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[087] Guo Jia solves doubts

Ma Xiaoquan's search for solar recorders is nothing new. Anyone who is familiar with him and whom Ma Xiaoquan thinks he can ask for help will tell them.

But how did Hua Yixi know what she was looking for? She was not familiar with him.

Ma Xiaoquan paused for a moment, then laughed and said, "What's the matter? Chief Hua, don't listen to nonsense."

Hua Yixi raised her lips and said, "Sir, please don't try to trick someone Hua. Someone Hua has already confirmed that this matter is true."

Ma Xiaoquan saw that Hua Yixi seemed to know something, so he stopped hiding it: "To be honest, this is indeed the case. I wonder if there is any news from the Hua clan leader?"

Hua Yixi rolled her eyes slightly and thought: Of course I have news. That thing is in Yuan Shu's hands. I will definitely not tell you. If I tell you, what will I do if you regret not helping me?

Hua Yixi laughed and lied: "Actually, I don't know much about it, but I can help you find what you need with the help of my connections."

Ma Xiaoquan knew what Hua Yixi was going to say next, and in exchange, he would definitely have to do something for him.

Unknowingly, the initiative in the conversation has been quietly taken away by Hua Yixi. Ma Xiaoquan was considering whether to agree to Hua Yixi. After all, if Hua Yixi is compared with Cao Cao, the former is currently less capable.

He is still greater than Cao Cao, but who knows how long he will stay in this era, what if it is a few decades? Then after a few decades, Cao Cao will definitely be more capable.

Ma Xiaoquan had an underestimation in his heart, whether he would agree to spend a night or not. Perhaps, this promise would help him complete the task ahead of schedule, and he could go back earlier. The longer he stays in this era, the more he will treat his female relatives.


"Okay... okay..." Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and decided to agree to Hua Yixi.

The flowers listened to it day and night, clapping their hands and cheering.

"Your Excellency is very happy, okay, then I will order you to do my best to find out..."


After seeing Ma Xiaoquan off, Hua Yixi proudly poured herself a cup of tea and drank it with great interest.

At this time, a middle-aged man appeared beside Hua Yixi.

The middle-aged man said respectfully to Hua Yixi: "Father, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Hua Yixi smiled slyly: "Son, you haven't seen the demon's fire-controlling magic. It's a rare sight in ten thousand years. I wonder where the demon's master is...


After Ma Xiaoquan returned to the wing, he covered his head and went to sleep. Ma Xiaoquan was only slightly hesitant about what Hua Yixi agreed to. After all, no matter in which era, it is better to ask for others than to ask for yourself. This principle will never change.

Early the next morning, Ma Xiaoquan was awakened by the sound of gongs and drums outside the wing.

When he went out to look at it, he was startled. He randomly stopped a servant of the Hua family and asked. Only then did Ma Xiaoquan find out that today there would be a bracelet-wearing ceremony for the younger generation of the Hua family.

"No wonder..." Ma Xiaoquan sighed, knocked on Diplodocus's door, and called out to Diplodocus. As for Hualin and Miaoyu, Ma Xiaoquan didn't call out.

After the two washed up, they hurried to the venue.

After arriving at the venue, Ma Xiaoquan realized that he had arrived relatively late.

In the venue, all seats near the front are already occupied. Even if people are temporarily absent, they are all reserved. However, there are some seats that are not so good.

Privileges have existed since ancient times. Looking at the empty seats in front of him, Ma Xiaoquan felt unspeakably aggrieved. While hesitating, a servant from the Hua family walked up to Ma Xiaoquan and whispered: "Excuse me, are you the Supreme Immortal?"

Well, the head of the house has ordered that the seat No. 6 at the front is reserved for you."

"Haha?" Ma Xiaoquan was amused. Hua Yixi is quite capable of doing things. Not bad.

Of course Ma Xiaoquan accepted it unceremoniously. How could anyone refuse such a thing? It was just that Ma Xiaoquan accepted it too quickly, which made it difficult for the servants of the Hua family who led him to adapt. After all, in this era, what?

Everything must be done with courtesy first, regardless of whether it is a show or not, this is the basic rule, but this immortal is good, he nodded and agreed as soon as he finished speaking, without even saying thank you...

Positioning in the front not only makes the field of vision clearer, but for those famous wealthy families, position is firstly a showing off capital based on seniority, and secondly, it is the best position to make friends with other wealthy families.

Ma Xiaoquan crossed his legs, holding a cup of fragrant tea, sipping it, his eyes glancing back and forth from time to time. At this time, he saw two men, one in white and the other in blue.

"Aren't these Xun You and Guo Jia?"

Ma Xiaoquan put down his tea cup and shouted, "Gongda, Fengxiao..." regardless of whether there were many people in the venue or not.

Ma Xiaoquan's shout shocked everyone.

This is a grand event for the nobility. What is nobility? It is synonymous with quality. Ma Xiaoquan shouted this, completely throwing the word "quality" out of the sky.

Some wealthy people frowned and hid their faces to avoid Ma Xiaoquan, with expressions of disgust and incomprehension.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't care about so much, he called out again: "Gongda, Fengxiao, come and sit here, the seat here is big..."

When Xun You and Guo Jia heard Ma Xiaoquan calling them, they were stunned at first, and then they both laughed.

