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Chapter 417 The Night Journey [Thanks to the leader of Nighthawk 307

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Board games, in short, board games, Boluogo still knew about these things, but he didn't expect to encounter them at this time.

Bologg suddenly felt a bad feeling, probably because he played chess with the astronauts. Now Bologg feels very uncomfortable when he sees this kind of board game, and he can always recall that bad scene.

Moving away from this dazzling array of board games, Boluogo stared at Sere. As an ancient lord of the night tribe, Sere is a witness to history and a living fossil of the years. From his mouth, we may be able to get some information, not only about aerospace.

members, and also about the Overlord Xilin and even the fall of the Holy City.

That was the end of the Wrath of the Scorched Earth. Bologo believed that Sere would not miss the grand finale. He must know something. And after the fall of the Holy City, when Oath City Opos was established, the Undead Club seemed to be

Existing here, Sere must have watched the secret war, and even said that he had seen the living Silin Kogardel with his own eyes...


Palmer's shout awoke Burlogo from his thoughts. Palmer waved his hand, attracting Burlogo's eyes, "Why are you so dazed?"

Boluogo said, "I'm...thinking about something."

"Don't think about work. People need to relax. Not to mention, you also need to relieve your depression, don't you?"

Palmer nudged Burlogo with his elbow, beaming.

Looking at Palmer's despicable appearance, Bologo couldn't help but want to punch Palmer, but he thought that this was a poor unlucky guy. Maybe he was the one with a psychological problem. Bologo

He tried to comfort himself.

"This is your own choice, Boluo Ge. You have to live with it. Anyway, he can only live for a few decades at most. It will be over after he endures it..."

Boluogo hypnotized himself with a low voice. After calming down his mood, Boluogo threw away the sorrow in his mind.

Palmer is right about this. It's time to get off work now. These people are here to celebrate themselves, so they can't be left in the cold.

Borrogo asked, "What kind of board game is this?"

Palmer's eyes sparkled, as if he had been waiting for Burlogo to ask this question for a long time, and he eagerly explained and recommended it to Burlogo.

"We've been waiting for this for a long time!"

Palmer slapped the table hard, and this time Church and Sere actually nodded along. They were equally interested in this board game.

""Night Journey"!"

Sere raised his wine glass excitedly, fearing that the wine would splash on the board game, so he deliberately held the glass away.

This kind of behavior is rare for Sere. In this regard, this guy is extremely sloppy. Every time he drinks too much, his whole body feels like he has taken a bath in alcohol, making him wet.

This guy doesn't care where the drink will be spilled, but this time it's different. This is enough to show that Sere attaches great importance to the board game.

The four of them took their seats, and Boluogo briefly looked at the rule book and got a rough idea of ​​how to play the so-called "Night Journey".

The map depicts a desolate land covered by heavy snow, with a few scattered villages and cities scattered in it, and then a twisting railway track connects them together, first and foremost.

On the starting and ending platform of the railway track, there is an exquisite train model, and next to the train are several chess pieces of different shapes.

Boluogo felt that these things looked familiar, so he picked up the rule book and continued to read it, reading the background story of the board game.

"Thousands of years ago, when mankind lit the first fire to illuminate the darkness, things that are hated and despised have existed.

They walk through the shadows, peeping at human blood and flesh, spreading madness and despair with their fangs and claws. Humans can only hide under the dilapidated fortress, trembling in the darkness, waiting for dawn in panic.


The cycle of despair lasted for many years, until the first person raised his sword, resisted these evil monsters, and chopped off the abominable head."

Borgomo read the words on the paper and sketched the yellowed ancient legend in his mind.

"Since then, the night is no longer scary, and more and more people have forged long and narrow sword blades out of fire and iron stone to join the battle in the night.

These monsters can be hurt and killed. Under the sacrifice of blood and fire, strange corpses pile up in mountains.

Those who fight call themselves ‘Hunters’. Hunters chase monsters, drive away the darkness, and continuously push the borders of mankind towards the dark world.

