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Chapter 38: Ambush

The Gu Mansion was very gorgeous, with an air of luxury everywhere, and it was filled with all kinds of precious porcelain and gold and silver jewelry. It looked magnificent, but Leng Shuang didn't have much interest in it.

"Miss Leng, this is the dowry our young lady has prepared for you," the mother-in-law said with a smile, "Take a look, does it still fit? If not, I will ask someone to replace it for you immediately."

Leng Shuang looked at the box in front of her. She walked over, opened it and found that it was filled with pearls.

Leng Shuang looked at it for a long time, and then said softly: "I have nothing to be dissatisfied with. Could you please thank your third lady for me?"

"As long as Miss Leng is satisfied," the mother-in-law said with a smile.

Leng Shuang nodded and returned to his room.

As soon as Leng Shuang returned to her house, she saw a maid hurried in and whispered something in Leng Shuang's ear.

Leng Shuang's originally smiling face suddenly turned gloomy. She clenched her fists, her eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Are you sure?"

"It's absolutely true," the maid said with certainty: "The third lady sent someone here last night to say that this matter is absolutely correct, and the third lady has already sent someone to ambush on the road. As long as we are kidnapped when we leave the city, then this will happen

This will cause a big fuss."

Leng Shuang nodded, took a deep breath and said, "Okay, you can go out."

After the maid left, Leng Shuang walked to the dressing table and looked at the woman in the bronze mirror. This appearance was her former appearance. She reached out and touched her face, and then smiled slowly.

She couldn't cry or panic. If someone noticed, she wouldn't be able to stay in the Gu Mansion anymore. She needed to use her beauty to seduce Gu Tingyu, and then use Gu Tingyu to take away everything from Gu Tingyu.

She must hurry up.

Leng Shuang slowly closed her eyes, and a picture appeared in her mind. In the darkness, countless firelights rushed towards her. She screamed in fright, and then opened her eyes suddenly, looking in horror.


"Miss, what's wrong with you?" Xiao Tao asked worriedly. Her young lady had been mumbling to herself just now, as if she had a nightmare.

Leng Shuang came back to her senses, then shook her head: "Nothing," she stood up and said; "I'm going to wash up, you go prepare breakfast first."

When Leng Shuang came out of the bathroom, Xiao Tao had already placed breakfast on the table. Leng Shuang walked over and sat down, drank two bowls of porridge, and left.

"Shuang'er, let me take you back." Gu Tingyu chased him out and said.

Leng Shuang stopped and looked back at him: "No, I'll just go back by myself. You can go about your business."

Leng Shuang is not a fool. She can naturally see that Gu Tingyu is interested in her, but the more attentive he is to her, the less she can believe Gu Tingyu's words. After all, he is a romantic young man in the capital.

After Leng Shuang left Gu's Mansion, she drove straight to the hospital. As soon as she arrived at the door of the hospital, she met Aunt Liu from the same village. Aunt Liu was a simple and honest woman. When she saw Leng Shuang, she said with a smile: "

Sister Leng, you are finally here, come in quickly and sit down," Aunt Liu welcomed Leng Shuang into the hospital.

"Auntie, what do you want from me?" Leng Shuang asked.

Aunt Liu handed the prescription to Leng Shuang and said, "Hurry up and take a look. What's wrong with this prescription?"

Leng Shuang checked it carefully. Although this prescription has some folk remedies, it is the simplest prescription to treat typhoid fever. There is no problem. So she smiled and said: "No problem, I will give you a prescription when I get back."


Aunt Liu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "In this case, I'm relieved."

Leng Shuang handed the prescription to Aunt Liu, and then went to the drug store to get the medicinal materials. On the way home, she always felt a little weak. She held on to the tree trunk and gasped, when she suddenly heard a familiar sound of footsteps.

"You're not dead yet!" Leng Shuang said looking at the person in front of her.

This person is none other than Lin Wanru.

Leng Shuang didn't say a word. She walked forward holding on to the tree trunk. Lin Wanru blocked her way: "Leng Shuang, are you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Leng Shuang asked, "I'm not the roundworm in your belly. I don't know what you are thinking."

"I don't care whether you know it or not, I want you to leave brother Tingyu. You are not worthy of him at all!" Lin Wanru said coldly: "He is the future uncle of the country, and you are still senior."

"Really," Leng Shuang said sarcastically: "So what?"

"Leng Shuang, don't toast me and you will be fined with wine!" Lin Wanru glared at Leng Shuang and said fiercely.

Leng Shuang raised her eyebrows and said, "I won't steal it from you." She raised the corners of her mouth slightly, revealing a mocking smile, "But I advise you to leave the Gu Mansion as soon as possible. Our Gu family will not

The wife of a murderer who killed her own brother."

After saying that, she walked around Lin Wanru and left.

After Leng Shuang left, her eyes became silent. She took out a jade pendant from her arms and threw it into the middle of the lake.

"How do you think I should retaliate against them?" She whispered to herself.


As soon as Gu Tingyu returned to the house, he locked himself in the room and sat blankly at the desk all night. Early the next morning, he locked himself in the room and did not come out. He did not even eat breakfast. Who could

No knock on the door.

In this way, even a fool can guess what he is thinking.

"Your Majesty, if you don't eat, you won't be able to survive." The butler couldn't help but persuade him. His prince has been pampered in the past few years. He has never experienced such suffering. He said with heartache: "Your Majesty,

Just come out and have something to eat, you haven't eaten for three meals already."

As the housekeeper spoke, he knelt down in front of Gu Tingyu. He begged and said, "Your Majesty, if you don't eat, I will definitely not be able to forgive you when my wife comes back. Please be merciful to me."

