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Chapter 79 Invasion

Xiang Shan was hidden in the shadows. If he still had the corners of his mouth, he would probably smile.

The advantages and disadvantages of weak AI are obvious. The power of weak AI is that it is cheap, simple and crude. You only need to "copy and paste" to quickly enter any automatic weapon, and it does not require a salary, sleepless days, and no need to

He will be careless, let alone take the initiative to betray.

It is a good auxiliary tool for strong people who control many resources.

But on the other hand, as long as you understand the underlying logic of these weak AI, it will be a fool and easy to deceive.

Xiangshan had deployed smart firearms in some houses in advance. These firearms were not used for attack. They were just to remind the weak AI of the fort that "there are enemies at close range."

After that, the AI ​​will classify all fully cybernetic and armed objects as "suspected hostile units".

And when the fort assumes a defensive posture, those fierce gangsters will be further stimulated.

In fact, at this time, their only way out is to put down their weapons, actively release their control of the prosthetic body, and eject all the chips in the body.

After all, everyone is now a prosthetic human. Even if you hold your head and squat on guard, who knows if you will shoot a row of micro-missiles from your back?

Unfortunately, Xiangshan knew the behavioral logic of this thing from Deborah's memory, but Mr. Yalang, the double-headed red stick of the Maoist Party, did not realize it.

After the man realized that the automatic turret had turned the direction of the gun and included himself as a target, he roared like a wounded animal: "Go to Tiehua! The fierce hand party..."

Then he couldn't continue talking. This behavior was deemed as "tactical command" and was deemed as "hostile behavior" by the weak AI.

Then, the ten gun muzzles spurted out tongues of fire again.

Yalang quickly used the terrain to escape. But around him, the houses collapsed one after another.

At this time, the gangsters who were still alive also gritted their teeth and stood up, throwing iron bombs at the thing.

The most powerful thing about Tiehua is the ability of metal sheets to refract electromagnetic waves in various frequency bands. Therefore, after this thing is thrown out, it can effectively block various detections based on electromagnetic waves. Whether it is visible light or infrared, it will be strongly interfered.

If you want to attack a target with an absolute advantage in long-range firepower at close range, spreading Tiehua is a must.

After the metal aerosol filled the air, although the sound of gunshots was still there, the density of the gunshots was much smaller. Obviously, after realizing that the shooting accuracy would be irreversibly reduced, the weak AI actively chose the approach of "saving ammunition".

After seeing this scene, Peter Penner, who had originally charged towards the automatic turret, couldn't help but stop. At this time, he was only 500 meters away from the battle area between the fierce gang and the automatic turret.

"What's going on? Why would the members of the Fierce Hands attack their own weapons... No, that's not right!"

Peter Penner felt a "cold" similar to a physical sensation - a chill that came from the soul.

That automatic turret didn't belong to the gangsters at all, but to the government.

I think so. This kind of automatic weapon has always been used only by the government. If the leader of the Fierce Hand Party gets such a thing, he will definitely transform it into a prosthetic body!

After all, this is firepower that most green forest heroes cannot match!

I don’t know why, but there is a secret passage belonging to the government here, and there is an automatic fort guarding it underground.

Someone deliberately caused the Fierce Gang and the Capacitor Gang to fight here, just to attract the attention of these two forts.


he said hurriedly.

But, it's too late.

In the thick metal aerosol, there was a "ding-ding-dong-dong" sound. It was the sound of metal hitting the ground.

An automatic turret, like some kind of predatory arthropod, walked out of the metal aerosol.

And inside the metal aerosol, there is another sound source.

The sound of gunfire never stopped.

"There are two of these things..."

Peter Penner almost forgot to move. At this moment, he almost lost the courage to resist.

"Bang bang bang". The sound of some kind of gas expansion sounded continuously.

Everywhere on the street, another explosion occurred, and large clouds of metal aerosol appeared.

"It was calculated..."

The moment he was covered in metal aerosol, Peter Penner realized something.

He hasn't had time to report all this.

——We must go back alive...

Probably because the shielding effect of the metal aerosol isolated the visual oppression of the automatic turret, the capacitor straw sandal finally burst out with courage. He shouted loudly: "Capacitor gang! Fight back! Fight back!"

The first person to respond to him was a torrent of bullets.

Xiangshan blocked the visual signals for the time being and used his hearing to distinguish everything.

"Sure enough, there are extremely sensitive mechanical wave sensing equipment installed...well, ultrasonic radar movements. There are also active detection methods."

