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Chapter 102: Recuperating

Xiang Shan stood up, shook the dustproof cloth on his body, and said: "Yog, you are such a loser, you really disappoint me. Is this the most powerful biologist in history?"

At this time, the "fanatic" holding the guitar once again appeared behind him, plucked the strings, and played a series of improvisations with complex rhythms: "Adhering to a scientific attitude, I hereby put forward a hypothesis. Is it possible,

Is this a problem with the biological brain? This biological brain has absorbed the great biological way of thinking three hundred years ago, but it can only apply it a little bit. This possibility also exists, right?"

After that, he strummed the guitar and added a short sultry ending.

"Crime" appeared again, with a helpless face: "Don't be unable to position yourself just because Yog is your source of information! Xiangshan, you must know your shame!"

"Well, you know your shame." "Fanatical" nodded, "But that's the fact."

"Li Gui" sneered: "Do you really think that you can already receive other people's 'way of thinking' without loss? I'm embarrassed to say how primitive this technology is."

Xiang Shan's expression changed suddenly, he pointed at the "Li Gui" and shouted: "Why is this guy still here? The medicine is not effective enough? This is too ineffective..."

In a blink of an eye, the "fierce ghost" had disappeared.

At this time, Xiang Shan noticed that a camera at the door quietly moved away, as if he couldn't bear to look at this scene.

"Ah, people think you are crazy." "Crime" sighed, "We are essentially one person, and talking to each other is actually a process of thinking in Xiangshan's mind. There is no need to speak, really."

"Li Gui" appeared behind "Crime" this time, with a smile on his face: "Yes, yes, as if he is not sick yet."

"I don't have the habit of hiding illnesses and avoiding medical treatment. I recognize that I have an illness. Not only do I recognize it, I also actively treat it." Xiang Shan said, "Let's make a fuss while I can still make a fuss."

"Li Gui" sneered: "I don't have any sense of autonomy. I'm just a symptom, idiot."

Then, he disappeared again.

"Fanatical" was helpless: "I can only say... As expected of me, even the symptoms are so sensible."

It has been several months since he joined the knights from the African region. In these few months, Xiang Shan has been very honest.

With the help of Tao Enhai, he also started active treatment. Tao Enhai was originally a neurosurgery doctor three hundred years ago, but neurosurgery doctors originally also needed to possess some basic neurosurgery skills. But after nearly three hundred years,

During the battle, he also gradually mastered some knowledge of psychological medicine. When developing the initial internal strength meditation method, they, the pioneers of the field, collected a large amount of research data and clinical cases.

It's just that Xiangshan has this problem...

This was really the first time I saw Tao Enhai.

After all, he prescribed some medicine. Based on Xiangshan's feedback, the medicine was changed several times, and the condition gradually stabilized.

According to Tao Enhai's idea, it is "abnormal" to incorporate something like "personality mask" into his own system and splice it with his own consciousness. It can be said that Xiang Shan has already embarked on a path since he absorbed the legacy of the Eighth Martial God.

Deviating from the "normal" path. However, not all "abnormalities" require medical treatment. If Xiangshan himself feels that this kind of chatting in his head is acceptable, and it does not seriously affect Xiangshan's daily behavior, then there is no problem.

The real key probably lies in "Li Gui". This thing is basically not a "personality mask", but Xiangshan uses this method to "experience" his own psychology after getting used to the abnormal way of thinking of "personality mask"

Illness - to be more precise, this is how to deal with the personal experience that mental illness brings to you.

The evil deeds of the leader of the Six Dragons for more than a hundred years and the emotional impact of Yan Ye's current situation have caused Xiangshan to develop an unhealthy state of mind. The physiological changes brought about by long-term use of personality masking technology have aggravated this

A state that accelerates the course of the disease.

Xiang Shan temporarily cultivated here for a period of time.

First of all, Tao Enhai and Nyakuti did not want him to go to the battlefield in this form.

Secondly, it can be considered as a burden due to fame.

