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Chapter 140 The Project of the Tenth God of War

"God of War" is actually a wrong mechanism and a cultural phenomenon that should not occur.

All human cultural achievements have been brutally erased, leaving only a few traces. Most human beings spend their lives in ignorance. Because they have lost some inner driving force, a single person's ability to build his own cognitive abilities

are invisibly restricted. At the same time, the ability of an individual to resist - that is, the way to obtain "violence" - is also tightly restricted. This restriction is even preset in the way that everyone must

among the electronic devices acquired.

The most direct way for civilians to obtain systematic knowledge is Xiangshan's memory maze.

Xiangshan's memory maze is a systematic knowledge, a basically complete cognitive system. After accepting this set of knowledge before learning new things, you can also "put me first" and think on your own.

Identify the credibility and usefulness of this new information.

However, this cognitive system itself is part of Xiangshan's personality.

Xiangshan's personality and Xiangshan's cognition are highly bound.

Generally speaking, "students" or "disciples" may be close to their teachers in some aspects of cognition. However, they can never be completely consistent with their teachers in all areas.

But the God of War is completely consistent with Xiangshan in all areas.

They are too addicted.

All Martial Gods who are human beings are great geniuses. All Martial Gods with true personalities are great men who "should have engraved their names in human history if they could display their talents."

But they have never seen the stars beyond "Xiangshan", so in order to gain limited freedom, they can only make themselves into Xiangshan instead of one of the twinkling human stars.

But this is incorrect.

Xiangshan himself judged it this way.

The choices of many Martial Gods in history have in turn strengthened the human group's understanding of the concept of "Xiang Shan can be resurrected". Starting from the second Martial God, the external environment has driven the continuous evolution of this choice.

Xiangshan therefore became the most special individual in human civilization.

This "specialness" is not based on his individual ability or sanctity, but is caused by special historical conditions and technical factors.

Yuki can completely understand the idea of ​​the tenth Martial God. If "Miang Shan's personality" and "powerful force" can be untied, so that everyone can obtain martial arts similar to that of the Martial God, the new rebels do not need to be obsessed with becoming Ming Shan.

Then perhaps there will never be a cultural phenomenon of the reincarnation of a warrior god again.


"Isn't this right?" Yuki said, "Senior brother, isn't this direction a little...not conducive to knights?"

Xiangshan often said that when he was a boy, he felt that technology had no stance and that all technologies were neutral and guiltless. As a young man, he gradually realized that "technology has tendencies." For example, in Xiangshan's concept, the "assembly line" has

An "evil" technology that benefits managers and vested interests but is not beneficial to workers.

"Martial Arts" was originally designed based on this concept. Xiangshan's original design idea was to "maximize the advantages of the human brain" and "leverage the advantages of small-scale unrestricted warfare" to ensure the stability of this system

Technology favors "the weak who only have one life left" and is not conducive to "tyrants".

"Military Martial Arts" is considered to be a "heresy" and a "wrong way" in martial arts, because the entire martial arts system of "Military Martial Arts" goes against Xiangshan's original design intention. This is a technical system that is more inclined to "those with abundant resources"


The reason why the research of the Eighth Martial God was destroyed by the Eighth Martial God was because the Eighth Martial God felt that this research also had the reason of "contrary to the original intention of martial arts". Senior Turing also touched on this direction.

Maybe King Agni or someone from the Scientific Research Knights can come up with a similar idea tomorrow. But as long as possible, the knight must control the dissemination of information and prevent the patrons from knowing the existence of this idea.

There is a binding between "Xiangshan's personality" and "Martial God's violence", which has become a screening mechanism. Under this screening mechanism, Martial God must be on the side of the knight. (At least for most people in this era

It seems that this is an iron law that will not be broken - the counterexample of the Six Dragons Cult Leader is not well known.)

Yuki said to Tuoba Regulus: "Although I don't know what the Eighth Martial God did or what the specific idea was, but judging from the information revealed by the master, it is quite bad... My master obtained the Eighth Martial God's

The legacy later told me that the Eighth Martial God is not as simple as the world knows. He is secretly researching some technology, and it must not be revealed."

