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Chapter 42: How to survive in the asteroid belt

The Legend of Cyber ​​Heroes Chapter 42: How to Survive in the Asteroid Belt

——At that time, I was still young after all.

Tu Xiangshan thought so.

At that time, Xiang Shan always felt that cyber warriors were a very low cost-effective thing.

The advantages brought by "attack power", "attack distance" and "quantity" are indelible. The more technology develops, the more powerful the party with the technological advantage becomes.

The importance of "people" continues to decrease in war, while the importance of "weapons" continues to increase.

Instead of spending a huge amount of money to train a thousand cyber warriors, it is better to buy hundreds of tactical missiles. If facing the enemy head-on, a thousand cyber warriors may not be able to defeat hundreds of tactical missiles - in the 21st century

By mid-level standards.

In other words, Li Zheyuan’s game must have reached a level of over 100,000 points...

By the way, Xiangshan actually feels that in the original training program, once the score exceeds 50,000, any higher score is just a matter of luck and a simple "score gain." The maximum number of points you can get depends entirely on you.

Sometimes the mistakes are so big that even the "turnaround expert AI" can't save them. It's a matter of luck.

In the end, Xiangshan wasn't beaten out. He was tired of racking up points and planned to control an integer of 129,600 points, which is equal to one yuan. In the end, he failed to control it well and ended up with an extra 33 points.

At that time, Xiangshan was already the "top" individual. Before his transformation, he could be called a Homo sapiens individual with intelligence far above the average. After his transformation, he worked tirelessly on self-training and explored the potential of the "cognitive revolution"

Path, enhance one's consciousness.

At that time, Xiang Shan felt that this was the end of the road for cyber warriors, and even if it developed further, it would only be limited in strength compared to what he was at that time.

Not as good as a gun, not as good as a bomb.

"But...tsk, if it was Teacher Jing, maybe he would have understood it from the beginning."

In fact, the "human" element in war has always existed, but the form of existence has changed.

The more powerful the military force is, the more it needs the support of a strong economic entity. And a strong economic entity comes from the common imagination of the people.

It is true that the "person holding the gun" is becoming less and less important, but the "person making the gun" and "the person maintaining the gun" are more important than in the past.

A foolish monarch who has lost all the support of the people will not be able to obtain a strong army. Even if the army is forcibly recruited, those armies will only become the ignition of rebellion, riots and revolution.

The fall of the Later Jin Dynasty should have demonstrated this to every Central Plains person.


Xiang Shan, the chairman of Superman Enterprises, is a "strong man" and a true "ruling class representative".

In his eyes, the power of cyber warriors is of course weak and cannot compare to the missiles bought with money.

The price/performance ratio is too low.

Only after everything was stolen from him and he became a "weak" did he realize the "possibility" hidden in this technology.


Artillery, giant ships, fighter planes, tanks, and fleets of missiles all require a large amount of resources and a complete industrial system. Cutting-edge weapons require special resources. These things cannot be hidden and are easy to monitor. It is impossible for the weak to take them.

This kind of thing comes out.

And what is needed for cyber martial arts?

When getting started, what it needs is "information" - something that in an era of widespread information technology, the cost is infinitely close to 0. The computing resources for tempering martial arts algorithms are the best things to recruit and steal.

When it is more advanced, you may need some drugs that can have specific effects on the brain.

It only requires a batch of spores, some petri dishes, and some kitchen utensil-level utensils, and anyone can make it at home (the era when Superman Enterprises still existed).

Perhaps spores, samples and the like have to be delivered at risk by people. But at least the risk of delivering these things is much less than circulating weapons.

After taking this step, it’s time to “grab”.

Starting from the grassroots fighting force under the tyrant's command, we fought again and again and captured again and again.

Until it can control an area and become a deterrent "guerrilla force".

Oh, no, the cyber warrior also needs a little something else.

Well, it's just a brain, a sense of self, and a life.

For human beings, the difficulty of acquisition is infinitely close to zero, and it is just that the difficulty of repeated acquisition is infinite.

——Hahaha, maybe there are scientists somewhere who are studying how to obtain it repeatedly... In other words, I can be regarded as obtaining it repeatedly, right?

Tu Xiangshan laughed at himself.

Cyber ​​Martial Arts is just that. For the ruling class, it is a low cost-effective thing, nothing more.

No one could have imagined that the fire of resistance had been burning for more than two hundred years, and that personal violence would have reached this point today.

Anyway, it's just...very strange.

On the side, Li Zheyuan was still yelling. Asga kicked him. Jeanne, on the other hand, was kinder and just turned off her hearing.

