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Chapter 57 The mystery of the anomaly

Who are you?

Xiangshan had to face this problem again.

Although his memory told him that he was Wu Zu Xiangshan. But the problem was that apart from this memory, he seemed to have no other evidence to prove this.

On the contrary, there seems to be a lot of evidence to show that he is probably not the legendary figure.

According to the stories passed down by later generations, Wu Zu Xiangshan was killed by the power of the government at the end of the War of Ascension. It was just to preserve dignity for this past hero, so the government has not announced the specific process.

The flashback memory in Xiangshan's own mind also confirmed this - he was indeed taken out the star-simulating device by the enemy back then, so he was ultimately defeated.

After the energy device was destroyed, he should not have the ability to escape.

Nor should we wake up in a garbage dump hundreds of years from now.

Of course, one thing is certain, Xiangshan definitely did not "grow" back after being beaten until only his cells were left.

There are three reasons.

First of all, his prosthetic eyes are genuine electronic optical devices, non-living bodies. His skull is also a high-tech alloy.

It is impossible for cell regeneration to grow these things.

Secondly, his regenerative ability is not complete regeneration, but a disease in which the body's functions are out of control.

Normally, there are not so many receptors on the spine. Most tissues in the human body do not have touch receptors.

If his brain is really damaged, then according to this regeneration ability, it can only grow a deformed neural network instead of an orderly brain.

The most important thing is that his brain has partial memory.

Under the current technology system, things like "memory" still cannot be inherited.

So Xiangshan can be sure that this biological brain must have been owned by someone in the past.

But this "person" may not be "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan".

The reason is simple. Xiangshan found his "own" memory in the hands of the "Devil Cult".

This at least shows one thing - the real Martial Ancestor Xiangshan has preserved his memory in some form. This memory even fell into the hands of a low-level green forest.

In other words, the way to obtain the memory of the "real Martial Ancestor Xiangshan" may not be so rare.

On the other hand, the "symptoms" mentioned by Huang Guang also reminded Xiang Shan of another thing.

Xiangshan has also seen a successful case where nerves and electronic components are entangled.

"Serial Missile" Gliad.

After Xiangshan defeated the green forest bandit, he opened his back cover and found that his nervous system interacted with special electronic components.

But in Xiangshan's opinion, this is really not an efficient idea.

The natural physical body evolved, and it has accumulated a lot of evolutionary flaws left by the "just use it" mentality.

From this point of view, the creator is indeed on the same path as programmers. Third-rate programmers never care about why and how their program runs, whether the code is simple and beautiful, and whether it will affect the subsequent development.

Work causes trouble.

The same is true for the process of evolution. As long as an animal's negative traits do not affect its ability to live to the age of having children, evolution will not care about this flaw. If a certain negative trait is particularly attractive to the opposite sex, then evolution will go further.

Strengthen this negative trait in order to complete the task of "let this creature have children", but ignore the trouble this negative shape will cause in "subsequent version updates".

Regarding this point, there must be something to say about the giant-horned deer that went extinct because its antlers were too large, and the eye-stalked fly that has a population that is simply losing flies to the Diptera because its eye stalks are too long.

Programmers refer to the code that has been passed down a few years ago, with ancient bugs emerging one after another, and the comments written like a heavenly book, as "Shit Mountain".

But today, every advanced species that has experienced hundreds of millions of years of evolution, one by one, has a "hill of shit" in its genetic information.

If there is a higher intelligent creature that treats the genetic information of a species as a product, then he will find that this designed product is weird in every way, and he cannot understand why it is designed in this way.

And if he knocks out a gene, it may cause the entire life system to collapse.

Refactoring... is almost impossible.

Mechanical products designed by humans are like rewritten new programs. They are small and beautiful. The fault tolerance rate may not be as high as that of "Shit Mountain", but it is very convenient to modify. No matter what new functions you want to add, it will be easy to modify.


Therefore, it is not convenient to let the body adapt to the machine.

Letting machinery adapt to the brain is the idea behind the development of prosthetics.

Of course, the only exception is "internal strength." The practice of internal strength and the birth of Saussure's realm are the result of brain specialization to adapt to computers.

But this is based on the human brain's essential advantages in computing structure.

That is, "the human brain may exceed the scope of a Turing machine."

The devil's martial arts may be based on this idea.

However, Xiangshan felt that the method of intertwining neurons with electronic components was not very efficient.