Gu Tingyu frowned, glanced at the housekeeper indifferently, and then said calmly: "You can go out." His tone was calm, but there was a sense of alienation from people thousands of miles away.

The butler sighed, and then respectfully withdrew. This time, he really didn't know how to help his prince. He only hoped that he could rescue the princess quickly. As long as the princess wakes up, the prince's illness will definitely be cured.


Gu Tingyu looked at Leng Shuang lying on the bed, and his heart hurt. He remembered the time when Leng Shuang was hurt because of him, and tears fell down.

Leng Shuang was unconscious, her forehead twitching, and her whole body seemed to be in a nightmare. She shouted Gu Tingyu's name over and over again, and then held on to Gu Tingyu's sleeves with both hands.

Gu Tingyu felt extremely distressed when he saw Leng Shuang like this.

He stroked Leng Shuang's hair, then kissed her, and said softly: "Shuang'er, you will be fine. I will always protect you and never let you be alone."

After saying that, he hugged Leng Shuang and whispered in Leng Shuang's ear: "Shuang'er, sleep peacefully. I will be by your side and protect you forever."

Leng Shuang gradually calmed down, but Gu Tingyu still held her hand tightly, unwilling to let go.

"Who are you? How dare you break into the Gu Mansion without permission!"

A sharp shout came, Gu Tingyu raised his eyes and saw Gu's father rushing in with a few officers and soldiers, holding swords in their hands. Seeing the scene in the house, they said angrily: "Nie Zhao, why don't you get dressed quickly?"

Come home with me."

Gu Tingyu stood up, ignored his father, turned around and walked towards the door. After taking two steps, he suddenly turned back and said, "Dad, I want to marry her." After saying that, he opened the door and ran away.

"Evil!" Gu's father roared angrily.

"Master, this..."

"Why are you still standing there? Why don't you hurry up and give chase!" Gu's father ordered the housekeeper.

"Hey." The housekeeper hurriedly chased after him.

Gu Tingyu ran all the way, his legs hurt, but he still didn't want to stop. This road led to his and Leng Shuang's wedding yard.

Leng Shuang once told him that she liked that house because there were many flowers there.

Leng Shuang once told him that she loved him more than her own life. What would he do if she was gone?

Gu Tingyu couldn't imagine that maybe he would become crazy or die of depression.

Now he wanted to fly to Leng Shuang immediately, hold her in his arms, and tell her that he loved her, but he couldn't, he had to restrain himself.

When Gu Tingyu approached his room, he found that the door was locked. He patted the door and shouted: "Shuang'er, Shuang'er, are you in there?"

Leng Shuang was sitting on the ground leaning against the wall, her face was frighteningly pale, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Shuang'er, open the door, I'm Tingyu," he said while knocking on the door.


Leng Shuang closed her eyes and was unwilling to open the door. What Gu Tingyu said yesterday flashed in her mind. She felt that she was really going crazy. Why, why was her fate so miserable? She was just an ordinary woman.

Child, why does fate treat her so cruelly?

"Shuang'er, open the door. I know I was wrong, please forgive me, okay?" Gu Tingyu continued to shout at the door, but no matter how he called, Leng Shuang still showed no response, as if he had fallen asleep.

Gu Tingyu sat on the chair dejectedly. He stretched out his hand to wipe the tears on his face, and then murmured: "Shuang'er, how do you want to punish me to be satisfied? Do you have to die before you are willing to do it?"

"No, no, Shuang'er, you can't do this. Didn't you say you love me? How can you bear to abandon me?" Gu Tingyu grabbed Leng Shuang's hand and cried.

But no matter how he called, Leng Shuang still didn't respond at all.

"Shuang'er..." Gu Tingyu shouted tremblingly, and then slowly fell beside Leng Shuang. His lips were slightly opened, and the smell of blood slowly spread out.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and Gu's mother rushed in panting. When she saw Gu Tingyu lying in front of Leng Shuang's bed like this, she suddenly became furious. She rushed forward and grabbed Gu Tingyu's ears with her hands, and cursed through gritted teeth: "Asshole!

You bastard, how could I have given birth to such a beast like you? You have totally disgraced me!"

"Pa!" Gu Tingyu slapped Gu's mother on the face. He gritted his teeth and said, "Mom! I'm not a beast! I'm your son, the only legitimate son of the Gu family!"

He stared at Gu's mother coldly and said, "If you hate me so much, why did you give birth to me when you gave birth to me?"

Leng Shuang opened her eyes. She looked at Gu Tingyu in front of her, then struggled to sit up and reached out to touch Gu Tingyu's face, "Tingyu, what's wrong with you? What did you just say? Have you forgotten?" Her

He looked a little confused.

Her mind went blank, except for Gu Tingyu's last words, I am your husband-in-law, and you are my married wife. You are not allowed to leave me, no!

Gu Tingyu jumped up from the ground. He grabbed Leng Shuang's shoulders tightly and asked excitedly: "Shuang'er, did you hear clearly? You just said that you are my wife and I am your husband-in-law!


Leng Shuang's eyes were a little distracted, "Are you my husband-in-law? Are you my husband-in-law?" she murmured.

"Yes, you are my wife, you are my wife, we have been married for four years, I am Gu Tingyu, no one else." Gu Tingyu said excitedly: "You are my wife, you are my wife, I finally found

is you!"

Gu Tingyu hugged Leng Shuang and said excitedly: "Shuang'er, you finally woke up."

"You were dreaming just now, what were you dreaming about?" Gu Tingyu asked softly.
This chapter has been completed!
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