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Chapter 60 Misunderstanding

After feeling the ultrasonic wave in the distance, the man's tone instantly became sinister: "So you are the eagle dog?"

Xiang Shan immediately backed away and said, "This is a misunderstanding. I didn't know there would be such a thing before I came here."

He turned around and wanted to go back to the warehouse.

Cui Zu and several other knights were still there, and he couldn't watch them die here like this.

But the man took a step forward and blocked the path to the mountain, saying, "Want to join up with your companions? Don't you want to arrest me?"

"Fuck! This is a misunderstanding!" Xiang Shan shouted, but was forced back by the opponent's fists.

This guy's prosthetic body is relatively slender, and it doesn't seem to have much power. But the cloak is very obstructive. Xiangshan is not sure how many hands the opponent has on his body, and whether he will suddenly pull out an armor-piercing bullet or something.

, instead of confronting the opponent, he kept retreating and said: "It's best for us..."

But the man had already decided that this guy was a government lackey and didn't listen to Xiang Shan's explanation at all. He kept changing his body movements and fighting with Xiang Shan. But Xiang Shan knew that the other person was really a knight, so it was hard to hurt anyone at the moment.

, the fist and kick strategy is disguised as conservative.

The moment the two people passed each other, the man's prosthetic eye under his cloak flashed. In a blink of an eye, he used the technique of witnessing to send instructions to Xiang Shan.

It was almost instinctive. Before the eyes of the two parties were separated, Xiangshan used the "other way" method to send the reconstructed code back in the same way.

The two people's inner strength clashed for a moment, but they were both surprised.

——Is there such a master in this market?

Xiangshan was really surprised, because at that moment, his computing resources were consumed. The code injected by the other party actually broke through his internal protection skills. But his control over his own software is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

.He instantly put up a defensive boxing stance, and at the same time Watchdog reset the inner world. At the same time, the code flowing out of his consciousness quickly repaired the loopholes.

But the man thought that he had encountered the same type of tactics.

"This guy's internal strength is so strong? How is it possible? How can there be such a master here?"

But there was a sudden explosion in the distance. The sound shocked the two of them.

Xiang Shan understood that he could not hold back in this battle. No matter what, he had to capture this master first, and then go to support the other side.

Fortunately, this man's external skills are mediocre, but I'm really sorry for his superb internal skills!

At this moment, Xiangshan broke the sound barrier.

The man's mind was spinning, and countless auxiliary lines appeared in his field of vision. Among the calculation images that filled the sky, the man held his fists high to protect his forehead, and at the same time, his right leg was kicking out. His hands had sealed all the objects in Xiangshan's body.

Possible attack path. If Xiangshan avoids the forward kick from the right, then his prosthetic leg can sweep along. If he attacks from the left, then his left hand in front can be thrown out like a long whip,

Destroy the opponent's balance.

——In this way, the most likely possibility is blocked...

At this moment, the man's consciousness was interrupted for one hundredth of a second.

With a bang, Xiangshan crushed the ground. With a short body, he was able to avoid the opponent's attack. His hands had already caught the opponent's prosthetic leg. He followed the trend and flipped the opponent upside down. At the same time, he instantly took off his feet.

His left foot kicked the man directly on the chin.

——Oops...so careless...

The man thought so.

Xiangshan didn't want to hurt anyone more, and he wanted to let go of the black cloak's foot after this blow. But the moment he let go, the black cloak suddenly put his hands on the ground, and then pressed his legs on Xiangshan's chest.


At this moment, this was the only word left in Xiangshan's mind.

The force of this pressure happened to be misaligned with Xiangshan's center of gravity. Caught off guard, Xiangshan was pushed backwards. One of his legs suddenly bounced on the ground, and he overcame the man's counterattack with a somersault. But Xiangshan had not yet recovered.

With such a posture, the man's fist had already chased him and bit him on the neck.

——What happened? Why did this guy’s external skills suddenly become so sharp?

——You were just pretending to hide your clumsiness, deliberately luring me into taking the bait?

——His brain is not in the cranial cavity, so he is not afraid of my heavy blow to the head, and the previous hug was deliberately misleading?

Xiangshan moved his head and neck with his shoulders to avoid the opponent's combos. The two people's steps were interlocked, always keeping a distance of one meter. Xiangshan kept hitting the opponent's fists away with his fists, and the guy in the black cloak also did exactly the same thing.


The two of them exchanged attacks quickly, and within a few seconds, they had already exchanged hundreds of punches.

But Xiang Shan suddenly exclaimed: "Who are you?"

As he spoke, Xiang Shan stretched out his hands, as if they were sealed, forcing the black cloak back and at the same time he quickly jumped back a step.

The black cloak said: "I have told you that you have recognized the wrong person. I am just a passing martial arts disciple and have nothing to do with the murders and arson in your world."