The hunter is tireless and never stops until all the monsters are killed and the 'monsters' are eradicated."

Burlogo closed the rule book and looked at Palmer in confusion, "Isn't this the setting in "Night Hunters"?"

The book "Night Hunters" is placed in Borogo's bedroom. He only reads two pages when he has nothing to do. Now he has read more than half of it. Although it is one of many series, it also makes Borogo have a deep understanding of the characters depicted in the book.

I have a general understanding of the worldview.

"This is a board game adapted from "Night Hunters"."

With sparkling eyes, Palmer took the rule book and showed a passage in the corner to Bologg, which read, "This board game is adapted from Blue Jay's work "Night Hunters."

It was sad that Palmer was so excited. This was a board game adapted from his favorite novel. His eyes fell on Sere and Church. They were not as enthusiastic as Palmer, but they had the same excitement in their eyes.

Boluogo frowned slightly, "In other words... you are also loyal readers of Blue Jay?"

Church nodded calmly, while Sere shouted excitedly.

"Hey! If it were not restricted by the oath, I would really like to make the blue jay a member of the Night Clan and grant him eternal years!"

Then Sere's evil nature was revealed.

"So he can type on the typewriter until the end of time."

Boluogo's expression twitched slightly. He shouldn't have expected anything from Sere. "Should I call the blue jay lucky? He avoided eternal torture."

Sere said, "How can this be said to be eternal torture? That is eternal life."

"Then you probably didn't read the book carefully. Blue Jay often reveals this idea in his books. He doesn't like eternal life, which will only make life numb and despondent. He prefers to release more brilliant energy in a limited life.


Meteors are beautiful because of their fleeting nature.

"If you find a blue jay, he's going to reject you," Bologeau said.

"That's just a novel, Boluogo. You can't judge the author based on his works. Maybe behind the scenes, he is a guy who is terribly afraid of death? I just wrote such words to comfort myself in the story."

Serei narrowed his eyes, feeling a sense of mystery and antiquity.

"Two undead people discussing immortality and death? This is so ridiculous, you guys hurry up and choose your chess pieces!"

Palmer interrupted the conversation between the two. He didn't care about any ideological disputes. Palmer just wanted to have a good time.

"Night Journey" was only released today, and Palmer spent a lot of money to grab this copy. He couldn't wait any longer.

The rules of "Night Journey" are quite simple and fit the plot of the novel. In the novel "Night Hunter", hunters ride an armed train named "Dawn" and patrol between cities.

Encountering a monster somewhere, he stopped the train and started hunting.

The same is true for the setting of the board game. The Dawn is located at the starting and final platforms. Players take turns rolling the dice. The combined values ​​of the dice are converted into the number of grids that the Dawn travels forward. Different grids will trigger different random events.

When encountering random events, the game will take different paths based on the player's choices and dice rolls. The ultimate goal of the game is to cross mountains and cities, complete this hunting tour, and return to the starting point.

There is only one type of professional chess piece, which is the hunter that the player needs to play, but depending on the hunter, the hunter also has different weapons to distinguish them.

Boluogo chose a hunter with many cold weapons, Palmer chose a hunter with a firearm, and Church thought carefully and chose a hunter with a crossbow. The choices of these people are more or less close to their own.

Personality and fighting style.

Sere did not choose a professional chess piece, but mysteriously picked up a mask. The background of the mask was pure white, and the black lines depicted branches and leaves growing wantonly, giving him a somewhat mysterious temperament.

"Journey to the End of the Night" needs a host to guide the players, and Sere plays the host. From the setting of the novel, he is the navigator, who determines where the Dawn is headed and changes its trajectory.

Parking combat.

The preliminary preparations were over, and several people took turns rolling the dice. The twelve-sided dice kept rolling, and the numbers were added up. The Dawn moved slowly, accompanied by the sound of the whistle, roaring forward on the snowy and dusty railway tracks.

This chapter has been completed!
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