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Chapter 21 Speculation

The corridor of the forklift group is taller and wider than that of the Z organization, and has fewer turns. On this main road, there are only a few extremely curved turns.

After Deborah's team entered the main road from the branch line, they looked up and saw the gate of the Forklift Group Dazhai.

From here to the gate, it's only a few hundred meters away.

Zhang Xianchong's prosthetic eyes were more sensitive. He saw the bunkers and firepower points at the entrance of Dazhai of the Forklift Group at the first glance. These bunkers were made of steel plates raised from the ground, and they were not of much use in front of martial arts masters. The bunkers were

There were also some firearms placed, and behind the bunker there was a row of dead people.

Carolina looked at the bullet holes in the wall and whispered: "Why does this guy...have to attack the defense line head-on? Is he an idiot?"

Zhang Xianchong was speechless when he said this without any experience in martial arts. He said: "That guy has no choice, he has to do this."


"Because the transformation rate of the members of the Forklift Group is not very high." Deborah explained: "They can pull out the poisoned parts, use the biological brain for a period of time, and then replace them with spare parts - that's all.

Use violent means to get rid of the poison."

At present, there is no kind of Gu that can attack biological brains and electronic processors at the same time.

At best, it is to hijack the part of the prosthetic body that is in contact with the biological brain, and command those that stimulate the abnormal discharge of the biological brain units to confuse and harm the biological brain.

There are also some people who use "inherent defects of the biological brain" such as photosensitive epilepsy to perform limited hypnosis on the biological brain.

These methods can often bypass the protection of prosthetics and reduce the brain's working efficiency.

But there is no way to disable both the electronic processor and the biological brain at once.

"No matter what command that guy uses, it will definitely trigger the alert of these green forests in the middle. Those green forests will quickly replace the complete set of electronic parts with each other." Deborah said: "Anyway, most of them,

The electronic parts are not valuable."

"This 'mountain' has indeed found a way to release the poison into this village. But it won't be long before these people can regain their strength through this method. And after being vigilant, they will only

Showed up in droves.”

And "concentrated formation" has always been the enemy of martial arts in the world.

Carolina thought for a while: "But, he can also wait for those guys to leave the stronghold, and then gradually disperse in the open space, and defeat them one by one, right?"

Zhang Xianchong shook his head again: "Impossible. If a large group of green forests suddenly appeared in an area, it would be possible to trigger the natural punishment system. It is impossible for the people in the forklift group to do this, and the 'mountain' is not willing to do that. He must

Just keep getting supplies."

"Xia Ke" is the ultimate in elite soldier tactics, and is also subject to the limitation of "small victory followed by defeat". The knight must win every battle, win big, and obtain resources that can make up for the consumption after victory.

Otherwise, he will not be able to carry out the next activity.

It is also because of this that there is a tradition of "rescuing people from all walks of life" among knights. No one can really guarantee undefeated victory. And a knight who loses once will lose a lot of resources. It may take a long time for him to get out of trouble.

At this time, it would be a great help for someone to give him a set of parts and an armor-piercing bullet, which could help him return to the top faster.

The tradition of "Jianghu to rescue emergencies" is also the behavior of individuals in the "Jianghu" ecosystem to improve the error tolerance of their own actions.

Hundreds of reconnaissance drones spread out, scanning for traces on the wall. Deborah raised her left arm straight and said: "Caro, give me the detection hand."

"Okay, miss." Carolina put down the box on her back and took out a hand from it. This prosthetic hand was more fibrous, and the length of the fingers was nearly one meter. She held the hand in both hands and knelt down.

Deborah turned to the side, and then held the "gun hand" that Deborah was currently using with one hand. Deborah's arm separated from her upper arm with a click, and fell into Carolina's hand.

Carolina quickly placed her other hand on Deborah's arm.

The "detection hand" is a specialized prosthetic body for detection. Its fingers are equipped with high-frequency sound generators and the most sensitive pressure-sensitive units - these units are so sensitive that they can capture mechanical waves in the air to analyze language.

In layman's terms, its "touch" can even be used as "hearing".

Deborah pressed the "detection hand" against the wall and gently applied force. The wall should have been reinforced, using some "local cement" and the like, which has some hardness. But this material is not suitable for Deborah.

Under Bo La's fingers, they were no different from cookies - falling into the category of "crispy and crunchy".

She confirmed the touch by pressing, and then picked up a small piece of cement with two fingers.

"Hardness...strength...data confirmation..."

Deborah whispered.

At this time, the drone scanning work has also been completed.

All bullet holes and footprints on the corridor appear in her database.

The woman took two steps forward, came to a footprint, and touched it with her fingers. The footprint penetrated the half-foot-thick cement wall, and the edges were as neat as a knife or an axe. Many lightning-shaped cracks were caused by this footprint.

