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Chapter 77 Flowers on the tree

In this era, the government does not assume the responsibility for infrastructure construction. Legally speaking, they are not "rulers" but "protectors". They have no rights to human beings and naturally have no obligations - at least in theory.

Therefore, the city has no sewer system for citizens.

But let's be clear - the city is not completely devoid of sewer systems.

The one built by the gangsters.

And the ones that the patrons cultivate for their own use are also one of them.

The sewers built by the asylum seekers are completely their own private property and have nothing to do with others. If residents or gangsters accidentally dig through these sewers, they must fill them up honestly. Otherwise, it will be "damaging others."

Private property" is a sin against Dyson's principle.

Since gangsters use sewers as secret passages, then government organizations will certainly do the same.

This is one of the few props Deborah uses to avoid being noticed.

After all, there are cameras everywhere now - everyone's prosthetic eyes may leak information. Although most of the time, these eyes are used by the government. But the underlying code of these eyes still includes early

The work left behind by knights who believe in the open source spirit.

Knights can also use it.

So Deborah doesn't always come out of the Guardian's building.

I also use this secret passage occasionally.

This small abandoned warehouse is one of the exits of the secret passage. The warehouse above is used to cover up. The big guys in the city can only find out that this warehouse is indeed someone's private property, but the businessman has not been there for a long time.

Appeared, only remote surveillance cameras were inside. Gangsters would occasionally "borrow" this place, either to do things that need to be hidden from the public eye, or to stock up on supplies that cannot withstand the wind and rain.

Of course, it's not too important.

After all, legally it is still other people's private property, and gangsters still have to respect it.

It is just used as a free warehouse.

This does not prevent Deborah from occasionally entering and exiting the corner.

Xiang Shan was squatting on a house dozens of meters away, his figure blending into the shadow of the rooftop antenna.

He saw a double-headed member of the Fierce Hands laying a trap here.

Mainly remote-controlled landmines. Of course, there are also many pressure-sensitive landmines that refuse external operation. They don't care about using these things.

This "location" was of course chosen by Xiangshan himself.

Xiangshan told Tang Shagu that this place might become a hiding place for knights, and it might be more critical. Mine formations must be arranged here. Of course Tang Shagu believed it - from his perspective, "Brother Shell"

It is Comrade Lu Lin who has a common memory and will never lie to him.

At the same time, Xiangshan used the authority of the dead John Kansas to leave a piece of information on the Capacitor Gang's intranet, saying that this warehouse was extremely important and would be guarded by a fierce leader. It must be attacked.

Get off here.

This is also thanks to the Six Dragons Cult envoy. After the envoy killed John Kansas, in order to avoid being discovered immediately, he also left some information and disguised himself.

From this point of view, the demon sect envoy can be called "kind".

When Xiangshan took over, John Kansas's authority had not expired.

For quite a long time, the Capacitor Gang did not discover the death of White Paper Fan John Kansas.

Therefore, Xiang Shan put an end to this disguise. He pretended that John Kansas was sending information that "the small warehouse is extremely important to the Mahou Party" when he was raided by Tang Shagu, the leader of the Mahou Party, and then lost contact.

Then, the only thing left is to "wait".

Yalang, the double-headed member of the Fierce Hand Party, is directing his men to bury landmines in various places.

Three hundred meters away, Peter Penner, a capacitor straw sandaler, was adjusting his prosthetic eyes and had a panoramic view of all this.

"It's true. This location has important strategic significance for the Fierce Hand Party. That's why at this time, they will send a double red stick to guard it. And looking at the number of landmines... I'm afraid this place is not


His tone was full of "unbelievable" emotions.

Because in all these years, he has never heard of the use of this warehouse.

This warehouse was indeed occupied by the Brutal Hands Gang recently this year, but due to the crackdown by the government, the area has always been the junction area between the Capacitor Gang and the Brutal Hands Gang. The Brutal Hands did not dare to put anything too important in it to prevent

The enemy's surprise attack resulted in the total destruction of the cargo.

And for all these years, he didn't think this place was important.

After all, the nearby blocks are either residential buildings or other warehouses, so there is no danger to defend them. In addition, there are no important buildings around. He really can't think of any "important strategic significance" for such a warehouse.

But the more he couldn't think of it, the more ashamed he felt.


Because of John Kansas!

This white paper fan knew or analyzed this information through a certain hidden line, and then reported it to the gang.

Obviously he is the "straw shoe" in charge of intelligence, but all the work is done by a white paper fan.

How could he not be ashamed of this?

"Brother Kansas..." Peter Penner sighed heavily: "Then you can go with peace of mind. We have received and used the information you paid for with your life."

"I will never let down your hard work."

