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Chapter 52 Black Market

Xiangshan is gradually realizing a problem. He actually lacks understanding of the technological development of this era. The latest knowledge in his mind can be traced back to before the War of Sublimation.

Although this era looks like a wasteland era, "technological regression" has not happened. The existence of the Scientific Research Knights has kept technology progressing.

However, due to the existence of "jianghu", the development of military technology and network security in this era has been somewhat abnormal.

But technology is definitely developing.

Therefore, those century-old backdoors in his memory may not be able to get through the highest level security system.

It is precisely because he knows nothing about the protocols used in modern times that Xiangshan cannot hack into the satellite rashly.

Now if you want to find a way, you have to do it yourself.

Draw a map by overlooking the city from above.

Then you have to actually walk through it yourself to correct the errors.

In addition, since it was difficult to enter the Walnut Building and the Methodist Building without arousing suspicion, Xiangshan gave up his plan to explore the upper floors of those two buildings.

But this also means that the city map in his hand must be deficient.

"It's something that can't be helped." Xiang Shan sighed.

This is a very important thing.

That is, "ensuring a retreat".

Just like what Xiangshan himself said to Yuki, a knight only has one life to die, so he must cherish this life.

For elite tactics such as "martial arts", it is very necessary to "ensure a retreat".

He must know what things can be used in this city, and where strong armed forces may appear, which is very dangerous.

It’s okay if you don’t think about these things clearly.

After coming down from the building, Xiang Shan patrolled the streets repeatedly, measuring the land with his feet and constantly correcting the map in his mind.

So far, no serious errors have been found.

"Next..." Xiang Shan pondered for a moment: "We might consider going to the market to have a look..."

In this era, the black market is a place where everything is available.

How should I put it... What is really prohibited by the Dyson Principle are only a small number of drugs that are truly highly addictive. Even ethanol is allowed to be used in a limited manner. Most materials can theoretically be traded openly.

But the problem is that in the Dyson Principles, the rule that "only allows individuals to be loyal to individuals" also prevents the birth of "companies" - that is, organizations where "individuals work for legal persons". Various production- and economic-related

It is difficult for groups to appear.

Therefore, many business activities in the market actually stand on the edge of Dyson's principle.

In a sense, this thing is even a bit similar to Green Forest.

It only exists because the lord is in no mood to destroy it.

Over time, people have also developed the custom of "trying to avoid official eyes and ears in all business activities."

Of course, I'm just trying my best.

After all, the government, which has a backdoor in everyone's prosthetic body, can randomly check anyone's memory anytime, anywhere, and thus know any information.

And these places are also where knights and green forests get supplies.

Xiangshan followed the memory left behind by Leif of the Silver Drive Shaft, twisting and turning among those dilapidated houses.

The houses in this city come in a variety of different styles, and the building materials range from soil, bricks, plastic, metal to garbage. It is like a concentrated display of slums from different eras in human history.

As he went deeper into the mountain, the road gradually became narrower. He quickly turned into a small road. This road was only big enough for two people to walk side by side. There were shack-like buildings on both sides of the road, some of which were converted into shops.

, some have their doors closed. People patrolling here are careful to keep their distance from each other.

Xiangshan glanced at each store, but he was not in a hurry to buy.

The top-quality products in this place include parts, weapons, potions and other resources commonly used by warriors. There are also some martial arts algorithms sold. Xiangshan checked the store's WiFi for a while and found that those martial arts algorithms were extracted directly from the blockchain.


But in a sense, this cannot be completely considered an IQ tax. Many ancient martial arts blockchains have become difficult to read due to too many forks and being too large. These people sorted them out and made them readable again.

Get it up, and then take it out to sell, which can be regarded as a bit of labor.

"Payment for knowledge" itself is not necessarily something that the "open access movement" must criticize. Xiang Shan remembers that what they opposed back then was "payment for knowledge itself." But if someone's job is to search for customer needs from free knowledge

parts and organize them, then this form of "payment" is not unreasonable.

The latter essentially uses labor to create value. "Compiling out the parts needed by a specific object from a huge amount of information" is a kind of labor in itself - it can even be defined as a "personalized service".

As long as it does not monopolize knowledge and then set a charging threshold for the knowledge itself, then it can exist.

