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Chapter 94 A huge area

For today's humans, the solar system is still too huge.

The solar system information transmission link does not mean that the eight planets are lined up in a row and then an optical cable is built that runs through the eight planets. That is completely insufficient.

Many planets in the solar system revolve with different revolution periods, and the distances between the closest point and the farthest point are very different. When the two planets are farthest, there is even a sun in between, as well as their respective orbital radii.

No signal station can span this distance.

With today's methods used by humans, if they want to transmit signals, they have to orbit the planet and build a number of space cities as transfer stations.

This is an important reason why the Asylum's control power plummets outside the orbit of Mars.

"Building infrastructure around the orbit of Mars" and "building infrastructure around the orbit of Jupiter" are not the same difficulty at all.

Inside the orbit of Mars, there is still enough sunlight, and people can survive using solar energy. For many civilians, if they are desperate, they can go to space and unfold solar panels to obtain energy. But in the asteroid belt, this approach will be sufficient.

No way. There is not enough solar energy. On Earth, the highest performance solar panels the size of a bamboo hat can meet a person’s daily life consumption. But in a space city, this number is an order of magnitude higher. Moreover, with the density of residents in a space city, the city

There is no space for everyone to unfold the solar panels.

Once here, residents are already highly dependent on the reactors within the city.

This is why the Chaldean defense forces became highly nervous as soon as Jeanne said something might happen near the reactor.

This is truly the lifeblood of Chaldea.

When reaching Jupiter's orbit, the requirements for infrastructure construction in space cities will continue to rise.

And due to the scarcity of resources, the knights did not establish a prosperous space city group outside the orbit of Jupiter.

Although the areas controlled by the knights are prosthetic, whenever Saturn and Uranus and Neptune move further and further away, the knights have to face a situation of being forced to separate. Sometimes, the signals between them cannot be connected.

They even need to regularly exchange information with each other at sub-light speed. A spacecraft carries a large amount of storage equipment, then slowly accelerates to a few percent of the speed of light, then decelerates smoothly to reach the target location, and transmits to satellites or space cities.


It's really too far.

For this reason, the knights even had to build a large number of observation institutions to monitor the protector's fleet. It was a helpless move for the white ship Yi Cong and the black ship Yi Cong to stay in the asteroid belt all year round. They could only discover the depth of the protector in advance.

Only by intercepting the air fleet and then intercepting it in the asteroid belt can the power of the patron be intercepted.

Otherwise, the already weak group power of the knights would have to separately defend two planets separated by a huge distance, plus a small number of space cities.

"The development of the outer solar system is still too difficult." Listening to Li Liang's narration, Jeanne said with emotion.

Zhu Xiangshan nodded: [Human beings are still too small compared to the universe. Outside the orbit of Jupiter, the only celestial body with great development value is probably Saturn. As for Uranus and Neptune, the development cost is huge, but


What is the main development value of Uranus and Neptune?

Ore vein? That's an ice giant. The "ore" you mine on Uranus won't directly sublimate into gas when you get it to Earth.

Methane as fuel? It is considered useful in this era. Tactical missiles and micro-missiles are still needed. But in this era, methane is still not enough as a fuel for high-speed navigation.

With the huge amount of cataclysmic fuel mined by Jupiter and Saturn, methane is somewhat insufficient. A large amount of nuclear fuel is spent to transport methane to several astronomical units... Just thinking about it makes me feel confused. Even if there is no natural methane locally.

, the energy consumed by directly reacting carbon dioxide with hydrogen is definitely less energy than transporting methane across interstellar distances.

At this stage, the only thing the ice giant can provide to humans is its ultra-low temperature environment. For high-temperature superconducting technology, this low-temperature environment is a natural advantage. Apart from that, well, it may only have scientific research value.


In fact, this is indeed the case. At the beginning, there were only a few space stations centered on the Scientific Research Knights on Uranus and Neptune. However, the king who was enfeoffed there wanted to develop it for his own sake. The military power gained during the enfeoffment was

They will eventually be exhausted. They have to have their own sources of soldiers and their own production system. Otherwise, they will have to be controlled by the kings at their own level - those kings who are enfeoffed on rocky planets or gas giant planets.


The border kings had no choice but to transport a group of people from the inner solar system to their own fiefdoms and forcibly develop them.

Later, the Seventh God of War killed the future king of Saturn who controlled Neptune, and King Poseidon who controlled Neptune. King Uranus, who controlled Uranus, had better luck. At that time, Uranus was far away from Saturn and the Neptune area, so he saw the potential.

If things go wrong, they will use the excuse of "supporting friendly forces" and lead the main deep space fleet to the Jupiter space domain. At the same time, the planetary defense force will also follow up with a part of the population. After that, control the Kuyinbo Belt all the way to the Oort Cloud.

The Styx King in the area was also killed directly.

The King of Styx has the largest fiefdom, and he is the only king whose fiefdom is measured in light-years. In the entire feudal era, all the feudal monarchs have a territory that is less than his (after all, even the earth's continent is not enough). Even the territory of other kings.

The area under his jurisdiction is also much smaller than his. The total mass of matter in the area ruled by King Styx plus one unit is dozens of times the mass of the earth.

But to be honest, most of this mass is interstellar dust in the Oort Cloud. The mass of small celestial bodies in the Oort Cloud is only five times that of the Earth, and they are scattered in a sphere with a diameter of two light years. The matter here is so thin that the Speed ​​King can drive

to low sublight speeds.

The Kuyinbo belt is dozens of times larger than the asteroid belt (that is, a few moons), but unlike the asteroid belt, which is rocky and metal-dominated, it is mainly composed of icy objects.

The patrons forcibly built cities in such bad places. These cities were occupied by knights. And the knights really did not have the resources to move all the population and industrial base to Saturn. The cities under the original rule of King Styx could only be one-sided.

development while waiting for opportunities for large-scale migration.

Considering that Uranus's revolution period is 84.02 Earth years and Neptune's revolution period is 164.8 years, and a hundred years ago in the Seventh Valkyrie Era, when the knights first took control of that place, Uranus was on the other side of the solar system and Neptune was very close...most cities also got

It only provided two opportunities for large-scale immigration.

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