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Chapter 3 Gambling Agreement

One-third of Lu Xuanyu's sparring partners were directly invited to participate. As the competition approached, these people also left the Sports Science Research Center and began their own pre-match adjustments.

They are still Homo sapiens and do not have prosthetic hands and feet. They must control the training and rest before the game and ensure that they are at their peak condition the moment they take the stage.

And Lu Xuanyu's training pace also slowed down.

At this time, Lu Xuanyu began to realize how abnormal his crazy training this year was.

I rarely feel tired, and I don’t have to worry about getting hurt at all. I devote myself wholeheartedly to actual combat...

The only thing that limits his performance now is his "spirit".

There is no way to solve mental fatigue without side effects. Yawgmoth's laboratory can come up with many kinds of drugs to make people feel refreshed, but they can only drink poison to quench thirst, and cannot completely harmlessly prevent people from sleeping.


The mechanism of "sleep" is also very mysterious.

In addition to "sleeping", Lu Xuanyu has been exercising and practicing.

Unconsciously, he has become so strong.

So strong that he was a bit...

It feels unreal.

The next day, when Xiang Shan invited him to dinner, he still felt dizzy.

"Ah, now I feel like, 'So I am so strong'..." Xiang Shan smiled, "I hope this is not a side effect of the prosthetic transformation. You are a bit stupid."

While talking, he scooped up a large handful of diced vegetables with a spoon, stuffed them into his mouth and chewed them.

Xiangshan eats extremely healthily. In front of him is a large plate of vegetable salad. The various vegetables are freshly picked and washed, and the sauces that are paired with them are made on site by famous chefs. There are also a small amount of cooked sea shrimps, snow-white and bright.

The light red color blends perfectly. In addition, there is a stack of beef on his right hand, which is slowly roasted to the best heat and then sliced ​​into thin slices.

This meal seems simple, but if you really want to calculate it, a steak eaten by ordinary people may not be as expensive as the sauce on Xiangshan's plate.

But this is nothing compared to Lu Xuanyu.

The raw materials for the various dishes on the table in front of Lu Xuanyu are all laboratory products and are supplied to basic human consumption. There is no natural environment suitable for their growth on the earth, so we can only find ways to grow them industrially. From the main ingredients of chicken and beef to the auxiliary ingredients of ginger

Garlic is the same.

After these ingredients are introduced with foreign genetic fragments, not only the growth environment is changed, but also the nature and taste are changed. Several chefs have tasted some of them at the risk of metal poisoning before, and they have achieved such a flavor.


Of course, the portions of each are relatively small.

Although it has been a tacit truth for thousands of years that "people who practice martial arts have a big appetite", this does not hold true for Lu Xuanyu. Lu Xuanyu's appetite is not much larger than that of ordinary people.

Xiang Shan even often advised him to eat less. According to theory, the cell operation efficiency of the baseline human will reach a peak after "completely abandoning aerobic respiration" - and the lower the proportion of aerobic respiration in the energy supply, the lower the baseline human's cell operation efficiency will be.

The more powerful it becomes.

However, Lu Xuanyu has no plans to completely abstain from eating grains for the time being.

Moreover, after he finished the world's best martial arts competition, he had to cooperate with a series of promotional activities of Superman Enterprises. Among them was the part about "Lu Xuanyu feasting" to prove to the audience that standard people can also live a good life.


Although Xiang Shan has the idea of ​​​​"completely liberating agriculture," humans will still not get rid of diet in a short period of time. Perhaps in the future, "eating" will be a cultural activity similar to a religious experience.

Lu Xuanyu said: "I really...can't imagine it. Really...why am I so strong?"

"The amount of training." Xiang Shan rolled up a piece of beef, "Didn't you tell us a few months ago? Even if Bruce Lee is extremely talented, since he chose to become an actor to promote martial arts culture, so the actual combat experience and the amount of training

He must not be as tall as you—right."

"But...how many events have I practiced, including boxing, kicking, ground, and several types of equipment." Lu Xuanyu looked at the chopsticks in his hand, "This is really..."

“Don’t underestimate ‘communication’ and ‘technical assistance’.”

Xiang Shan said: "It only took Tyson four or five years from training to becoming a boxing champion at the age of 19. And during these four or five years, he still needs to exercise and rest. These,

You don't need anything. Your physical fitness is supported by science and technology, and you only need to consider technology. Your sparring partners are world-class from the beginning - neither Tyson nor Ali have this kind of treatment. And those you face every day

A small machine embodies the skills honed and perfected by human boxing champions.”

"Under such conditions, if you can't train to the level of a world boxing champion in one year, then I can only say that I have found the wrong person."

As he spoke, Xiang Shan chewed a prawn.

