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Chapter 86 How Dare to Communicate with the Remnants of the Southern Barbarians?

"Ms. Lin." Gu Tingyu paused, "Ms. Lin is my brother's biological mother. She is very doting on my brother, and she is also filial and well-behaved to my brother. It shouldn't be difficult to choose this candidate."

"I see." The staff suddenly said, "I understand, since I want to assist His Highness in governing the world, I definitely need a capable female official to assist His Highness."

"Exactly." Gu Tingyu nodded, "Actually, I have always wanted Lin to enter the palace. However, my mother is still young. She may not be suitable to serve the emperor. But if she enters the palace as a concubine, I

Then my brother can safely take on important tasks."

The staff immediately agreed: "I agree with your highness's proposal."

Gu Tingyu pondered for a moment and slowly shook his head: "My brother believes that Lin's qualifications are still relatively young and that she would be too eager to serve as a female official in the harem, which could easily lead to criticism."

The staff thought for a while and said: "Then I would like to ask the emperor to grant a marriage to Lin and let her marry someone among the officials. In this way, everyone can stop talking."

Gu Tingyu said: "That's inappropriate."

"Why is it inappropriate for Your Highness?" The staff was puzzled.

Gu Tingyu said: "Brother Huang is the emperor, so naturally it is most suitable for him."

"But..." The staff still hesitated.

Gu Tingyu said, "There is no need to argue about this matter anymore. My brother has made up his mind. I also ask your staff to go back and draft the decree as soon as possible."

Although the staff still felt that this was inappropriate, they could not force Gu Tingyu to change his mind, so they agreed: "I will obey the order."

"If you don't have anything else to do, I won't let you have lunch," Gu Tingyu said.

"Your Highness, you're welcome."

"I will take my leave."

After everyone left, Gu Tingyu stood in front of the window, looking at the peony petals blooming in the courtyard, and fell into silence.

Gu Tingyu was not a fool. He knew what he wanted, so he dared to reveal his feelings in front of the emperor.

In the past, he did not dare because he had no power and power. But now that he has troops, power, and military power, he has the courage to negotiate terms with the emperor.

Blood relationships among royal families are important, but the emperor also needs help from the government. Otherwise, the greater the power of the royal family, the worse their influence on the emperor.

Gu Tingyu thought of Gu Tingxuan.

He was a prince and a concubine. His father died young and his knees were empty. His only mother had been sick for many years. The emperor had high expectations for him.

If he wants to compete for the throne, he must get the emperor's support.

But the emperor would not support him unconditionally.

Therefore, he needs a capable father-in-law who can help him make connections and even support him secretly, so that he can live a safe life after he ascends the throne and pave the way for him.

Gu Tingyu didn't know what the emperor was thinking. Maybe he didn't want to give up the country and the country to the prince.

Gu Tingyu thought to himself that he did not want to be able to rule the world with the emperor, he just wanted to be in peace.

Gu Tingyu returned to the house, and as soon as he stepped into the study door, he saw Leng Shuang standing there with a solemn expression, obviously he had encountered a difficult matter.

Gu Tingyu frowned slightly, walked to the desk and sat down.

Leng Shuang lowered his head and reported to him: "Your Highness, I have sent people to investigate. The emperor has frequently summoned several old ministers recently, and three or four of them used to be the Queen Mother's people."

Gu Tingyu narrowed his eyes when he heard this: "The Queen Mother's people?"

Leng Shuang nodded: "Yes, according to the report from the spies, several of them were once close associates of the Queen Mother. They have been working for the Queen Mother these years. Since the Emperor came to the throne, their power has become more and more powerful. Especially after the Queen Mother's death, they have become even more arrogant and domineering.

Many court officials have been bribed, including the emperor, who has ordered thorough investigations several times, but no evidence has been found."

"The emperor not only attacks the ministers of the court, but also the people around him?"

Gu Tingyu sneered and said, "Brother the emperor is very relieved about his brother."

"His Royal Highness is the Emperor's younger brother, so naturally I will do my best."

"Okay, in that case, I cannot let my brother down."

Gu Tingyu said: "Then, this matter is

I'll leave it to you to handle it, and make sure your brother doesn't notice anything strange."

Gu Tingyu ordered: "Brother Huang's attitude towards the vassal king has always been vague. If Brother Huang cannot give a suitable reason, I am not sure what Brother Huang will think."

"Yes, please keep this in mind."

Gu Tingyu warned them a few more words, then waved them away.

After they left, Gu Tingyu called a confidant and asked him to hand over the memorial quickly.

The next day, in the imperial study room.

"Your Majesty, this memorial is presented to you by Gu Tingyu. It contains extremely important news. Please take a look."

The emperor unfolded the memorial and glanced at it casually. Suddenly his expression changed and he suddenly looked up at Lin with a sinister look: "How dare he have an affair with the remnants of the Southern Barbarians? This is simply unreasonable!"

"Your Majesty, calm down!" The eunuch knelt down on the ground and consoled him, "Your Majesty, please don't be angry. Take care of your dragon body."

The emperor took a deep breath and suppressed his anger and asked, "Where is he now?"

"His Royal Highness is currently resting in the side hall."

