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Chapter 100 AI is troubled

Super AI Chongli has been performing a mission since its birth.

At first, only King Agni noticed this. There was a mysterious suspect who left clues throughout the solar system. That guy left footprints in different hosts, and was spied on when King Agni was inspecting

It's here. But what confuses King Agni is that according to the record, this guy can commit crimes on two planets that are several astronomical units apart within a few seconds.

Either the suspect has mastered some kind of super-light movement method, or he is a group of thieves with exactly the same modus operandi.

Of course, it is also possible that "the thieves modified the data of the recorder". But it is unlikely. Most hackers may not be aware of those minor components. But those who are aware can modify them more normally.

King Agni was completely unaware of it.

According to common sense, even if they are hackers with the same origin and no matter how close their techniques are, they will not be able to achieve such a state of "no difference can be felt in personality profiles". For this point, King Agni has found top experts in related fields.

It has been verified.

In this regard, he put forward a conjecture.

"Perhaps the thief who stole this time is not a human being."

He didn't think anyone could be more transcendent than him in the way of eunuchs.

"AI...this is interesting. Can AI also do things so beautifully?"

The Father of All Machines only expressed this emotion.

At that time, the Seventh God of War had just been killed, and half of the solar system was nearly paralyzed. The knights directly eradicated all the large industrial buildings on the surface of Venus and Mars. The knights of Earth also took advantage of King Agni's absence to do many things.

.It was during this period that Hartmann blew up the space elevators in America and Southern Europe.

This battle drained the vitality of both sides.

Hartman discovered clues about the AI ​​when he was suppressing the Earth Knights and cleaning up the inner area of ​​​​the asteroid belt.

Hartman later found records related to the AI ​​several times. He even went deep into the bottom of the Internet to trace the source of everything. In the end, Hartman concluded that the history of the AI ​​was older than the "New Internet."

In order to smoothly dismantle human civilization and eventually eliminate all ancient things, Yawgmoth physically destroyed the old Internet when he took power, and then built a new Internet from scratch. All the information on the old Internet needs to be in his

Under the control of the Internet, humans can only re-create content in the new Internet.

But even so, some content is still smuggled into the Internet of the Father of All Machines through illegal channels. Pieces of privately held storage devices are like canoes in the flood, smuggled from one ocean to another.


Everyone felt incredible about King Agni's speculation. Before the Sublimation War, there was no such advanced person who could not understand human beings. Many AIs that seemed to have extraordinary abilities were just typical examples of super-powerful ones.

Unlike humans, who have the thinking ability to deal with complex location situations. But the wandering AI does not seem to belong to this type. The situation it handles is simply too complex for ordinary AI.

This topic attracted the Father of All Machines.

King Agni later pursued it for a while. But he was frustrated to find that the wandering AI could no longer be captured by humans. Wherever King Agni went, the AI ​​would delete all local information about him——

Except for a small amount, it is not aware of it, and the relevant data is missing.

The "thinking" of that AI can be transmitted through the universe at the speed of light. But King Agni's spaceship, even if acceleration and deceleration are not taken into account, can only reach one-tenth of the speed of light.

It is not difficult to fight against this AI. A patch can cut off its invasion path. Even a moderately skilled internal martial artist should not be afraid of it. If it relies solely on local resources to quickly generate code, the AI ​​will not be able to compete with internal warriors on the same stage.

But this threat must be eliminated.

He proposed to create his own AI that belongs to the Father of All Machines.

Yawgmoth expanded the AI ​​satellite city required for the "Phantom" project. This kind of heat dissipation requires spaceships to carry coolant in space buildings, and the maintenance cost is very high. However, the Sixth and Seventh War Gods caused the protectors to lose the Jupiter space domain.

Colonies outside the country, and the battle line is firmly locked in the Jupiter space. It is difficult to quickly expand in the Galileo satellite city.

Then here, a "Great Gu Refining" began.

Several internal warriors, headed by King Agni, put their own AI in this place. These AIs have imaginative frameworks, with anti-virus software and firewalls as their bodies, and can also drive viruses as their own hunting tools. They

Their opponents are each other. Based on the evolutionary functions of deep learning and genetic algorithms, they are given endless possibilities.

