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Chapter 40 Surgery and Martial Arts

When Youki and the little guy walked into the copycat boss training room, Xiangshan was debugging an instrument. This instrument was very similar to the one in the Z organization, but it was much smaller.

"There are not many times when we need so many blades and manipulators, so I built them according to the lowest standards." Xiang Shan patted the instrument at hand and said, "We have to thank the noble lady before for bringing us the equipment.

, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to build it so quickly.”

Yuki nodded.

"Ah, by the way, since those guys over there mentioned the HTML meditation method to you, I have to say one more thing." Xiang Shan said: "Don't try any World Wide Web meditation method before I give you permission.

Means, do you understand?"

Yuki nodded: "I don't even know what the World Wide Web Meditation Method is..."

Cui Kui also said: "Senior, it is impossible for me to do such a dangerous thing..."

"I don't blame you. I just suddenly heard you mention the HTML meditation method, so I remembered it and mentioned it casually." Xiang Shan sighed: "You must not try that method before you learn to use your biological brain to forge fictitious addresses.

Things, do you understand?"

For some reason, Yuki felt that Master's tone was very serious, so he tried to ask: "Master, were you in the past..."

"No, I can't remember." Xiang Shan shook his head: "It's just that a voice in my head reminded me just now. The superiors have long mastered the method of accurately 'cursing' an individual. On the Internet, once your identity is exposed,

With regard to your true identity, you may be faced with a situation where the prosthetic body stops instantly and the biological brain dies. I’m not sure to what extent technology has developed now and how to authenticate a person’s identity, but..."

Cui Shi felt that the old man's words were a bit strange, but he didn't think too much about it. Maybe those strong men had such quirks. He said: "Senior, actually I still have some information compiled by our sect. If

If it is useful to you..."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Pass it to me later. In addition, just ask Yuki to take you to get a counter messenger soaking agent. In addition, apprentice, you can also prepare to increase the transformation rate. Be prepared. If there is any

You can make any requests."

Yuki nodded nervously, and then handed the little girl to Xiang Shan. The little girl giggled, finding it very interesting. Xiang Shan dropped the anesthetic he had just found into the little guy's nasal cavity.

In the old days, "anesthesiologist" was a separately listed position. How much anesthetic should be given to a patient to provide analgesia, ensure the duration of the operation, and not affect recovery is a big question. There are many major surgeries.

, requires general anesthesia, and the operation time is also very long. In this kind of operation, if too much medicine is given at one time, it may cause the patient to have difficulty breathing or even suffocate to death.

Anesthesiologists also need to monitor blood pressure and heart rhythm readings at all times.

But that's Homo sapiens.

Baseline people are not so particular about it. As long as they are not injected with a "killing" dose at the beginning, then apnea and the like are minor problems that can be ignored.

This is one of the reasons why Xiang Shan dared to complete the operation alone.

The little girl soon fell asleep.

The room has been disinfected and dusted. Xiangshan has turned on the electrostatic field, so Cui Gu and the others will not bring up dust when they come in.

This is a craniotomy. Xiangshan first shaved off part of the hair on the little girl's head, and then removed a piece of skull to expose the wound as much as possible. [This is not in line with the surgical strategy of Homo sapiens, but for baseline humans, it is


Xiangshan wanted to take a deep breath.

The situation was almost as bad as he imagined.

It has been several years since the little poisonous insect implanted these flexible electrodes into the little girl when she was just born. With the development speed of human brain nerves, the little girl's brain has long been integrated with these electrode arrays, and the nerves and

The electrode parts are entangled with each other.

The electrodes even became an intrinsic part of the little girl's brain.

Cui Kui let out a suppressed cry.

"What's going on? It's a little too cruel..." Cui Mu said: "This child is still so young, who would do such a vicious thing?"

"Well, as she grows, these electrodes will hinder the normal activity of the brain sooner or later." Xiang Shan said: "That bastard didn't even think about taking them out, nor how long he would let her live."

These densely packed electrode arrays cannot all remain in the little girl's skull.

But if they were all removed...it would be too late in a sense.

Some electrodes have been embedded in the brain. If they are forcibly removed, the brain itself will be damaged.

Xiangshan can only do his best.

"I will take out all the parts that can be taken out." Xiangshan said: "The rest... If it doesn't work, just use part of the inner strength for compensatory training. The compensatory function of the human brain is still very strong.

There is still hope.”

Compensation is a special human body mechanism. If a human being has a defect in a certain part of the body, the body will call other parts with similar functions to perform the functions of the defective part.

