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Chapter 125: Hardcore otaku group

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Yuki fell silent.

After realizing this, he suddenly couldn't look directly at the warrior in the video data.

Strange masters added?

——No, no, no, we can’t be so hasty.

Yuki shook his head.

The idea is similar. In fact, the master is the founder of the original martial arts. By reflecting on the martial arts of Homo sapiens, he realized "what the martial arts of the Cybermen should not be like", thus reopening the world and forming a line of his own.

After Xiang Shan, other warriors came up with their own ideas and added their own understanding on the basis of Xiang Shan.

After three hundred years of accumulation, you can enter martial arts.

Therefore, if there are warriors who trace their origins and get results close to Xiangshan's style,

Part of "Xiang Shan's Style" has become the "greatest common denominator" of today's martial arts.

This is also an important reason why Xiang Shan can quickly master the martial arts of the new era. Although the final results have far exceeded the expectations of his ancestors, the traces of "evolution" are still there.

Moreover, Yuki is indeed mainly "Mukayama", but he has also absorbed new martial arts nutrients from other martial artists (mainly Matsushima Hiro) and has also grown.

"If you want to say that this is the style of the Tenth God of War..."

The Tenth God of War is the pinnacle of external martial arts techniques. Moreover, it is different from Matsushima Hiro's style of "based on humanoid prosthetic bodies, and does not compete with the performance of the prosthetic body, but with strategic attack and defense." The style of the Tenth God of War,

It is closer to the martial arts that "any form of prosthetic body can exert its maximum effect".

Don't stick to the shape of the prosthetic body, and reach the ultimate state of martial arts.

To be honest, "excessive pursuit of the performance of prosthetic bodies" is considered to be an evil and misguided path in martial arts - at least this is what the Twelfth Martial God Yuki came into contact with thinks so.

It is difficult for a knight to predict what kind of prosthetic body he will have in the future. Pursuing martial arts that adapt to a single form of prosthetic body is not suitable for a lone ranger. If you delve into this kind of martial arts, then the knight will encounter the situation of "necessary prosthetic body parts failure"

, it will look very embarrassing.

Real martial arts should be something in which "even an unsuitable prosthetic body can still exert some power, and a good prosthetic body can exert even greater power."

The essence of martial arts does not lie in "hardware", but in "software" that can be copied at will and spread continuously with the Internet.

But the Tenth Martial God is indeed a lone ranger. In a way that is still unknown, he has accumulated external skills to an incredible level.

It is said that the dark power of "Thousand Waves and Thousands of Layers" was successfully used in the hands of the Tenth God of War.

It is said that the Tenth God of War in this state can respond instantly no matter where it comes from. The many forces that seem to be twisted together to maintain a dynamic balance will be derived from external forces once they are exposed to external forces.

The ever-changing moves are even faster than human reaction.

The martial arts of the Tenth Martial God seem to be the product of some basic martial arts extrapolated to the extreme - in other words, the martial arts of the Tenth Martial God are more like "the basic skills that turn decay into magic."

From this point of view, there are certain differences between the views of the 10th Martial God and his master, the 12th Martial God.

Then, the problem before Yuki moved to the next step.

How similar is this group of mysterious warriors operating secretly in Molar City to the "Martial Arts of the Twelfth God of War" that I studied?

Is the other party really a god of war?

Or is he an ordinary knight like himself who has inherited the martial arts inheritance of the Tenth Martial God?

Or... just realized the martial arts of "Xiang Shan" on his own?

Yuki fell into deep thought.

In any case, this matter still needs to be investigated.

According to the master, if you want to become a god of martial arts, you must have innate conditions close to Xiangshan. At least such a person must have extremely high talent in martial arts.

No matter what, you can be a help.

If he met his master, maybe this knight with a great future could give up his plan of "becoming a god of war"?

Even if this is not the mysterious phenomenon of the reincarnation of the Martial God, it is very likely related to the tenth Martial God, and maybe it is an experimental site for some Martial God-related technologies.

And there is a high probability that King Agni has not noticed it yet.

Bringing this technology back can also be a big help.

Yuki quickly made up his mind.

Youki restarted the prosthetic eye and found that Zhao Zhengzhen and Yin Zhewei were each holding a fan to dissipate heat for him and the external equipment. The waste heat generated by the rapid image processing increased the temperature in the stronghold a lot. Youki

Very touched: "Thank you both..."

"Look at the CPU temperature of the device!" Yin Zhewei felt very distressed, "Our sect only has three computers of this level, and there is no room for replacement at the moment."

Yuki was very embarrassed, handed the external device to Yin Zhewei, and then said, "I'm sorry... I did a little research on the rumors about the God of War in this city."