In fact, there are some factors that he did not mention in full. For example, Lu Xuanyu's extreme reaction speed. Even if Homo sapiens is gifted, it is impossible to reach this level. The phospholipids and proteins on the nerve cell membranes are intertwined to achieve this result.

.This is something that cannot be surpassed by hard work.

But Lu Xuanyu probably knew it well.

The two sides are already on different foundations.

Xiang Shan regretted: "It's a pity... The brain-computer interface is still very primitive. It is difficult to achieve the level of real-time interaction with a computer just by stuffing it into your skull. Otherwise, we can develop something similar to

Plug-ins such as force analysis..."

Lu Xuanyu was a little frightened: "Forgive me, boss, I really... I can't compare with you. You cultural people, scientists..."

He felt that if he had that kind of thing in his mind, it would probably only interfere with his performance.

Xiang Shan sighed regretfully.

If possible, he would like to install some AI as auxiliary plug-ins in his mind.

However, "fighting" is not a game like "Go" where all information is clear at a glance and all changes are displayed on the board. Go AI can pursue "only half an eye win" in exchange for excellent stability. But with "real martial arts"

Judging from the calculation results of 1", for the civil war between AI and AI, only "continuous suppression and attack to reduce the possibility of punching" can barely be regarded as the version answer.

AI's only battle is to "catch the flaw". But for human warriors, "catching the flaw" does not mean defeat.

There is also a very complex game relationship here.

Xiangshan felt that this might be a valuable research direction.

If mathematicians like Anatoly are interested in doing research, they may be able to produce some top results such as "Nash Equilibrium".

Xiang Shan was so convinced.

After Xiangshan finished eating, he asked, "How does it taste this time?"

Lu Xuanyu wiped his mouth: "It's delicious. I think... I am a wild boar who can't eat fine chaff. You'd better find a gourmet. Anyway, I can't distinguish the level of this time from the last time."


Xiang Shan nodded: "Whatever you think is fine. You can have a free day tomorrow. We will go to Bermuda the day after tomorrow."

The venue for the world's best martial arts conference is Bermuda - a capitalist heaven on earth.

Bermuda is nominally an overseas territory of the United Kingdom of Britannia. The nominal head of state is the King of Britannia and has no independent diplomatic power. Its national defense and security are ensured by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Its administration is


In a sense, it is a paradise built for capital by its many incarnations. Here, the power of capital is most affirmed.

Naturally, it is also most suitable for superhuman enterprises to play.

In theory, there are many places like the Cayman Islands. But Bermuda has another advantage - it was once the favorite venue of the "Unsolved Mysteries" series, and it's very gimmicky.

Lu Xuanyu breathed a sigh of relief.

The day has finally arrived.

Two days later, Lu Xuanyu took his wife to the airport together. Xiang Shan, Zhu Xinyu, Yawgmoth, and Chen Feng were all present. This made him a little nervous.

"I didn't expect that everyone actually planned to go to the competition venue in person..."

"You don't know yet?" Xiang Shan smiled, "Mr. Yawgmoth is going to sit in the commentary box. He is the most famous scientist and can be used to increase attention. The most important thing is that he

Responsible for the trash talk session - I know you don't like to talk harshly, so there are no media interviews or anything like that. He will cover it for you. It just so happens that this guy has a bad mouth."

Then he pointed at Zhu Xinyu: "This person is responsible for the maintenance and adjustment of your prosthetic body. He is also responsible for safety matters."

"And Lao Chen, he is just joining in the fun. Don't pay attention to him."

Lu Xuanyu nodded.

Xiang Shan pressed his upper body closer and put a hand on Lu Xuanyu's shoulder: "I feel like you're not nervous enough now... Speaking of which, do you know what I'm here to do?"

"Ah...I don't know."

"Business talks." Xiang Shan said, "In the middle of this competition, many manufacturers will come to me to discuss cooperation. In addition, the two cooperative companies that have received invitation letters have also signed gambling agreements with me.

——Just based on your competition results."

Lu Xuanyu was stunned for a moment: "Ah?"

"So, work hard, Lao Lu." Xiang Shan smiled, as if he was making a harmless joke, "Your fists carry a heavier weight than you think!"

Zhu Xinyu kicked him from behind: "Don't make such a joke!"

"Sorry, sorry..." Xiang Shan said and turned around.

When they travel now, they no longer need to wait for a plane. And Lu Xuanyu really has a hard time passing the security inspection.

Not long ago, Superman Enterprises purchased its own aircraft.

Lu Xuanyu was a little dizzy until the plane took off.

It's not like I'm plane sick.

According to what he has learned about Xiang Shan in the past two years, what Xiang Shan said just now may not be all a joke...

It's possible... it's true...


At least get back 3k...

This chapter has been completed!
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