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[095] Win again Lu Xian

Huang Gongzi's kung fu is not bad, but compared to Ma Xiaoquan, it is still much worse.

I remember when Ma Xiaoquan was training in the special brigade, it was all actual combat exercises, and those who lost would usually lie in bed for several days.

Mr. Huang and Ma Xiaoquan fought, and he was very shocked at this moment. He had never seen this purple-haired man's moves before, and every time he was about to use his strength, the other party would cleverly interrupt him.

It seemed that the two were fighting fiercely, but in fact, the real situation was that the purple-haired man was guiding him. No, to be precise, he was hinting to him. The other party's intention was very clear. I won't fight you, I just need you to quit on your own.

Just the line.

"Hey" Mr. Huang gritted his teeth and took three steps back. This retreat directly caused him to withdraw from the world.

"Master Huang goes out of bounds, the opponent wins!"

Listening to this result, Mr. Huang felt a little bitter in his heart. He thought that he had never fallen behind others since he was a child and studied martial arts in college. He thought that he would compete for the top three in the Hua family's bracelet-wearing competition, but he didn't expect that Yishan would still be the top three.

Higher than a mountain, Lu Xian didn't say it, but let him know, but this purple-haired man is no match for Mr. Huang... Thinking of this, Mr. Huang's tears flowed out unsatisfactorily.

Ma Xiaoquan looked at Mr. Huang who was crying and crying, but he neither stepped forward to persuade nor sympathized.

To be kind to your opponent is to be cruel to yourself.

Ma Xiaoquan just glanced at Mr. Huang for a few times and then silently walked off the stage.

At this point in the fight, the outcome became clearer. Due to Jiang Gongzi's sudden withdrawal, Ma Xiaoquan had a bye in the first game. In the second game, Ma Xiaoquan also easily defeated Huang Gongzi. As for Lu Xian and Bian Yi, Huang Gongzi was definitely defeated.

Yes, then, they can be considered to have won two games each. In this way, it is certain that Mr. Jiang and Mr. Huang will be eliminated. As for the ranking of the top three, Ma Xiaoquan and the others still need to compete again.

In the audience, Ma Xiaoquan was waiting for his next match.

After a short break, Hua Yixi announced that the lineup for the next round is: Ma Xiaoquan vs. Lu Xian, with a bye.

This arrangement is unreasonable. After all, the bye wingers have more energy to deal with the next game, while Ma Xiaoquan and Lu Xian have to face the test of finishing one game and then another.

Ma Xiaoquan didn't care. When he was in the special brigade, the most arranged training courses were physical fitness classes. When it comes to consuming physical strength, Ma Xiaoquan believed that Mr. Lu was not enough to consume all his physical strength.

And Lu Xian is also quite confident. He has grown up to practice martial arts and has never even touched a woman. Lu Xian has a dream in his heart. He only wants Hua Yuexin and one person in his life. Others, Lu Xian will not consider at all.


The two came on stage, each standing on one side. Hua Yixi looked left and right. After making sure that they were ready, she raised her hand downwards and said, "The competition begins!"

As soon as Hua Yixi finished speaking, before he could withdraw from the battle circle, Lu Xian took the lead and attacked.

Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly and rushed over.

Although Hua Yixi was tall, she was very agile. Just as the two of them were running toward each other, Hua Yixi twisted her body and stepped back before retreating.

Hua Yixi had just withdrawn from the battle with her front foot, and Ma Xiaoquan and Lu Xian were already fighting at the back.

Lu Xian was the first to get close, and he waved his arms casually to strike with a punch. Ma Xiaoquan did not dare to neglect, and used all his strength to fight with both hands.

With a "bang" sound, Lu Xian's fist touched Ma Xiaoquan's hands.

The moment he came into contact with Lu Xian's fist, Ma Xiaoquan suddenly frowned.

Lu Xian's seemingly random punch was actually a punch with all his strength. While Ma Xiaoquan was holding Lu Xian's punch, he used the force to take a small step back.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Xiaoquan changed his steps and kicked Lu Xian directly in the abdomen.

Lu Xian snorted coldly and turned sideways to avoid Ma Xiaoquan's kick.

The corner of Ma Xiaoquan's mouth curled up slightly, and Lu Xian immediately realized that he had been fooled.

Sure enough, Ma Xiaoquan's kick was just a feint, followed immediately by Ma Xiaoquan's elbow strike. Lu Xian wanted to avoid it but it was too late, so he could only bend his body to resist Ma Xiaoquan's strike.

With a "boom", Lu Xian was beaten back several steps by Ma Xiaoquan. Just when he was about to cross the border with his last step, Lu Xian turned around and forcibly stopped.

This time, the two were temporarily separated.

Ma Xiaoquan rubbed his numb hands and looked at Lu Xian with admiration, while Lu Xian bared his teeth and remained silent.

"You are very good!" Ma Xiaoquan curled his lips.

Lu Xian returned: "Who are you?"

Ma Xiaoquan shrugged: "I'll tell you after I win!"

With that said, Ma Xiaoquan rushed towards Lu Xian again.

Lu Xian had already noticed it. When Ma Xiaoquan rushed towards him, Lu Xian did not shy away and faced him head-on. In an instant, the two of them started fighting fiercely.

When he was in the special brigade, Ma Xiaoquan's close combat skills were not the strongest. If he were to be ranked, he could only be ranked eighth. The reason is the same. Ma Xiaoquan's main focus is information offense and defense, close combat, not Ma Xiaoquan.

This is the main training subject for information special forces. Although he was kicked out of the brigade midway and was forced to retire, the foundation is still there.

