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Chapter 148

Youki handed the memory storage device to Regulus, and Regulus motioned for him to keep it for himself.

"I have a lot of them here." When Regulus said this, he showed a large number of memories in the storage space on his waist.

"They are all memories that Master does not want others to know." Regulus XIV was very enthusiastic, "They are all, I guarantee that none of them will be able to look back, and it will make the old man want to hit someone!"

A feeling of respect immediately arose in Yuki's heart: "Senior brother... is the living environment of the Tenth Martial God Sect so good?"

Regulus became serious: "Junior brother... I ask you, if you don't cause trouble, won't you be beaten by the master? In daily training, he will spare you and let you win one or two games? No way, no

Is that so? Is he more like this kind of person now?"

"Uh... well, it should be no different from the Tenth God of War in your impression."

"Then it's over. No matter how you fight, you will get beaten and cheated. No matter what you do, it won't change the situation, so why not work towards having fun? His cheating can really beat you up.

Can you die?"

Yuki was silent for a moment, feeling that it made sense.

"But being beaten every day with dignity despite defeat is not the same feeling as being beaten without dignity, right?"

"I don't think there's much difference."

"Ah, that makes sense..."

Yuki nodded and went up to wait for the others to wake up.

"Reading" itself is a skill. "Efficiently identify useful information", "quickly complete short-term memory", and "convert short-term memory into long-term memory" can all be improved through training. The more you read, the better

The better at reading.

And the memory of Xiangshan belongs to the most difficult category of all reading objects. For humans in this era, "Xiangshan" is one of the few cultural phenomena.

People who read less of other people's memories read more slowly than good readers.

After Tuoba Regulus left Youki, he entered a basement again. There were two vehicles here. A cheap-looking ordinary chariot vehicle, and a six-legged all-terrain vehicle. The second

The main part of the vehicle can also discard two-thirds of the load and chassis and become a drone for short-distance emergency movement.

Both vehicles are used to attach spare parts.

This is a tradition that has continued from the end of the old era to the present. The chivalrous war entered the middle period, and all early knights were regarded as terrorists and were attacked by the whole world. In his early years, Wuzu Xiangshan occasionally needed to fight with field troops controlled by thieves.

Earlier, the military was studying the use of quadruped robots to transport ammunition and supplies. Wu Zu took the lead in perfecting this idea, further improving the endurance of artificial people that is already longer than that of natural people.


As for the "mobile supply platform", the attacking and defensive sides have also upgraded a series of technologies and tactics.

Although the First Level Sky Prototype has become more powerful, its maintenance requirements are also higher. Without such a huge vehicle to transport spare parts, the First Level Sky Prototype cannot carry out continuous operations.

Many parts used in the Yichuantian prosthetic body must be stored in a specific way if they are not placed in the correct location to prevent losses caused by the environment. If many accessories are not installed, they should not be carried directly on the body.

And Regulus XIV opened a secret compartment on the second multi-legged all-terrain unmanned vehicle and inserted the Martial Ancestor memories he carried with him into it one by one.

These memories include not only Xiangshan’s “failed first assassination”, or other such “failures”.

Wuzu Xiangshan made a lot of low-level mistakes in the beginning that people today think are very low-level. If his opponents weren't better than him, he might not have the chance to grow up.

However, these are not the most important of these memories.

The memories compiled by Tuoba Regulus, apart from the "unbearable" ones, also include another part, things that Xiangshan really doesn't want others to know, the darkest things in his memory.

Regulus hesitated for a moment, then pulled out a memory device and plugged it into the interface on his body.

After a few minutes, he pulled it out as fast as lightning.

"Disgusting, so damn disgusting." Regulus shook his head repeatedly, "I'm embarrassed to show it to others."

If it were Yuki, he would probably find it strange and question, "You compiled it just for people to see, didn't you?"

But Regulus really didn’t want to be seen, not at all.

How should I put it, he hopes to spread the negative history of Xiangshan in order to restore a true image of Wu Zu and make everyone realize that "Xiangshan is also a mortal".

But some memories will only make people have more negative impressions of human beings.

Modern people's attention to Wuzu Xiangshan is more concentrated in the second half of Superman Enterprise to the end of the Sublimation War.

During the Superman Enterprise period, the main focus was on Xiangshan gathering many partners and winning victories again and again.

These memories are Xiangshan's most difficult victory and his victory over the most difficult enemy in the old era - hatred.

National hatred, racial hatred, religious hatred...etc. are different.

This is a very strange thing. Concepts such as nation and race were no longer firm the moment the genetic modification surgery was born. Traditional religion was deconstructed by Xiang Shan in a joking way, and science became meaningless.

Questionable "more spiritual witchcraft".

But the hatred caused by these things has survived almost completely.

