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【994】Family first (11)

Summary of the previous chapter: The sudden appearance of Tai Sui caused Magatu, who had a slight advantage, to lose his aura advantage, and the situation has undoubtedly reversed towards Ma Xiaoquan...

"Ma Xiaoquan, you, you... I'm going to kill you!" Magatu roared, jumped up, raised his only hand that could be lifted, and struck hard at Ma Xiaoquan's face.

Ma Xiaoquan's eyes narrowed, knowing that the furious Magatu must be even more powerful than before. If he used cleverness to defeat him at this time, he would definitely be the one to suffer.

"Huh!" Although Ma Xiaoquan snorted coldly on the surface, he was actually highly concentrated. Magatu's roaring punch was about to hit him, but he suddenly turned sideways and dodged Ma at an incredible speed.

Geatu's attack.

Then, before Magatu could stop, Ma Xiaoquan hit his head hard on Magatu's chest.

"I'll punch your lungs out," Ma Xiaoquan shouted, using all his strength for this headbutt.

"Uh-huh," Magatu screamed and fell backwards.


Ma Xiaoquan's eyes were filled with stars. As Magatu fell to the ground, he also sat on the ground with a thud. However, compared to Magatu, Ma Xiaoquan only suffered from a simple pain in his forehead and dizziness, while Magatu

Atu, on the other hand, had difficulty breathing and severe pain in his chest.

Fortunately, Magatu's upper body was bare, otherwise Ma Xiaoquan would never choose to headbutt.

Like An Jin, headbutt is also a move that can injure the enemy by 1,000 and damage the enemy by 800. If it weren't for the numbness and pain in his arms that he couldn't lift temporarily, and he was nearly a head shorter than the other person, Ma Xiaoquan would never choose to use the headbutt.

to contradict the other party.

"Ma Xiaoquan" Li Qinghan was so frightened that he ran over quickly when he saw Ma Xiaoquan sitting on the ground shaking his head.

A faint aroma mixed with the unique smell of women hit his face, and Ma Xiaoquan's forehead, which was still so painful, instantly eased a lot.

"I...I'm fine, I'm just a little dizzy," Ma Xiaoquan said, shaking his head gently.

Li Qinghan flattened his mouth and said, "There's no point in hitting someone with your head. Don't you want your head?" Li Qinghan said, tears falling down.

"Qinghan, don't cry..." In desperation, his arms suddenly regained consciousness. Ma Xiaoquan quickly raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears on Li Qinghan's face.

Li Qinghan choked and raised her head, looking at Ma Xiaoquan lovingly. Suddenly, she reached over and kissed Ma Xiaoquan's lips gently.

As soon as Ma Xiaoquan made any reaction, his brain went blank. He didn't know how long this blank state lasted. At least he didn't know when Li Qinghan left.

This kiss made Ma Xiaoquan forget all the pain in his body. Ma Xiaoquan stood up and looked straight at Magatu who was still moaning underground.

"Magatu, you lost." Ma Xiaoquan deliberately emphasized the word "lost."

"Ma...Ma Xiaoquan...what the hell are you doing...you actually...you actually...ahem...

.." Magatu's breathing was still not smooth, and his words were intermittent.

"We have made an agreement. If I win, I will take my things from your Jurchen camp!" Ma Xiaoquan said flatly.

Magatu sat up while coughing. After a while, he said again: "You Chinese dog, do you think I will admit it?"

Ma Xiaoquan frowned: "What's the matter, you want to default on your debt? Okay, then I'll kill you, including all the soldiers in your Jurchen camp, so that you can keep your mouth shut?"

"Huh Ma Xiaoquan, don't think you can threaten me like this. I, Magatu, am the Jurchen Baturou. Do you think I will be afraid of you, a Chinese dog? You Han people are not honest at all. Our conditions are difficult, and

When you do business, we trade sheepskin and cowhide with you for tea, but what you give us are dead leaves. We trade fresh meat and milk with you for pots and stoves, but what you give us is a pile of scrap iron...


Magatu's words pierced Ma Xiaoquan's heart like a dagger.

Ma Xiaoquan has studied history, and has personally experienced and is experiencing history. He dare not say anything about the Ming Dynasty. The late Han Dynasty he visited has a strong flavor of foreign invasion. Although Magatu's words are a bit vulgar, they are still in the Ming Dynasty.

During the Ming Dynasty, there were indeed many businessmen who defrauded foreigners. No matter what the purpose was, this more or less affected the foreigners' extreme views on the Han people. Such extreme views became more and more profound and would eventually turn into war.

One of the triggers.

"Why, are you silent? Ma Xiaoquan, let me tell you, I, Magatu, am actually half Han Chinese, but do you know why I hate Han people? Because the people who killed my parents were Han people!"

Magatu roared.

Ma Xiaoquan was slightly stunned, then sighed softly.

"Magatu, you may be right, but do you think that the murder of your parents is entirely the fault of the Han people? You said that you are half Han Chinese, so let me ask you, do you stand from the perspective of the Han people?

Let’s look at all the things the Jurchens have done, do you think the Jurchens are completely right?”

Just as Magatu stood up, Ma Xiaoquan asked this question, and he was stunned.

Ma Xiaoquan continued: "Since ancient times, when foreign invaders invaded, who has not taken a look at the rich products of our Central Plains and the well-being of our people? Magatu, you have followed Nurhaci for many years, do you think that Nurhachi continues to harass me in Liaodong just to rob us?"

"This..." Magatu was at a loss for words.

"That's enough!" Ma Xiaoquan waved his hand, "I don't want to talk to you about these heavy topics. I'm here just to get back the horse that was taken away by your men. Do you have any other opinions?"

Ma Xiaoquan said and waved his hand towards Xiaoshuang. Xiaoshuang whined and floated above Ma Xiaoquan's head. Like Ma Xiaoquan, he "glared" at Magatu.

And the green Tai Sui, because of Xiao Shuang's sudden drift, jumped back and landed on Ma Xiaoquan's shoulder in a few clicks.

Magatu's will has been broken by Ma Xiaoquan. At this moment, he no longer has the determination he had just now. Look at Ma Xiaoquan, then look at the flaming woman floating above his head, oh yes, and on his shoulders.

Magatu gently closed his eyes at the green flesh-like object.

"&" Maga'atu said a few words of ethnic language. The Jurchen soldiers fighting outside were stunned at first, and then nodded.

A moment later, two Jurchen soldiers led two horses and brought them to Ma Xiaoquan.

"This is not..." Li Qinghan saw the two horses and wanted to say that these are not our horses, but before he could say anything, Magatu said, "I know these are not your horses.

I've seen your horse too, it's too thin, and if you keep running for a while, I'm afraid it will die from exhaustion."

This chapter has been completed!
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