However, Xun You smiled bitterly, while Guo Jia smiled appreciatively.

After all, Xun You was born into a noble family. Although his family life has collapsed and he is not as good as before, in any case, he can be regarded as a member of the aristocratic class. Now, the purple-haired man whom he met once called himself

It's just like calling someone in the vegetable market, and he calls him by his own name, which gives people the illusion that the two of them are familiar with each other. But Guo Jia is different. Although Guo Jia is a scholar,

He is very talented and knowledgeable, but Guo Jia likes informal people very much, because this kind of people are very compatible with him. For example, Guo Jia likes to be in contact with the purple-haired man he calls now.

While Xun You was still hesitating, Guo Jia was already laughing and sitting next to Ma Xiaoquan.

Ma Xiaoquan poured a cup of tea for Guo Jia, but Guo Jia was not polite and drank it all in one gulp.

“Great tea!”

Ma Xiaoquan poured it for Guo Jia again, but Guo Jia still drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking tea, Guo Jia turned to Xun You and shouted: "Gongda, come quickly, this place is very big!"

Xun You shook his head, helplessly stepped forward and sat down.

Ma Xiaoquan also poured a cup of tea for Xun You. Xun You drank tea much more elegantly than Guo Jia.

Tea should be drunk slowly, and it should be tasted only lightly. This is most vividly reflected in Xun You.

After putting down the tea cup, Xun You held his hand to Ma Xiaoquan and said, "I really can't tell that my brother is a very rich and powerful person..."

Xun You's words did not hide his envy at all. Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "This is all thanks to brothers and friends. I don't have such great ability."

Ma Xiaoquan's words were very quack-like, but they sounded different to Xun You and Guo Jia.

Guo Jia believed that Ma Xiaoquan had a true temperament, while Xun You believed that Ma Xiaoquan did not reveal his true nature.

Both of them are smart people, the kind who can tell everything at once. Seeing that Ma Xiaoquan didn't want to say anything more, they stopped asking further questions. Guo Jia said: "Brother, today's gift of wearing a bracelet from the Hua family, brother.

But we want to fight between one and two?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded.

Guo Jia became more energetic: "I wonder which one of the Hua family do you want to compete for?"

Ma Xiaoquan blinked and said, "Huayue Xin."

"Wha... what?" Guo Jia was shocked when he heard this, "Brother, please don't lie to me. This joke is not funny at all."

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "Why are you lying to me? That's right, I just want to win the heart of Hua Yue!"

Ma Xiaoquan's words caused the four wealthy families to stand up one after another. Several wealthy family members looked at Ma Xiaoquan with disdain and said with a smile: "You still want to compete for the heart of the moon and the moon like this? You really want to eat swan meat..."

..Ha ha......"

Ma Xiaoquan didn't understand. He asked Guo Jia: "Why, is this Huayuexin a tiger's ass that cannot be touched?"

Guo Jia smiled bitterly and said: "Brother, this metaphor is a bit inappropriate, but the meaning is very insightful. Yes, it is so."

When Ma Xiaoquan heard this, he thought to himself: Damn it, why didn't that old guy Hua Yixi tell me about this? I just said that casually, but he didn't expect to be ridiculed immediately. Damn it, come on.

The old fox was fooled by Hua Yixi.

Ma Xiaoquan said: "Fengxiao, tell me, who are the people in this Hua family who wear bracelets as gifts?"

Guo Jia pursed her lips and said: "The Hua family's bracelet-wearing gift is divided into three stages. The first stage is the pre-selection. To put it simply, the beauty first makes the first impression based on the self-recommendation of the candidates.

, and then these people selected by the first impression will engage in a civil and military competition, in which many people will be eliminated. Of course, the rule of not marrying cannot be violated..."

Ma Xiaoquan let out an ooh and asked, "What about the second stage?"

"The second stage?" Guo Jia thought for a moment, "The second stage is called the old and new pairs. The so-called new and old pairs are when a certain lady from a flower family who likes you will give you the questions. You answer them. If you answer correctly, do the math.

I'm wrong, so I'm sorry, my qualification has been cancelled..."

"The third stage..." Guo Jia continued without waiting for Ma Xiaoquan to ask, "This third stage is the appreciation of bartered treasures. As for why the Hua family made such an arrangement, I have no choice.

Got it..."

After listening to Guo Jia's statement, Ma Xiaoquan felt a big headache.

I thought that this so-called gift of wearing a bracelet was just a formality, but I didn’t expect it to be so complicated. There are still three stages. What is the difference between this and the audition in modern society? Oh, let’s do the pre-selection first, isn’t that the audition?

Well, then there will be some "old and new pairing". Isn't that just a one-on-one or multiple-on-one assessment...

"This is your mother..." Ma Xiaoquan swallowed the usual curse words.

"What does Hua Yuexin have to do with this?"

Guo Jia had a look of longing on her face, and she seemed to have struggled a lot before saying, "Huayue Xin is the most important person in this bracelet-wearing gift..."

After listening to Guo Jia's statement, Ma Xiaoquan exclaimed: "Why is this a bit like choosing an oiran?"

Guo Jia shook his head: "Brother, this is very different. The courtesans are all prostitutes, but being the son-in-law of the flower family can be said to turn a crow into a phoenix in an instant..."

This chapter has been completed!
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