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Chapter 121 Where did Yuki go?

"Today is the eighteenth day of setting foot on the ancient continent of Africa. I feel very happy when I think that I can actually come to this legendary ancient land. If you had been staying in a ghost place like the Knights, you would have seen something like this

A sight? Impossible."

"In addition, the results of 'Project 3' started two weeks ago have been sent back. I have received the thanks of a knight group. Although some resources have been consumed, they have been supplemented by kind knights. It is a pity that we do not have the ability to directly synthesize related drugs.

Genetic data. Little R said that his previous group had cooperated with a knight group here, and related projects are likely to retain useful finished products."

"I think we can actually participate. If you think about it carefully, we haven't participated in academic activities for a long time. It would be nice to do this once in a while. Unfortunately, Yuki disagrees and insists on continuing north. I have no choice.

, I had no choice but to continue setting off.”

——"Minute of Pixie Sect Affairs"

"What are you writing in your minutes?" After seeing the progress of the sharing, Little R couldn't help but stand up and angrily shouted: "If you don't know how to write, don't write!"

"Damn! What do you mean?" Zhewei Song, the leader of the Picoxi Sect, became angry. She scolded the elder who taught her sect, "I am the leader, I can write whatever I want! You really

Do you want it to be in the same format as the meeting minutes?"

The two of them stared at each other in the sand.

This is a solar cell array near a settlement. Yinzhewei and Xiao R also set up solar panels here.

According to the Jianghu experience they saw online, if you are traveling alone, you cannot spread out solar panels anywhere. Spreading out solar panels in a vast uninhabited area may cause exposure. It is not recommended unless it is a last resort.

Do this.

Spreading solar panels around the settlement is best.

The wilderness settlements far away from the city are always in a state of barbaric growth. Basically no one cares about the specifics. As long as they can afford to pay the genetic tax, then after they are attacked by rebellious groups such as Green Forest, the protectors

They will be responsible for avenging them - to be precise, they will increase the "clearance priority" of the rebellious group that committed the attack as a deterrent.

Other than that, there are no taboos.

The Asylums initially allowed officers to set up camps at will on the land and provide basic social services around the camps. The "basic" here refers to the fact that they will kill the people who kill. In addition, the affiliated groups of the Scientific Research Knights will provide

Educational chip implantation, the first basic transformation of brain-computer interface and other services. For this, human beings will spontaneously gather around cities. However, most humans rely on solar energy. Those with low transformation rates are also harmful to water and protein.

Certain needs.

The urban space is small and the sunshine area per capita is not high. Therefore, in order to have a slightly higher quality of life, some people will use the resources accumulated from primitive commercial activities to open up settlements in the wilderness.

The solar panels in this settlement are very messy, with completely inconsistent sizes and specifications. They are stacked in such a haphazard manner until they cover the entire opposite side. If the direct angle of the sun is not certain, perhaps the orientation of these solar panels will not even be uniform.

Facing north.

In this chaotic environment, the headmaster and the elder who passed on the power were talking to each other, arguing about what was going on.

If it weren't for the fact that the prosthetic body of the former scientific research knight had a strong sense of design, it would be difficult to cover it up no matter how much camouflage paint was applied. This would probably be a perfect cover-up.

The temperament of the headmaster and the elder who teaches the skills is inexplicably suitable for this place.

In fact, most of the people in the Pixi faction are the so-called "geniuses" who were admitted to the Knights of Scientific Research from similar places. If they were not admitted from outside, they would not be able to reach this step.

More than a month ago, everyone in the Picosi faction finally made the wise decision to bypass the area where the Six Dragons Cult might appear, and headed south, reaching the African continental shelf in the southern hemisphere.

In fact, prosthetics don't need to be obsessed with "landing".

In other words, "people who don't need to breathe" and "people who need to breathe" can have completely different views on the concept of "landing".

For a fully cybernetic warrior, the difference between "land" and "water" may be "the medium around the body is different", but there is almost no difference in "the ability to survive".

At this point, the Pixie faction split into two groups.

The leader led a group of elders, followed the sect's guest, Youki, and brought sufficient external power supplies with him, then set foot on the continental shelf and headed towards Africa.

The other group of people stayed behind to guard the submarine. This submarine is an elite scientific research ship of the Scientific Research Knights. In addition to the database, it also has quite good scientific research equipment. For the knight group, the ship itself has extremely high capabilities.

Great value. The former apprentices do not intend to just give up this hard-won base.