Yin Zhewei's eyes burned: "Is it reliable?"

Yuki guiltily adjusted the tone parameters of the synthesizer: "This...it's hard to say. But I think I can investigate it."

Zhao Zhengzhen asked: "This has been rumored for ten years. Why do you think you can find the answer in a short time?"

Youji said: "Don't look at me like this. In fact, my master and the Martial God... are friends. I think I may know the former Martial God better. Furthermore, we can also collect and study the local knights first.

Organized content does not count as 'starting from scratch'."

Zhao Zhengzhen nodded: "The thinking is clear."

"However, this is indeed a journey in muddy waters." Youki said seriously, "I have reasons and I must go for this step. But everyone in the Picosi faction actually does not need to do this. If..."

Before Youki finished speaking, Zhao Zhengzhen and Yin Zhewei high-fived each other face to face, and then Yin Zhewei turned to Little R and said: "Come on, come on, I'm willing to admit defeat, and give me a copy of your collection of heavy-flavored junk messages."


"You can sort out the minutes of the next sect group meeting," Zhao Zhengzhen said leisurely.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After a partition in the stronghold, he stretched out a hand and gestured with a middle finger.

Youki was confused: "This is...which one is this from?"

"We are making a bet to see if you can tell the risk and persuade you to quit..." Yin Zhewei put his arm around Yuki's shoulders affectionately, "To tell you the truth, if you don't tell the risk, our friendship will end here.

It's a step forward. But, since you have persuaded us to quit, it means that we have a strong friendship. We have walked together through wind and rain, water and fire."

Little R's voice was very low: "These two people said that if no one takes the other side, it won't be a bet. They forced me to choose the option... I will never admit it, and I will never write the minutes of the sect group meeting."

"You must have been shaken just now." Zhao Zhengzhen said, "You were shaken, right?"

"Damn it, you two are so dedicated to analyzing the pros and cons with me..."

Yuki was in a fog, and it took him a while to understand what was being said on the other side. Yuki was very moved. He felt that a strange signal was coming from the touch sensor somewhere on his chest, but when he searched the log, he found that the strange feeling was definitely

It comes from his own biological brain. Yuki didn't know how the old humans in the past described this inexplicable malfunction. He waved his hand: "To be honest, this kind of thing is indeed risky. Although it has never attracted the attention of the government before, if we

If we really find out something, we may have to face the masters from the moon. In addition, it is not ruled out that it is government fishing... And as far as I know, there is another force that studies personality masks and is also very interested in the God of War.


"Six Dragon Sect?"

Yuki nodded.

Zhao Zhengzhen clapped his hands: "That's just right..." The man gritted his teeth, "Don't forget, everyone here has some hatred for the sect with congenital defects."

Yuki sighed, and then said: "Okay...I won't say more. I think all the brothers and sisters have already made plans. I won't talk nonsense. Then our recent activities will be investigations.

This incident happened!”

Yin Zhewei kicked him: "Hey, when will it be your turn to talk about things here, guest of the sect? I am going to announce here the action plan of the Picoxi sect in the next week..."

"We can just share it in the form of a report later." Zhao Zhengzhen said: "We'd better continue to collect information."

"Depend on."


The first person to help the Picosi faction was the knight Euphorbia. For Euphorbia, the Picosi faction solved a huge problem for his brothers, and the help he has given to the Picosi faction so far is negligible.


Therefore, he specially used his local contacts to get some quite useful information.

"There are indeed a few people in the local chivalrous group who have been thinking about related events." Euphorbia said in the message sent: "The composition of this group is very complex. Some of them have no achievements in internal or external skills, so for the Martial God

They have vague hopes. Others simply worship the God of War. Others recruited by this group are not even knights at all. They are just marginalized groups like broadcasters who prefer freedom and equality and oppose the government."

"Their daily activities rarely intersect with the local chivalrous circles, so not many people know about them."

Yuki was not very surprised by this. Even the God of War himself did not like the God of War, and the knights did have a subtle attitude towards the matter of "desiring to become Ming Shan".

Although many knights are looking forward to Xiangshan's appearance, they only feel awkward when facing someone who wants to become Xiangshan.

Therefore, it is indeed possible that the group Euphorbia mentioned has less interaction with local knights.

Yuki said: "Are these people reliable?"

"I don't know. Serious knights rarely see them. But I have a buddy who has talked with them. These people are one of the few people who have studied history." Euphorbia explained, "Besides, they have studied so much here.

Year, there is always something.”

"What do you call this group of people?"

"Explore and discover the Martial God Society."

This chapter has been completed!
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