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Chapter 89 Siphon

The Secret War was an indelible pain since the establishment of the Bureau of Order. This war caused too many subsequent conflicts, the birth of hesitant forks in the road, the entrenchment of tyrants, changes in the situation, and even the birth of Aimu.

All this stems from the echoes of the Secret War that continue to this day. Now this long-lasting echo will trigger a new round of events, including negotiations on the King's Secret Sword and the search for the body of Silin.

Previously, Boluogo only thought that his power was the advanced alchemical matrix developed by the King's Secret Sword at great cost, but with the answer given by the Shadow King, everything changed.

His power comes from the astronauts. It is even said that this alchemical matrix was built by King Solomon. In order to deliver this power to his own hands, the astronauts did not hesitate to plan for so long. Even Xilin was his abandoned son.

, to achieve this effect.

Once Xilin's body is returned to the King's Secret Sword, this terrifying power will undoubtedly be shared back.

Boluogo didn't know what consequences this would have, but he knew clearly that instead of guessing what it would cause, it would be better to kill it all from the source.

Xilin's body must never be returned to the King's Secret Sword.

"You should try a few more times. Don't be anxious about this kind of thing," Yasichang thought, "Maybe you can master all the etheric skills to the extreme level."

Boluogo said modestly, "You think too highly of me."

"It's not to look down on you, but it's a fact. This is your advantage as an undead, the advantage of time," Yas explained. "This is the case for many undead. Their alchemy matrix may lag behind the times, but with their

With their time advantage, their mastery of Tai Chi skills is so superb that it’s terrifying.”

Aston paused, "There are also many undead who have created new etheric techniques over a long period of time."

Boluogo said unexpectedly, "A new etheric skill?"

"In the final analysis, ethereal skills are just a 'skill'. Who knows how many skills we have yet to develop," Yas said with a hint of envy. "After all, we are mortals and are restricted by our life span, but the immortals can

Spend a lot of time on this kind of research."

"While mastering all the etheric skills, I am still trying to create new powers."

Boluogo's heart stirred up, and he continued, "Perhaps Sere impressed me too deeply... To be precise, all the undead in the Undead Club impressed me too deeply."

"Under the influence of these guys, I subconsciously feel that the undead are a group of guys who have lived for countless years, their minds are completely numb, and they don't care about anything except finding ways to have fun every day."

"You can't say that," Yas explained. "Those people in the Immortal Club were once legends. They are just tired of it."

Yas emphasized, "You have to know that no matter how ridiculous an undead person feels to you, he himself is a scholar."

"A man of learning?" Bologg found it difficult to associate Sere with learning.

"Historically, several ethereal techniques were created by the undead," Yas continued. "There are also some ethereal techniques that have not been officially included in the ranks of ethereal techniques because they are too difficult to learn.

, is still being completed.”

"Just like a subject, just like the alchemy matrix itself, as our research progresses, more and more abilities will be developed?"

As Boluogo spoke, he felt the surrounding ether. Their flow was so clear that it flowed through his body like clear water.

It suddenly occurred to him that the mastery of etheric skills should also be related to the concentration of ether.

Ether Chi is a skill, just like the skill of playing with water. In the past era, the concentration of ether was too low. The ether in the whole world was like a shallow basin of clear water. Just like if you are good at swimming, it is difficult to swim.

Performing it in a basin, the concentration of ether is now rising steadily, and the whole world is like a vast ocean of ether, providing the foundation for the development of skills.

Borrogo asked curiously, "The skill that is still being completed? What is that?"

"There are many. This kind of thing requires constant trial and error before it can be perfected bit by bit, just like opening up a swordsmanship school." Yas thought about it, "The one I remember is currently called 'Siphon.


"I only have a general understanding of its properties, but I haven't devoted myself to learning yet. After all, my work is very busy, and I don't have time to help them complete this skill... When I retire, I will consider becoming a teacher.

, specializing in studying these things, maybe I can develop a few skills and name them myself."

When talking about retirement life, Yasi's eyes are full of happiness. For field workers, peaceful days are very precious.

