, "This hidden weapon is really weird, but it's okay, Zi Biao, your injury looks serious, but it actually just penetrated your

The skin, flesh, and bones are not injured.”

After hearing what his fourth uncle said, Zi Biao's originally irritable mood suddenly calmed down a lot.

"Uncle Fourth, it hurts, very much..." Zi Biao said.

"Well, it definitely hurts. Zi Biao, don't move. My fourth uncle needs to heat the dagger with fire to disinfect your wound. Otherwise, it will cause trouble..."



Ma Xiaoquan and Zi Shaoyan ran one after another in the direction where Zilong and Li Qinghan disappeared.

Ma Xiaoquan was running very fast, and at this moment, he couldn't care less about hiding his skills.

Zi Shaoyan followed Ma Xiaoshen and was quite surprised. The fourth young master of the Ma family didn't know how to do martial arts. How could he be so good at it? Could it be that this kid had been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger?

"Pa" Ma Xiaoquan kicked a dead tree, turned around, and ran to the right.

Zi Shaoyan followed up, stopped and looked at the footprints on the dead tree, and couldn't help being surprised again.

Although this is a dead tree, it is a real birch. You must know that even if the birch is withered, it will take a lot of strength to make a deep footprint.

Zi Shaoyan measured Ma Xiaoquan's kick slightly, and found that it almost penetrated half of the wooden body. With such great power, Zi Shaoyan immediately concluded that Ma Xiaoquan was hiding his clumsiness.

It's a pity... Zi Shaoyan's short stay made him lose the opportunity to continue to follow Ma Xiaoquan. Looking at the gray ahead, Zi Shaoyan shook his head helplessly and sighed heavily.

Take a breath.


Ma Xiaoquan ran all the way without any intention of stopping. From just now to now, he has been running for nearly half an hour.

Unable to control fire, without the blessing of the green spirit fire, Ma Xiaoquan's running speed was much slower than before, but this slowness just gave Ma Xiaoquan time to investigate carefully.

When he paused to catch his breath, Ma Xiaoquan's eyes were still looking around.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Ma Xiaoquan saw a bright piece of cloth on a branch near his left hand side.

Ma Xiaoquan stepped forward quickly and grabbed the piece of cloth.

"It's my sister-in-law's clothes..." Ma Xiaoquan brought the piece of cloth to his nose and smelled it, then nodded and said, "Yes, it's my sister-in-law. It seems they are nearby."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and looked around. The woods here were much denser and more compact than the place where they stayed before. Although they were still gray and dry, the distance between the trees was obviously much smaller.

Such a tight spacing between trees will inevitably block the field of view.

"Xiaoshuang" Ma Xiaoquan called softly, and a flaming woman immediately sprang out from behind his neck.

"Woooo..." The flame girl circled Ma Xiaoquan three times and looked at Ma Xiaoquan "confusedly".

"Xiaoshuang, I need your help. Sister-in-law and Zilong are missing. You are much faster than me. You can fly up into the air and help me take a look."

"Woooooo..." The flame woman nodded slightly and rushed into the sky.

After a while, the flame woman fell down and hung beside Ma Xiaoquan, whining.

"Didn't you notice it too?" Ma Xiaoquan asked with some regret.

The flame girl shook her head.

"Well, it should be that the trees here are too close together, which blocks your and my field of vision..."


Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, shook his head and said, "Now that the fire has been burned out, what if Zilong gets burned? Okay, you and I will go separate ways. If there is any situation, just whistle as a signal."

"Woooooooo..." The flame girl looked at Ma Xiaoquan with some embarrassment, meaning that it was impossible for her to whistle.

Ma Xiaoquan scratched his scalp: "Okay, then if you find anything, just come to me directly."

The flame girl nodded and ran in the other direction.

Ma Xiaoquan took the cloth and brought it to his nose to smell it. In addition to the faint rouge scent of Li Qinghan, the cloth was also mixed with a hint of Li Qinghan's unique body smell.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head, slapped himself hard, and cursed: "Damn, this is a critical moment, why are you still thinking wrongly?"

After calming down, Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and looked around for clues.

"Huh? This is..." Ma Xiaoquan took a few steps forward, squatted down, and pulled off a piece of cloth from another branch.

"Huh? The cloth of this color should not be purple dragon, nor my sister-in-law's clothes... It seems that there really are outsiders in this fantasy forest."

Ma Xiaoquan picked up the piece of cloth, put it to his nose and smelled it.

"Man..." Ma Xiaoquan frowned, "Man... there are men appearing in the Phantom Forest. Well, the Phantom Forest is not very safe."

Judging from Ma Xiaoquan's past experience, when a man appears in a remote area, the risk factor will increase exponentially.

Ma Xiaoquan stood up and looked around. At this time, Xiaoshuang flew back and whined around Ma Xiaoquan.

"Xiaoshuang, have you found a clue? Okay, take me there..."


In a dense dry bush, two men laughed evilly and kicked another man in front of them.

The man was holding his right arm in pain. On his right arm, there were two bloody holes.

"Haha...your name is Zilong, right? It's a good name, but your skills are lacking..."

The man raised his head, gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "If you hadn't relied on the weapon in your hand, you would definitely not be my opponent!"

"Oh? Really? Well, you are right." One of the men kicked Zilong hard, "If you have an advantage, don't use it. That's why you idiots from the earthly world are like this, hum.

Hum, low-level people..."

"The earthly world? Who are you and why do you appear in the Phantom Forest?"

"Who? Hehe, it doesn't matter whether we show up or not. The key is that you accidentally met us... Well, the girl you are with is pretty good, she is so beautiful, tsk tsk...

.... Apparently she is your lover, well, just in time, we two brothers fucked her in front of you, you guys opened your eyes wide and imitated, haha..."

"Let her go, don't touch her!" Zilong shouted anxiously.

"Fuck you." The two men raised their feet and kicked Zilong hard.

A few steps away from Zilong, Li Qinghan was tied up all over and her mouth was blocked with rags. What made Li Qinghan even more disgusted and angry was that the method of tying her rope was unacceptable to her.

What kind of binding method? Let Xiaojue give you some suggestions. The binding method in some action movies in the island country is the binding method used to tie Li Qinghan now. "Woooooooo..." Li Qinghan kept saying

Twisting her delicate body.

"Oh," a man turned his head and said with lustful eyes, "You have such a damn good figure. Damn, the little girl twisting her body like this makes me have nosebleeds." As the man said, he walked over to Li Qinghan.

In front of him, his hands stretched out towards Li Qinghan's chest without ceremony.

"I fuck your mother" Zilong shouted.

"Huh?" The man stopped his hands, turned his head and said, "Xiao Liu, knock out that guy's teeth for me. Damn it, it makes me very unhappy."

"Hehe, no problem, but Fifth Brother, after you feel good, let me feel good too..."

"Nonsense, we are brothers, we are the same mother-in-law. If I feel good, can I not let you feel good?"

"Hey, that's great, Fifth Brother, you play first, and I'll play again when you've had enough..."

This chapter has been completed!
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