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Chapter 98 The Missing Person

The snow has been falling. Little Tolia was wrapped in a blanket and flipping through the math textbook in his hand.

The math textbook was yellow and brittle, and it had obviously been there for many years. Little Tolia had to turn it over carefully. The door was closed tightly. The radiator was humming, and it had been manufactured for almost thirty years.

It's somewhat surprising that this old product can still work.

The room is very quiet. There is no sound of men and women fighting. Little Tolia can read quietly.

These books have been stored in the attic for a long time. Its previous owner was Little Tolia's maternal grandfather, a mathematics professor. It is said that thirty years ago, he fled the Federation and went to the enemy country across the ocean.

At that time, this was still something that everyone envied. At that time, there was a joke circulating that the best mathematics research institution had to have "American buildings and Russian professors."

The professor's wife was unable to obtain a visa due to certain historical background. Until his daughter got married, the old professor was sending money to the Russian Federation. Each dollar was stronger than the national currency, and was sold in the black market.

Extremely popular. For a long time, the children of the old professor were the envy of the locals.

But this happened a long time ago. Before little Tolia was born, the money from the United States stopped. Maybe the old professor had already gone to heaven.

As this money was cut off... and as history developed, the living standards of several families plummeted.

These books were left over from the sale. The high-end supplies that the old professor left in this country, as well as his wife’s previous medals, were sold for a fortune. Only these textbooks were left, and no one came to buy them. But the old professor

My daughter always thought that her father was a very good mathematician, so these things might be valuable, so she kept them in the attic.

The snow kept falling, as if the world outside the window had disappeared. Jing Ning wrapped the child. He felt extremely at ease. The blanket was soft and warm. It was given to her by a young couple next door. The couple came from the Republic and were said to come here.

While doing business, a fat uncle from the United States would occasionally come over to give him bread. He seemed to be a member of some charity organization.

What a peaceful day.

Little Tolia glanced out the window. He felt that there was something wrong with the tracks of the snowflakes hitting the window. He stood up, wrapped himself in a blanket, walked to the window frame, stretched out his hand and knocked on the glass. He did not dare to knock too hard.

Snow accumulates on the window frame. More snowflakes hit the window frame, trying to fill up the previous snow.

Then, the trail of snow sliding down the glass seemed to form an abstract face.

Little Tolia tilted his head. He seemed to have remembered a piece of knowledge, "The human brain is always very good at recognizing images as faces." He couldn't remember where he saw these things. But...

"Artolis..." The human face even spoke to him, "Artolis... are you awake?"

"I..." Little Tolia's face wrinkled up. After a long time, he replied: "I would rather not have it."

"I've been looking for you for a long time, Artolis," he said.

"Is today's AI so advanced? It feels very... backward..." He murmured.

This is a virtual world. Little Tolia is a prisoner of a virtual world.

This is a world that calms his mind.

The scene chosen here is indeed the most reassuring moment for little Tolia. It was one winter when his father followed the call of the Patriarch and devoted himself to a great, glorious and just war. As a result, the endless family

The violence disappeared. The mother was busy queuing up to receive relief food - it seemed because it was hard to find a job. His brother had died of illness earlier. He was the only one here.

There was only so much happiness in his childhood.

Even now Artoris feels ridiculous when he thinks about it. He actually thought like this when he was a child.

In fact, no kind charity would deliver bread to his house. It's just that the poor script needed a reason to let David Klein appear. Little Tolia was a weirdo until he was ten years old, with no peers.


The sluggish research institute met an adult who wouldn't beat him up.

Then, he met those... people who really made him feel at ease.

Little Tolia was thrust into the Rama Project campus because the Russian Federation was doing everything possible to expand the team of experts. Over the years, with the progress of reforms, the educational institutions of the Russian Federation have become increasingly...well, in David's words

, "more and more like a missionary school", it is somewhat difficult for the Russian Federation to assemble a team of experts with sufficient quantity and quality. Little Tolia probably wants the team to "quantity 1" and at the same time lower the average age.

David was the eldest person in the team later. He was several years older than Artolis's father. Little Tolia was afraid of the United States people at first, but David was very kind to him.

