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Chapter 81 Intensification

Li Like's head was on fire as he gritted his teeth and sent the message: "So do we still want to thank you?"

There was no answer from the other party.

Li Like said: "You did attack the members of Chaldea, right?"

The stalker said: "There is a reason for everything. Please believe us. It is closely related to the fight against the Six Dragons Cult."

"No matter how much you argue, you can't change the fact that you attacked our department." Li Like said: "Now you still have a chance. I will give you three minutes to give me a reasonable explanation. Otherwise, I will directly

Take military counterattack."

There was silence over there.

Li Like began to think about all the possibilities. If the stalker is placed in an "innocent" position, then the most likely possibility is that... there is something wrong with the members of Chaldea. It is said that except for Tila Li

In addition, several people were also with them. The surveillance can prove this.

If those people are all Six Dragon Cult...

——No, it’s not very likely.

If this is really the case, the stalker can tell it directly and show evidence.

So what else could it be? There were members of the Six Dragons Sect among them, and then the undercover Six Dragons Sect caused some kind of misunderstanding?

Li Like held his head and shook his head gently.

The recent intensification of the turmoil in the Six Dragons Sect has indeed affected his thinking. Before everything is clear, he should not casually suspect that his subordinates are from the Six Dragons Sect.

He gave the order. Above his head, two electromagnetic guns pressed forward ten meters.

In this gravity-free environment, the trajectory of a thermal weapon is approximately straight.

He didn't know that on the opposite side, Asjia had already clenched his fists: "Okay! It's done now! Three minutes should be enough. After three minutes, Xiangshan will negotiate. Call it a day!"

Her mission has been successfully completed, and she even has a surplus.


Before Jeanne entered the preparation device, she had already used compound drugs on herself, which inhibited part of her neural network and amplified the activity of another part.

The existence of Jeanne and Xiangshan is not "two independent thinking organs". The two of them share a considerable part of the organs, and this part of the shared organs is currently difficult to imitate by technical means. In other words, if they are separated by surgery

If so, we can only get a Jeanne plus a tumor that cannot think, or a complete tumor Xiangshan, and a few isolated brain tissue samples.

Jeanne and Ru Xiangshan share many parts.

But this time, under the influence of the drug, Jeanne had a wonderful illusion. She felt like an "invisible object" (people in this era lacked understanding of metaphysical concepts such as "soul") and was expelled.

She came out and floated to a certain position behind her. She could feel the inflow of information and the connection between signals and perception.

A massive amount of electronic signals poured in. This was a power unique to the Yitian Prototype.

For this kind of prosthetic body, many key parts can produce a magnetic levitation effect, and there is no direct contact between the parts. The magnetic field that runs through the entire frame can share the force at a faster speed or remove the force from the body.

Mobilize strength.

Without a reactor, it would be difficult to have energy for such a prosthetic body to operate for a long time.

The tens of thousands of sensing units distributed throughout the body can keenly sense changes in these magnetic fields. This feeling is even more detailed in magnetic levitation joints.

It was as if a person who was born with a slow sense of touch had been replaced with a body that was sensitive. When she faced this feeling for the first time, her brain became overwhelmed and had no time to process the information.

It is said that many warriors train both internally and externally in the early stage just to train their brain's information processing ability in advance so that they can control this prosthetic body after entering this stage. There are not a few warriors who are overwhelmed by the excessive information of advanced prosthetic bodies.

Physical senses simply cannot compare.

However, another magical force guides all of this. He is very proficient in using meditation to regulate brain neural activity, and using plug-ins written on the spot to guide the mapping of perception and massive information.

——This is nothing.

Zuo Xiangshan told her this. For Zuo Xiangshan, he has already possessed all the qualities to control this prosthetic body. Even if the incomplete memory erases too many memories, as long as those basic qualities are still there, he can regain his ability.


He had successfully controlled the prosthetic body the moment it came into contact with it.

A creature larger than an elephant can keenly feel dandelion seeds floating around.

Jeanne felt like she was buried up to her chest by floating soil.

Then, Xiangshan turned on the radar.

More data poured in from the outside world, overwhelming Jeanne.

Then, Xiangshan exclaimed: "I'll strangle you."


The countdown passed by minute by second. Li Rick found that there was no movement from the opponent, and he suddenly became a little anxious. He waved his hand and asked a pair of artillerymen to press forward again, hoping to put some pressure on the opponent.

Then he tilted his head sharply.

Dozens of rockets less than half a meter long rushed over and attacked the electromagnetic gun troops. The turret on Li Lik's shoulder rotated and opened fire immediately. Dozens of bullets were fired, but due to the caliber limit, only three rockets were detonated.


Fortunately, he had already warned the artillerymen. Those soldiers did not hesitate to use displacement injectors to move and use the three-dimensional structure of the factory to find cover.

Li Like pulled out a special sword hilt. The strong magnetic field converged into a narrow shape. High-energy protons circulated back and forth in this magnetic field, constantly accelerating, and turned into a sword of flame in just an instant. The side of the plasmaized air showed

The existence of this blade.

In fact, it is more practical to use this energy on lasers. But this is a factory area, and an unfettered laser sweep will cause immeasurable damage to Chaldea. Even Li Like had to change the caliber to a smaller one before entering.

ammunition to prevent the aftermath of the battle from having a huge impact on the factory.

But the other party obviously didn't care about this.

Li Like's speed from drawing his sword to charging out was so fast that even the artillerymen hadn't found cover yet.

He was like a blast of wind, and the flaming sword in his hand flashed like thunder. More than ten missiles were cut open, and all warheads lost their function.

But more missiles hit the surrounding area. A series of flames engulfed the factory streets.

"Hateful!" Li Like roared angrily: "Who is it?"

What answered him was a sharp blow.

It's a kick.

A strange enemy appeared in front of Li Like. His lower body was much larger than his upper body, so large that it was uncoordinated. A strange armor covered the upper body of the tiny human body.

It is the Stone Protector.

This chapter has been completed!
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