Such breaking news came from the disciples of the Twelfth Martial God. This caused a burst of exclamations from the surrounding people, and several people quickly meditated and took deep breaths to calm down.

"Yeah, yeah." Regulus nodded repeatedly, "It's true, it's true. My master also said that the Eighth Martial God should not be that simple, but he doesn't know the specific reason. Xiangshan's ideas are always surprisingly similar.' Formation

A small team secretly develops a technology that can change the world', this is what Xiangshan is best at."

Yuki always felt that there was something wrong with this summary.

"Actually, my master did the same thing. We sneaked there with difficulty on the basis of lack of large-scale data collection and experiments." Regulus sighed, "I am still very doubtful, maybe the protector is through

In order to meet our demand for computing resources and lock the Jupiter airspace where we operate - you see, until now, you have never heard of the 'Legacy Project of the Tenth Valkyrie' from others, right?"

Yuki said: "But when it is used on a large scale, exposure is inevitable. Even if the asylum seekers cannot get our research data, 'the existence of this kind of thing' is an important direction guide for them. They are sure

This will be listed as the direction of attack..."

Yin Zhewei nodded: "At that time, many scientific research knights with sufficient resources will swarm in and compete with your small team for intelligence."

"Actually, my master also pondered this issue during his lifetime." Regulus sighed, "So the best way to bring this technology out is during the final battle with the protector, before the protector develops the corresponding technology.

This technology has no room for application. The Eighth God of War may have similar ideals. They want to become the last God of War in history."

It just didn't happen.

Every Martial God hopes to be the last Martial God.

Yin Zhewei raised his hand cautiously: "Can I ask how you did your research... Just explain it without trying to silence me. Really, I'm too curious."

"When we were in the Jupiter airspace, we first did a comparative study and collected data to compare the brain activity differences between the 'Tenth God of War who imitated the Speed ​​King' and the 'Tenth God of War who used his own style'. In addition, we also looked for

Bai Jian Yi followed and obtained some of the data left behind by the Sixth and Seventh Martial Gods..." Regulus scratched his head, "Of course, and the most important thing is to study, when accessing specific memory fragments, the Tenth Martial God and

Differences in the brain activity of general warriors'. Through comparison of various data, we will gradually peel off the 'non-martial arts' parts of the memory maze, and at the same time confirm in what form 'martial arts' operates in the human brain and what the fragments are.

, and...how to further strengthen this brain activity."

"Building artificial neural circuits by...?"

"Well, this is a technology that appeared in the Eighth Martial God Era, and there are rumors that the birth of the Ninth Martial God is related to it. In my master's era, this technology was also thoroughly discovered, and it is considered to further strengthen warriors and enhance their awareness.

The potential of intellectual ability." Tuoba Regulus said, "But it is a pity that before being raided by King Agni, several other senior brothers and I were still studying the thesis of the Knights Hospitaller, and there was nothing valuable yet.

"Breakthrough." Regulus shook his head, "But in recent years, there has been news on the Internet that artificial neural circuits have been used on a large scale on the moon, and there are so-called 'virtual neural circuits' and 'battle array' technology - still fighting

We figured it out, but we don’t know if it’s true or false.”

Xiangshan did not tell Youki what "the idea" the Eighth Martial God and Zhu Xinyu thought of at the same time, but he relayed to Youki all the technologies that the government had completed research and development. Explaining it to beginners would also be helpful for his own understanding.

Related concepts. At the same time, this can be regarded as a guarantee. If Xiangshan is defeated, Yuki can still tell the knights and the world about the Eighth Martial God.

Youki said: "That's really similar...the technology valued by the Tenth and Eighth Martial Gods."

"The birth of the Ninth Valkyrie is related to the breakthrough of artificial neural circuit technology" is a lie used by Yawgmoth to deceive the Ninth Valkyrie. However, the Eighth Valkyrie did develop related technology to try to let the false personality cover control the human brain.


