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Chapter 116: Technological Involution and Leap

What Parmion actually told Frey was an idea that Frey Knight had no ability to verify.

How should I describe the research in this direction...

Inspiration is very worthless, but consumption requires money. (Assuming that there is still a general equivalent of "money" in this era.)

To put it bluntly, the whole process is to use this kind of scientific research inspiration of "mix graphene and bird poop, and then write a paper."

In the early 21st century, "graphene" was once a research hotspot in the field of chemistry. Since graphene was discovered in 2004, it has been widely used in various fields, including sensors, transistors, flexible displays, seawater desalination, aerospace and aerospace.

, new energy materials, electrocatalysts. Taking only the direction of "graphene doping as electrocatalyst" as an example, different graphene synthesis methods combine single doping, mixed doping, SEM, XPS and even synchrotron radiation of various elements for characterization

, coupled with the improvement of electrochemical performance, and finally sublimating the value of the research at the end of the article, it is a high-level paper.

Until 2020, a chemist from the University of Toronto mixed bird poop with graphene and published a paper "Can any poop improve the performance of graphene?" As written in the article, considering that there are 84 species

With reasonable and stable elements (excluding inert gases and carbon), 84 articles can be written on graphene doped with one element; 3486 combinations can be found by doping two elements, and one article can be published by doping three elements.

For four mixed elements, this number can be close to 2x10^6.

There is a poem that says: If your thinking is not clear, add some graphene; if your submission is not smooth, add some perovskite.

You can't say that this is not a meaningful direction, but in terms of the "technical content" of "inspiration", this is really... not very clever.

In a sense, it is just about converting mental work into physical work.

But this kind of physical labor also has a relatively high threshold in a certain sense.

You have to be able to find so many cutting-edge transformation technologies, and you have to have the conditions to implement them one by one.

Let’s just say the former. Which cutting-edge cell-level transformation technology is not a secret? Before being open sourced by Xiake, these technologies will be locked and will never be transferred to the grassroots level.

And Niyaguti has been active nearby these years, and she also wants to find an opportunity to open source.

As one of the deputy leaders of the Life Furnace, Palmion was able to obtain relevant technical information and implement it one by one.

To be honest, this is simply the best result Xiangshan expected.

In fact, Xiang Shan has also thought about taking out some of his own cells in the knight's base, and then testing the compatibility of these cells with the existing transformation technology. Test after test, he can always find the right solution.

This can bypass even the most complex research.

Humanity has not yet fully mastered life.

However, firstly, this requires massive supplies, secondly, this requires massive supplies, and thirdly, this requires massive supplies.

In short, Niaguti never considered this possibility from the beginning.

Palmion used his own resources to directly solve Xiangshan's most concerning issue.

But Xiang Shan is more concerned about another issue.

"This...is the quantity of special sample A-RG-13 really enough?"

This involves another issue.

Xiang Shan has not found the synthesis path of that mysterious cytoskeleton, nor does he know its opening conditions.

The only thing confirmed is that the synthesis path and decomposition path of this substance are closed under normal conditions. Under normal conditions, the cells of special sample A-RG-13/Xiangshan will neither produce it nor decompose it.

It. Moreover, the opening conditions of these paths are also "unknown".

Perhaps cells can synthesize it under specific conditions. Perhaps it is the result of another artificial synthetic substance injected from the outside that is decomposed in the cell. There are many technological achievements in these two directions.

In other words, even if the special sample A-RG-13 is cloned, the cloned nerve cell sample will not carry that special cytoskeleton. The cells that Mingshan has abnormally proliferated due to a strange genetic disease do not contain such cells inside.


It is impossible for Xiangshan to harvest neurons from his own brain all day long. Even if modern biotechnology can already cultivate neural stem cells in vitro and fill them in a targeted manner, it cannot withstand such harvesting.

This resulted in a limited total number of special sample A-RG-13.

Of course, after implanting an artificial neural circuit, it is necessary to adjust the neural network and remove a small number of nerve cells to optimize the neural network and release the internal pressure in the brain.

After absorbing the legacy of the Eighth and Ninth Martial Gods, Xiangshan himself had this need, so he took the initiative to remove a small part of the inactive neural circuits. Over a period of time, the brain's compensatory mechanism will allow this part to

The use of circuits should be concentrated on more efficient artificial neural circuits as much as possible.

Which part needs to be removed and which part needs to be kept depends on long-term monitoring and recording.

It's all accurate to the cellular level.