The emperor got up and went to the side hall.

The emperor came to the side hall and saw Gu Tingyu, dressed in blue and brocade robes, sitting on a chair from a distance.

"See you, brother." Gu Tingyu stood up and saluted respectfully, with a gentle tone and a humble attitude. He didn't seem to resent the emperor's reprimand just now, as if he had expected that the emperor would be angry, and didn't show any surprise.

The emperor stared at him for a long time, and then slowly said: "You are much smarter than your brother."

"Thank you very much for the compliment, my dear brother. I am so ashamed of myself."

"I don't care what you want to do. I just ask you, are you really willing to be loyal to me? If you are willing, you can take this memorial to my uncle and he will arrange everything. As for you, all you need to do is

Just obey him."

Gu Tingyu smiled faintly: "My brother is willing to obey the emperor's orders."

Gu Tingyu didn't resent the emperor finding a backer for him, because it was of no harm to him.

When the emperor heard this, he smiled with satisfaction: Very good. You go and prepare first, and we will start taking action after I give the order. However, I hope you can act in accordance with my order. You must not violate it. Gu Tingyu bowed his head and said yes.

In the next few days, Gu Tingyu was plotting how to deal with the prince, but the prince made no movement, as if he was waiting for something. The prince was an extremely keen person, and he knew that his brother could not ignore his provocation, so he did not

Anxious. The prince is not in a hurry, and Gu Tingyu is even less anxious. Gu Tingyu believes that as time goes by, the prince will definitely be unable to bear it and will definitely take action. The prince's patience is not something to be afraid of. Moreover, Gu Tingyu believes that his brother has already started planning, so he wants to do it now

All he did was wait for the prince's movements. The prince's residence.

One dark night, Gu Tingyu was practicing martial arts. During this time, he had mastered a lot of martial arts secrets, so he wanted to improve his martial arts quickly, just in case. Gu Tingyu became more and more proficient in swordsmanship, and he could faintly feel it.

He felt a trace of sword intention, and his sword moves became smoother and smoother. Gu Tingyu was very happy with the progress during this period. Suddenly, his ears moved slightly, and he seemed to hear something outside. Gu Tingyu was startled and stopped immediately.

He practiced sword practice, held his breath and listened carefully. After a moment, he frowned slightly. There seemed to be someone outside, two of them. They were talking, and he couldn't hear clearly. But he knew what they were saying.

"Let me tell you, this Gu Tingye will never give up. He will definitely come to trouble the emperor. We must prepare in advance." A woman said softly.

"That's right, but what are we going to do?" Another man said.

"Just leave this matter to me. You just need to do what I tell you." The woman said.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you," the man said.

Gu Tingyu hid behind the screen. He knew that the two men must be going to complain, so before they reached the door, Gu Tingyu had already quietly sneaked to the door and opened it. When the two women saw this,

He immediately drew his sword to protect Gu Tingyu. The woman had a cold face, and it was difficult to see what she looked like. The man was dressed in a black suit.

His face was scarred, and his whole body exuded a violent aura.

Gu Tingyu frowned slightly when he saw this. He had never seen this person before. There was a strange feeling about his figure, which made him look very comfortable. He didn't look like a murderer. However, he could feel that the person in front of him was...

It was very dangerous. When the man saw Gu Tingyu, his pupils shrank and he showed a look of surprise. He did not expect that he would meet Gu Tingyu in the palace. It seemed that he came prepared. There was a fierce light in his eyes.

Gu Tingyu snorted coldly and said: Are you the remnant of the Southern Barbarians? The man was silent, he did not expect that he was exposed. Gu Tingyu continued: Are you the remnant of the Southern Barbarians?

The man remained silent and noncommittal. Gu Tingyu looked at the man and sneered. He had already guessed it, but he didn't expect this man to admit it so happily. It seems that this remnant of the Southern Barbarians is not stupid after all!

When the man saw Gu Tingyu staring at him without speaking, he felt a little panicked. How did Gu Tingye find out?

How did he know that he was a remnant of the Southern Barbarians? The man thought to himself, and couldn't help cursing in his heart, damn Gu Tingye, how dare you lie to me!

I will never spare you! The man thought, with a sneer on his lips, and then said: Yes, I am a remnant of the Southern Barbarians. I came to take revenge on the emperor. I will cut him into thousands of pieces and let him taste a thousand cuts.

The taste of being chopped! After hearing this, Gu Tingyu narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered: Very good.

The remnants of the Southern Barbarians, I am waiting for your good show. What are you going to do? His tone was very contemptuous, and he did not take the remnants of the Southern Barbarians in his eyes at all. Hearing this, the man suddenly became angry, but he knew that now was not the time to have an attack.

, he took a few deep breaths, calmed down his mood, and said slowly: It's very simple, don't you like to go against the court?

In this case, you help me get rid of the emperor, I can help you get rid of the emperor, and then make you emperor. My goal is the prince, and the emperor is the prince's stumbling block.

When Gu Tingyu heard this, a look of surprise flashed across his face. He didn't expect this man to have such ambition and want to be emperor! He sneered and said: Why should I believe you?
This chapter has been completed!
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