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Chapter 41 Extraordinary Extinction

As more and more secrets are unearthed from the devil's mouth, the etheric world gradually becomes clearer in the eyes of the Bureau of Order. At the same time, the lifeless palace of scholars is revitalized under this new research project.

But this vitality always feels like a dying struggle.

One after another, old figures were busy on the workbench. Everyone's body was covered with infusion tubes, some even used auxiliary machinery, and more people were sitting in wheelchairs. If the detector was not still functioning normally,

They look like they're dead.

These living fossils, who have almost lost their motivation for life, have once again ignited their desire for knowledge under this series of information. In addition to these ancient scholars, there are many different figures in the hall of scholars.

They are also a group of fanatical scholars, but it can be seen from the style of their clothes that they are not the same as the scholars of the Bureau of Order, and judging from their enthusiasm for knowledge, they are much crazier than the Hall of Scholars.

The Order of Truth.

During the trip to the Happy Garden, Duva from the Monks of Truth brought information about the original thing, and the price he demanded was very simple. He united with the Monks of Truth and the Hall of Scholars to explore the end of the truth.

The Bureau of Order agreed to this request, and in the following time, more and more seekers passed the screening and arrived at the Hall of Scholars to study together with these old figures.

In this busy scene, Bologg saw Duva's figure, but he was completely immersed in research and did not notice Bologg's arrival at all.

Boluogo did not go to say hello to Dua. He continued to go deep into the scholars' hall. In the most secret laboratory, he found Mamo.

"Young, Boluogo."

Mamo noticed Boluogo's arrival and greeted him without raising his head.

Boluogo nodded slightly and looked at Mamo today.

During the Decay Epidemic incident, in order to offset the toxins' invasion of the city to the greatest extent, Mamo released his secret energy like a filter, consuming a large amount of toxins and greatly reducing the impact of the Decay Epidemic on the city.


His move saved countless people, but failed to save himself. Under the intense consumption of ether, he fell directly into a state of ether exhaustion, and then a small amount of the plague of decay invaded his inner body, further destroying what little he had left.

Much vitality.


Mamo coughed a few times in a low voice, moved his steps with difficulty, and turned around. Boluogo could see Mamo's whole face clearly.

He is going to die.

Such an idea came into Boluogo's mind.

Mamo's muscles all over his body atrophied greatly, and his figure was hunched a lot. His numb expression was a little distorted, as if he was enduring severe pain. Several teeth in his mouth were also lost, and the corners of his eyes drooped, showing a feeling of dejection and weakness.


As the original founder of the Bureau of Order, Mamo has lived for a long time... few people can live to his age. He often laments this and is grateful for his rank and the power of secret energy, so that he can survive in the world.

Lingering in death's blind spot.

His body was covered with infusion tubes. Those transparent and soft tubes were intricately intertwined and eventually led to a port with a weak pulse.

As he approached him, Bologo smelled a putrid smell. His original body odor had become more pungent due to long-term illness. It was the smell of time and death.

"Are you okay?" Boluogo felt like he was asking nonsense.

Mamo glanced at Boluogo, not bothering to pay attention to Boluogo's boring words, "You're probably not here to pay attention to my health, are you? What's the matter?"

Boluogo felt an inexplicable emotion. After brewing for a while, he put aside those emotions and told Mamo the information he had learned and his various conjectures.

Mamo said nothing as he listened to Boluogo's story. Boluogo tried to capture his emotions, but his lifeless face was like a dead tree, without any change.

After a long time, a hoarse voice sounded.

"The Gate of Origin? The area that initially overlaps with the material world, the source of etheric catharsis?"

Mamo said a series of key words, and then laughed to himself.

"It's a good guess," Mamo said. "We are already trying to contact the Qunshan family, but they have always avoided the world and have not responded yet."

"Is there something wrong already?" Boluogo was a little nervous.