In fact, it really comes in handy.

Soon after setting foot on land, they came into contact with the African knight circle.

This place is still quite far away from the space elevator. The intensity of the fighting here is not as high as that near the space elevator.

There are many knights who do not directly conflict with patrons, but act as "mobile governors" and "mediators of civil disputes".

The government explicitly prohibits the act of "building an organization." Therefore, when residents organize self-governing groups, they will attract the iron fist of the patrons. At this time, the patrons will not hesitate and directly strike hard - there is nothing like beating without resistance.

How much easier would it be to make a sandbag?

Residents are unable to organize themselves, and all lower-level settlements lack managers. Many behaviors considered "improper" cannot be stopped.

Characters who prevent these civil disputes according to "self-defined rules" will also be included in the category of "knights". In addition, if you want to do this kind of thing for a long time, you also need a considerable degree of force. It is said that

Many years ago, there were characters in this category of vigilantes who were famous for their use of non-lethal weapons.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! In addition, some famous knights who have problems of their own will also temporarily play side-by-side in the low-intensity battlefield here.

Many knights have developed neurological problems at a very young age due to hasty brain modification surgery.

In most cases, what these knights encounter will not be "terminal diseases" - the deep brain modification carried out by the Scientific Research Knights basically has "reversible" design requirements.

However, "checking out the specific problem areas" and "finding the diagnosis and treatment plan" are a bit too difficult for ordinary knights.

Every knight is an expert in mechanical engineering and computer security. But not every knight has professional knowledge in neuroscience and medicine, let alone "diagnosis and treatment."

But this is not a problem for the Pixies!

With their medical skills, this new sect, whose members are all former scientific knight apprentices, has established a name.

If there is a more systematic training system and a distinct style of martial arts, it will be a completely mature martial arts sect!

Yin Zhewei feels that he also needs to work hard in this area.

We must change our usual practices and practice harder.

It would be best to kill a few hereditary criminals from the Six Dragons Cult...

When he thought of the Six Dragons Sect, Yin Zhewei felt a phantom pain on his face - maybe it was the feeling of "gnashing teeth".

This hatred is too deep.

"In short, save your power first and stop arguing." Yin Zhewei finally waved his hand, "Either you write it, or you shut up."

"It wouldn't be good if I came here. Isn't this the leader's power?" Xiao R said with a smile.

Finally, before dark, two people wearing solar panel hats came over.

Yuki and Zhao Zhengzhen escorted the next batch of samples to the submarine.

Among the problems encountered by the knights, some of them could be solved by Yin Zhewei and the others on the spot (because the symptoms were typical and obvious enough), while others required more detailed testing and the samples needed to be sent to the submarine.

Go. In addition, they also need to bring some synthetic drugs and give them to the knights.

In the team, Yuki, who has the strongest frontal force value, shouldered this responsibility without hesitation.

This actually makes Yin Zhewei very ashamed. She often uses this to urge the sect members to practice more martial arts.

Zhao Zhengzhen said: "Why are you hiding in such a place? It made the two of us wander around the settlement twice."

Yin Zhewei said: "Experience in the world. Isn't it best to hide the charge in a place like this?"

Zhao Zhengzhen fell into a long silence.

Yuki said cautiously: "Is this Jianghu experience also something online?"


"Then..." Yuki pointed to the sky, "It should be ineffective for the time being. This is an era when the space-based weapons network is still very complete, and the experience of the Jianghu knights has been summed up. But ah, just a few months ago


"Just a few months ago, the Twelfth Martial God destroyed this network in front of that bastard from the moon." Zhao Zhengzhen said, "This experience in the world was useless at that time."

Xiao R was silent for a moment and said: "You know what? In my mind, the way I want to break into the world is to sit in a photovoltaic panel array that looks like a garbage dump and absorb solar energy."

"There are times like this." Yuki nodded, "But to be honest, I don't think there is a need to reminisce about the bitterness and sweetness for the time being. Really... but it is safer to recharge here."

After all, it was just a short time ago. It’s true that we haven’t reached the stage of recalling the bitter memories yet. However, the asylum seekers also have drones and wired monitoring networks. Although the intensity is much smaller, there is nothing wrong with being careful.

The prosthetic bodies of these former apprentices are still a little too good.

Zhao Zhengzhen said: "Even if it is really inconspicuous to set up photovoltaic panels here... why can't we leave the batteries and photovoltaic panels here and wait in another place?"


This chapter has been completed!
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