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Chapter 62 New clues

"It's been really rough these days..." When Lao Jin contacted me again, his tone was worried.

The address where he made the appointment was a virtual chat room provided by the Chamber of Commerce, which leaves no access records. It is very safe to speak here.

This time, I heard some bad news.

"This incident has affected the drug market." Zhen said, "Several small forces raided two drug dealers, and then one of them suddenly revealed an expert beyond the records, and in turn killed at least two people.

Human appearance."

The "small forces" mentioned by Zhong include an intelligence agency that Jeanne fished before. That intelligence agency is considered a force, but it is quite special. It is essentially a "same type of internal power interest research association".

It is an organization where people with similar non-mainstream inner strength cultivation tendencies get together to make trouble. They get together simply because they like to study the application direction of inner strength. But when they get together, they have such a big force.

After that, I wanted to "do something", so I took a part-time job as an "information dealer".

Internal skills specialized in the direction of "understanding human beings" have unique advantages in investigation.

They themselves didn't plan to swallow up the information Jeanne gave them. They planned to bring together two organizations of a similar nature, and then cooperate to spy on more information and make more money.

Then, they encountered a strong counterattack from the Six Dragons Sect.

The intensity of the Six Dragons Sect's reaction exceeded their expectations.

Asjia nodded: "Yes, it does happen. It has a lot to do with the Six Dragons Sect."

"Sure enough, you guys have caused some serious trouble." Zhen shook his head, "Be careful. I have obtained several video records. You can study it yourself. The martial arts are very high, so high that I can't understand them."

Asga was startled: "That's not true, right? He's much taller than you? His guarantee is also a level higher? Unless he specializes in external martial arts, he doesn't practice anything else..."

At this time, she received several documents, which were in the format of visual memory.

"See for yourself."

Asga muttered: "This is unreasonable... Don't ordinary first-level warriors rarely use their weak bodies?"

This is an "instinct" thing. After adapting to a powerful prosthetic body, people will inevitably have a psychological gap when using a weak prosthetic body. Without a powerful prosthetic body, people will easily feel that they have lost

The grasp of the surroundings and oneself has lost some kind of psychological support. It is like a person who is accustomed to unnatural senses and suddenly turns off detection instruments such as radar, and will feel that the world is very "weird".

The prosthetic body that supports warriors to cross the first level of the world integrates the most advanced technology of the era, has many detection functions that far exceed the innate senses, and has an endless supply of nuclear power.

When Asgard was still in the training camp, he met several senior officers. Before those senior officers were promoted, they generally had several prosthetic bodies that could be used for different occasions, and there were even ones specially used to fulfill the obligation of sacred reproduction.

Bionic prosthetic body. However, after promotion, their biological brain will almost never leave their strongest prosthetic body, and other bodies are often controlled remotely using signals.

Or simply simulate material enjoyment in the virtual space.

Those first-level warriors are generally unwilling to leave their own prosthetic bodies.

However, the two Six Dragon Sect first-level warriors she has met so far are not taboo about this kind of thing.

This is very strange.

It seems that for them, the uneasiness caused by "leaving a powerful body" can be directly ignored.

"But judging from the dark figure who left, this mysterious master who left could not fit his prosthetic body into the reactor," said Jin. "He either didn't use his prosthetic body, or he only practiced external skills, and nothing else.


"Then I'd rather believe that he didn't use his main prosthetic body." Asgard said, "It's even rarer to become so strong in one skill alone than in the first level itself."

"So here's the puzzle," said Dip, "why on earth would they want to do this?"

"Are you worried?"

"They...maybe unexpectedly have ideals." Jin raised his head, "People with ideals can conquer their own fears. I don't know how to describe it, but...I started to think that the Six Dragons Sect might be scary.


Asgard said: "Have ideals? Isn't it amazing?"

"I don't know, I've never seen such a person." Jin shook his head, "In this hellish era and in this hellish place, ideals can't be sold for money. I don't know what kind of people are ideal. My mother's

Crazy elders may also be people with ideals...I don’t know how to describe them.”

His mother's elders wanted to train his mother to become a martial god, but later gave up on this idea.

Asjia smiled: "In that case, I have to consider running away... I really don't want to compete with a madman."

Di sighed: "Do they have any grudge against you?"

"Why do you ask?"

"From my observation, if you said that with such an attitude, it means that you intend not to take a step back and will not leave even if you die." Di said, "I still understand this."

Asga sighed: "They killed my friends, many friends. There was one who was two hundred years old... I can't tell if there was anyone who was two hundred years old who told me that I now have severe post-traumatic stress disorder.

——For that matter. For me, if I don’t fight those bastards from the Six Dragon Sect, I’m afraid I will fall asleep and have nightmares for the rest of my life. Before killing the people who directly hurt my past friends, I

I will never quit."

Zhen thought thoughtfully: "You used to be a ranger in the anti-Valkyrie force... I thought about it carefully. Apart from the 10th Valkyrie's annihilation of the anti-Valkyrie force, the most famous collective annihilation of this unit should be the one on the moon.

, suffered from the clear understanding of King Agni..."

Asga stared at him: "I heard that your behavior would be considered an offense to me in the old days?"

"Sure enough." Baptist said: "Is the Six Dragons Sect involved in this matter?"

Asga sighed. She didn't want to talk about this at all.

"I don't know a lot of inside information, but this incident shows that the Six Dragons Sect's level of trouble can even involve the lunar forces... Before that incident, the king originally wanted to rebuild the Anti-Martial God Army, right? Because

This, the Martial God's army has never been rebuilt, and then until he heard about the twelfth Martial God..."

Asjia stood up: "This has nothing to do with you, right? Lao Zhen? It's boring to talk about this, I'm offline."

"Wait a minute." Jin shook his head: "The Hemo Society is also in the pharmaceutical business, so we have gathered some more information here. I hope it will be useful to you."

Asga then sat down again.

"The two drug dealers who were taken away both provided some drugs for internal strength cultivation." Di Jin tapped his finger on the table: "Then, after their accident, we received some calls for help. Those two drug dealers

It seems that some companies provide newly developed drugs to some customers for free in the name of "clinical trial volunteers", and leave their contact information for them to explore regularly to confirm the actual effect of their drugs... I doubt those people

There is a 'gu'."

This chapter has been completed!
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