For example, when a normal person raises his thigh, he will use the muscles near the knee joint. But if a person with a knee injury does the same movement, he will feel soreness in the thigh muscles. This is because when the latter exerts force, the muscles near the knee joint will be used.

The muscles in the body cannot complete the function, so other muscles will take over.

The blind person's hearing becomes sharper, and the deaf person's sense of smell becomes more magical, which is also a kind of compensation. In this case, the resources your brain originally used to process the missing senses will be invested in another form.

During the processing of sensory information.

The compensatory function of the human brain is actually very scary - in a sense, humans are really creatures with overactive brains. In medical records, there are even people who have lost their cerebral hemispheres but are still alive.

In some extreme cases [such as some extremely stubborn epilepsy], doctors have to remove half of the brain of some patients. These patients who had half of their brains removed found in subsequent studies that the remaining half of their brains

A large number of new connections will be formed in various areas of the brain to cope with this loss.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! If half of the brain is lost in childhood, the patient may even retain complete thinking ability.

This process has a similar mechanism to the formation of "Saussure's Domain".

In other words, "Saussure's Domain" uses hormones, enzymes, viruses and conscious training to purposefully develop this hidden function of the brain.

Chen Feng...or anyone else related to him introduced a kind of rehabilitation therapy into this martial arts system.

——Tsk, tsk, technology to solve the problem of eating, technology to upgrade the education industry, technology to open up space, and now there is also technology to treat neurological diseases...

——Did all these things turn into martial arts?

Such thoughts flashed through Xiangshan's mind for no apparent reason.

My head hurts a little, as if something is about to jump out.

But Xiangshan cut off these distracting thoughts.

There is a life in front of you now, and you need to give it your all.

Separate glial cells and blood vessels that do not need to carry blood from foreign objects.

Fill with previously prepared absorbable material.

Little by little... little by little...

Seeing that Xiang Shan was serious, Cui Kui didn't dare to disturb him, so he pulled You Ji away.

On the way, he sighed: "Senior, it's really unfathomable that you can even perform this kind of surgery..."

Yukic asked: "Are there very few knights who can do this kind of thing?"

"Very few, because most people feel that it is not necessary." Cui Mu said: "As long as the brain-machine barrier can be repaired, most situations can be dealt with. Direct damage to some biological brain cells is actually very rare. In

In most cases, if a knight falls into that situation, he will either die or be worse off than dead."

Cui Kui spent the next few hours in front of the computer in the base.

Youji completed the scheduled homework, and when he came there, he saw Cui Si falling on the ground, and Huang Cou Guang was kneeling opposite Cui Si to comfort him...it seemed that he was bursting into tears.

Youji said: "Brother Cui, Sister Huang, what are you two doing?"

"Nothing, just ridiculous..." Cui Kui shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's just... I was a little bit hit. Judging from the speed at which I output codes, my internal strength may be only half of what it used to be. This doesn't include the fact that I may have suffered a brain injury.

As for the language skills that cannot be used... I probably still have the vision of a compiler, but it is really not good in actual combat..."

"It's all my fault, senior brother..." Huang Youguang said: "If it wasn't for me, maybe you wouldn't have..."

"If it weren't for you, I would have died long ago." Cui Hai patted Huang Guang's head: "Don't cry, and don't be afraid. At most, it's just a matter of rebuilding the inner strength. If I can do it once, I can do it the second time.


"But, this really hurts the foundation..." Huang Couple said.

Cui Kui didn't take it seriously: "There will always be a way. In the morning, I listened to the senior who said that the method of forming Saussure's divine realm in internal strength was a compensatory training method developed to deal with brain defects. Even if

Even if a large part of the brain is damaged, there is still a chance that through training, other parts can regain their lost functions."

"Actually, if I think about it carefully, I still have a brain that is all-bearing and all-tailed. Even Brother Yuki's previous math problems were not necessarily wrong. There are indeed many people in the world whose brains are in a much worse state than mine. But she

Still working hard to survive.”

Cui Kui said and stood up: "I probably understand why senior wanted me to see that scene this morning. Maybe he also expected it... It was really a master's style."

Yuki probably understood: "Brother Cui, your martial arts... aren't you very optimistic?"

"It would be nice to have martial arts." Cui Kui smiled and waved: "Junior brother Youji, if you want to practice programming, use this. I won't use it for the time being."

After saying that, he waved his hand and left without looking back.

Yuki always felt that this elder brother was not as relaxed as he appeared.

This chapter has been completed!
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