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【900】Exam (3)

Summary of the previous chapter: The exam started. What Ma Xiaoquan didn’t expect was that not long after it started, there were already unqualified candidates in another exam room...

In Ma Xiaoquan's team, Haoyue is the kind of woman who rarely talks, but if she is assigned anything, Haoyue will complete it beautifully. If the members of the Victory Eleven team are ranked, Haoyue should be regarded as the leader.

Top six.

But... not long after the exam started, Haoyue was eliminated. What happened?

"Hey Longyue" Ma Xiaoquan opened the window and shouted towards Longyue.

Bei Mingxue grabbed Ma Xiaoquan and said, "Ma Xiaoquan, what are you shouting about? Do you also want to fail the exam?"

Ma Xiaoquan turned his head and said with an indifferent expression: "If you don't pass, you're not qualified, I don't care!"

"You" Bei Mingxue clenched her silver teeth and stamped her foot fiercely.

Dongfang Qingxue came over and said, "Two of you, do you feel that there are no examination regulations in our examination room?"

Bei Mingxue was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

Ma Xiaoquan also nodded: "Yes, the masked man left after putting down the test questions, and he didn't mention any rules about cheating. Could it be..." Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoquan opened the window and planned to climb out of the window.

Turn it out.

"Stop!" At this moment, the masked man suddenly appeared and stopped him, "Well, your name is Ma Xiaoquan, right? Well, there is a rule in this examination room. Anyone who leaves the examination room will fail! What, you

Do you want to dig it out?"

"Leave the exam room? You failed? What if you want to go to the toilet?"

The masked man chuckled: "You can go, but you only have one chance!"

Ma Xiaoquan stopped and asked again: "Are you the examiner? I would like to ask, what are the examination rules in our examination room No. 4?"

The masked man snorted twice and said: "What are the test rules... Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention it just now... Everyone, be quiet..." The masked man said loudly

, "There is only one test rule in Examination Room No. 4, which is that you cannot go out. Of course, everyone still has a chance to use the toilet. You must come back immediately after using it. If you do not come back immediately, it is equivalent to failure. Others.

.....there is none left!"

"No more?" someone murmured, "Can we cheat?"

The masked man laughed and spread his hands: "If you think you can cheat on this question, feel free to cheat!" After that, the masked man turned away.

Everyone looked at each other, and someone picked up the declaration on the table, looked at the word "heart" on the declaration, and smiled helplessly: "That guy really got it right. I'm afraid even cheaters don't know how to do this question..."


Ma Xiaoquan waved to Wuyue who was not far away, and Wuyue walked over with red and swollen eyes.

When the "squad leader" saw Ma Xiaoquan, Longyue finally couldn't help crying.

"Don't cry, don't cry, Longyue, be good, don't cry." Ma Xiaoquan comforted Longyue and asked, "Longyue, why did you fail? It wasn't long before the exam started?"

Haoyue raised her head, gently wiped away the tears on her face, and choked: "beat... beat the drum and pass the flowers... I... I was half a beat slow...

It just...is not up to standard..."

"What? Beat the drum and spread the flowers?" Ma Xiaoquan was startled.

What kind of messy exam is this? This is the test? Is there anything wrong?

"Longyue, tell me slowly, what happened, and tell me what happened."

Longyue nodded, calmed down her mood, and then described the whole process to Ma Xiaoquan.

After listening to Longyue's description, Bei Mingxue beside Ma Xiaoquan couldn't help it: "What a mess! Can you still do exam questions by beating drums and passing flowers?"

Dongfang Qingxue also had a puzzled look on her face: "What exactly is Mr. Zi Zi thinking..."

Ma Xiaoquan comforted Longyue a few words and asked Longyue to go back and rest first. Longyue nodded and left.

Seeing Long Yue's beautiful shadow disappear, Ma Xiaoquan turned around and said to Bei Mingxue and Dongfang Qingxue: "You two girls, judging from this, I'm afraid there will be more unqualified ones in the future."

Sure enough, not long after Ma Xiaoquan finished speaking, some more people walked out of the examination room, with expressions of frustration on their faces.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at it intently and was surprised again.

"Shui'er and Jinghua are also not qualified? Damn it." Ma Xiaoquan cursed.

Bei Mingxue also looked surprised: "I...I belong to the Beiming family..."

Dongfang Qingxue was even more shocked: "Dongfang Qingkong is also unqualified? How is this possible?"


Time passed slowly, and an hour passed in the blink of an eye. During this hour, several people would walk out of other examination rooms from time to time. Judging from the expressions of these people, they all seemed to be unqualified.

Ma Xiaoquan turned around and asked Bei Mingxue: "Miss Bei Ming, from the beginning to now, how many people have failed?"

Bei Mingxue was sitting at the table not far behind Ma Xiaoquan, holding an ink pen in her right hand and recording something. When she heard Ma Xiaoquan ask her, Bei Mingxue raised her head and said, "There are already 42 people..."

"Girls from the East, why are they all failing? Do you have any statistics over there?"

Beside Bei Mingxue, Dongfang Qingxue raised her head and said humbly: "In addition to the drumming and passing flowers at the beginning, the rest of the unqualified ones include reciting Tang poems and writing articles..."

Ma Xiaoquan frowned and sighed softly: "No one is the same, and it is very different from the traditional written examination we imagined... What on earth is going on? Could it be...


Ma Xiaoquan was thinking when a scream suddenly came from the examination room.

"I won't do it, I can't think of it, what a bullshit idea, there is no answer at all, okay, I won't do it, I won't do it..."

Ma Xiaoquan raised his head and looked towards the source of the sound, only to see a wealthy man tearing up the rice paper on the table, breaking the brush in his hand, and stood up angrily.

This buddy took the lead, and everyone in the examination room No. 4 immediately stood up and responded.

Ma Xiaoquan and the other three looked at each other and remained silent.

"Damn it, if you don't meet the standards, then you are not qualified. Anyway, I'm just a human being and I haven't joined any aristocratic family."

"That's right, I am too..."

"Well, me too... I think we should give up. It doesn't matter if we don't pass the exam. Anyway, so many people are unqualified. The law doesn't punish everyone!"

Everyone was talking among themselves and turned their attention to Ma Xiaoquan and the three of them.

"Ma Xiaoquan, do you want to come with us?"

This chapter has been completed!
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