Xiangshan only handed over less than a thousand neurons this time, and there is no way to increase it in the short term.

If they had found a way to synthesize this cytoskeleton, they would have been kicked out long ago.

"Don't you know?" Palmien smiled, "The most sophisticated instruments can test 'coexistence or not' on a single cell. As long as the cells have not died after the new transformation technology is implanted, it can be proved

The technology can indeed coexist. And specialized enzymes can reverse the process."

This is not necessarily a dandruff-reducing enzyme. The role of a dandruff-reducing enzyme is to restore the growth state and repair damage. However, similar to the special special protection skeleton, the decomposition pathway of artificial organelles does not necessarily exist in the cell. The dandruff-reducing enzyme will

Nothing can be done.

The decomposition pathways for some intracellular artifacts do not exist at all. They require external input of the corresponding enzymes to complete the decomposition.

In this process, a single neuron can be used repeatedly.

Most mature cell-level transformation technologies will also develop reduction means while developing transformation methods. Of course, these are two projects.

Just like plain water can significantly inhibit cancer cells outside the body, it cannot be so simple and crude in curing cancer in the body.

The reaction paths of many substances in the cell are drawn on the diagram, which is a complex network that affects the whole body. Although the specificity of enzymes is very high, how do you know that the enzyme you designed only has absolute specificity?

Relative specificity or stereoisomeric specificity?

Even from the design principle, an enzyme can indeed target only one substance. But the enzyme itself should be decomposed by other enzymes in the cell - this is a safety requirement. The enzyme used for reverse surgery must be in

There are decomposition pathways within cells, otherwise something might go wrong.

In fact, the technology at Xia Ke is not very standardized, and it is easy to leave hidden dangers in related aspects. The accumulation of such enzymes that are designed but have no decomposition pathways is too much, which is a burden to the cells.

"Although I have heard that you on the 'shore' are rich in resources..." Xiang Shan tried his best to synthesize a "jealous" tone, "but this is too rich. I never thought that it could be like this...such...


"You will have it in the future too." Palmion was very confident. He patted Frey's arm to encourage him.

According to the custom among scientific knights, since Knight Frey has shared so many things with him, Palmion should give something back. Palmion deliberately threw out a weapon that Knight Frey will never be able to afford at this stage.

The direction of resource advancement.

In fact, this can only be regarded as part of Palmion's project.

——You see, Knight Frey is also very satisfied, right?

Palmion thought this, and the guilt in his heart calmed down a little.

Perhaps out of a "compensation" mentality, he even introduced many technical details to Frey in detail.

The kind that knights can't get.

Yes, according to regulations, this kind of thing cannot be made public at will. However, that is a taboo set by the Gene Bank Defense Force United Temple.

Who are they? The scattered people of the Six Dragons Sect!

Do you still need to abide by these things when communicating with other members of the Six Dragon Sect?

And Xiangshan became even more emotional.

If everyone in the Six Dragons Cult and even the Scientific Knights were like Lord Palmion, the situation of the knights might be very different.

Following Palmion, Xiangshan also gained a deeper understanding of what "cell-level transformation technology" looks like today.

Compared with what Parmion shows now, Yawgmoth three hundred years ago was just a patchwork of building blocks.

Or it should be described this way, Yawgmoth just figured out the operating rules of the machine, then found a few available instructions, performed a database merge, and then "It just worked".

Perhaps before Yawgmoth excitedly displayed that cell, thousands of groups of cells had died in his culture dish.

And to this day, humans still have not understood every line of code in the two merged databases - the Earth Biological Database and the Oloran Biological Database. This is originally a mountain of shit that has existed for billions of years.

But they have been able to accurately enter a few lines of code and then inject drugs as instructions to activate it.

There are also some modifications, even using magnetic particles to physically change the electromagnetic properties of local cells.

Dojo inside the real conch shell.

how to say……

It's very involute. And the meaning of it is unclear.

Countless research and development costs have been spent just to improve a single performance.

This improved brain performance may not be controlled by consciousness.

Brain modification is obviously supposed to prepare for a new round of "cognitive revolution", but it is just a means.

But now, even Xiangshan has to keep up with this trend and continue to pile up information in his mind.

"No, think about it carefully, we have other directions." "Fanatical" said, "We can explore the cognitive revolution while improving performance, allowing consciousness to fully control the improved performance."

"Benchmark" Xiang Shan was very melancholy: "I sigh again, these two hundred years..."

This chapter has been completed!
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