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Chapter 769 Huge Benefit

One side.

The expressions of Qi Hua, Elder Ji and others suddenly changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a look of shock and disbelief appeared on his face.

Although the seven-star Tao Yun in front of them cannot improve their cultivation for warriors and alchemists, it can help them comprehend or improve their own artistic realm. This is obviously better than medicinal herbs that can improve their cultivation.

More precious and rare!

Even if you don't need it.

If a Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit were put up for auction, it would probably fetch billions of low-grade spiritual stones at a sky-high price!


"Brother Ye!"

"Presumably the defensive formation of this earth-level low-level seven-star Daoyun fruit tree should be extremely terrifying, right? Even with the strength of all of us, I am afraid that even if we attack this defensive formation with all our strength, we may not be able to break it.

That’s it.”

"This is obviously the most difficult thing right now!"

After waking up from the shock and astonishment.

One side.

A look of helplessness suddenly flashed across Qi Hua's face.

Then he looked at Ye Chen beside him and couldn't help but ask.

To know.

The defensive barrier around the low-level earth-level fruit trees must have at least reached the level of a defensive formation around the mid-level earth level, and the power of the intermediate-level defensive formation can withstand around the sixth to tenth level of the Martial Evil Realm.

The warrior's full attack.

Unless a warrior at the Wuzong level comes, he may be able to break this defensive barrier.


Just by virtue of their presence, everyone.

Obviously there is no way to break this defensive barrier!


"What Elder Qi said is true."

"It seems that even if we can see the legendary Seven Star Daoyun Fruit Tree, we obviously have no chance of seeing this Seven Star Daoyun Fruit Tree. After all, with the strength of all of us."

"It is simply impossible to break through this great formation!"

After hearing what Qi Hua said.

Elder Ji's expression on one side suddenly changed slightly.

Immediately afterwards.

He couldn't help but sigh.

For him.

Obviously he is extremely eager for the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit, but it is obviously impossible to break through the defensive formation of the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit Tree with his cultivation and strength, and in this case.

Everyone could only take a look at the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit Tree from a distance.

As for if you want to get it.

It's obviously a fantasy!

"Don't be discouraged..."

"Even if there is no earth-level intermediate defense array to protect this Seven Star Daoyun Fruit Tree, I am afraid that there will be Wuzong Realm level monsters guarding the Seven Star Daoyun Fruit Tree around it!"

"Until then, don't say you want to see this fruit tree."

"I'm afraid that once we encounter a Wuzong-level monster, our entire army will be annihilated."

Hear the words.

A flash of light flashed in Ye Chen's eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly spoke to comfort him.

To know.

In Ye Chen's opinion, even if the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit Tree in front of him were placed in the outside world, it would probably be a strong master with martial arts level cultivation or a monster guard. After all, it is a treasure of this level.

There is no way there is no protection!

And for him.

Although the earth-level intermediate defense formation in front of the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit Tree in front of him is sure to break it, it is not suitable to be used in front of everyone in front of him. After all, it is related to his War Emperor Spiritual Sense and

Comprehension of formations from the previous life!

Only after leaving this place with everyone.

He is the only one who is suitable to find an opportunity to come alone and break through this earth-level intermediate defense formation!


The value of earth-level low-level spiritual fruits is too terrifying. The value of just one Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit is no less than the price of billions of low-level spiritual stones. It is conceivable that if everyone sees him, he will defend the formation.

If broken.

What will happen then!

I'm afraid even Elder Ji and others.

You may not be able to hold on to your original intentions in the face of huge interests.

In Ye Chen's view, human nature is.

It's obviously the thing that can't stand the test the most.

That's why.

From the beginning, he had no intention of breaking this earth-level intermediate defense barrier in front of everyone. Instead, he planned to wait until everyone left here disappointed, and then he would find an opportunity to come and quietly pick these seven-star Dao Yun Fruits.

Come down and talk.

"What Master Ye said is right..."

"Such an earth-level low-level spiritual fruit is indeed a rare treasure. Even if we can encounter it in the outside world, I am afraid that there will be extremely powerful monsters or sects in front of this seven-star Daoyun Fruit.

The door guard is the right one!”

"You won't even give me a chance to observe it up close!"

"It is already a very good thing to be able to feast your eyes on it now, so why should we be discouraged."

After hearing Ye Chen's words of comfort.

One side.

Whether it was Elder Ji or Qi Hua and others, their expressions suddenly softened slightly.

Then they all shook their heads and sighed.

for them.

Naturally, they are very clear in their hearts.

Just by looking at Ye Chen in front of me.

Obviously, no matter how strong he is, he will never be able to reach the level of Wuzong Realm, let alone want to break up the earth-level intermediate defense formation in front of him, obviously looking at the entire Dan Pavilion Secret Realm.

No one could be found at all.

Able to break through the earth-level intermediate defense formation in front of me!

However, after some comfort from Ye Chen just now.

They also felt relieved.

Just as Ye Chen said.

Those who do not have enough strength and qualifications will naturally not be able to get something that is too much beyond themselves, or even if they get it by luck, they will probably end up empty-handed in the end.

Now they can take a closer look at the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit Tree.

This is already the best ending.

"Since we can't get the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit..."

"In my opinion."

"Why don't we leave here first and search in other medicinal gardens. Maybe we can also search for some more valuable Xuan-level top herbs. After all, if you want to get the Xuan-level top herbs."

"It's not too difficult."

After seeing everyone in front of me accept this situation.

Ye Chen immediately smiled lightly.

Immediately afterwards.

Then he spoke for a while.

In Ye Chen's opinion.

Although he couldn't help everyone get the Seven-Star Daoyun Fruit in front of them, it would still be an acceptable thing if he could help everyone get a little more top-notch Mystic Grade herbs.

After all, those top Mystical Grade herbs that everyone has obtained.

It is regarded as not being compensated by the seven-star path accumulation fruit.


"Brother Ye is right."

"Right now, it's just a waste of time for us to stay here. It's better to search in other locations to see if we can get some top-level Mysterious-level herbs. Although the top-level Mysterious-level herbs are not as precious as Earth-level herbs.

So terrifying.”

This chapter has been completed!
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