After retiring from the army, he was inexplicably recruited by the "Extreme Raiders" in the underground world. In the "Extreme Raiders" team, Ma Xiaoquan also played against several better teammates, such as Ruan Longfei, who was good at head-to-head confrontation, and Ruan Longfei, who was good at soft and gentle blows.

Lunamaria in martial arts and taijutsu, and for example, she can't beat Tomorrow Heart...

Ma Xiaoquan quickly assigned a grade to Lu Xian in his mind. If he classified Tomorrow's heart as first grade, then he himself would be fourth grade, and Lu Xian would be considered sixth grade at most.

"Take the move!" Lu Xian shouted loudly and dived forward with a straight punch.

Ma Xiaoquan smiled softly, grabbed Lu Xian's arm with his slippery hand, and twisted it hard. Only two clicks were heard, and Lu Xian's arm was dislocated.

The pain caused by the dislocation made Lu Xian unbearable and screamed.

Ma Xiaoquan shook his head, grabbed Lu Xian's collar, and pushed him out.

There was a "pop" sound, and Lu Xian went out of bounds. He lost his footing and fell.

At this time, Hua Yixi quickly stepped forward and made a decision: "Lu goes out of bounds first, the opponent wins!"

"Oh oh oh oh!" As soon as Hua Yixi announced the result, Guo Jia and Miaoyu Hualin in the audience cheered happily.

Ma Xiaoquan turned his head and made a V-sign to the three of them, and the three of them also made the same gesture in a decent manner.

Xun You looked at Guo Jia and asked, "Feng Xiao, brother, do you understand this gesture?"

Guo Jia shook his head: "Although I don't understand, it feels good. Gongda, do you want to do it too?"

Xun You: "..."

Lu Xian stood up in embarrassment and looked at Ma Xiaoquan in the center of the ring with a livid face. He lost this game again.

Yuan Fang walked up to Lu Xian and said respectfully: "Young Master..."

Lu Xian suppressed the anger in his heart, twisted hard, and reattached the dislocated arm.

Lu Xian knew that the opponent's blow just now was actually merciless. If it were him, he would definitely break the opponent's arm before he would give up. Thinking of this, Lu felt a chill down his back, and suddenly he broke out in big beads of sweat.

It seeped out from the forehead.

"Young Master..." Yuan Fang called again.

Lu Xian shook his hands and wiped the sweat off his head, and whispered to Yuan Fang: "This person is extremely dangerous. He seems harmless to humans and animals. If he really wants to attack him, he must be a ruthless person. If he confronts this person in the future,

Unless we have an absolute numerical advantage, we cannot act rashly, Yuan Fang, do you understand?"

Yuan Fang bowed and said: "My subordinates understand. By the way, sir, there is news from the Heavenly Wolf who was sent out on a mission some time ago."

Lu Xian raised his eyebrows: "Say it!"

Yuan Fang leaned into Lu Xian's ear with a solemn expression and whispered: "All killed in battle!"

"What?" Upon hearing the news that all the "Sirian Wolf Clan" were killed, Lu Xian put the sadness of the previous failure behind him, he grabbed Yuan Fang's shoulders, "Have you found out who did it?


Yuan Fang shook his head.

Yuan Fang knew in his heart that the reason why the young master was so excited was that the "Sirian Wolf Cong" was one of the top killer teams cultivated by the young master. Although compared to the other two teams, the "Sirian Wolf Cong" was not considered the best.

Secondly, among Tianlang, there is the young master’s nephew.

Yuan Fang originally didn't want to tell the young master the news now, but seeing that the young master was depressed and angry because he lost the competition, he finally decided to divert the young master's attention.

Looking at Yuan Fang's frightened eyes, Lu Xian let go of Yuan Fang, patted his shoulder, and said with a bitter smile: "Yuan Fang, this time, I am in a terrible situation. All the Sirius are killed. I am so miserable."

I’m afraid it’s a bit difficult to take the position of the first heir of the family.”

Yuan Fang lowered his head and said softly: "Master Mingjian, although we have lost the Heavenly Wolf followers, we still have Disha and Shadow Guard. As long as these two top names are still there, Master's status will definitely not change."

Yuan Fang's words were very beautiful and had some effect. Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Lu Xian's face looked much better.

"Okay, then in the next game, I will definitely overturn the side..."


The competition between Ma Xiaoquan and Lu Xian ended with Ma Xiaoquan winning.

Not long after it ended, Hua Yixi announced the time for the competition between Ma Xiaoquan and Bian Rang.

Ma Xiaoquan was quite critical of this arrangement, but he was also a contestant himself, so he had no choice but to endure his depression and accept it.

Before going on stage, Xun You grabbed Ma Xiaoquan and asked quietly: "Brother, do you want to win which way?"

Ma Xiaoquan nodded: "Yes!"

Xun You shook his head and said, "Brother, no!"

Ma Xiaoquan was confused: "Why not?"

Xun You leaned over and said a few words in Ma Xiaoquan's ear. After listening, Ma Xiaoquan let out a loud ooh.

"Brother Gongda is indeed very wise. Okay, then I will follow what Brother Gongda said and lose to him."

Xun You smiled and reminded: "Brother, if you lose, you must lose with dignity. The way you lose makes it look like you are real."

Ma Xiaoquan hummed, but sighed in his heart: "It seems that fraud has been around since ancient times."

In fact, Ma Xiaoquan didn't quite understand why Xun You let him deliberately lose to Bian Cang, but Xun You's words seemed very reasonable, and Ma Xiaoquan couldn't find a reason to refute him.

If it were anyone else, Ma Xiaoquan might not believe it, but who is Xun You? That was one of Cao Cao's five great counselors. In terms of mind, Ma Xiaoquan lamented that he was not as good as Xun You. Therefore, Ma Xiaoquan naturally chose to accept Xun You's suggestions.


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