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Chapter 74: Delay and Change of Family

After the Stone Guardian rushed to a supply point, he immediately replaced the damaged hands and feet. These supply points were all in the form of lock boxes, scattered throughout the city, hidden among inconspicuous waste.

"Setting up supply points" is an art in itself. It is what a knight must do after coming to a city. Bury the supplies that may be needed as much as possible, and then use them to fight and retreat during mobile operations.

Get supplies at any time.

Even cheating individuals like the God of War who can obtain supplies from the enemy while fighting can also obtain necessary assistance from such supply points.

Of course, supplies that are not used up in a battle can also be shared with other familiar knights.

There are a large number of such supply boxes in every city controlled by the patrons. This is also a practice left over from the Wuzu era. Knights help each other in this way.

Ah, of course, leaving a supply point in this way means that there is a risk that your supplies will be taken away with the box and its contents.

How to hide your supply points is also a skill.

The Six Dragons Sect has been cultivating in Chaldea for several years and has already been prepared for this.

Even if a large number of people and confidential storage equipment are evacuated, these supply points that must be opened with specific verification methods will not be evacuated directly. The next batch of Six Dragon Cult members who come to Chaldea can continue to use these reserve materials.


After casually replacing his prosthetic limbs, replenishing propellant fuel and ammunition, the Stone Protector then wrapped himself in a dark dust-proof cloth, and welded special decorative parts to his face - similar to a mask made of several modules.

This can be regarded as a little trick. Although the faces of prosthetic people are not natural at all, most people really start to observe others from their faces. This is an instinct engraved in DNA, and it cannot be easily overcome.

. And the easiest way to transform yourself is to add decorative parts to your face, which can avoid at least 70% of manual inspections.

But soon, Protector Stone stopped.

From a distance, he saw a tall figure with fire flashing behind him, approaching quickly.

Judging from the specifications of the prosthetic body, it should be Li Like, one of the seven guardians of Chaldea.

He is a genuine first-level heavenly warrior. After replacing his own prosthetic body, Protector Stone was very confident that he could defeat that guy. However, if he did not exchange for his prosthetic body of first-level heaven, he would beat him with the rags he now has. Nine times out of ten, Protector Stone would be defeated.

He will be killed on the spot.

The space city is another closed environment.

——Damn it, why is this guy patrolling the streets...

——According to the pattern of secret testing over the years, what I did before was not enough to alarm the guardians...


"Absolute, absolutely amazing." Asgard looked at the map and gave Jeanne a thumbs up: "I bought some shops, blew them up myself, and then framed them for the Six Dragons Sect, making the Chaldean officials think that the Six Dragons Sect was too much.

, so we simply closed the road? That’s ridiculous.”

She stood opposite Jeanne and clapped her hands: "It's just, sister, have you ever considered that the funds for those shops you bought are the only amount we have left."...

Jeanne pressed her forehead and said to herself that the world's richest man actually thinks like this. He deserves to be the richest man...

The Six Dragons Sect showed great restraint and only carried out two counter-attacks without killing indiscriminately. This shows that their ideas are quite simple. They just want to get a short respite while the Chaldeans are still alive. Escape immediately before you have accumulated enough strength.

Then they might as well make the matter even bigger.

Half an hour after the news about Jeanne's battle with the Six Dragons Cult master flooded the screen, more "Six Dragons Cult explosions" were revealed. Since more than one person saw the shattered limbs nearby, it was initially speculated that The death toll should be quite high.

Just go to the garbage dump to pick up some unrecycled junk prosthetics.

Zu Xiangshan also left a series of signals to show his identity very simply and neatly. These include "The situation is irreversible, the six dragons will turn to the sky carriage", "I want to attract the six dragons, and I will hang the fuso when I return to the carriage", "The six dragons will make sacrifices for the common people again" "I can't bear to grind my teeth."

Since the Liulong Sect most likely designed this set of cultural activities for Xiangshan, we can only say that Zhu Xiangshan’s imitation is quite original.

Asgard was even asked to play the role of "an innocent passerby killed in the street by the Six Dragons Cult."

This combination of punches directly triggered a panic frenzy, and even the first-level warriors of Chaldea had to come forward to maintain order.

"The best result is that the management of Chaldea completely lowers the gates between different areas and isolates them physically. However, everyone knows that this momentum is not realistic. After all, this is a city with piles of debris, and the cracks and unknowns are There are secret passages everywhere.”

This is still just a delaying tactic.

Just as the Six Dragons Sect needs to temporarily scare the pursuers, Jeanne also needs to temporarily frighten the Six Dragons Sect.

He needed to buy time to wait for a reply. Waiting for little Sandler's reply.

The last time she met with Little Sandelier, the guardian of Myr City, Jeanne rejected the other party's solicitation. The main reason was that the secret that Jeanne carried was too big, not even Myr City or even the entire neutral city-state could contain it. In addition, she was suffering from a terminal illness and did not have much time left, so she refused to be recruited by Wuer City.

However, since the group of people successfully left Wu'er City, there is no possibility of the other party forcing anyone to stay. Jeanna can then contact them boldly with confidence.

Naturally, it is also through the channel of the Hemo Society. The Hemo Society has a stable communication channel with Wuer and can talk to the residents of Wuer City. Jeanne asked the Hemo Society to allow her to borrow this communication channel. Pass the message layer by layer to little Sandriel.

For the Hemo Society, "getting on the line with little Sandriel" is the best reward.

Relying on the trust gained from little Sandelier, Jeanne also told the story of the Six Dragons Cult in Chaldea.

The last time the Six Dragon Sect caused a big mess in Wu'er City, Wu'er City was very hostile to the Six Dragon Sect.

Hearing that there was an opportunity to create trouble for the Six Dragons Sect, little Sandelier immediately decided to help Jeanna create a bridge.

However, due to the astonishing delay between the two space cities...

Little Sandiel should still be on a conference call with the Guardian of Chaldea.

Jeanne is waiting anxiously.

Soon, she received news from Wuer City.

Chaldea has agreed to assist Jeanna and her group.

Here, little Sandelier's face is particularly useful.

Xiang Shan laughed in Jeanne's heart and said: "The task has been overfulfilled now. They are even willing to send troops to set up checkpoints at each passage. Now, we have to do the last thing."

Try to stay one step ahead of your opponents and find out the most important first-level prosthetic body.

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