What my group of idealistic friends wanted to do back then was to prevent certain powerful people from using their "knowledge" to strangle the world and extract income out of thin air.

Xiangshan exited the home page of this martial arts shop without knowing more about it. He didn't need any more martial arts algorithms for the time being. He had killed a lot of green forests in the wilderness before and obtained a lot of skills. In addition to the previous ones,

With the content saved from the blockchain, he won't need to worry about the martial arts itself for a while.

He also skipped the pharmacy. He also seized a lot in the Green Forest, where there are medicines for all kinds of brain injuries, so he didn't need to think about it for a long time.

Then there are the weapons.

Although the current asylum seekers are extremely strict with the people, there is no law prohibiting the production and possession of weapons-unless the nearby asylum seekers determine that you are extremely harmful to the safety of the people around you when you possess weapons, otherwise there will be no

Will anyone manage this.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! For example, if you transport a nuclear bomb or something, you will most likely be attacked by the lord.

Of course, this is also a rule with great discretion. Because the criterion of "showing strong harm" is also the mood of the lord.

But Xiangshan has no interest in that kind of big-kill weapon.

In this era when only a few lone men occupy the status of the Great Wall, nuclear bombs will inevitably involve a large number of innocent people in the attack.

After visiting several stores, Xiangshan only replenished some explosives that were difficult to synthesize in the wilderness, a large amount of iron oxide, and some functional bullets.

Here we must talk about the most amazing settlement method in this era.

They use some kind of digital currency based on P2P encryption.

Yes, that's true.

The main reason is that patrons are not "governments" in the traditional sense and they do not issue currency.

Many of today's currencies are digital currencies that are based on blockchain rules written by Jianghu people.

Of course, it is different from the craze of treating it as a special investment when Xiangshan was a teenager.

The fate of blockchain and digital currency is similar to that of 3D printing technology. When the concept was not yet mature, they themselves became financial games of capital, overdrawn their reputations in advance, and became synonymous with "cheating".

In this era, digital currency has no physical currency linked to it, nor does it have any credibility guarantee, which is equivalent to "worthless". It is like "shells" or "gold" in primitive society, a kind of "from

"A limited number of things born in nature" - the rules of mathematics determine the total number of a virtual currency. The positioning of virtual currency in this era is the "conventional general equivalent".

Digital currency, blockchain, and P2P technology are born together, and they are naturally loved by the world.

And some of the rules of the digital blockchain have been played out. The "mining" of a small number of digital currencies, that is, the operation of "packaging blocks", actually helps some knights build martial arts inheritance databases.

And because the Dyson Principle prohibits all kinds of complex organizations, it has almost abolished most modern financial activities, and the government does not issue any legal currency, so there is no longer any force that can play with this rule.

Therefore, electronic currency with strong anonymity finally played its original role in this era.

Since the people have chosen this general equivalent, the government occasionally uses this kind of thing to settle "employment" and "social welfare".

Of course, Xiang Shan did not have the digital currency of this era, but the Green Forest people he had killed before did. He dug up the digital currency accounts from the memories of several Green Forest people, including Little Poisonous Insect. However, the amounts of these digital currencies were very small.

——Most of Green Forest's needs are solved by "robbing", and most of the remaining needs can be solved by "bartering".

This money is just used to check for leaks and fill gaps and purchase a small amount of scarce supplies. It is not the running water of Dazhai.

In addition, the leaders occasionally need to go to the city to relax.

It is more than enough for Xiangshan to use alone.

Due to the strong anonymity of digital currency, it will not leave any records.

After adding these, Xiangshan planned to leave the market. He walked straight forward and then passed a service station.

Mr. Enoch of Recycling Station Town never knew that the back door of the service station he often visited was connected to the "black market." The murders and arson incidents mentioned by Leif of the Silver Drive Shaft were only separated from him by a wall.

When Xiang Shan walked in from the back door, the service station owner already looked not surprised.

Maybe it was a coincidence. A few seconds after Xiang Shan walked out of the black market, a man walked in from the back door. He glanced at the service station owner. The service station owner pointed to the door and pursed his lips to the left.

The man understood the idea and immediately went out and turned left.

Then, a silver object drew a parabola in mid-air and fell towards his head.

This chapter has been completed!
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