At this time, one of the hall masters under his command came over and said: "Brother Penna, we came in a hurry, so we brought a brother with us. I'm afraid we won't be able to rush through the mine array!"

"Why rush?" Peter Penner said coldly: "Didn't we also save two sub-munitions and one high-explosive bomb? Make arrangements."

The hall leader was stunned: "Cluster bombs and high-explosive bombs...Brother Penna, is this too much? You will be targeted by the government..."

"We originally made a living under the government's surveillance cameras." Peter Penner said angrily: "The Fierce Hands have moved out so many explosives, it is impossible for the government to turn a blind eye. I'm afraid that when the lord comes back, we will all die.


This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The Fierce Hand Party has already done the first grade of junior high school, so don't blame us for doing the fifteenth grade! They are the ones who forced us to do this!"

"Let me tell you the truth, brother, what we have to do now is not to 'occupy territory', but to 'get away'! The most important thing now is to beat the pain of those idiots of the Fierce Hand Party, and then before the government can react,

, take your savings and run away!"

The hall leader nodded: "I understand."

A few minutes later, Xiangshan heard a sharp whistling sound. He raised his head, adjusted the scope of the prosthetic eye, and then exclaimed: "Oh my god, are all the people on the road in this era so exaggerated?"

Two small missiles, about three meters in length, rose from a place two thousand meters away and continued to accelerate towards us.

The pre-set close-defense cannon of the Fierce Hand Party was activated instantly. However, the missiles of the Capacitor Gang came with a swarm of infrared interference bombs. Those interference bombs rose simultaneously like a swarm of bees. The close-defense cannon changed its phase several times and fired for several seconds, but there was no defense.

The two missiles disintegrated in the air in an area twenty meters away from the target. However, they did not explode, but split into more and smaller warheads, accelerating twice in mid-air.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!"

In an instant, the fire covered the entire warehouse and a large area around it. Many induction mines were also directly triggered and detonated!

With just one round of attacks, the fierce hand party's mine array collapsed instantly.

However, the vitality of the baseline people is extraordinary. Most of the members of the Fierce Hand Party survived, and a small number even maintained their fighting power.

Yalang, the double-flower red stick, reacted extremely well and avoided the strongest point of the warhead swarm. At the last moment, he picked up an industrial steel plate to protect himself.

He looked at the direction the missile was coming from and screamed: "Those brats from the Capacitor Gang! They are indeed here! They can still breathe! Get out of here! Kill them!"

If it were a gang fight between natural persons, then this order would indeed sound silly.

But in this era, this is the most correct order.

Crowds of people gathered together will be exposed to the attack of hot weapons, and will be crushed to nothing by simple and straightforward violence.

Only by spreading out in a form similar to a "skirmisher line" can the effect of thermal weapons be reduced to the greatest extent.

This is important for people who are at a disadvantage in long-range force.

Xiang Shan looked at the cracks on the ground, then called up the map of the underground part in Deborah's memory to assess the damage to the underground part in this round of attacks.

"Sure enough, I still have a breath left." Xiang Shan thought.

At most, the tunnel that Deborah usually walked in was damaged. It would take a breath for the tunnel to collapse.

With Xiang Shan thinking like this, he used his internal strength to gain access to the powerful gang.

Then, he quietly took over the landmines that had just been planted by the gangsters.

These landmines are very stable. Under normal circumstances, the explosive part inside can even burn quietly and stably. It must be ignited smoothly through an electric system. Therefore, under the attack of missiles, there are still many landmines that have not exploded.

The next moment...

The Gang members of the Fierce Hands dispersed and ran towards the Capacitor Gang's position along several different directions.

In the Capacitor Gang's position, the remaining missile just rose and began to accelerate.

At the same time, the Capacitor Gang Straw Shoes began to adjust their peripheral defenses and prepare to build firepower positions to prepare for the expected attack by the fierce gang.

It only takes a few seconds...

The gang members of the Fierce Hand left their wounded behind and left the warehouse area.

The missile enters the acceleration phase.

At this moment, landmines exploded one after another.

--what happened?

At this moment, a trace of doubt appeared in the hearts of the fierce hand gang Shuanghua Honggu.

It was impossible for him to give the order to detonate those mines. The brothers in the gang were still in the mine array. Although they would definitely die when a high-explosive missile came down, at least they could not die at the hands of their own people.

——How can landmines explode?

But soon, this doubt was no longer a doubt.

Because new doubts have replaced it.

The moment the landmine exploded, a large area of ​​the ground collapsed, as if there was a cavity underground.

Then, a tongue of fire erupted from the ground, hitting the oncoming missile faster than the close-range anti-aircraft cannon of the Fierce Hands!

This chapter has been completed!
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