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Chapter 138 Regulus

Yuki and others stood in the building that originally belonged to the Speed ​​King, discussing quickly on the team channel, but there was no progress.

The mysterious warrior who suddenly appeared initially tied the downed person with carbon fiber cables. If there was a wall nearby, he would knock it down and bury it. From his perspective, these were two groups that were fighting for no reason.

.Before the leader of the Six Dragons Cult made the operation of "tearing off the target's head and taking it away", he did the same thing to both parties.

That is to say, the battlefield was noisy enough, so it didn't attract anyone's attention in a short period of time.

After confirming that the Six Dragons Cult were "not good people", he was no longer polite, tore off everyone's heads, wrapped them in metal foil to prevent the signal from being transmitted, and then led a group of people here.

Originally, the young knights were quite wary of this mysterious man, but after exploration, they found that all the members of the Martial God Society seemed to know that such a person existed, and they all happily ran over to greet him, very enthusiastically.

Ai You even talked to OM before, asking what was going on. OM's tone was mysterious: "I've already told you, there are experts behind us!"

This expert is indeed tall, too tall. This is the first time Aiyou has seen such a high level. The foreign knight named Yuki has already demonstrated a level of external skills that astounds Aiyou, and that mysterious high level

There is a clear gap between the height of the person and Yuki.


"This kind of hero, and...does he still have 'this kind of' hobby?"

OM was dissatisfied: "When you say 'this kind', you must be thinking of a very rude adjective."

It's hard to understand, really hard to understand.

The information on hand is really too little, and everyone can't come up with anything through discussion. The only thing that can be confirmed now is that this mysterious knight is at least not in the same group as the Six Dragons Sect.

Yuki folded his hands in front of his chest and leaned against the wall, replaying the image data he had just recorded in his mind. During the fierce fight just now, the signals from other cameras on his body were directly excluded from his consciousness, and even if his brain received the signal, it did not process it.

.Now that I look back at the records, I can see some things clearly.

For example, Yuki realized only belatedly that the mysterious knight and the Six Dragon Cult warrior used the same... no, they were two martial arts that were closely related. The former had some non-gravity environment martial arts.

Characteristics. Moreover, the specialized flint and steel used by the mysterious knight to deliver that punch was secretly stolen from the warriors of the Six Dragon Sect.

——This style... is very familiar...

The prototypes of all martial arts algorithms in the modern martial arts system can be traced back to Xiangshan. Xiangshan's own style is "not rigidly bound to the existing system", which can be said to be "distinctive style without style". You can say that any

Cultivate martial arts "Xiangshan's style".

But... but

——That lingering feeling of familiarity.

——But he is obviously not a god of war.

Yuki thought this way again.

Yin Zhewei pushed Youki: "Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Review the battle just now."

Yin Zhewei said: "So serious? You didn't even pay attention to what I said on the channel just now."

"Ah? Oh, I'm sorry." Yuki scratched his head and said, "It was like this when I was practicing with my master. Every time I beat an opponent who was about the same level as me, he would hold a review meeting.


"The review meeting... is a bit luxurious. This kind of private customized service." Yinzhewei said: "In the Knights, there are no martial arts elective courses in this form. There are only major courses..."

Field research requires a little bit of force points. Field research of the Special Scientific Research Knights requires hunting knights and even more force points. But in most cases, the research knights are not that eager for force points.

Every scientific research knight can request cooperation from the gene bank defense arm - of course, as for "how to cooperate" and "to what extent", it all depends on the knight's own influence.

And if there is a real demand for force points, the research knight will have to spend resources and favors to ask an instructor for one-on-one reinforcement.

Yuki sighed.

"Why do you look like you have painful memories?" Yin Zhewei couldn't help but trembled: "It's like we were recalling the failure of the project."

"Tsk tsk, the so-called 'review meeting' means that my master asks me to self-evaluate my performance, and then he will comment on my comments. Sometimes there may be a layer of separation. I will comment on myself first, and then do a martial arts

My peers who are better than me comment on my comments, and finally my master comes to comment on the comments." Yuki covered his head, "It's like being denied from the inside out..."

