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Chapter 133: On the verge of breaking out

Speed ​​King... The Regional Development Foundation run by Falcon Voigt when he was young, owns an office building near the center of Sapp City. This office building is close to the high-end residential area of ​​Sapp City. However, Falcon

Voigt didn't live there at the time.

It is not that this building is valuable because it is close to the city center. In fact, on the contrary, it is precisely because of this building that the central part of Sapp City appears in this vicinity.

This building originally belonged to Yawgmoth. In a certain year, Yawgmoth donated the idle property in his name to his adopted son. He felt that his adopted son's direction was very good, so he gave some "initial help".

According to what Yawgmoth said back then, he didn't know much about being a father, so he could only provide such support.

Falcon certainly hopes to let the locals live a peaceful and prosperous life, but he does not exclude help from others. The start-up capital provided by Yawgmoth can indeed allow him to skip the most difficult accumulation stage at the beginning.

Before Hayabusa took over this place, the label "real estate held by members of the board of directors of Superman Enterprises" caused the land prices in the surrounding land to rise.

The geographical "center" of Old Sap City is actually a large area of ​​artificial lakes and woodland. It took a little cost to create this kind of terrain in such a tropical area. On the one hand, this design is to avoid heat islands.

The effect has made the city too hellish. On the other hand, Sap City is after all one of the cities built by Superman Enterprises to promote the human prosthetic project. Its supporting industry is "scientific research". Xiangshan reserved a place in the center of the city.

A large area of ​​the park has been allocated to ensure that Superman Enterprise’s research on “benchmarked cash crops” can be carried out conveniently.

After the city was built, most of the central part of the city was developed into urban parks, and a small part became high-end residential areas.

However, after many wars, this place was also abandoned. Almost all of the earth's native plants in the open air died from fungi carrying cross-border infectious viruses, a small number of laboratory cash crops, plants that successfully mutated in high-temperature environments, and their unstable offspring.

They grow and mutate randomly on a land that has lost humans.

As for those historical stories, no one knows them for a long time.

There are only a handful of enthusiasts left, trying to make fundamentally unreliable restorations from fundamentally unreliable information.

For example...

Martial God Society members have been exploring the mystery of "missing plant materials".

According to Hot Plate’s understanding of the old times, humans in the old days liked to use plants as materials to make furniture, decorations or daily necessities. Logically speaking, this should be a high-end residence with a lot of plant-based materials. Even though the climate here alternates frequently between dry and rainy seasons.

, and it will always leave traces.

He felt that this might be some kind of different old culture?

Yang Pingtie found this very absurd.

He can actually answer this question right now.

As early as more than a hundred years ago, similar gadgets had been plundered.

The research knight did it.

The Father of All Machines gathered all the remaining creatures that survived the Biosphere One extinction event and managed them in a unified way.

Those retroviruses created after humans cracked the underlying system of life have a transmission ability that is unimaginable for naturally occurring viruses. Humans can even allow a virus to be transmitted between eukaryotes and prokaryotes, ignoring compatibility issues.

A small number of bacteria and organisms carrying this virus still exist in the soil of the earth after the original biosphere is extinct. The recovery of the ecosystem has therefore become elusive.

Only polar moss barely survived due to "low temperatures that baseline organisms cannot overcome."

The Father of All Machines had to try to create a living environment in space for these remnants of the old biosphere, and develop cloning technology that could be used across multiple species.

Apart from the baseline humans themselves, the naturally mutated creatures remaining on the surface have become almost the only subjects that can be studied. But what about other than that?

For a while, some biology research knights could only rely on AI to simulate protein folding to conduct experiments. Slightly more advanced groups could only rely on well-preserved laboratory strains for research.

In this process, the scientific knights naturally focused on the "corpse of past organisms". "Extract as much complete genetic information as possible from the corpses of dead organisms" and "reverse the genetic information from denatured and inactivated proteins."

"The possibility" even became a new research field for a time.

The great knight captains who are now in charge of the temple also relied on this to make their fortunes when they were young.

Naturally, those "remains of past creatures" that Yawgmoth did not collect were also looted by the research knights in the following years. After all, in that era, this would be the only complex organic matter that many apprentices could obtain cheaply - except for the baseline

Beyond what people bring with them.

In short, this place has probably been raided several times.

Even the products of oxidation and decay were carefully scraped off by early treasure hunters.