"What's the problem? Do you mean that the worlds overlap, the ether is completely released, and the material world begins to upgrade until it completely becomes an extraordinary world?" Mamo asked.

Boluogo nodded with difficulty. He could often foresee that scene. The extraordinary world would come, and the ether vortex points would evolve into horrific disasters, completely tearing human civilization apart.

"Don't worry about that." Mamo comforted.

"We should take action." Bologo has always had strong execution ability.

Mamo raised his head and glanced at Boluogo, with a hint of ridicule in his cloudy eyes, "You haven't reacted yet?"

"You also said that in recent years, the concentration of ether has increased so rapidly. The two worlds are attracted to each other, entering the final stage of acceleration, and are about to collide... So think about it again, Boluogo, this world named Origin

Doors, the first overlapping area, what exactly is it?"

Without waiting for Boluogo to answer, Mamo continued to explain, "Before the acceleration stage, it might really be regarded as a door, a transcendent door in the dimension, but now the material world has been captured by the gravity of the etheric world, and it is becoming more and more...

So much ether is thrown into this world through different channels, so what if we find the door to the origin?

It is no longer a door, but the first 'impact point' when the two worlds overlap."

Mamo's voice became lowered, "So what if we know this information, we still don't have the ability to close the door and push away the impact of the etheric realm."

Bologg was silent, and what shocked Bologg even more was Mamo's next words.

"More importantly... suppose we have the ability to close the door of origin and push the etheric world away from this world. Do you know what the price will be?"

Mamo stared at Boluogo closely. He was obviously old and looked like this, but the strength in his eyes made Boluogo unable to move, giving him a cold chill.

Several answers immediately came to Boluogo's mind, but just as he was about to say them, he realized that if the answers were so simple, Mamo would not have this attitude.

An answer that Bologna had never thought of suddenly emerged.

Boluogo murmured, "Extreme annihilation..."

Like an ignorant child suddenly realizing the cruelty of the world, Boluogo was clearly aware of his previous blindness.

"By closing the door of origin and solving the impact point, we may be able to completely eliminate the connection between the devil and the human world, and this will inevitably cut off the connection between the ether and the world... The whole world will return to the ordinary and no longer be extraordinary."

Mamo sat back on his chair, his eyes full of sorrow, "The existing extraordinary system will completely collapse, and our accumulation over thousands of years will be gone. But these are not the most fatal. What is really fatal is that all

Those who condense will become mortals."

The atmosphere fell into complete silence, and Boluogo felt a strong depression that almost made him breathless.

"No wonder Leviathan doesn't care about this. So what if this can cut off the connection between the devil and the material world? Can we really give up our extraordinary power completely?"

Boluogo said to himself, "So what if we can give up? There will always be people who can't give up, and those who can't give up will naturally come to stop us, and even in their eyes, we will be worse than the devil.

To exist as an abomination.

The disputes started by the devil are just to harvest huge souls, but our actions will completely destroy everything."

Mamo let out a long sigh and said nothing more.

Although all this is based on various speculations, it can be expected that if the speculations are correct, then Bologo's behavior will inevitably provoke conflicts in the entire supernatural world.

Under a greater threat, the existence of the devil is not unacceptable to many people, and it can even be said to be an alliance.

Although the Condensers are human beings, in the final analysis, they have extraordinary powers and are no longer the same kind of existence as ordinary people. If the various forces had not sworn to keep the covenant, there must be many Condensers trying to get out of the darkness.

Build an extraordinary empire under the sun.

Aren't the Ninghua people another kind of night tribe?

"Follow me, Boluogo."

Mamo rested for a moment, stood up again, and led Boluogo into the shadows.

"Within the Bureau of Order, we don't really want to discuss the Gate of Origin," Mamo said. "The human heart is the most unreliable thing."

Boluogo followed Mamo closely, "What do you mean by the decision-making room?"

"Silence, I have asked questions, but there is no response from the decision-making room. I think everyone is also making calculations."