"At least... I think it's quite effective." Yin Zhewei Rui commented, "You don't know what a scientific research knight apprentice is like. From the inside out, including personality, you have to be denied by the boss. At least.

You have really learned something and are very capable. As for us..."

Yin Zhewei muttered a few more words that Youki couldn't quite understand.

Youki forced himself to divert his attention. He now had many things to ask the mysterious warrior. But he really couldn't be sure whether this guy was a Martial God reserve, a Martial God-related person like himself, or just someone who

He is a lunatic who has devoured the memories of the Martial Ancestor and lost his self-awareness.

The size of the latter group should be ten times or a hundred times that of the former.

Having said that, the boundary between "lunatics influenced by Martial Ancestor's memory" and "Martial God Reserves" seems unclear.

in addition……

Even if others are really related to the Tenth Martial God, how others view him is still a big problem.

Yuki actually doesn't have many ways to prove that he is a disciple of the Twelfth Martial God.

Xiang Shan has a corresponding plan. If the two parties get separated on the road and Xiang Shan finds Niyaguti first, he will inform the chivalrous forces in Africa of some contact codes in advance. Youki can use this method to prove his identity.

In addition, Xiangshan once told him some ways to prove his identity, which he can tell Niyaguti and Tao Enhai. If Youki arrives at the destination before Xiangshan, Youki can also make comparisons through this "tacit understanding between old friends"

Reluctant self-certification.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, those proof methods are only for a few old-timers such as Niya Guti and Tao Enhai.

Even Yuki has the obligation to destroy his own memory at critical moments to prevent these self-evidence methods from being obtained by the enemy.

He couldn't say it directly.

After a while, the warrior came over from another part of the building. Because the building was in disrepair, and the warriors carrying this tonnage were not considered during the design, every step of the warrior made the ground tremble. Zhewei was even a little worried.

Will the ground be unable to bear it?

"Hello everyone." The warrior's tone was very brisk, "I have temporarily housed those prisoners. In addition, I also built a new prosthetic body for Brother Hot Plating. It seems that the original spine cannot be saved, and it may not be possible for a while.

Adaptation. In short, he went to rest for the time being."

OM and other members of the Exploration and Discovery Martial God Society cheered and ran over to high-five him. The mysterious warrior also responded happily, as if he were a child king.

Yin Zhewei said: "Who are you? Are you the one who spreads the news about the legacy of the Tenth Martial God?"

"Well, yes, it's me." The warrior said, "Because I am active in this area, there are related rumors in this area. These young guys from the fan association are working as volunteers for me and helping me with some projects.

Activities that I am not comfortable attending...hmm, that's about it."

"Tell me first, who are you?"

These words attracted the attention of Aiyou A, Euphorbia and the other knights.

If you haven't decided to formally launch a joint operation, the knights generally won't reveal too much information about themselves to each other, because you don't know whether the guy you are working with will be caught by the rangers tomorrow and given a confessional agent that will permanently turn him into an idiot.

, and then change all the information in his mind.

Only when "cooperation is needed", the knights will stake each other's intelligence as a symbol of mutual trust.

The mysterious master in front of him obviously has no such intention. Under such circumstances, one should not ask rashly.

The master held his chin with one hand: "Well, I just observed it, you, you, you..." He pointed at Youki, followed by Zhewei and Zhao Zhengzhen, "You three are one

A small group is not the same as other people, right?"

"That's right, we are the newly established sect Picoxi Sect, and this is our sect's elder Ke Qing..."

"Okay, which scientific research knights came out?"

"What Research Knights?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid. I saw too many people like you on Mars in the early years. You couldn't stand the environment of the Scientific Research Knights, so you just turned against Ya's apprentices. The proportion is not small."

Zhao Zhengzhen emphasized: "It's not that we can't stand it, we have seen through the essence of the Scientific Research Knights! It is a kind of..."