"Let me think about it, that technique is specially used to deal with ether depletion. Once ether depletion occurs, the combat effectiveness of the condenser will be greatly weakened, and the alchemy matrix will also come to a standstill due to the lack of ether."

Yas explained to Boluogo, "In order to solve this problem, some people began to study how to quickly replenish ether during battle."

"Well... this is indeed an important point. Even if Mang Yin's soul is injected into the battle, it will take some time to digest it," Boluogo said.

Yas said, "Aether Siphon."

"After a period of research, a technique called etheric siphoning was proposed.

The Sublime One issues orders to the ether in the surrounding area, gathers them on a large scale, and infuses them into its own alchemical matrix to quickly replenish the ether."

Boluogo raised his eyebrows slightly, which reminded him of his own protection and soul-sucking, but the difference was that the devil's protection was to seize ether from other people's bodies, weakening the enemy while strengthening himself.

The ether siphon described by Yas is to plunder the surrounding ether and replenish itself.

"To put it simply, it is to speed up the process of the alchemical matrix absorbing the surrounding ether, and even achieve a siphon-like effect." Yas said.

The Sublime One is absorbing ether from the outside world every moment, replenishing it into its own alchemical matrix, so that the ether in the alchemy matrix remains in a full state at all times, and this is the amount of ether stored by the Sublime One itself.

Secret energy, when controlling ether, as long as you consume a small amount of your own ether and resonate with the ether of the outside world, you can distort reality to a certain extent.

Although the consumption is small, as the intensity of the battle escalates, the condenser's own ether will eventually be consumed until it is exhausted. At this time, in addition to using foreign objects, such as Mang Yin's soul, to replenish his own ether, the condenser will only have

As time goes by, it slowly absorbs ether from the surroundings to replenish it.

Boluogo realized the importance of this etheric skill, "For the Sublime Master, this is simply the power to fight again."

"Yes, but it also has great flaws. This technique of quickly replenishing ether is limited by the environment. If the surrounding ether is thin, not much ether can be restored, and this rough absorption of ether will cause damage to the alchemical matrix.


Yas explained, "It's like a small water pipe. If you suddenly fill the entire swimming pool with water, it will only burst the water pipe. The same is true for the alchemy matrix. A large amount of ether washed through the alchemy matrix in a short period of time. This is different from breaking through the matrix."

Soul criticality, direct attack on the alchemy matrix, there is not much difference."

"It does give the condenser the power to fight again, but it also makes the condenser injured. Unless there is a desperate situation, there is no need to use this etheric skill," Yas said. "Similarly, because of its fatal

The defects are still being corrected and have not been announced."

"I think there will always be someone who will discover such power," Bologo said.

"I feel the same way, but individual efficiency is completely different from the R&D efficiency of the entire department."

Yas patted Boluogo on the shoulder, "I still have things to do, so I'll leave first. As for these skills, you don't have to be too impatient. You have unlimited time anyway."

"But the situation will not wait for me," Boluogo said helplessly. "It is like a wheel, rolling forward. I may be spared, but what about the others?"

Yas fell silent. He had experienced the same thing, and he had experienced emotions far more torn and painful than Boluogo. Church was just in a coma, and he didn't know whether he could wake up. But Yas's friends, they

Forever left in the past.

"Then seize the opportunity," Yas said. "Don't let yourself have regrets, recall a certain moment in the past, and complain that you could have done better."

Yas left, and Boluogo was the only one left in the combat room.

Bologo took a deep breath, clenched his fists, adjusted his control over the ether, and launched an attack on the numerous stone pillars, with constant roaring and shattering sounds.

With the high-frequency attack, each blast became lighter, until it was infinitely close to what Yas demonstrated, and the stone pillar in front of Boluogo also changed.

Another vague figure replaced the stone pillar, that was Morrison's figure.

Boluogo roared, no longer trying to control his own ether, but venting them all.

The earth trembled, and the stone pillars collapsed one after another.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, Boluogo sat on a broken boulder, his eyes lowered.

This chapter has been completed!
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