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Chapter 43 Online Meditation Room

Viewed from a distance, Jayhawk City even looks a bit like a giant bonsai.

Yes, that's right, bonsai - there are a small number of tall plants in a small pot, and the soil surface is covered with thick moss. Other than that, there is no other debris.

There are only "plants" and "moss", but no "plants in between".

In the entire Jayhawk City, there are five giant buildings with a height of more than 3,000 meters and an area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters. Apart from these, there are no buildings over 10 meters in the entire city.

From a distance, it seems that there are only these five super buildings in Jayhawk City. And the things above the ground are just garbage dumps.

Looking towards the mountain from a distance: "Oh, this is Songying City."

From the memories of those government officials, Xiang Shan also had a general understanding of the composition of these five buildings.

Among these five buildings, one belongs to the Grand Knight of the Knights of Science. Its nominal owner is Morgan Libeskind, the Holy Knight of the Galapagos Temple. Although this Holy Knight has never been here.

At a glance, there are many laboratories with his name in that kind of building.

The remaining four buildings are nominally the private property of the local lord Amilcare Zhao. More than 100 floors of these four buildings are for private use by the lord. In these buildings, there are vertical factories, giant

Fusion reaction equipment, weapons arsenal, barracks and a large amount of personal living space.

The buildings below the 100th floor are open to public use, which is also the generosity of the lord.

Among these four buildings, the ground floor of one is used as a "government hall" for handling various civil activities.

Basically, it is things related to the grassroots, such as "distributing welfare materials", "reporting someone for violating Dyson's principles" or "volunteer allegiance to the lord".

There is no real law in this era anyway.

The lower floors of the other three buildings were reduced to slums.

The reason is very simple. Although the lord opened the ground floors of these buildings, he was not essentially obliged to lay electrical circuits, water pipes, or even elevators in these places.

Of course, on the premise of not damaging the load-bearing structure of the building, people on the lower floors can lay it themselves.

But those people may not have the skills to be able to do such a thing.

The higher the floor, the more troublesome it is to go up and down the stairs, and the more expensive it is to transport supplies.

It can be said that below the 20th floor, there are still ordinary residents living there. But above the 20th floor, the higher you go, the poorer you get.

Only people who are desperate outside would think of coming here to make a living.

Unfortunately, in this era, such people often belong to the "low transformation rate" group, or even "natural persons".

People with low transformation rates have a fatal flaw compared to prosthetic people with high transformation rates - they will excrete a large amount of metabolic waste.

And the sewer pipes on the floor...maybe they were still used a few decades ago.

In short, the higher you go, the more miserable it becomes.

Until after the ninetieth floor.

In Zhang Xianchong's memory, he vaguely mentioned that there were many gang bosses and civilian martial arts stars living between the 90th and 100th floors of the three buildings.

These people have a very high transformation rate and require very few resources other than electricity.

And living closest to the "protector" makes them feel infinite glory.

But these floors only maintain "order" on the surface. The chaos inside is even worse than that of super slums on the 50th and 60th floors.

"A gangster..." Xiang Shan shook his head, cutting off Zhang Xianchong's "emotions".

As a person who yearns for "order", Zhang Xianchong has a strong hatred for these people. It is even difficult for Xiang Shan to distinguish how much of his contempt for these low-level gangs comes from the concepts of his old generation, and how much of it comes from the concepts of his old generation.

Part of it comes from Zhang Xianchong's "arrogance".

In Xiangshan's view, Zhang Xianchong's "order" is nothing more than a certain kind of "admiration for strength" mentality. The naked ape's brain instinctively expects a powerful hero to appear.

His views on the chaos and evil of the lower classes may be filled with the same prejudices that have persisted from primitive times to the present day.

Xiangshan often warns himself that this is a wrong idea. This idea is not correct. After all, morality can be defined by the strong. When "poverty" is considered "virtue", the strong will even automatically put on "

The title of "poor" - after all, scientific knights are considered to be symbols of "the virtue of poverty".

"After all, the strong now control the mouth of the weak in a physical sense..." Xiang Shan murmured in a low voice.

Cui Mu said: "Senior, what are you talking about? Do you have any orders?"

Xiang Shan shook his head: "No. According to the original plan, you go to the area around the Jayhawk Building first... I will leave for a while."

Xiang Shan said this and separated from the others.

"Entering the city" is actually not difficult at all. The city does not have any walls or sentries. There are only a small number of patrolling warriors. The real security forces are all placed at the "private area borders" of the lords and paladins.