As the first-generation minister, the existence of the crowd is no secret to Mamo.

"We are deliberately ignoring this. It's okay if the information about the Gate of Origin is leaked, but once other forces feel that the Bureau of Order has the intention to close the Gate of Origin... we will be the enemy of the whole world," Mamo's voice was emotionless.

, "It is even said that the Order Bureau will fall into pieces."

This is related to the interests of all condensers and the essence of everyone.

Boluogo didn't say anything. He knew that he still thought everything was too simple and too idealistic.

At that time, maybe the group of people in the Immortal Club will try to stop themselves. After all, they are cowards who are afraid of death. Closing the door of origin and cutting off the transcendent will directly threaten their survival.

Mamo comforted, "Don't think too much, this is just speculation. We don't have the power to close the door of origin now. What's more, is that really the door of origin?"

"Sometimes, just having such a thought can be a sin," Bologo said.

Mamo smiled and led Boluogo through the long tunnel until he came to an open space.

The field of vision gradually became clearer. The first thing that caught Bologo's eyes was the huge high platform located in the center of the space. It was connected by hundreds of luminous cables and was surrounded by various steel frames and steel plate structures.

It appears very heavy and solid.

In each corner of the high platform, there are many control panels and sensors, arranged neatly, like a huge iron nest.

The staff are busy, some are checking and repairing cables, others are checking whether the transmitter and receiver are normal, and a group of technicians are maintaining the control panel and data channels. They work quickly and skillfully.

"What's this?"

Boluogo asked, it seems that the Hall of Scholars is building something in secret without telling many people.

"This is a detection platform we built in imitation of a watchtower. As for the detection object, it is naturally the ethereal realm."

Mamo explained to Boluogo, "The number of times you can be promoted is limited, and it is extremely dangerous. We cannot rely on you every time."

"So you are looking for a way to explore the etheric realm without going through my promotion ceremony?" Bologo asked.

"Well, we are currently experimenting with a set of exploration processes."

Mamo took Boluogo up to the high platform. The layout on the high platform was very familiar to Boluogo. There were two recliners made of complex machinery, which looked like the operating table used in his promotion ceremony.

"When an individual undergoes a promotion ceremony, his connection with the etheric world will become closer. At this time, we may be able to use this close connection to take this opportunity to send the consciousness of another individual to

Enter the etheric realm."

"I guess that person is me," Bologo said.

"Yes, you are the only one among us who has experience in exploring the etheric realm." Mamo affirmed.

"What about the person in charge of the promotion ceremony? Did you treat the promotion of a Sublime Master as a consumable?" Boluogo frowned.

For the Sublime People, the promotion ceremony is very important and full of dangers. This method of exploration is undoubtedly using the Sublime People as consumables.

Mamo said, glancing at the darkness nearby, "You don't have to worry about this part, we have a solution."

Boluogo followed Mamo's line of sight, and in the shadows, he could vaguely distinguish many iron coffins.

"When does it start?" Borlog asked.

"Don't worry, this thing has just been built and we still need a long time to test it."

Mamo looked a little ugly, so he found a chair nearby and sat down. His physical strength was getting worse and worse, and he didn't know how long he could hold on.

"Compared with these, there is another thing that needs to be entrusted to you right now." Mamo was panting, her voice full of exhaustion.

"Yeah, I'm listening."

Boluogo nodded gently, looking at the burning old man, he had an indescribable emotion.

"About exploring the sacred city."

Mamo's expression became serious, "The light is about to go out. This will be our last chance to explore the sacred city and unearth the legacy of King Solomon."

Boluogo guessed that the decision-making room had informed him of this a long time ago.

"It seems that the Order Bureau is ready for this part of the operation?"

Mamo nodded seriously, his eyes showing a little fanaticism. For an old man like him, it was undoubtedly a great honor to have a glimpse of King Solomon's knowledge again.

This chapter has been completed!
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