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【930】Looking for Li Qinghan (6)

Summary of the previous chapter: Zhao Wenguang decided to temporarily disguise himself, and when he got tired of it, he changed his face and captured Li Qinghan... But Li Qinghan had no idea about Zhao Wenguang's abnormal psychology...

"Miss Li... you suddenly left Zijia Academy a few days ago, why?" Zhao Wenguang asked casually.

Li Qinghan sighed, his eyes slightly dim: "There are some things at home..."

"I would like to ask, what is it?"

Li Qinghan smiled slightly: "It's just a small matter. It has been solved. It's just that I have to go back to the academy now. I have to."

Zhao Wenguang nodded: "Okay, let's search carefully. We will definitely find the exit."



Elsewhere in the phantom forest, Zilong was staring anxiously at the small square box in his hand.

"Damn it, why can't I find my direction all of a sudden..." Zilong took the small square box in his hand and shook it vigorously a few times, "Forget it, just rest for a while."

Not far behind Zilong, Ma Xiaoquan, Dongfang Qingxue, and Bei Mingxue were staring at him closely.

Dongfang Qingxue whispered: "Ma Xiaoquan, Zilong is in front, what should we do?"

Bei Mingxue interjected: "I think we can't let Zilong find out, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and whispered: "Bei Mingxue is right, but according to Zilong's progress, I'm afraid we will always be on the same road with him, unless we temporarily trap that Zilong guy here."

Dongfang Qingxue and Bei Mingxue looked at each other, then looked at Ma Xiaoquan. The two women didn't seem to understand what Ma Xiaoquan meant.

Ma Xiaoquan explained: "Don't worry, I don't want Zilong to stay here forever, but his appearance will definitely hinder our search for Li Qinghan, so I want to find a way to temporarily trap him."

Dongfang Qingxue suggested: "Ma Xiaoquan, isn't there a flaming woman in your body? Why not release it to surround the purple dragon..."

Ma Xiaoquan was slightly stunned, then nodded with a smile and whispered: "Girl Dongfang has a good idea, not bad, I adopted it hehe..."

Dongfang Qingxue blushed and lowered her head.

Bei Mingxue raised her eyebrows and thought, "I've thought of it too, but it's just a little later than Sister Dongfang." He hummed, Xiaoquan bowed down, and softly called Xiaoshuang in his heart.

Dongfang Qingxue and Bei Mingxue both stared at Ma Xiaoquan with wide eyes. They wanted to see how the flame girl "flyed" out of Ma Xiaoquan's body.

Ma Xiaoquan had no intention of hiding his secrets. The two beauties in front of him already knew his true identity. If he tried to hide it any more, he would be despised by them.

"Keep an eye on me, don't let Zilong notice it." Ma Xiaoquan ordered.

"Don't worry, Zilong has moved on."

"Okay." Ma Xiaoquan grinned and called Xiaoshuang softly in his heart again.

Xiaoshuang slowly emerged from the back of Ma Xiaoquan's neck, making Dongfang Qingxue and Bei Mingxue extremely surprised.

"Go ahead and surround the guy walking in front. Remember, don't let him come out. When I finish my work, I will call you..." Ma Xiaoquan ordered Xiaoshuang.

Xiaoshuang whimpered twice, then soared into the air and flew towards the purple dragon walking in front.

Not far ahead, a scream suddenly sounded.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled and said, "It seems that Xiaoshuang has surrounded that Zilong guy. Okay, let's take a little detour so that Zilong doesn't notice."

"Yeah." Dongfang Qingxue and Bei Mingxue hummed heavily.


On Zilong's side, he was surrounded by the sudden flames, which made him very embarrassed.

I thought about jumping out of the circle of flames, but as soon as I stepped forward, the flames rushed towards me as if they had eyes of their own.

Zilong was extremely depressed and cursed his mother loudly, but no matter how much he cursed, the flames still surrounded him and would not go out.

"Damn, this phantom forest is too strange. Nothing like this has happened before when I came here. Why did it suddenly..." Zilong said, picking up a small stone and throwing it towards the circle of flames.

Zilong was testing the flames. If the stone couldn't burn, he could definitely jump over it.

But... when the stone entered the flame circle, it was suddenly dragged up by the flames, and then under the gaze of the purple dragon, it quickly burned to pieces, and then turned into ashes.

"This..." Zilong rubbed his eyes fiercely, then pulled off a piece of cloth from his body and stretched it towards the flames.

"Whoosh" twice, before Zilong was ready, the piece of cloth had been ignited. Zilong was startled, and quickly let go of his hand, picked up the dust from the ground and threw it towards the piece of cloth. He wanted to use the dust to extinguish the flames, but

It doesn't help at all.

"How is this possible? How is it possible? Stones can be burned to ashes but the fire cannot be extinguished. What's going on?"

At this moment, a woman's face suddenly appeared in the circle of flames, and she screamed several times.

Zilong was so frightened that he almost peed his pants: "Will-o'-the-wisp, will-o'-the-wisp...ah..."


Zilong's cry was heard by Ma Xiaoquan and the others. Dongfang Qingxue shook her head and asked Ma Xiaoquan: "Ma Xiaoquan, is Zilong's life in danger?"

Ma Xiaoquan shrugged: "If he doesn't jump out rashly, he probably won't."

"Then what if he jumps out?"

Ma Xiaoquan sighed: "Then there's nothing I can do. He's asking for it."

Bei Mingxue asked: "Ma Xiaoquan, that flame woman coming out of your body, what can it burn?"

Ma Xiaoquan thought for a moment and said, "Basically, everything can be burned."

"Where's the iron?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Okay"

"What about...the stone?"

"Stones...well, that should be fine too."

"Wow, you're so awesome, Ma Xiaoquan, with that flame girl, wouldn't you be invincible?" Bei Mingxue's eyes were filled with admiration.

Ma Xiaoquan patted Bei Mingxue's head and said: "Invincible? Haha, it's impossible, everything is always in conflict with each other." Ma Xiaoquan thought of his comrades in the Extreme Force team, and the Ming Yue Xin who could defeat him completely.

"Huh?" Ma Xiaoquan suddenly reached out and grabbed the two girls.

"What's wrong?" the second girl asked.

Ma Xiaoquan squinted his eyes and knelt down, picking up a silver hairpin from the ground.

"This is from Qinghan..." Holding the silver hairpin, Ma Xiaoquan looked at it carefully for a long time and said.

Bei Mingxue said in surprise: "I have also seen this silver hairpin worn by Li Qinghan. It seems that Li Qinghan is indeed in this phantom forest."

Dongfang Qingxue nodded and said, "Well, why is the silver hairpin here? Did something happen to Li Qinghan?"

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head: "It's not like that. Look, there are no random footsteps on the ground around the silver hairpin. This means that we can say that Li Qinghan is not in danger for the time being."

This chapter has been completed!
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