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Chapter 13 Discussion and Identity

Cyber ​​Heroes Chapter 13 Discussion and Identity

"Dharma protector level..."

This new information once again made Ran Cheng C feel suffocated. The leader of the Six Dragons Sect lowered his head and asked, "Is it... Zhihu Dharma?"

Under normal circumstances, the various members of the Six Dragons Cult will not know each other's existence. Some individuals have formal status in the Scientific Research Knights, and there are also some guardians who have their own names in the martial arts world. But they openly

Public identity rarely has any connection with private identity.

But Zhili Riptide is a rare exception. Among the martial arts factions of the Six Dragons Sect, "Zhili Riptide" is a representative. His martial arts are very high, which is simply unimaginable for ordinary people. In the ghostly metal

In the aerosol, he harvests the enemy's movements, which is the nightmare of many people.

Many Six Dragon Sect members have received online guidance from Zhihu Fa, or have obtained Zhihu Fa practice data. Although many people’s understanding of Zhihu Fa is limited to this name.

Some members of the Six Dragon Sect even believe that if Zhili Jiliu continues to improve his martial arts, he may become the next Dharma King before "a certain juncture" - he has this potential.

Many members of the Six Dragon Sect who know him think so.

But now, Zhili Jiliu and others are gone, folded on the earth.

Even if Shihufa uses an ordinary prosthetic body, as long as he doesn't forcefully attack the enemies of the first level, there should be no problem.

In most cases, facing a high-ranking military attaché from the First World, Zhihufa should be able to at least escape. In many cases, counterattack is possible.

Now, the leader of the Six Dragons Sect finally knows the truth of the matter.

The future Dharma King unexpectedly met the twelve warrior gods who had not yet walked the earth in their true name.

Youki nodded: "Zhi Li Riliu. That's right his name. His Xuanwu Zhengang is really powerful, even the God of War thinks it's powerful."

Anyway, Xiangshan really plans to share the name of Zhili Riliu online along with his martial arts works, so he will naturally mention the name of Zhihu Dharma to his disciples.

Ran Cheng C was very sad when he heard that Youji naturally reported the full name of Zhihufa and his proud martial arts.

What this young knight said is true.

The banner leader of the Six Dragons Sect sighed: "Even a warrior as great as Zhihu Dharma cannot keep his own memory files..."

Many key information of the Six Dragons Sect are not recorded by the system, but are forcibly recorded by the biological brain. By strongly activating the hippocampus, specific information can be memorized extremely deeply - just the opposite of the process of suppressing the hippocampus. The related technology is also very


People nowadays can selectively "remember what" or "not remember what".

This is also the reason why Xiangshan didn't find much useful information about the Six Dragons Sect after he obtained the memory of Zhihu Dharma.

As for the Holy Master, firstly, the Holy Master was a pure AI without a biological brain, and secondly, Xiangshan used hostages. The Holy Master did not dare to delete the information in his mind rashly, fearing to quarrel with Xiangshan. This is why Xiangshan obtained

A lot of information about the Six Dragons Cult.

Speaking of this, Youki couldn't help but think of his master.

The memories in his master's mind have also been classified. He took the initiative to free up a large amount of "memories of event content" and copied his experiences to electronic devices for storage. The biological brain is specially used to memorize knowledge and martial arts.


But in fact, this is a result achieved through long training, repeated forgetting and learning.

This is not the case with the Six Dragons Sect. They process memory directly, and the entire process can be almost seamlessly connected with the behavior of "converting short-term memory into long-term memory".

"One Step to Become an Immortal"

Moreover, they will strongly remember their "judgment" and "conclusion" about something. But Xiangshan has many flaws in this aspect. Before regaining his memory, he lacked this kind of "certainty".

Xiangshan's compilation and summary of his own memories basically relied on "experience" and forced his way out of the way.

Yuki asked a few more questions about this matter to confirm more details.

For the Six Dragons Sect, this was not confidential information. The shaken Ran Cheng C told Yuki something without resisting too much.

That memory must be handed over according to regulations. The Six Dragons Sect also stipulates that the flag leader must re-experience this memory twice a year. This date is not fixed, but the interval must be greater than four months. Every year

Before the next "experience day", a dedicated person will return the memory storage file to allow flag owners to build confidence again.

Yuki showed a subtle expression: "This...is it a bit like Green Forest? The specific content of your memories that were collected is not important at all? As long as it can make the people below have confidence?"

Probably because of past experiences, Yuki has always hated Green Forest.

If Xiang Shan were here, he would probably praise him for "being able to grasp the key points", and probably also think about "if the collective memory of killings is also separated in this way, can we get a more peaceful green forest?" and so on.

