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Chapter 114: Switching Ways of Thinking, Absorption, and Religious Business

Legend has it that Albert Einstein loved the violin very much and had a certain level of research. Once a critic who did not know much about physics said to others after listening to his performance: "Excellent performance."

, but I don’t think his playing is worthy of his world-renowned reputation. There are many people who can play as well as him.” As a performer, Einstein’s achievements are far less than his achievements in the field of physics.

Achievements, but still can be called "excellent".

And Einstein also had another little habit. He would occasionally hold the violin while thinking and rub the strings with the bow unconsciously. In this case, he thought that what he played did not make a tune and had no music.

Fa Ting. But this is a habit that has lasted for a long time.

Four hundred years later, another person who gained a similar perspective recalled the stories he had heard in his youth.

The Einstein in this story may be similar to Yawgmoth in the early 21st century. Because of their teenage hobbies, they created the structure of "music" in their brains, and after the related neural networks were trained

, it is already quite developed.

At the same time, their in-depth thinking in another field caused the structure of another neural network to expand rapidly. During the day-to-day training, the structure of this neural network was strengthened, while the parts that were neglected were strengthened.

Then it begins to regress. A versatile thinking tool that has infinite possibilities and can show its power in all fields begins to concentrate its power in one field.

However, the size of the brain was fixed from the beginning. In that era, humans still had to risk death if they opened the skull. Moreover, the proto-cancer cells of neurons have become silent after a certain stage of life. The brain hardly proliferates.


Therefore, the expanded neural network will try to merge with another neural network.

What seemed unbelievable to others just happened.

Music itself, which is very different from "rationality", has become an auxiliary tool for scientific thinking. In a sense, this is also using specific means to soothe one's brain.

Xiangshan put down the guitar in his hand. This guitar was made by additive manufacturing in the laboratory. It is made of synthetic materials from the strings to the body. He would improvise while meditating.

This behavior itself is safe. The Ninth Valkyrie is only a relatively primitive AI that only knows how to act, but does not have the ability to research. Yawgmoth himself is limited by his own cognition and has never performed similar behavior.

People will know that he is trying to channel Yawgmoth's abilities.

Even the apprentices are unaware of it. In their understanding, only great scientific knights are qualified to have this "quirk".

Ah, no. In fact, the "weirdness" of this "eccentricity" refers to the "abnormality" in the perception of others. It is difficult for them to understand "why doing such strange things helps rational thinking."

The holders of those quirks may not understand it themselves. In their view, this way of thinking is "natural". If no one else points it out, they may never feel that there is anything special about themselves throughout their lives.

Because these quirks are often the "result" of the development of neural networks.

Only when the brain is exercised to a considerable extent, and the neural network representing "scientific thinking" expands and "engulfs" other cognitive neural networks in the brain, will "quirks" appear. Those scientists did not do extraordinary things because of their quirks.

It was their thinking day after day and piling their meager brain resources in one place that led to the birth of "quirks".

The random improvised melody in Xiangshan's hand was a by-product of his utilization of Yawgmoth's abilities.

But now, the intense white noise covers everything. Including those thoughts.

This is a kind of autosuggestion. Xiangshan is forcibly stopping Yawgmoth's way of thinking. He uses this auditory preference that comes from himself and is completely unacceptable to Yawgmoth to kill the background processes in his brain.

The "never-ending music" in Yawgmoth's subjective feelings was completely covered by white noise.

This is a powerful self-suggestion, similar to the switching of personality coverings, but it is closer to the "transformation of ideas."

Of course, there is a reason for this. Xiangshan is afraid that if he maintains this emotional thinking mode for a long time, something may happen.

After all, this place was an "enemy camp" to the fullest. He didn't want to blow himself up after thinking emotionally.

The results of the thinking just now still exist in the brain. Sometimes Xiangshan himself exclaims, "Is this what I can think of?"

But now, what he needs is another ability.

Understanding and insight.

It can be said that Xiangshan now needs to "learn" and "learn" to understand the things he has come up with.

After switching his thinking, Xiangshan couldn't understand what he had just thought of. He had to learn again.

And right now, these scientific research knights, as well as senior apprentices who are only one step away from becoming official knights, are the best learning supplies.

Physicist Richard Feynman once summed up a set of efficient learning methods. He would imagine that he was a teacher and try to explain the concepts he wanted to learn to his students. In this process, the learner would think about how to

Explain the knowledge that he does not fully understand. In the process, he will realize to what extent he has mastered the concept and what parts he does not fully understand.