"It seems that the AI ​​will only dispatch two turrets at the same time after judging that one turret cannot deal with the surrounding enemies."

"If we had followed the original plan and simply threw a can of iron flower inside, I would probably have died without even knowing how."

Xiangshan thought so and took out a set of tuning forks again.

He didn't originally have too much equipment for this thing, because its main function was to detect and calibrate the speed measurement ability of the right eye. But after using this thing to interfere with the ultrasonic radar for a short time last time, Xiangshan realized that it was a good thing.

So while taking out the sword, I specially printed a batch.

At this moment, warriors from the Fierce Hand Party have already touched the edge of the automatic turret at the entrance of the tunnel. The automatic turret rotates crazily in an attempt to suppress the surrounding warriors.

Xiangshan stood up, quickly approached, and at the same time threw the tuning fork in his hand.

At this moment, the AI's judgment was confused. It was delayed for a moment.

The fierce hand warrior did not miss this opportunity and immediately jumped onto the side of the automatic turret.

The automatic turret "jumped" like a living creature, trying to get rid of the enemy on its body. The warrior firmly fixed himself, but he had no time to destroy it, so he just shouted loudly, calling his companions to attack.

Xiang Shan's footsteps were mixed among several fierce warriors.

Although it is said that footsteps can be "silent", they are often only within the "perception range of the human ear". Unless it is a prosthetic foot made of special materials, it is impossible to be absolutely "silent".

But now, the sound of the fort bouncing up and down was enough to disable most of its reconnaissance function, not to mention that he was among a group of warriors.

Xiangshan's positioning is extremely clever. For most warriors, he is in a straight line with a companion. If you don't listen carefully, you can't tell that there is an extra person in the team.

But these warriors are all focused on the automatic turret at this time. How can they identify such a complex target from the complex environmental sounds?

He turned towards the mountain and walked into the cave.

This is a sewer. The sewer is very wide overall, with a width and height of three to four meters, but the sewage inside is only about ten centimeters deep, like a gurgling stream, and there is not much odor or debris.

Basic humans, especially prosthetic humans, hardly need to eat, and the amount of food residues and metabolic waste is naturally pitiful.

Most of the sewage here belongs to the sewage produced by washing, the excrement of experimental animals, and a small amount of toxic and harmful waste liquid. This pipeline system runs through several buildings in this city and fully serves the asylum and scientific research knights. This sewage,

They will eventually be collected underground and disposed of harmlessly.

Walk quickly towards the mountain and walk inside.

At this point, he breathed a sigh of relief. Although basic humans are more resistant to damage than homo sapiens, and prosthetic humans are better than natural humans, so on the battlefield, the damage caused by stray bullets and shrapnel can be almost ignored. It takes a few bullets.

It doesn't affect combat either. But there is a limit.

It doesn't mean that if you become a human warrior, you can ignore thermal weapons.

Especially the large-caliber weapons of the two automatic turrets.

Being able to pass without any injuries is pretty good.

When Xiangshan heard gunshots and explosions coming one after another behind him, he knew that the fierce gangsters were about to be defeated.

He increased his speed.


Yangtze River Knight Dai Jiutai opened his eyes in his room.

very good.

He has now turned off the sensing equipment on a section of the wall directly south of the building. As long as there is a smart optical device that can change color to fool detection, he can easily come up.

He is waiting for the "weapon" to be in place.

"We must thank these gangs." Dai Jiutai'a thought: "Although I don't know why local gangs suddenly turned green... Could it be that the remaining green forest elements escaped with the collective memory of the village and came here to look for it?

Gangsters, plan to rebuild the cottage?"

"Although the civil unrest in the city has helped me invisibly and attracted the attention of some guardian powers. However, we must be careful..."

"Could the survivor of the gang members who disrupted the city be Organization Z?"

Dai Jiutai thought carefully, but found nothing.

However, suddenly, the Yangtze River Knight felt something in his heart and said, "Is someone coming?"

He felt that the building's system had been hacked into again.

Of course, this is not news. He found many traces of illegal access in the system of this building. And some modules seemed to have been modified - the protection system of this place was almost broken by an internal skill master.


But, this feels different... completely different!

This is an internal intrusion.

The Yangtze River Knight stood up immediately: "He is actually here...hell, it is completely impossible to determine which router, which interface and which terminal he accessed through..."

——Those trash from the Galapagos Temple...

Dai Jiutai almost screamed. But soon, he suppressed the thought of "notifying the Mana Knights".

Not to mention that he also discovered the problem through illegal access...

The actions of this "outsider" might also bring convenience to him.

This chapter has been completed!
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