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Chapter 457 Bloodthirsty Team

The Fortress of Morrowind is extremely huge. Even if the Night Clan broke through the defenses of the Void Realm and broke into the castle complex, the current war only involved a small area. In order to deal with these bloodthirsty people who broke into the castle, most of the condensed

The Chinese were all mobilized to the gap to block and defend.

The roaring explosions continued. For tonight's operation, the Night Clan released almost all the bloodthirsty people. As the war progressed, figures wearing black armor gradually appeared on the sea.

The Army of the Silent Ones has descended on the battlefield. In order to resist these loyal mercenaries, most of the forces are currently concentrated on the frontal battlefield. High-pitched etheric reactions are coming one after another, stirring up waves of etheric tornadoes.

Some condensers whose ether perception is too keen are exposed to a mixed ether environment, receive too much information, and even develop a negative mental state.

Blood and corpses piled up on the ruins. The tide washed away the blood-stained earth and dragged the corpse back to the deep sea, like a hungry monster.

There is never a shortage of dead on the battlefield, corpses are constantly dumped, and the earth is dyed red again.

The blood of the dead filled the entire area, and no matter how strong the wind blew, it still could not cut off the rise of this blood. Derby was walking in the quiet corridor, and even here, the blood was still clear, coming with the night wind.

"It's so beautiful..."

Derby looked through the open window. Fire was burning into the Fortress of Morrowind, and countless figures were flashing in the sea of ​​fire, as if they were dancing around the fireworks.

Closing his eyes, Derby's vision fell into darkness, and then dense light spots appeared in the darkness. Each light spot represented a bloodthirsty person. In order to contain the power of Morrowind Bastion, they also concentrated on it.

He reached the gap and started a melee with the Ninghua people.

These light spots are far away from Derby. The area where Derby is located goes deep into the Skydome Castle. This place is extremely important to the Klex family. Relying on the counterattack of the Sublime Ones, the war was isolated... but Derby still penetrated in.

Derby did not open his eyes. In the noisy noise, light buzzes echoed, and dexterous hummingbirds flew around him, providing Derby with a field of vision.

The hummingbirds not only lingered beside Derby, but also headed towards the branch roads of various corridors, quickly exploring the surrounding terrain and checking the roads.

Derby moved forward for some distance without encountering any obstacles or guards. His vigilance relaxed a lot.

Until now, Debi is still in a daze. He didn't expect that he would invade Skydome Castle like this, which is the core of the Clerks family.

But that was the fact. All the forces were concentrated on the frontal battlefield. Even Vorn was dispatched, and thunder roared in the night sky.

Since the establishment of the Bureau of Order, all extraordinary organizations and secret societies within the territory of the Rhine League have experienced a brief period of peace. Even the secret societies that do not want to join the Bureau of Order have maintained peace with various organizations.

Fengyuan Highlands has not encountered war for many years. As an autonomous area of ​​​​the Klekes family, most of the Klekes family's condensers are scattered in this vast Fengyuan Highlands, watching various towns, or chasing

An evil group that believes in the devil and maintains order in the supernatural world.

The power within the Morrowind Fortress is not all of the Clax family, but it is enough to shake people's hearts. Derby has never thought about the brutality of his actions, and he is even prepared to die...

But he got here without any accidents. It was so smooth and smooth that it was scary.

Debi cleared his mind and continued to search for the location of the wind cellar. Whether it was a conspiracy or a trick, as long as the "Dawn Oath" was broken, everything would be worth it.

Heavy breathing sounded from behind Derby. In addition to hummingbirds, there were many tall figures following Derby. They were also bloodthirsty, but compared to the bloodthirsty ones on the frontal battlefield, judging from their degree of transformation,

They are undoubtedly much more powerful than regular Bloodthirsters.

Most of the skin has disappeared, replaced by solid alchemy armor, infusion pipes are densely covered in the interlaced armor gaps, deformed muscles are like huge lumps, and precise mechanical structures are deep into the body's internal organs.

According to different needs, their arms were transformed into different weapons. Some carried large shields, some held battle axes and long knives, and some carried firearms. The ammunition chains extended to the ammunition boxes on their backs.