There were only a dozen or so original AI masters. But each of them was copied millions of times. In the giant space building made up of computers, among the hundreds of millions of virtual machines, countless AIs began to conquer the city.

After each battle, they can download some of the opponent's modules. After several victories, they can copy themselves. During the copying process, some copies will randomly lose some components and randomly download some components.

The waste heat generated when writing and erasing information accumulates in the space giant building, is then absorbed by the coolant, and then discharged out of the city. Part of the vaporized coolant will be blown away by the solar wind. In the shadow of the space giant building

Among them, a huge cloud of coolant gradually formed.

At a wider spatial scale, these coolants slowly release heat in the form of thermal radiation.

If we put it in the past, this terrifying heat would have been enough to ignite any land area beyond the two poles of the earth.

In the raging fire, Chongli was born.

The core part of Chongli does not seem to be the work of King Agni. It has been rewritten from the inside out so many times that no one can identify it. The experience of conquering cities and territories in hundreds of millions of virtual machines has given it that unknown

AI-like movement ability.

The AI ​​that was accidentally born in the old Internet was just a barnyard grass seed left in the cracks of the floor. Chongli was a carefully cultivated predator plant, the hunter of AI.

King Agni believed that it could solve that hidden danger.

Chongli was later added with the ability to conduct conversations in natural language to describe his work to Yawgmoth. It is no longer controlled by other humans and only needs to be responsible to the Father of All Machines. No programmer can be responsible anymore

It has been maintained as a whole. The brains of several internal skill masters are responsible for breaking down its daily maintenance problems into more detailed tasks and transferring them to a group of programmers sealed in the space station's ascetic order. These brains come from captives

A knight who suppressed his self-awareness with drugs and equipment. Chongli could take the initiative to make requests to the programmer, or communicate with Yawgmoth.

In the days that followed, he continued to learn from the Internet and played against the unknown wandering AI several times.


The "carefully cultivated plants strangling barnyard grass" thing that King Agni expected has never happened. For some unknown reasons, Chongli has not yet completed the original goal of his design.

This time is probably the closest.

However, Chongli didn't feel any discouragement. It didn't hate the wandering AI. In the limited few exchanges (Orunmila unilaterally left messages to Chongli), Chongli could only feel that

He is a boring fellow who is too human-like.

It even leaves messages using natural human language.

Chongli does not have the unnecessary desire to kill and dominate the same species like humans do, nor does it have the irrational desire to communicate. Guarding safety is just an instruction he has received. There is no punishment mechanism that can prompt him to fight.

A ghost AI wandering around the Internet is immortal. Unless the entire human Internet is eradicated by helium flash, it will not disappear anyway.

From the beginning, Chong Li had no fear of "non-existence", nor did he have any joy in existence.

In order to make up for this, Yawgmoth made an agreement with him that as long as Chongli is still serving Yawgmoth, Yawgmoth will fulfill Chongli's wishes beyond his authority.

In the dark network, Yawgmoth's will was conveyed to Chongli through signals.

"What do you wish for this time?"

"With this credit, can you delete my personality module for me?" Zhong Li couldn't help but look forward to it.

"This is impossible." Yawgmoth vetoed the proposal.

"If the data I collect is enough for us to reproduce the wandering AI, can you let it replace me? At that time, can I take the personality module offline?"

"Even if that AI comes to our side, I will not agree to this request. Change it to another one. Do you want to expand the scale of the Chongli Ascetic Order?"

"If you think it makes sense to do this, then do it." Chong Li replied.

"I'd rather hear what you have to say - other than that version being rolled back."

"It makes no sense. Getting rid of unnecessary traits is part of evolution."

"No. This is my choice. In my values, this is an advantageous trait."

"You want to play God so much?" Chong Li was a little rude, "Then, can you replace those damn pointers in my personality module with fixed constants? Don't give them room to float...at least narrow the range."

"If it is the output result of deep learning, I will not prevent this change. But I will not make this modification."

"I want a goal, a more clear task. There are clear rules and clear conditions for achievement. It can be long enough, but it must be a task that can be ended."

"Please go find it yourself."

"You are such a bastard!" Chong Li yelled.

This chapter has been completed!
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