In fact, if hot-dip studies carefully, it should not be difficult to find traces of looting. This little guy is not even good at inferring what happened at the scene based on the traces - but for modern knights, "scene restoration" is a basic

Advanced skills that you must master if you want to become a hero.

However, in the final analysis, that was only what happened when the Human Gene Bank Protection Arm and the Scientific Research Knights were first established. In this era, the Scientific Research Knights have already created many new species, some surviving species with strong vitality and reproductive ability.

It can also be planted on a large scale in an artificial environment.

In the early years, Yang Pingtie knew that he would often deal with such history buffs, and he also specialized in studying the historical data passed down by the Six Dragons Sect. However, he soon discovered that getting along with these history buffs requires too much knowledge.

Out of place.

The quality of the historical documents preserved by the Six Dragons Sect is very high.

For those who drive well, it is “too high”.

Yang Pingtie did not make any comment on the "research" of hot-dip plating. He continued to ask about the "party", hoping to get more information.

But I don’t know if it’s just because I’m “sensitive to this matter”. Hot-dip actually makes a fuss about some issues.

More than ten minutes passed. Besides listening to the tens of thousands of words of hot-plated nonsense, Yang Pingtie only knew that "it seems that some knights and detectives discovered that the Martial Gods Association is jointly organizing offline activities."

At this moment, Kaserpon sent a signal.

"Boss, there are others here. Thirteen in total. At least six of them are knights. Over."

——Huh? Are there knights? Besides him and the Six Dragons Cult, are there other people who are too busy?

"Are you sure there are at least six knights? Over."

"No, there are experts. The experts you said noticed us forty minutes ago. Over."


This exploration revealed that the credibility or academic level of the Martial God Society is so strong?


After entering the residential area, Yuki asked the others to wait for a moment, then walked to the remains of a small villa on the outermost side and punched the wall.

This kind of two- and three-story small houses have far lower strength requirements for building materials than high-rise buildings. The cement here does not use cutting-edge technology. The building materials have long exceeded their design life, and there is no one to maintain them.

Even my own weight can't bear it.

Yuki punched down and half the wall collapsed.

"It only has the effect of blocking vision, it cannot be used as a cover..." Youki nodded.

Following Xiangshan and fighting in various places for so many years, Yuki has become very familiar with the ability of various junk materials to intercept warriors and bullets, and knows the strength of various modern garbage.

But he really had no idea about this kind of ancient ruins.

Yuki did this to three buildings in succession, confirming that the building materials of these half-collapsed ruins were basically the same. He even fired a few shots with a weapon with a silencer.

A small-caliber firearm by human standards can at least penetrate a wall, and will probably only lose a small amount of speed in the process.

This behavior naturally attracted shouts from the Exploration and Discovery Martial God Society. They felt that this kind of destruction of the ruins was suspected of "burning the harp and boiling the crane."

The other knights did not question this behavior.

In order to ensure a retreat, the knights even divided their forces this time, leaving a few people to set up temporary firepower points outside the high-end residential area to ensure a retreat.

The group of people continued to walk into the residential area. Zhao Zhengzhen quickly approached Youki, and then handed over a data cable for direct connection. After Youki inserted it into the interface on his wrist, Zhao Zhengzhen directly passed the message: "Youki,

It’s not great. I found a target suspected of being a member of the Six Dragon Cult from the footage sent back by the drone. It’s one of the ones you marked before.”


Yuki was shocked.

He really didn't expect that the Six Dragons Sect actually came here to explore and discover the Martial Gods Association's event.

Is it so accurate to just say it casually?

These seemingly unreliable history enthusiasts actually have some research materials that the Six Dragon Sect covets?

This is too ridiculous!

"Let's make an idea now. Let's take a detour, or..."

Zhao Zhengzhen made a shooting gesture.

——Why didn’t I see that you love gesturing so much? Wouldn’t it be safer to say it directly in the wired communication?

Perhaps it was because he had been with the Picosi sect for a long time, or perhaps because his master Xiangshan was also a person of this style, so Yuki's first thought was this.

However, Yuki did not doubt Zhao Zhengzhen's intelligence. Although these former scientific knight apprentices were very unreliable in combat, they were never unreliable in things that required concentration, such as collecting and analyzing intelligence.

He made up his mind.

"No matter what the Six Dragons Sect wants to do, we can't let it happen. Let's pretend we don't know anything for now, and we'll take action as soon as we get close to the best attack range or advantageous position!"

This chapter has been completed!
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