This is an elite team of bloodthirsties, completely controlled by Derby, and compared to bloodthirsties, at this moment they are more like alchemy creatures transformed from bloodthirsties.

Derby is protected by them at all levels. With the intensity of alchemical transformation and the control of Derby's power-bearing rank, Derby can easily win even if it is besieged by the Sublime Ones.

Suddenly, Debi opened his eyes. In his perception, a hummingbird was sending out joyful feedback, and it had found the trace of the wind cellar.

Derby immediately took action, gathering other hummingbirds and standing guard outside the team, while he led the team closer to the wind cellar.

After digging into his pocket, Debi took out a dagger. The shape of the dagger was extremely special. There was a container jar on the back of the knife. Several pipes extended from the container jar. Following the grooves on the blade, the dagger could be inserted into the dagger.

The poison is injected into the blade.

As the core place, the Wind Cellar must be protected by the complex virtual realm. The poison contained in the dagger is the key to Derby's destruction of the virtual realm.

The poison in it was made by Derby collecting Zephyrin's ether and refining it. He strengthened the effect of the soul-breaking poison, which can corrode the ether. At the beginning of tonight's war, Derby relied on this enhanced soul-breaking poison.

The poison pierced through the virtual defense of Morrowind Stronghold.

Derby followed the hummingbird's instructions. As he got closer to his destination, his mood couldn't help but rise, and even his cold blood became hot.

Once the "Dawn Oath" is broken, Derby will be the one to reverse the history of the Night Clan. If he can leave alive, he will even be personally summoned by the Night King and given blood.

As long as the "Dawn Oath" is destroyed, the Night Clan will no longer be restricted by the oath. They can freely leave the land of eternal night and spread the plague called eternal life to the world.

Derby felt that no one would reject eternal life. This extremely long life is so beautiful, and the price it requires is just to no longer see the sunrise and a little bit of soul.

Many people claim to have a noble and pure will, but when faced with the temptation of eternal life, they still show their true faces and reveal their sad and hypocritical sincerity.

The downward spiral was very close at hand, and just when Derby was about to step into it, he noticed that there was one less hummingbird in the periphery, and then several more hummingbirds disappeared from his perception.

According to the time and location of the hummingbird's disappearance, in the radar constructed by the hummingbird, an unknown entity is rapidly approaching Derby.

Derby looked towards the end of the corridor on one side. Without any verbal instructions, a bloodthirsty man directly raised the machine gun in his hand and pointed it at the target location.


Derby said in a loud voice, and then the harsh gunshots covered his roar. The roaring reverberation shattered the glass along the way, and the deadly bullets poured out, turning the entire wall into a hornet's nest.

The expected enemy did not appear, but according to her speed and direction, she should be at this location.

Just when Debi was doubting, an etheric reaction clearly appeared in his perception. Debi turned his head suddenly, and then the wall beside him collapsed instantly.

The strong figure broke out of the wall and hit the bloodthirsty man in the abdomen with a straight punch. The tall and majestic figure was easily shaken by her and hit her behind uncontrollably, crushing the window and falling under the high wall.

Vosilin rushed into the bloodthirsty group in one fell swoop. Using the time gained by the surprise attack, she used her whip kick towards the other bloodthirsty group.

She should be able to break the bloodthirsty's bones with this blow, but these bloodthirsties were covered with a layer of alchemical armor, and Vosilin could only shake them slightly, failing to cause any effective damage.

At this time, the bloodthirsty people had already reacted. After entering the fighting state, the infusion tube injected a large amount of stimulants into the flesh, and the already deformed and twisted muscles swelled a bit again. Compared with Vosilin, each of them was

Like a giant.

Before the heavy blow landed, streaks of blood burst out from the bloodthirsty's body. The sharp sword light avoided the area covered by the armor, cutting through a lot of flesh and blood, and cutting off the infusion pipes as well.

Aimu jumped up lightly, stretched out his hand to grab Woxilin, and then the two figures overlapped, and the power of their shared bodies once again blessed Woxilin. She turned around and swung a heavy fist, denting the body.

Breastplate of the Blood One.

This chapter has been completed!
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