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Chapter 440 Oath Document

"Dawn Oath".

With the condensers of the contract school as witnesses, the power of the devil's contract is the shackles, binding all those who leave their names here.

"This thing has always been guarded by the senators. Unless necessary, few people will dig into this past history."

Vonn gently touched the cover of the book. It was covered with some kind of black substance of unknown composition, with patterns outlined in gold. There was a lock in the center, and the extended chain firmly sealed the book.

After a crisp sound, a sharp spike bounced off the lock. Vonn pressed his fingertips under the spike, and fresh blood slowly flowed and seeped into the lock cylinder.

In the silence, Boluogo could clearly hear the sucking sound coming from the lock, as if it were some kind of living creature, licking Vorn's blood hungrily.

The blood satisfied the seal, the lock popped open, and the chain broke. The book was liberated, and it turned the pages independently without any external force.

Fern took a deep breath. Even he could not help but feel agitated at this moment.

This is the testimony of the Dawn War, the end of the collapse of the Evernight Empire.

As the book is opened, the paper possesses some kind of magic power for a moment, swallowing up the surrounding ether. The invisible wind caresses the pages, causing them to flip through them quickly, and then the scattered pages fly out from it, flying around like birds.


The flipping of books stopped, and countless pages were suspended in mid-air, pieced together to form a magnificent picture.

The words "Dawn Oath" are written at the top of the scroll, and below are the complicated contents of the oath, with many additional clauses spreading out around like lush branches and leaves.

Then there is a list of countless names, which are like cornerstones and are located at the bottom of the oath. Bologna vaguely saw the surnames of Villeless and Cleix in this list, and there are more

Familiar and unfamiliar surnames, they represent the founding families of the Bureau of Order.

"This feeling...is it sunshine?"

Qiu Qi felt the warm light radiating from the pages of the book, which shone warmly on his body. But for the Night Clan, this warm light was the most deadly poison.

"In order to prevent the Night Clan from coming into contact with the oath, we found a way to incorporate sunlight into the oath," Vonn wrote lightly, "It's always good to be more prepared."

"Then we need to confirm whether there is any problem with the oath."

Vonn said and looked over, "Unless necessary, no one will alert the senators to review this kind of thing."

There are countless precious collections in the wind cellar. This is the wealth accumulated by the Clerks family over the endless years. If it were any other family owner, they would have carefully checked these treasures and been ecstatic in the gold. But obviously, Vonn did not

He is not the head of the family according to common sense. For him, it is not something that needs to be dealt with, so he can just ignore it.

The senators often denounced Vaughn's various behaviors, saying that they were blind to hand over this responsibility to Vaughn, but when facing Palmer, they smiled happily. Even though Palmer was worse than his father, the senators

They just smiled and said that Palmer was still young and he would mature sooner or later.

Church opened the suitcase, which contained another book. While Vonn was reading, Church opened the book in his hand, and the pages flew around, sticking to the pages of "Dawn Oath".

The Book of Rubbing is an alchemical weapon specially used to copy oaths, but the oaths it copies do not have any power and can only be read by others.

Facing Vonn's confused look, Church explained, "I need to make a copy and deliver it to the decision-making room."

Fern didn't say anything more and continued to look up the contents of "The Oath of Dawn". While reading, he also explained the contents of the oath to the two of them.

"As expected, they are all about the distribution of spoils and the treatment of the Night Clan..."

These contents were not important. Vonn just glanced at them roughly, and as he read more deeply, his brows gradually tightened.

Borrogo asked, "What was found?"

"It details the treatment of the remaining Night Clan, but it does not mention the ending of the Night King."

Vonn was also shocked at this time. He learned about the story of the Dawn War from various books and Sere's mouth, but only the ending of the Night King was a mystery. It seemed that everyone acquiesced in the Night King.

Defeat in the war.

So why is there no ending to the Night King in The Pledge?

Vonn continued reading. Regarding this part, the oath did not give a specific explanation, but judging from other clauses, the people who originally made the oath did not care about the part about the Night King.

They must have dealt with the Night King, but what they dealt with did not involve the Oath.

While Fern was deep in thought, his eyes flickered among the scattered bookshelves. He thought that the elders must know the inside story. After all, most of them had participated in the Dawn War. Many of them were hundreds of years old and were extremely decrepit.

I can only survive in this wind cellar.

"What's going on with this part?"

Boluogo suddenly discovered that one of the clauses in the oath had been blacked out. The original writing could no longer be seen clearly, leaving only dark lines.

"Someone has modified the oath? This is impossible. The content of the oath can only be modified when the witnesses and contracting parties of the oath are present." Halfway through Fuen's words, he suddenly understood why, "This is not the first edition.


Continuing to look down, there were not many changes in the oath. Apart from this part, Boluogo discovered another modification.

It was a list, a list of pure-blooded members of the Valerys family. After the Dawn War and Serre's betrayal, there were very few pure-blooded members left. For this reason, there were not many names on the list, but one of the names was the same.

Blackened, removed from the oath.

At the signature of the oath, you can see the names of the signatories. Those representing the coalition are the signatures of the heads of several major families at the time, and on the Night Clan side are the signatures of the remaining pure-blood classes.

Serre Villeless.

Sere's name is included in the signature, and he also participated in the signing of the "Dawn Pledge".

Bologg was not surprised by this, and even said that it should be the case. Under Vonn's story, Bologg's understanding of Sere had undergone earth-shaking changes tonight. He really didn't know how to deal with it when he returned to the Undead Club.

To Sere.

Should he pull out a long knife, place it on his neck, and let Sere tell him exactly what happened that year? Or should he respect Sere's thoughts, pretend that nothing happened, and sing and dance with him as always.

Boluogo did not continue to think about it. At this moment, another name caught his attention.

"Wolfgang Gold."

This strange name was signed in the witness position. A hundred years ago, "The Oath of Dawn" was written by this Wolfgang Gold.

For some reason, Boluogo was sure that this was the first time he had seen this name, but he felt an indescribable sense of familiarity in his heart, as if he and the owner of this name had known each other and were familiar with each other many years ago.

This strange delusion caused Borlog to ask Vaughan, "Do you understand this name?"

Vonn shook his head, "I don't know anything."

Immediately afterwards, Vonn added, "Being a witness to "The Oath of Dawn" must have been a big shot in that era."

To write the "Dawn Oath", the power of the contract required is not something that ordinary contract school condensers can easily bear.

Boluogo memorized the name secretly, and Vonn frowned and put away the "Dawn Oath". They found a clue, but this clue could not point to any direction.

The decision-making room may know something. Everyone has a sense of blind trust in that mysterious supreme governing body.

There was a dim yellow light all around, and the elders were hiding in the shrinking space, enjoying a long sleep of survival. But among the silent sheep, there was a restless black sheep, which slowly opened its eyes.

This chapter has been completed!
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