If it is a product of demon sect technology, it might have the technology to make nerve cells grow abnormally.

No, rather, this is a necessary technology for the Demon Cult.

According to records, Gliad only underwent transformation several years ago.

In other words, the neural network entangled with electronic components also completed its growth within a few years.

Of course, viruses and hormones also play a role in this. However, if ordinary people do not receive specific gene therapy in advance, even if ordinary people receive those viruses and hormones, they will not have such abnormal growth.

However, there is a problem here.

"What kind of gene therapy did I receive back then..."

Xiang Shan murmured to himself.

What he received should be considered a beta version of metal-based gene therapy.

The alpha version of this technology was carried out on animals. After a dozen rhesus monkeys completed this transformation process, some humans were eager to apply it to themselves.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! After the various advantages of the benchmark people were determined, several scientific researchers took the initiative to become volunteers.

This can be regarded as the "welfare" of that research institution.

After all, under that version, completing a gene therapy required tens of millions of dollars for medical staff and pharmaceuticals. The large number of precious pharmaceuticals consumed in this process, due to the production method, were more expensive than the same weight of gold.

.Ordinary researchers may not be able to afford the price.

The longer lifespan and secondary brain development brought about by metal-based transformation are extremely tempting to these scholars.

Among this batch of clinical trials, Xiang Shan was not ranked first.

And because the version is very primitive, the genetic information obtained by these forerunners does contain some "codes of unknown meaning that are not known to be useful or not."

In the officially released version of the therapy for the general public, those genomes of unknown significance have been removed.

On the one hand, it is to enhance controllability, and on the other hand, it is to save resources.

After all, adding a piece of redundant information to a cell means a little more consumption when the cell divides.

When the pioneers started this project, they had the consideration of "saving resources" in mind.

Of course, the genetic information implanted in the bodies of the forerunners by the beta version of the therapy may indeed bring about some special abilities.

For example, Xiangshan's reparative abnormal growth phenomenon.

Perhaps to some people of the old generation, this is a positive trait.

But in many cases, it is not a positive trait. Because this abnormality grows too fast, nerve cells can easily invade electronic devices, causing signal confusion or even short circuits.

For prosthetic people, it increases the maintenance cost of the prosthetic body out of thin air.

In normal gene therapy, this trait must be eliminated.

So, here is a mysterious question.

Did this trait in Xiangshan come from the Demon Cult?

Or is it simply the other way around, did the Demon Sect get the relevant information from the cells of "Martial Ancestor Xiangshan"?

Xiang Shan kept thinking and couldn't help but feel a little distracted.

"Senior? Senior?" Cui Kui called out twice before calling Xiang Shan out of his thoughts.

"Oh, I'm listening." Xiang Shan nodded and quickly reviewed the auditory information cached in his mind.

He and Cui Zu were searching the surrounding roads.

Deborah's memory gave him the confidence to enter the hinterland of the government and kill Apenning Zhao.

But Xiang Shan does not intend to be Jing Ke. There are so many tyrants in the world, and killing one is simply not enough, so we must not play the game of "a strong man is gone and never comes back".

He needs a way out.

But that's not what Deborah can provide.

After all, you can't expect the lord's daughter to avoid military and electromagnetic gun defense systems every time she leaves the city.

Xiangshan's original intention was to find local gangsters and dig out some information from their minds.

But no matter what, he has not really caught an important gangster so far.

In this era, gangs use information systems to gradually flatten their management. It is of little significance to capture a peripheral element.

So that day, he let the service station owner go and asked him to deliver the message.

Unexpectedly, when I came back today, I found that the owner of the service station had been replaced by another person without any notice, and there was not even a cybernetic warrior with a full transformation rate on site.

This is a clear indication of abandoning this property.

Xiangshan was a little annoyed by this. He felt that this gangster was not giving face.

Think about it! A guy who is a member of a club, gets slapped in the face, and doesn’t even think about hitting him back! What kind of thing is this! What kind of club does he belong to!

But since this road is blocked, Xiangshan has to find another way.

At this time, Cui Kui suddenly said that he had seen the distress code commonly used in Beidi martial arts circles and wanted to take a look.

While the two were pursuing the intelligence, Xiang Shan fell into deep thought.

When Cui Cui saw this, he couldn't help but said: "Senior, are you worried about your condition?"

This chapter has been completed!
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