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Chapter 232 The situation is reversed

I don’t even know how many inner court disciples there are.

They all want to fawn over each other!

But, right now.

Xu Wenbai, the vice-president of the Inner Court who has an extremely distinguished status as the Zhan Yun Sect, actually courted a mere disciple who had not yet entered the Inner Court with a respectful and flattering expression, even looking at his appearance.

It seems that he is afraid of offending Ye Chen in front of him!

This way.

Xu Wenbo's behavior even made everyone in the audience feel confused, and they couldn't even figure out what was going on in front of them.

It's hard to say.

Are they all dazzled?

After all, based on the relationship between Xu Wenbai and the Qin family, it stands to reason that this scene should never happen!

The most important thing is.

Standing on one side of Xu Wenbai were Jin Qiuyan, the dean of the inner courtyard, and Mr. Xuan, the dean of the outer courtyard.

The two saw this scene.

He didn't show any expression of surprise or doubt.

Obviously for Jin Qiuyan and Xuan Lao.

You should already know what is happening in front of you!


"I guess you don't know much yet."

"Previously, Elder Xu suffered from fire poison for decades, and even died in the end. But as senior leaders of Zhan Yun Sect, we were helpless against the fire poison in Elder Xu's body."

"Fortunately, at this time, Ye Chen took action to expel the fire poison from Elder Xu's body and rescued Vice President Xu from the hell gate."

"Otherwise, I am afraid that our Zhan Yunzong will lose Vice President Xu!"

At the same time.

After seeing the confused and stunned expressions on everyone's faces.

At this moment, Jin Qiuyan, who was the dean of the inner courtyard of Zhan Yun Sect, suddenly smiled lightly.

Then he looked at Ye Chen with admiration.

Then he opened his mouth and introduced slowly.

One side.

After hearing what Jin Qiuyan said.

Xu Wenbai also nodded, and then looked at Ye Chen gratefully.


"Marven is actually Vice President Xu's savior?"

"And if it weren't for Ye Chen, Vice President Xu would have died long ago?"

After hearing what Jin Qiuyan said.

Everyone in the audience suddenly took a deep breath.

Then he said with a dull and astonished look on his face.


Through these words of Jin Qiuyan, the dean of Zhanyun Sect’s inner courtyard.

Coupled with Xu Wenbai's expression and attitude at this moment.

Everyone in the audience can completely understand.

I'm afraid this time.

The one who is going to be unlucky is not Ye Chen at all, but the Qin family who is looking very proud and arrogant in front of him!

After all, Ye Chen is the savior of Xu Wenbo, the vice president of Zhan Yun Sect's inner courtyard!

In addition, he is a disciple valued by the dean of the outer courtyard, Mr. Xuan!

And before.

Ye Chen was a blockbuster in the Outer Court Competition. Even Xiao Yuanhan, who had always occupied the first place in the Outer Court Competition, was defeated and successfully took the first place in the Outer Court Competition this time!

If so.

For everyone in Zhan Yunzong.

Naturally, it is impossible to watch Ye Chen being made things difficult for everyone in the Qin family!

And this time.

The three deans of the Zhan Yun Sect came together!

Obviously it was just to stand up for Ye Chen, not to support the Qin family at all!

This moment.

When everyone in the audience understood the situation.

The contempt and disdain in their eyes when they looked at Ye Chen before had completely disappeared at this moment, and was replaced by looks of shock and dullness. There were even many warriors who had already looked flattering and respectful at this moment.

He looked at Ye Chen.

For these warriors attending the wedding banquet.

At this moment, their intestines are full of regret!

They never dreamed of it.

Ye Chen, who was originally ridiculed and looked down upon by them, actually had such a powerful and terrifying trump card that he could even make three deans of the Zhan Yun Sect show up!


"I never expected that Ye Chen would have such a background!"

"It seems that the people who really deserve to be pitied and looked down upon are the Qin family. After all, not to mention offending the disciples valued by the three deans of Xia Zhan Yunzong, Ye Chen is even the savior of deputy dean Xu Wenbo!"

"In this case, the friendship between Vice President Xu and the Qin family is deep."

"I'm afraid I won't help the Qin family at all in this matter!"

"I'm afraid the real fun will come next!"

Many warriors originally mocked Ye Chen.

At this moment, the previous attitude has already been changed.

Instead, they looked at the Qin family and the Shen family with pity and gloating, and they started talking about it.

There are even heads of families in many families.

For fear of offending Ye Chen and the three deans of the Zhan Yun Sect, at this moment, they even took back all the salutes they had given to the Qin and Shen families, and even laughed at the Qin and Shen families.


The scene in front of them caught the attention of everyone in the Qin family and Shen family.

A burst of anger and helplessness suddenly emerged in my heart!

after all.

These people are like grass on the wall.

When the wind blows that way, these people will definitely run faster than rabbits!

As the saying goes.

The situation is stronger than the people!

For the Qin family and the Shen family.

Nowadays, it can be said that the rabbit is dead and the fox is sad, and everything harms its own kind!

They didn't even think about it in their dreams.

The three deans of the Zhan Yun Sect did not come here to be supported by their two families, but came to stand up for Ye Chen!

This moment.

The Qin family and the Shen family.

They almost fell into sluggishness and fear.

I don’t even know what to do next!

"It doesn't matter."

"It's just the Qin family and the Shen family. They can't embarrass me."

"There is no need for several deans to come forward. It's just a small matter. I can solve it myself."

After hearing what Jin Qiuyan said just now.

After seeing Xu Wenbo's expression as if he wanted to completely cut off his relationship with everyone in the Qin family, and the concerned look on his face by Mr. Xuan on one side, Ye Chen smiled faintly, and then spoke.


"If I hadn't been too close to everyone in the Qin family before, I'm afraid they wouldn't have dared to be so arrogant. Even Brother Ye would have dared to offend you."

"Besides, Qin Huai is also a disciple I value."

"Now that the matter has reached this point, Brother Ye, please tell me directly, how should we decide today's matter?"

After hearing what Ye Chen said.

A hint of hesitation suddenly flashed across Xu Wenbai's face on one side.


When he thought of the previous dean of the inner courtyard, Jin Qiuyan, who valued and praised Ye Chen, he did not dare to hesitate at all. He stepped forward directly, came to Ye Chen, hugged his fists, and then spoke cautiously.

As the Vice President of the Inner Court.

Xu Wenbo naturally knew that as the dean of the inner courtyard, Jin Qiuyan could never get a grain of sand out of his eyes!

If he hadn't helped Ye Chen handle the Qin family's affairs today.

Then his position as deputy dean.

I'm afraid it's the end of the road.

This chapter has been completed!
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