Li Zheyuan probably felt a huge sense of uneasiness because he was captured this time. The reason why he started to increase his points was mainly because he wanted to master a little bit of personal force.

Thinking of this, Zuo Xiangshan found it funny.

The "True Martial Arts" series, which is an upgraded version of the original training program, can at best be regarded as the training method of Homo sapiens martial artists. Any modern cyber warrior who comes here can gain unlimited points.

Just like professional athletes in the 21st century do not need to follow ancient training methods, for modern cyber warriors, this kind of training is just a tool to gain unlimited points.

Everyone doesn’t practice this at the beginning. Everyone has a better training plan.

Li Zheyuan...

I don't know if it's because I've never been exposed to real martial arts, or...

This is the only training method he knows, and Xiangshan has also used it. He only relies on this method to achieve the feeling of "I am better than Xiangshan when I started" to comfort himself.

Comparing "starting" with a person who is crossing the river by feeling for stones...

Tsk tsk.

After Li Zheyuan calmed down a little, Asjia began to retrieve the received information.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! This is a service she purchased. In Wuer City, there will be a signal tower that broadcasts designated content to the designated airspace.

Asga has built a system on the Internet. It is said that the function is similar to an ancient mythological technology called RSS, which can aggregate and filter information from specific information sources. The information sources Asga selected include several large-scale

Communication websites, self-media of information dealers, specific public web chat rooms, etc. In addition, she also prepared two or three mailboxes. Some friends, or people who have had mutual assistance arrangements, will regularly send some information they think is important to them.

These mailboxes. An AI will download the content through a public springboard and then send it to the owner of the signal tower. After the information is simply encrypted, it will be broadcast to specific airspace regularly.

Because this is an asteroid belt, there is a lack of infrastructure construction, and the signal is very weak. On average, only a few bytes can be transmitted per second, and it can only be downloaded in one direction.

Before Asga ran away, she bought this service specifically. This was a way of survival taught to her by her partners in the chamber of commerce. For modern knights who rely on intelligence to survive, "hiding in the jungle" is certainly a way.

But blindly avoiding, resulting in loss of information, is not far from death.

Although purchasing this service will expose the relative position between you and the signal tower, that's all. The signal tower will only specify a position according to the service requirements. That range is very large. Compared with the benefits, this risk

Not worth mentioning.

After waiting for the download to complete, Asgard starts

"Oh, don't tell me, the news this time is quite explosive..." Asjia whispered.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"The news from Lao Jin..." Asgard said, "comes from the Earth. There is a knight organization on the Earth that has established a signal station on the sea. When it reaches an area separated by an Earth from the Star Fleet, it will float up and then move towards

The deep space broadcast signals are all in clear text. The electromagnetic signals directly crossed the barrier set up by King Agni, were decrypted by the lurkers in the space city, and were directly uploaded to the outside of the earth's local area network."

"The Twelfth Martial God has joined forces with the chivalrous organizations on Earth and has destroyed several of Earth's protector bases. Now there is a big commotion in Africa on Earth. In addition..."

Asga was stunned for a moment.

Jeanne said: "What else?"

"'Flower of Tongues' Kanyuan Yanye... is a key member of the Six Dragons Sect. He left the earth a few months ago. He is considering planetary orbits, perhaps a space city between the orbits of Mars or Venus..."

Jeanne felt an impulse. She couldn't help but raise her hand and said something she hadn't thought of: "What did you say?"

Zhu Xiangshan rarely does this. Even if he wants to "switch driving" with Jeanne, he will bring it up first. And even if he speaks to Xiangshan, he will modify the parameters of the synthesizer in advance and change the voice.

Asga was even used to this kind of thing. In her mind, Zuo Xiangshan could not speak with Jeanne's voice.

But Zuo Xiangshan couldn't care about this at this moment. He asked loudly: "What did you say? The information just now... Kanyuan Yanye, what?"

"Why are you so excited...Are you Xiangshan?" Asjia screamed.

Li Zheyuan immediately turned off all active functions of One Eye and tried his best to reduce his sense of presence.

He probably knew who Kanhara Yanha was. He had met Kanhara Yanha several times when he was working as Xiangshan's secretary and right-hand man.

This is really... information that can make Xiang Shan furious...

——The same goes for the Twelve Gods of War... He actually exposed the information about his adopted daughter and beloved disciple like this... without any thought of covering it up...

small book booth

——Trampling on the respect and love of others in this way...

Li Zheyuan said in his heart.

They had not seen Kanhara Yanye since she became a knight. However, it is conceivable that she fought with Xiangshan all the way until the huge Leviathan collapsed to the ground. The twists and turns of this process will definitely create an incomparable character.


In addition to being invincible against time, there should be nothing that can trample it.

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