In this play, he plays the role of the bread deliverer to little Tolia.

Zhu Xinyu is the person closest to him in age. Although Zhu Xinyu doesn't even take good care of himself, she still gives him a lot of care. At least compared to adults, he and Zhu Xinyu have more in common. In his heart

, Zhu Xinyu is like a kind sister.

Xiang Shan has always been with Zhu Xinyu. He is the most respected person and the most reassuring person. Respectable people usually make people fearful, but Xiang Shan makes people feel close.

The script placed the two people next door to him.

More people who made him feel at ease were renamed and inserted into this memory.

In fact, there was no bread or blankets in his childhood. The radiator was usually not turned on because the electricity bill was very expensive.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! And his grandfather was not the "great mathematician" that his mother expected. A great mathematician would not be able to get his wife's visa.

He was just a poor college teacher who could barely get a green card.

At that time, there were too many such people.

"ai, why did you enter here?"

"I have been searching for you, respected administrator user Artoris." The snowflakes falling on the window formed a face. As the mouth opened and closed, the voice appeared directly.

Well, I probably misappropriated Mukayama's sound source as the material.

AI said: "I am AI made by Xiangshan, and I am Xiangshan's son. Looking for you is one of my daily tasks..."

"Oh...oh...I feel it. Indeed, the contents of those math textbooks have been replaced. Some things are not from the last century...the 1990s. I have been trapped here for about...seventy years


"Two hundred years."

Artoris was shocked: "Didn't Yawgmoth give me the latest textbook? I thought he wanted me to work for him for free."

"What do you mean? Please forgive me for not understanding."

"Won't he bring the most cutting-edge issues over and let me think and learn? I think that's definitely the case." Artolis continued to be shocked: "The automorphism problem of Turing degree? The k-server problem and so on

Can theoretical problems in systems engineering be delayed for two hundred years? Xiangshan seems to have asked me to study it...The research data from that time has not been preserved?"

"As far as I know, that was updated data at least...three years ago."

"I also know that it was updated three years ago. I will know it after my memory is restored. But this should not be the most cutting-edge."

"I'm afraid..." AI said: "I didn't find any more advanced information in my database."

"My... God..." Artolis put his hands in his hair, feeling very depressed, "What kind of hell is it outside... What did that bastard Yawgmoth turn into outside?"

"What do you remember now?"

"Yawgmoth attacked me. Probably."

Artolis' memory of the outside world stayed here. After Xiang Shan disappeared, Artolis returned to the earth in despair. He didn't even join the celebrations, leaving behind his powerful prosthetic body.

, using ordinary civilian prosthetics to join the reconstruction work on the earth's surface. He has had enough of the war.

He has just built his own small home, got to know his neighbors, and is preparing to install an antenna to obtain stable network service.

Before the antenna was installed, a space shuttle descended from the sky. A warrior jumped out of it and knocked him unconscious.

Probably Yawgmoth.

He seems to have been hibernating for a long time. But hibernation cannot go on endlessly. He must activate his nerves regularly. Perhaps it is because of this that Yawgmoth created such an illusion for him.

He is just a prisoner.

"So where are my coordinates in reality?"

"Between the space buildings between the orbit of Mercury and the orbit of Venus." AI replied, "I found you. I will report it to Xiang Shan. Do you have anything to say that you want me to bring to him? Father will definitely come to save you.

Your. What do you have..."

"Don't come to save me." Artolis said: "It's meaningless. Although I don't know what's going on outside, but Yawgmoth can imprison me for two hundred years... he must have a great advantage.

With his mental state when he attacked me, it must be very bad outside. My spirit is already very tired. I don't want to face all this anymore. Just leave me here alone. Yawgmoth probably won't come to kill me.

.He spent so much effort to suppress the process of reviving my memory and keep me in this state, probably because he was reluctant to kill me."

"My father Xiangshan, he misses you very much."

"So he is still alive? Isn't he a posthumous work?" Artolis nodded and wrapped the blanket around him: "Will you kill my biological brain?"

"I am a service-oriented AI. In this state, I will not kill anyone."

"Well, just let me stay like this."

This chapter has been completed!
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