"Which group you belong to, just tell me."

Youji said: "Those regiments with a particularly large number of Six Dragon Cults. They come from different knight orders. Just because of the Six Dragon Cult, non-Six Dragon Cult disciples cannot be promoted normally and live a very difficult life."

Zhao Zhengzhen insisted: "It has nothing to do with the Six Dragons Sect or not! We are here to deny that evil organizational structure..."

"Understood!" The mysterious master nodded and looked at Youki again, "What is your identity? You don't look like a scientific knight apprentice..."

Yuki even had the illusion of a "heartbeat" for a moment. The signal spontaneously generated by the brain was captured by the program, and the motor in the chest started, idling, and then was quickly stopped by Yuki.

——Do you want to be frank and honest...

In the end, Youki chose a safe way of expression: "My master... used to be a scientific research knight and scientist, with a high status."

Yin Zhewei was very surprised and patted Youki: "No wonder we can get together. Fate! Fate!"

Scientist, an ancient title.

When he heard this word, the warrior nodded, seeming to understand something.

"Do you know the Six Dragons Sect very well?" he continued to ask, "I just asked these young brothers, are you the first one to make a judgment? When we just met, you judged that they were from the Six Dragons Sect.

?And made a judgment of 'attack'?"

Youki stared at the warrior. He said slowly: "Actually... I have a fellow disciple who has entered the Six Dragons Sect. Master has always been heartbroken by this and wants to clean up his eldest disciple himself. I actually... haven't met him.

Pass her."

Youki still remembered the "senior sister" that the warrior blurted out just now.

The concepts of "master-disciple inheritance" and "sect" are both "social structures" gradually developed by chivalry later. Before Xiang Shan, these things did not exist. Warriors of Xiang Shan's generation were accustomed to using the social relationships of the old era to position themselves. He

Using the term "senior sister" means that he cannot be at least a warrior of the same generation as Xiangshan.

And besides this kind of "old friend", the person closest to the God of War...

The most likely person to blurt out is "Senior Sister"...

The warrior nodded understandingly: "It seems you do understand the Six Dragons Cult very well."

"The part I can tell you is actually no more than what the Twelfth Martial God broadcast."

The implication is that there is a part that "cannot be described in words".

"Your master must also have very high internal strength, right?" the warrior asked.

Yuki raised his head and gestured upward: "I can't see the height of my head."

Euphorbia was a little confused and asked secretly: [How did their logic jump to this point? Why can "your master's internal strength is very high" be jumped to "without broadcasting more than the God of War"?]

[Unable to understand.] Ai You was almost in awe, [Maybe this is the world of masters, right? Some kind of cultural consensus allows them to "keep everything silent"...]

Yin Zhewei said: [They clearly met for the first time, why are they so late? I don’t understand, I don’t understand. ]

"I understand, I understand." The warrior nodded, "Okay, we can cooperate temporarily. However, you must suppress the activity of neurons in the hippocampus during this process to ensure that short-term memory is not converted into long-term memory.

I will send you a program, and you can check the source code yourself. It will keep no records of you according to the agreement, and will continue to send me signals. You can choose the time to terminate the agreement. Just like my other past collaborators


Soon, a download request popped up in front of everyone's eyes. They carefully checked and confirmed that this was indeed a tool designed to protect against gentlemen and villains.

Yuki discovered that he had downloaded the compressed package. Although it contained the text and comments of the source code, there was no executable file.

But Youki made no move. He knew that this was probably done intentionally by this mysterious ally.

"My name is Tuoba Regulus." The warrior raised a finger: "Thirty years ago, I should still be somewhat famous."

"Tuoba... wait, this name..." Aiyou A took a few steps back, "This, that's not..."

"A disciple of the Tenth God of War, a great knight with titles such as 'body like a lion' and 'blood lion'...?"

Youki was stunned: "Disciple of the Tenth God of War? Why? Here?"

This chapter has been completed!
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