Regulus said: "The choice of the God of War is generally similar!"

"So, senior brother, what you have been doing these years is..."

"Well, I'm looking for different volunteers, and on the premise that they suppress the hippocampus, obtain their consent, and record their brain activity when they access specific Xiangshan memories, so as to exclude the 'non-martial arts' part. In order to ensure

For this point, we used early memories before the birth of ‘martial arts’ from the beginning.”

Aiyou A suddenly realized: "What kind of martial arts society is this? Did you create it?"

"It's not like I did it. They are just volunteers who volunteered to help me with some peripheral work. I actually want to convey to everyone the 'real Xiangshan'..."

Zhao Zhengzhen pointed out the problem: "However, it has not transformed long-term memory. How can you create a 'real Xiangshan'..."

"When we arrange for you to access specific Xiangshan memory fragments, you can release the control of the hippocampus area by the confidential program." Regulus scratched his head, "But, there are indeed some people who just drive this for safety reasons.

Just read the fragments of Xiangshan’s memory through the confidential program. You will forget it after reading it, and there will be no psychological burden.”

Yin Zhewei thought: "There are some brain circuits that will be aroused in 'martial arts activities' and 'non-martial arts activities' at the same time... Your goal is to 'lock all the circuits that will be aroused in martial arts activities'?"

But this faster method should be to 'compare the brain activity of peak martial artists to confirm the commonalities'? Why choose to eliminate the 'non-commonalities'?"

"There are very few people who can compare with the God of War. They are either dead, on the side of the protector, or difficult to find." Regulus XIV explained.

"So how do you process the data?"

"Take your time..." Regulus said in a very aggrieved tone, "After all, this is the earth-lunar system, and you can't do distributed data processing. That would be completely leaking information to the moon."

"This problem may be solved by local knights with a solid base." Youji said, "In addition... I also happen to know a master who has been certified by my master. In the field of 'external skills' alone, he is not a god of martial arts."


Regulus was shocked: "Is there such a role? Just talking about external skills?"

"Guerrilla tactics, tracking and counter-tracking, and internal skills are basically not covered, only external skills..." Yuki described Matsushima Hiro.

Regulus patted his head: "Martial arts warriors... yes, a very pure data source. But... there are actually such powerful ones..."

"Actually, regarding this point, I think..." Yin Zhewei hesitated, "Listen, it may be a bit strange to say this. I don't mean to disrespect the Martial God. What I want to say is that you can just use the Sixth Martial God.

Comparing the data of the seventh Martial God with the tenth Martial God should be able to advance the research progress a lot, right?"

"Oh, otherwise, everyone in the Scientific Research Knights is a talented person. Come with us and think about it. We had this idea back then." Tuoba Regulus clapped his hands fiercely: "I don't know the specific situation.

It’s clear. For a period of time after going to the White Ship Yicong, our group all used a confidentiality program similar to yours. The short-term memory was not converted into long-term memory, and we did not remember what they actually revealed. The Sixth Martial God retained

The data can barely be said to be that the data of the Seventh God of War was buried in the asteroid belt together with the old White Ship Yi Cong. Very little remains, and even less is given to us. Moreover, my master did speculate openly or secretly.

The, uh, peculiarities of the Seven Warlords."

Although the information was not memorized, the decisions a person made when he was suppressed in the Kaiba area would not be much different from normal times. The Tenth God of War should have made what he thought was the decision after learning the information given by Shirokan Yoshitsune.

appropriate decision.

Tuoba Regulus used this method to keep secrets while not violating the principle of informed consent.

"In fact, it is quite difficult to do this. If you want to raise enough Martial God data, you must first have so much Martial God data. And then considering that all the Martial Gods of the past generations were sacrificed on the battlefield, whether you can get it depends on the probability.

To put it simply..." Regulus patted Youki on the shoulder, "Maybe this Martial God has a better chance now."

This chapter has been completed!
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