No matter what the cause of hatred is—whether it is accumulated over a long history, or it is instigated by imperialism or regional hegemony, since it exists, it is an objective problem. Even if the original motivation has been taken away, it can still be established.

A member of group A, just because he is a member of group A, may one day lose his parents, lover, children, and friends to group B - just because the person he cares about is a member of group A.

Then, he will naturally have a huge hatred for Group B and hate someone just because he is a member of Group B. In his perception, this is how he is treated.

This is "just".

And such irrational hatred exists almost simultaneously on the entire earth. Some have attracted the attention of the whole world, while some have hardly been noticed by humans. On a certain peninsula, nearly 5% of the total population has existed for a long time.

The armies were confronting each other, and the locals regarded it as normal—but this was already one of the least perverted of the perverted facts of the old days.

In many places on earth, a person can literally lose his life in his sleep just because of his origin.

Or was he killed by his neighbor.

In the face of this kind of hatred, even if external interference is cut off, it will not help. Sometimes, cutting off external interference may even cause internal hatred to completely get out of control.

Of course, Xiangshan can also prevent anyone from sending weapons or any resources other than food to these areas.

But this is meaningless. Once the hatred is completed, weapons are already a secondary condition. Those who are trapped in the quagmire of hatred will fight each other even if they hold stones.

Haha, it's really ridiculous. In some areas of the world, humans have begun to become prosthetic and move towards immortality and the universe. In other areas, humans are willing to prepare for a Stone Age war.

And Xiangshan, what did Xiangshan do?

In some countries, he has supported poor young students.

In some countries, he established certain contacts with local warlords.

In some countries, he directly hired "professional security companies" to end his life.

He also protected people who probably didn't deserve protection at all.

Xiangshan has never directly killed anyone who may not deserve to die. But occasionally, such people lose their lives due to one of his decisions.

"Xiang Shan is a born bastard, he should do big things." Regulus sighed and closed the lid.

If Xiangshan hadn't been this kind of person, it would have been impossible for humans to complete genetic modification simultaneously and become another species as a whole.

Judging from the results, Xiangshan is the individual who has eliminated the most wars and promoted peace negotiations and regional reconciliation in the world.

But behind this, how many compromises and how many "necessary evils" are there?

I'm afraid only Xiang Shan knows it in his heart.

He overcame tragedies like the "Sherukaimidom Massacre" again and again.

Regulus's fingers brushed across a row of memories. The contents here were full of shaking and self-torture.

Xiangshan wasn't sure whether doing this would be considered a betrayal of the self who gave up revenge in Serukamidom.

The only thing that is certain is that mankind has indeed accomplished such a great feat within one generation.

The hatreds of those years were not completely eliminated by Xiang Shan. But soon, greater terror covered them. Soon, the tyranny that covered these historical hatreds was destroyed by another force.

"Xiangshan, Xiangshan." Tuoba Regulus sighed, "Master, where and what kind of battle are you fighting now?"


——As expected, my skills in processing data have not fallen behind yet.

The great Knight Frey, Xiang Shan, said this in his heart.

Until now, Research Knight Palmion had not noticed that there was anything wrong with the direction "given" to him by Xiang Shan.

Xiangshan has always stayed in that group, and after the data handover was completed, he actively provided suggestions for Palmion's research, showing a strong sense of ownership as the "first author".

Moreover, Xiangshan's suggestions always leave just the right loopholes for Lord Palmion to point out and criticize, creating the illusion that "I am supporting Knight Frey". He feels that everything is under his control.

It was in this atmosphere that Palmien misjudged his ability and the difficulty of the project. He was a little distracted, but he felt that the experiment went very smoothly, each conjecture was verified or falsified, and the direction became clearer.

But as the experiment progressed, Xiang Shan became clearer and clearer.

These "resilient protein skeletons" that support one's own nerve cell network are probably not products spontaneously synthesized by one's own cells.

It may have been transformed into its current non-special form in its own brain cells through a certain reaction path, but its "raw materials" are likely to be of external origin.

That is from artificial injection.

At present, he has no idea what that "raw material" is. This raw material may be one or more organic macromolecules that can be swallowed up by nerve cells, or it may even be artificially implanted polymer threads in the nerve cells.

internal evolution.

There are many possibilities. Xiangshan could list more than a dozen with his eyes closed.

--not the right time yet.

Xiangshan told himself this. He stayed alone in his office - the Scientific Research Knights had upgraded his salary and allowed him to have a huge office on a high floor. Through surveillance, he observed the Scientific Research Knights where he was

The group's in-group status.

Well, facing the computer screen.

Although Xiang Shan still does not have the authority to freely use the internal network of the Knights' station, the Scientific Research Knights now have no reason to prevent Xiang Shan from using electronic equipment, and the corresponding restrictions are gradually being relaxed.

Naturally, with this computer in Xiangshan's hands, Xiangshan can do more.

This chapter has been completed!
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