The Guardian of the Six Dragons Sect shook his head and said disdainfully: "Huh, it's completely different. Although I don't remember it, I can be sure that those memories must be my own and personal experience. It's like after a stone breaks, two pieces

The lines of the gravel bite together, and I know this is my memory..."

"Hiss..." Yuki thought, "I think your metaphor can be more modern, such as 'those memory files contain my own signature code' or something like that..."

This is also Xiang Shan's metaphor. Xiang Shan often laughs at himself, saying that the memories he left behind are not very clean and contain a lot of "impurities". He extracts signature codes from those "impurities", such as the memory of knowledge, and compares them with the outside world.

By comparing memories like this, we can probably tell whether the subject of the memory is himself.

By the way, this metaphor is not very accurate. Xiangshan's personal experience has also proved that "personality" is often something that a certain person abstracts from all the behaviors of a human individual and summarizes it as something that "probably exists".

The boundary of the concept of "Xiangshan" is very unclear. Many memories do not belong to Xiangshan from the perspective of information sources, but from a metaphysical perspective, they can be considered part of Xiangshan.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is how most of the Martial Gods came to be.

Ran Cheng C didn't speak, he just lowered his head.

Youji said: "Then you should think about it carefully. I will go out first."

He knew that in this state, it would be difficult to ask for more information. Although Ran Cheng C's defenses were broken, he was still a member of the Six Dragons Sect. He wanted to get enough money from him at once.

information is still very difficult.

Drugs such as confessional agents can force the brain to recall part of the "experience", or even more accurately "recall experiences that the brain feels are reliable." However, this does not mean that "the experience obtained by the confessional agent is actually reliable."

Moreover, people who have achieved some success in their internal skills can deliberately guide part of their thinking activities and tell virtual things as if they are real.

Arresting people on a large scale and administering truth serum cannot actually effectively identify Jianghu people.

This is one of the things Yuki learned after the Battle of Jayhawk City.

For a master of Ran Cheng C's level, the effect of Veritaserum is not that good.

You have to wait for him to calm down before continuing - it depends on whether he rebuilds his psychological defense, or if he breaks the defense, he breaks the pot on his own.

This all takes time.

And after knowing that Master and the others were not only safe, but even won the battle, Yuki had nothing to be anxious about.

He has no shortage of time now.

As soon as Yuki exited the virtual space, he clenched his fists in a gesture of excitement. The news that his relatives and friends were safe was more important to him than anything else.

Then when he looked up, he saw a dark crowd of people around him.

The former apprentices of the Picosi sect surrounded this room. It was dark and full of people. Moreover, the scientific knight apprentices also had the tradition of using human faces as reliefs on their heads. Many apprentices have retained this


In a sense, it's a bit scary.

Yuki was startled by those pierced eyes, and almost got into a fistfight. Then he realized that many scientific knight apprentices have visual organs on their shoulders or chests.

The head of the Picosi faction led Zhewei Song out in two steps and held Yuki's hand tightly: "Little brother... my brother! It's so hard for you to hide it from us!"

"I...this...actually I didn't think about it..."

"You said you didn't hide it from us? Aren't you really connected with the Twelfth Martial God?"

Yuki immediately said: "My master is only connected with that force, but he is not a knight from the North, and he has never... at least not been to the Arctic Circle in the past hundred years. I am really not a knight from the North.

.I didn’t lie. Really. And I really didn’t want to hide it from you. Look, didn’t I live broadcast it just now?”

"That's right, that's right." Yin Zhewei was at a loss for words, "Then you have a certain status in the world, right?"

"In a sense, it's true..."

"That's great!" Yinzhewei shook Youki's arm vigorously, "For the dozens of us, if we want to gain a foothold in the world, it all depends on you... We are new to the industry, and we don't know anything.


Youki scratched his head: "Actually, I'm here too..."

It's a pity that he didn't even officially leave the army, he was the type who was beaten by the enemy and escaped from the army.

"That's so fateful, isn't it? When you first came out of the world, you met us who were new to the world." Yin Zhewei was even more happy: "It's fate! It's all fate!"

Yuki nodded: "Yes, it's quite fate..."

Yinzhewei let go of Youki's hand and waved around, indicating that the other former apprentices could leave.

But it was obvious that other former apprentices would get it wrong one after another - there must be some who would intentionally get it wrong. They swarmed up and asked, "Are you following the Twelfth Valkyrie?" "You?"

Have you ever seen the twelfth Martial God?" "You are not a disciple of the legendary Martial God, are you? Although it is unlikely that he is a direct disciple, you should be considered a disciple, right?"

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