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【965】Departure, Ningyuan (1)

Summary of the previous chapter: After getting the genealogy manuscript, Ma Xiaoquan realized the rich content inside. When he took a rough look at it before, it was indeed very different from when he looked at it carefully... And just when Ma Xiaoquan stopped reading the genealogy

, Li Qinghan, Dongfang Qingxue and Bei Mingxue appeared one after another, pestering Ma Xiaoquan and asking him to talk about his past relationship history...

"Damn it, who said people in ancient times couldn't issue good guy cards? You're such an oriental girl. If you handed out a good guy card like this, even if I'm a pervert, I'd probably have to vomit blood and endure it." Ma Xiaoquan hated it in his heart.


"Hey" Ma Xiaoquan smacked his lips twice, "Okay, then I'll tell you, I won't look at you anymore."

The three girls all hummed softly.

Ma Xiaoquan cleared his throat, took a deep breath, sorted out his thoughts in his mind, and said slowly: "By the way...During the late Han Dynasty, I..."


The next day, Ma Xiaoquan got up very late. If it weren't for being really sleepy, I'm afraid the three beauties would have kept Ma Xiaoquan talking.

Looking at the three beauties sleeping on the bed, Ma Xiaoquan joked to himself: "They say Liu Xiahui can stay pregnant, I slept with three beauties, but I didn't do anything. Fuck...


Opening the door and taking a deep breath of the air outside, Ma Xiaoquan felt a little more awake again.

At this time, the three beauties on the bed also woke up.

Ma Xiaoquan turned to look at the three beauties and found that all three of them had pretty faces flushed.

"Don't worry, three beauties. We just slept together last night. As for what we did, we really didn't do anything."

Three beauties, you looked at me, I looked at you, and each of them hummed thoughtfully.

Ma Xiaoquan knew that if he stood here again, the three women would be even more embarrassed, so he simply laughed and walked out of the bedroom.

Half an hour later, the three beauties appeared again.

Women in ancient times also used cosmetics, but most of them were rouge, and they were all made from natural products. Compared with the big red bottles and small blue bottles on TV today, they were much greener and more environmentally friendly, and more importantly, they were much less toxic.

As a man, it is difficult for Ma Xiaoquan to understand those creams and dew creams that women put on their faces all day long, but if he thinks from a female perspective, beautifying himself is not only a kind of respect for himself, but more importantly

It is also a form of respect for those who please oneself.

"Three beauties...well, they are so beautiful, haha..." Ma Xiaoquan gave a thumbs up and praised.

The three women smiled slightly, and small ripples appeared in their hearts at the same time.

"Okay, if the three beauties have no objections, we will set off for Ningyuan today."

The three women looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, I'll excuse you three beauties to go back and get ready. We'll leave after lunch."



A quarter of an hour after lunch, Ma Xiaoquan and his three daughters walked out of the Ma family's courtyard. At this time, the housekeeper Ma Tong had prepared a fully wrapped carriage.

The carriage is very simple and looks nothing special, but the carriage body is made of fine wood.

Ma Xiaoquan got into the carriage and took a look and found that there were many soft goods from the road stored in the carriage.

"Uncle Tong, thank you." Ma Xiaoquan stuck his head out and nodded gratefully to the housekeeper Ma Tong.

"Well...oh...fourth young master, be careful all the way." Ma Tong responded.

The three girls also stepped forward and bowed respectfully to Ma Tong. At this time, Mrs. Ma walked out with the support of Xiaohuan.

"Miss...are you sure you don't want to bring Xiao Huan with you? Xiao Huan seems to be going to Ningyuan for a visit." Li Qinghan's personal maid Xiao Huan pouted.

Li Qinghan smiled slightly: "Obey Xiaohuan, Ningyuan is where our Ming Army and the Jurchen Army confront each other. If you don't know martial arts, it will be dangerous if you go there. Well, also, you have to serve me well during my absence.

Grandma, did you hear that?"

"Yeah" Xiaohuan nodded vigorously.

Ma Xiaoquan got out of the carriage, jumped down and walked to Mrs. Ma. He bowed respectfully: "Grandma, I'm leaving."

"Well, good, have a good trip." Mrs. Ma said humbly.

Ma Xiaoquan nodded and waved gently. The three women bowed to Mrs. Ma and got on the carriage one after another.

Ma Xiaoquan stepped onto the carriage with one stride, picked up the whip, shouted "drive", and the carriage sped away.

Seeing the car silhouette of Ma Xiaoquan and his entourage driving away, Mrs. Ma shed tears in her eyes.

"Madam" Ma Tong stepped forward and called softly.

Mrs. Ma wiped away the tears on her face and said with a wry smile: "Ma Tong, sometimes, I feel that he really is my little grandson..."

"Yeah..." Ma Tong nodded and responded softly.

On the carriage, Li Qinghan and three people sat together, whispering about the past stories Ma Xiaoquan told them yesterday.

At the front of the car, Ma Xiaoquan waved his whip and gently slapped the horse's buttocks.

The horse seemed dissatisfied with Ma Xiaoquan's constant whipping and neighed several times.

It was getting dark. Ma Xiaoquan stretched out and saw an official post not far ahead. He turned and asked the three girls in the car: "You three beauties, it's getting late. Let's stay at the official post."


"Ma Xiaoquan, why do we want to stay at Guanyi? We just passed by many inns."

Ma Xiaoquan said with all his heart, I want to stay in a hotel too, but the three of you are more beautiful than the other. If you put this in a hotel, it will definitely attract people to harass you.

"The official post is relatively safe. Although we are following the official path, the dynasty is now in ruins and many people cannot afford to eat. There must be many who fall into the trap of bandits. There is no harm in being cautious, right?"

"Oh" the three women in the car said in unison.

The carriage arrived at the gate of Guanyi and stopped slowly. Ma Xiaoquan jumped off the carriage and gently patted a small sign outside the courtyard of Guanyi.

After a few calls, a tall and thin man in black attire came out. The man looked listless, and his hands, which were like bones, were particularly eye-catching.

"Your Excellency... do you know that this official post is not suitable for an ordinary person like you to live in?" The man glanced at Ma Xiaoquan and said coldly.

Ma Xiaoquan chuckled, took out a small sign from his arms, and handed it to the tall and thin man.

The man took the small sign and took a look at it suspiciously. He suddenly became excited and quickly changed his words: "It turns out..."

Ma Xiaoquan stretched out his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say anything else. The tall and thin man was very understanding and nodded, making a gesture of invitation.

This chapter has been completed!
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