Carrying weapons is no big deal, because the Dyson Principle does not prohibit anyone from possessing anything - as long as it is not stealing or robbing other people's property.

There is no inconvenience for these people when they go about their business in the city.

Xiang Shan is not a nanny, so he is not responsible for everything.

Cui Shi nodded and said: "Okay senior, please leave Junior Brother Youji and this little girl to us for the time being."

Xiang Shan waved his hand to let them leave, but then he remembered it and said, "One more thing, if you can find a family that is more... capable of fostering this child, just... just write it down."

Cui Kui was a little embarrassed: "But... senior, we are not locals. It is difficult to find... in such a hurry."

"Just try your best to find it." Xiang Shan waved his hand.

To be honest, he was quite conflicted.

The little guy's brain defect may indeed require the help of rehabilitation therapy that has the same origin as internal strength. But Xiangshan is not sure whether there is any opportunity to legally carry out this kind of rehabilitation therapy in this era.

Because it is difficult to distinguish this therapy from "cultivating internal strength" - the difference between the two lies in the thinking activities of the brain after the drug injection.

Practicing internal strength is almost synonymous with "becoming a knight" and "giving up asylum".

But Xiangshan is not willing to take a child who knows nothing to go on a knight-errant mission.

This is not only for the sake of the little girl, but also for myself. If you don't think deeply about the situation between yourself and the world, and just stay in the world like this, if you encounter any nonsense, your heart will inevitably be shaken.

Zhang Xianchong is an example.

This is indeed a big problem.

Fortunately, this problem has not yet been resolved.

"Ah, one more thing. If you discover a large-scale mobilization of government power, or if you don't wait for me after three days, then don't wait any longer." Xiang Shan waved his hand and walked alone in the city.

Xiang Shan was walking in the shadow of a super building. The shadow of the building covered the entire block and extended outside the city.

Xiangshan, on the other hand, lowers the priority of vision and feels the ubiquitous signals in the city.

These signals can be for civilian use, or of course they can be used by lords for military purposes. The signal base stations all over the place are designed to allow the army and warriors in the city to form a huge military formation to surround and kill the knights when necessary. When necessary, the protector

They can also paralyze the prosthetic bodies of most civilians with a single command, ensuring that operations targeting powerful individuals will not cause accidental damage.

All civilians have the potential to become the eyes and ears of the government.

Xiangshan's will is surging. A large amount of data is written into the chip, the registry is reset, and the MAC address is forged.

His consciousness sank into a space he imagined. In this virtual space, network information will emerge in a concrete form.

Online meditation room, open.

He is meditating, changing his way of thinking, transforming a corner of his thinking into the form of hypertext, incorporating it into a part of the network, and inserting "abstract" feelings into the network supported by Boolean operations.

This is the "World Wide Web Meditation Method" - a more advanced internal strength training method than the HTML Meditation Method. In the interaction with the world's information, the practitioner's consciousness will change faster, closer to what a "hacker" needs.

of that form.

The "Internet Meditation Room" can be seen as an auxiliary program for meditation on the World Wide Web, which can play a certain protective role.

But Xiangshan is worried that the version of the online chat room he remembers in his consciousness is something that has been "completely eliminated".

This technique is definitely not "the older it is, the more powerful it is." The older the "Internet Meditation Room" is, the easier it is for its characteristics to be locked, and the easier it is to be cracked.

Xiangshan was even worried that if he opened an online meditation room, the lord would directly know his exact location.

Therefore, he had to try it alone in a safe state.

Xiangshan felt that his mind was gradually becoming active. Saussure's domain, which had been dormant for a long time, was reactivated.

More inner strength techniques emerged from the memories.

But in the next moment, an indescribable feeling arose in his consciousness.

It was as if there was an "invisible hand" blocking the transmission of his signal.

Immediately afterwards, a message cluster was sent over. People around Xiangshan were shocked at the same time, and then ran away screaming.

Xiangshan also blended into the crowd.

Because just now, everyone felt the same thing.

An idea appeared inexplicably in their minds.

"Why are you still using this ancient version of an online meditation room? Listen, if I weren't here, you would be dead!"

This matter may soon be known to the government. You must be careful. Xiangshan wants to respond, but he doesn't know if this is a "bait" - if he responds, will he be further targeted?

Judging from what happened just now, the other party did not accurately send the information cluster to his prosthetic body.

But in the end, Xiang Shan cautiously replied: "Who are you?"

This chapter has been completed!
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