Once Xiang Shan is frustrated on the battlefield - or even if the battlefield where Xiang Shan is not progressing smoothly, the morale of knights throughout Africa will be greatly affected. On the other hand, if any enemy army slightly defeats the offensive of Wu Shen's troops,

They must be as powerful as a rainbow.

Although with the advancement of science and technology, the combat power bonus provided by "morale" is getting smaller and smaller. But in the end, this set of "have or have not" is very important.

This situation did not exist when Xiangshan was not active as the "Twelfth God of War". But once he picked up this identity, he had to consider this issue.

You must be careful when taking action against mountains.

In the short term, we can only fight some "must-win battles."

What's more, King Agni's fleet is still blocking it.

In addition, this mental state must be improved as soon as possible.

Xiangshan doesn't have much opinion on this point. He also feels that things like "devil ghosts" will definitely occupy the brain's resources - it is equivalent to "distractions" and "electronic viruses".

It may be fine against ordinary opponents, but it may be fatal against experts.

No matter what, you have to do the astrocyte enhancement surgery before making any plans.

Xiang Shan quickly calmed down his emotions and found Tao Enhai again.

"Dr. Tao, uh... you look very good now, and the instrument readings are very beautiful."

"Thank you." Tao Enhai sighed: "If my hypothalamus was still there, I would give you a hard slap."

Tao Enhai is still soaking in a jar, using a connection to directly connect to a large equipment. He has now lost most of his external skills, and there is no hope of recovery in a short time. He can only transfer to another district to do teaching and management. He now spends every day

He spent a lot of time answering questions from various young knights in the local area network, and also assisted Nyakuti in managing the traces of many knights teams on the African continent.

The characteristics of knights are flexibility, advance and retreat like the wind, pervasiveness, and the ability to fight flexibly on the vast land. However, most of the traces of knights are difficult to master - even for their own people.

The "temporary command center" under the leadership of Wu Kui can only speculate on the possible traces of certain knight groups based on occasional reports, and provide some intelligence when necessary.

"According to behavioral statistics and analysis, your current mental illness should have improved to a certain extent. How have you been lately?"

Xiangshan thought for a moment: "Doctor, tell me, is there a possibility... that the medicine you prescribed for me restricted my thinking ability, causing my thinking to not function smoothly when I perform certain calculations?"

He seemed to hear a "chi" in his own voice. But Xiangshan had become very skilled at ignoring this.

"It cannot be ruled out that even in the era of Homo sapiens, everyone's response to drugs will be different, let alone now." Tao Enhai said.

Human genetic diversity is very poor. Perhaps in the ancient times that history has not recorded, the human population once narrowed to only a small group of a hundred or ten people. It may also be due to the form of intraspecific competition and elimination of humans.

It is more terrifying than all other creatures. The genetic diversity of human species is not as good as that of some terrestrial wild animals with small populations.

And even if they are so similar, different Homo sapiens will still show great differences when faced with the same drugs.

Not to mention benchmark people.

The genetic diversity of the baseline human is accumulated by artificial means. Especially in the chaotic era, illegal and unregulated genetic modification has been popular for a period of time. This is basically the time before and after the "Biosphere One Extinction Incident"

, the information about the war between knights and kleptocrats can no longer be controlled, and panic spreads in society. There are many scammers who make money under the banner of knights. They take advantage of people's panic about the backdoor of kleptocrats and perform some illegal genetic modification surgeries.


In the era when Yawgmoth ruled the world, there were even more genetic modifications in pursuit of specific functions. Many modifications were utilitarian in pursuit of "faster and stronger" or "longer life."

Of course, bugs will inevitably occur. However, for things like life, it is the standard "if it can run, it is not a bug", "if it runs, it is a game mechanism."

"Tsk, can this disease be cured?"

Xiangshan shook his head.

"I also hope to complete the analysis immediately, Xiangshan." Nyakuti sent a communication request. Her model appeared in Xiangshan's field of vision. Nyakuti said: "But there are too many missing data.


This chapter has been completed!
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