Xiang Shan looked at him in surprise. When this guy showed "real external skills", Xiang Shan keenly felt something was wrong. This guy had deliberately abandoned some feasible offensive strategies several times since just now.

It's not "not expecting", but "deliberately avoiding" - this guy is disguising his personal style of fists and kicks.

What we are really thinking about is not the illusory "self", but a person's "behavior".

Behavior can be imitated.

Therefore, there will be actors who get too involved in the play, unable to extricate themselves, and eventually suffer a mental breakdown - because the "behavior" of the characters in the play has replaced the actor's own "behavior" to a certain extent.

With all-round replacement of body, language and movements, the actor is completely immersed in the character, almost like a "magic hit", or as if he is being taken over by a virtual character.

It is natural that it will cause mental problems.

If you want to use another "thinking" and another "behavior pattern" to perfectly replace your own behavior, there will be such hidden dangers.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, this level of "acting skills" is not something everyone can achieve.

If everyone could do this, there would be no need for Stanislavsky to write "The Actor's Self-Cultivation".

The man in black robes in front of him was just disguising his "style". He deliberately avoided many strategic groups.

Under normal circumstances, a person's punches and kicks will indeed have a personal bias. For example, a naturally cautious strategy group will tend to be conservative, and an impatient strategy group will tend to be aggressive. However, conservative people will find openings for attack when they are evenly matched.

He will definitely try to attack; no matter how aggressive a person is, he will not trade his life for his life as soon as he comes up, but will also defend a few times when he is at a disadvantage.

Of course, the real situation is many times more complicated than simply "impatient" or "cautious", because human personality does not only have one dimension: "impatience and complexity". "Optimism and pessimism" is another dimension, "compassion and cruelty"

Another dimension... These dimensions are by no means either/or.

But just as ordinary people can easily tell whether an actor's acting skills are good or not, masters of internal skills with specialized brain cognitive functions can also smell a person's personality from their behavior.

Xiangshan has already sketched out the characteristics of this person in his mind.

But the man stopped punching and said: "I think you are indeed not a lackey of the government. Since our goals are the same, how about joining forces temporarily?"

——Have you become so talkative again?

Xiangshan was surprised and confused. Just now, this guy had an attitude of "I won't listen, I won't listen", but now he suddenly changed his temper...

What on earth is this guy thinking?

At this time, the explosion sounded again.

Xiang Shan nodded and said, "Okay."


Godfrey rushed towards Cui Kui, his body was like a ghost, and he hit him continuously with his palms. Cui Kui protected his head and face, but his brain was damaged, his martial arts skills greatly declined, and he was knocked down with three punches and two kicks.

Godfrey shouted loudly: "This is the 'noble man' you call?" He stepped on Cui Shi's chest with his foot and said: "You actually took refuge in the government? No wonder you survived the siege!"

Cui Hu said: "It's not me. This is a coincidence, or I am being followed. I escaped into the wilderness half a year ago, and was rescued by a senior knight a few days ago."

Red Hand A also said: "Brother Cui Su has been with us for several years, and he is definitely not this kind of person. Besides, if he really wanted to betray us, why would he wait until now? As long as he uses the relationship in the past and various secret codes, he will continue to seduce us.

The knight can just take the bait, why expose himself?"

Godfrey said: "Then outside..."

Red hand A said: "You can't mess up the situation by yourself!"

The original reporter suddenly said: "Everyone stop!"

Out of trust in Yuan Wenren, several people immediately fell silent. Yuan Wenren pulled out a short gun and fired a shot diagonally upward. A big hole was immediately opened in the warehouse wall.

Outside the big hole, two points of fire were coming from a distance.

Yuan Wen's temperament suddenly changed and he calmed down. He picked up his spear and fired two bullets in succession.

The missile was detonated just a hundred meters away.

But at this moment, the destructive blast still overturned the warehouse, just like ravaging paper boxes.

Cui Cui shouted: "Now you should believe that I am not a hawk dog!"

Godfrey retorted: "The life of an eagle dog is very cheap."

Even so, he still let go of Cui Mu, obviously not wanting to entangle him any more. Godfrey ran to Yuan Wenren and carried Yuan Wenren on his back.

Godfrey is currently using a civilian prosthetic body, which has low combat effectiveness, while Yuan Wenren's motor function is damaged and cannot command correctly. And rashly turning on the automatic mode can easily be taken advantage of by the government's internal power masters.

At this time, a whistling sound came from behind, like some kind of cipher text.

Oko's expression changed and he said: "So that's how it is...it's actually like this...you go first, I'll break up the rest!"

As if to mock his consciousness, the high-pitched ultrasound sounded again.

——Leave? How can we leave?

This chapter has been completed!
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