If you really can't understand it, you have to go back to the books and materials again and think again about "how to explain it in your own words."

Understand, simplify, describe.

This is partly why top scholars are willing to take teaching positions in universities. "Teaching" is helpful to their own improvement.

Of course, this set of methods is more suitable for learning "things known to mankind." For the vast "unknowns" that most scholars really face, the effect of this set of methods may not be good.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It is difficult for humans to directly dismember the unknown with reason and language.

But what Xiangshan has to do is to understand "what has been thought about."

He has imitated Yawgmoth's thinking and completed the thinking work. However, this thinking process is not purely rational and presented in a narrative way. Xiangshan still remembers it, but he cannot understand it intuitively.

As for Yawgmoth, Xiangshan himself, these knights and apprentices, there are exactly three levels and three gradients.

Xiangshan felt that if he could make these scientific research knights understand, he would truly understand.

His own "understanding" and "communication" abilities are bridged with the neural network that represents Yawgmoth's biological thinking.

This process was a process in which he completely mastered the thinking style of a top scientist.


The process of cognitive improvement.

The by-product of this process is the "advanced scientific research knight apprentice" or even the "epic scientific research knight apprentice".

These scientific research knight apprentices with improved abilities will be more helpful to Xiangshan's experimental plan.

As for the favorability of the apprentices, it is a by-product.

But it still has value.

This good impression is the basis for building a "team".

"Your Excellency Frey." A formal knight took the initiative to approach Xiang Shan after the meeting.

"Sir Wei Da?" Xiangshan originally wanted to pick up the instrument and continue to immerse himself in the spiritual enjoyment brought by transcendent thinking. However, when someone came to look for him, he put down the instrument.

The word "Your Excellency" made formal knight Harvey Vader Ray feel comfortable. He whispered, "Your Excellency, you cannot access the Internet, so some information may not be very well-informed. Yesterday, I learned a piece of information that may be useful."

Mr. Palmion, the deputy commander, has added two more project teams... regarding the 'Special Sample A-RG-13'."

"Special Sample A-RG-13" is the code name given to Shan by the sample within the Knights of the Life Furnace.

Of course, it is Xiangshan's own nerve cells.

Xiang Shan nodded: "What direction are you going in?"

"This... Your Excellency, you are very selfless, but not every scientific research knight is like you." Knight Vader whispered, "Of course, Lord Palmion's research direction cannot be open to us."

"Nothing." Xiang Shan was very optimistic, "Everything is for the final ascension."

This is the style of the Six Dragon Sect's individual groups. They have a "believe it or not, get out of here, don't disturb the master's ascension" attitude toward many matters.

Xiangshan is very happy about this. After all, the more people study this cell, the closer he will be to his goal.

The worst that can happen is that you have to spend a lot of time trying to get the results in the end.

Knight Vader was a little anxious: "My Lord Frey! You have completely disclosed your thoughts to those knights, don't you even think about it..."

"Well, this incident really encourages me." Xiang Shan interrupted directly, "I'll have a chat with Lord Palmion in the afternoon. Let's discuss the research direction of this special sample."

After all, this is the headquarters of the Life Furnace Knights. Xiangshan knows very well that no matter what he says, Deputy Commander Palmion and Deputy Commander Devinnia will know.

Some things are better discussed directly.

He didn't care at all that "the project was robbed". Xiangshan even wanted to give Mr. Palmion more help.

Xiang Shan said: "Let's stop the discussion on this matter. Do you have any other questions you need me to answer?"

Xiang Shan made a brief evaluation of Harvey Vader. He felt that this young man was quite an emotional person. Just to get along with him these days, he risked offending the deputy leader.

Of course, this also exposed a problem.

He is not very religious about the ultimate goal of the Six Dragons Sect.

Xiangshan's words, "Everything is for the sake of ascension," should be the highest pursuit in the Six Dragon Sect's values. But this was still not enough to convince him to put aside the small dispute with the deputy leader.

The Six Dragons Sect, at least the individual groups, are completely based on ability theory when developing followers. As long as the level of scientific research is relatively good, it can be developed. They have too neglected the construction of spiritual civilization such as "faith" and "pursuit".

Of course, this has a deep relationship with the secret behavior pattern of the Six Dragons Sect.

But this also illustrates one thing. The peripheral members of the individual group have the potential to be developed into progressive elements.

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