The center extends outward, intertwined with bullet holes.

These marks made the entire wall crumbling.

Deborah took two steps back. In his field of vision, the bullet holes on the wall began to extend into straight lines, intertwining in the void, restoring the original trajectory for her.

It also restores Xiangshan’s original actions.

Deborah abandoned the noise of the environment and immersed herself in the "scene" formed by the interweaving of intelligence.

The virtual bullets kept retreating in the air... retreating...

——He rushed out from the main road with great momentum...

The woman thinks so.

——Judging from the speed reflected by the footprints, he was running at a speed close to the speed of sound. This speed would cause huge noise in the corridor, which is inevitable...

——He has no intention of hiding himself...

——Of course, then he is also ready to hit the line of fire head-on.

Deborah's eyes moved to the lighting equipment above the corridor.

Those devices were destroyed.

——That's right. If I were that knight, when facing a green forest organization whose transformation rate is not high enough, I would also choose to destroy the lighting equipment to block the shooting.

The naked eye will adjust the size of the pupil according to the surrounding lighting to determine the number of photons that enter the retina. When they suddenly enter a darker or brighter area, the eyes need to adapt.

Artificial eyes are not free from this problem. However, the sensitivity and tolerance limit of artificial eyes are higher than those of the naked eye - for example, artificial eyes can look directly at the sun without being injured. In most cases, prosthetic eye analysis

The optical signals can be easily understood by the biological brain after only a small amount of processing by the program.

Therefore, sudden change of ambient lighting is also a feasible tactic for prosthetic body versus human body, high transformation rate versus low transformation rate.

Deborah accelerated instantly. Her figure overlapped with "the estimated Xiangshan".

In front of him was a stream of bullets.

Deborah suddenly spun around and kicked off the wall. The impact lifted her up and hit her on the top of the corridor. She twisted her body, slapped her backhand, and fell straight to the ground. Then the counterattack accelerated again.

, rush forward.

This guy is like a pinball that moves weirdly, constantly accelerating, accelerating, accelerating...

Of course, with the bullets so densely packed, the guy couldn't avoid being shot. However, his "receptive" level was very high, and he seemed to control the bullets to hit his outer armor at a very large angle of incidence every time.

After several ups and downs, Deborah landed behind the bunker.

Several dead bodies lay on the ground.

"He didn't have time to collect these bodies... they should be in pristine condition."

"According to the angle of these corpses, he should be..."

Deborah turned around and stabbed with her fingers.


"If he chooses this move... then the prosthetic fingers he chooses are probably Longconi's, which have the function of a high-frequency sound generator."

Deborah turned the body over and found a wound on the back of the head.

The huge impact directly shattered the brain.

"The size is wrong and does not match the registration data of Longconi's prosthetic body in the sports meeting."

Carolina said: "Did you change the prosthetic body?"

Another warrior shook his head: "It shouldn't be so. The high-frequency sound generator is too restrictive. It must be effective in close combat. Before it works, it must repeatedly hit the opponent's outer armor to determine the shape of its metal crystals. This thing is very useful in ring combat.

The advantage is greater here. You may not like the wilderness and green forest."

Deborah nodded: "And according to the intelligence, there is no such person in Organization Z. It seems that the knight has certain engineering skills."

Zhang Xianchong nodded: "The combination of medicine and martial arts is indeed a chivalrous demeanor."

The warrior who spoke before said coldly: "You are just reckless. You speak like a famous hero but keep your mouth shut. I really don't know where you are from..."

Zhang Xianchong's eyes flashed red, and he was about to explode. But Deborah opened her hand to stop Zhang Xianchong: "Uncle Chui, don't be joking. Xianchong is now our companion, so why are you still so reckless? Having said that, what do you think of the fighting situation inside?


"It's amazing that 'Shan' has killed all the green forests in this village." "Uncle Chui" said in a low voice: "Dismantle the 'one to one hundred' into a hundred times of 'one to one', and use the internal strength to get close to you.

It's not difficult to do it under the circumstances. As long as you kill the 'Big Forklift' with one hit, it's not difficult."

"I don't think so." Zhang Xianchong shook his head: "The military martial arts of 'Big Forklift' are very open and close. If you don't care about the life and death of your companions, the accuracy requirements are very low. Maybe Xiangshan will take advantage of this and let 'Big Forklift'

'Crush the forklift regiment's formation."

"The Forklift Group is not stupid." Uncle Hammer said: "Although the heavy firepower of the 'Big Forklift' is not as good as the 'Serial Missile', it can still make people feel troublesome. Then Xiangshan must have taken down the Big Forklift with one move.

life--other than that, there is no better way to fight."

This chapter has been completed!
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