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Chapter 84 Transaction and Explosion

Three minutes before Xiangshan's high-explosive bomb exploded, and eighteen minutes before the Six Dragon Cult envoy's EMP bomb exploded, Xiangshan stopped in a stairwell, his prosthetic eyes flashed, and he asked quickly in some clear code: [

Which comrade would make such a joke to me?]

Someone must have discovered that he was an anomaly, so he took over the monitoring authority of this lighting equipment.

If you want to avoid being noticed, you probably have to hack into the surveillance system.

But to be honest, this is not an easy thing.

Just like Green Forest Dazhai can adopt a low transformation rate and use the original closed-circuit surveillance system to monitor the surrounding anomalies, this building also has some surveillance systems specifically designed to deal with hacking methods.

Since this kind of monitoring method consumes a certain amount of manpower, and what asylum seekers lack most is "manpower", similar measures have not been applied to the entire building.

But there must be some key nodes.

Xiang Shan was not sure whether there was such surveillance in the stairwell (after all, neither Deborah nor Carolina paid attention to this matter), so he kept walking very carefully without exposing his target.

And now, he is being targeted.

In front of Xiangshan, the power indicator light of a camera started to flash when it was turned on.

It is also a set of clear text, very concise and efficient.

The translation is probably: [Online Meditation Room (question form)]

Within a few flashes, such a message was conveyed.

But Xiangshan understood instantly and responded with a flash of his prosthetic eye: [It turns out to be you]

This hacker is the insider expert who originally passed him the new version of the online meditation room.

The insider expert said: [Go up three floors, go to the door of the stairwell, and connect to the wireless signal through the nearest router]

After saying that, he disappeared.

He continued walking up the mountain, then pretended to be nonchalant and leaned against the door frame of the stairwell door, resting his forehead on the door frame (it seemed to others that the back of his head was leaning on the door frame), and connected to WiFi.

Soon, a "feeling" completely different from the five senses came to Xiangshan's heart.

A dialog box popped up in Xiangshan's system. Xiangshan chose to pass.

The internal expert typed directly in Xiangshan's field of vision and said: "Are you the knight from last time? Why are you here?"

【Assassination.】Xiang Shan’s words are concise and to the point.

【Do you think this is necessary?】

[I have witnessed injustice, and someone must pay the price.] Xiang Shan said: [Besides, it is imperative to encircle Wei and save Zhao.]

According to what Xiangshan had seen and heard before, the reason why Recycle Bin Town confronted Organization Z was entirely because of "an idea" of Apenning Zhao. He was just doing it "for fun", so he didn't collect the gene tax.

, leading to the cancellation of the Recycle Bin Town's asylum.

In what happened later, although "Silver Drive Shaft" Leif and "Serial Missile" Griad were the direct murderers, Master Apennine's will also played a key role.

Including Ms. Yulia, the lives of many civilians who died were also in Apennines.

If the death of this Zhao family member can promote other strategic effects, then what reason is there to postpone this matter?

The internal expert was silent for a few seconds and said: [Okay, but you have to do me a favor.]

Xiang Shan nodded: [Okay.]

After all, the other party helped him who had just been reborn...ah, he had just recovered. There was still a favor here.

Furthermore, as fellow practitioners, we all have reasons to help each other.

[I have been following the research plan of the Knights of Mana for several years. I originally wanted to wait for their final results to be released before finding a way to steal the core secrets. But since you must assassinate, things have to change. Afterwards

The defense must be strengthened here. If the technicians detect my traces, even King Agni may be alerted...]

Seeing this, Xiangshan's thoughts no longer followed the words that kept appearing.

Some kind of inexplicable headache...as if the blocked neural areas in the brain are reconnecting with thinking.

It was a strange kind of anger.

——Agni...King...Jakub Hartman...

He pressed the weight of the prosthetic body on the door frame. At this moment, Xiangshan felt that his breathing should be rapid, his heart beating faster, or his limbs might become weak, and he would feel vomiting.

But this prosthetic body perfectly corrected these abnormal instructions.

No one could see what happened to him.

——an old dog...

Xiangshan banged his head heavily on the door frame. When he was still a natural person, he had the habit of using this method to calm down extreme emotions. Only this time, he did not receive tactile feedback.

Instead, it made a louder noise.

The mysterious master seemed a little dissatisfied: [What are you doing?]

Xiang Shan glanced at the text left by the guy and replied: [Nothing, I suddenly remembered an sworn enemy. I can do what you said. That's it. 】

What this man wants is for Xiang Shan to break into the deputy commander's office and help him seize the core data kept by the deputy commander, as well as several papers that have not yet been made public.

This thing seems to be very beneficial to the internal strength of this mysterious master's lineage.

However, those data are stored in independent computers that are not connected to the Internet for analysis, and are analyzed by Lord Bengel personally, or at most under the remote guidance of the head of the group.

In fact, Lord Paladin Assyrian does not need those specific data. Bengel will analyze these things and then report the results to him, and he will provide some directional guidance.

This branch of the Mana Knights on Earth is only one of several knights under his command. It is impossible for him to know every set of data in detail - at least, if his deputy leader is not a waste.

, as long as there are no unexpected abnormal data, there is no need to upload the data itself to him in detail.

This is also to minimize the possibility of results being stolen.

Of course, when the final paper comes out, the corresponding author's position will still have to be marked with the knight's coat of arms of His Excellency Assyria - this is not negotiable.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! And this mysterious master has been squatting for several years without making a move, just to wait for these people to complete the research.

After all, the knights are the weak side. Although there is no shortage of technical personnel, they do not have the conditions to conduct high-end experiments.

At least, if the Mana Knights did not complete the research, it would be difficult for the mysterious master's sect to come up with the conditions to complete it.

Therefore, he had to wait for the progress of the Mana Knights.

But now, Xiang Shan wants to assassinate him, which means that all the backdoors he left before may be pulled out.

This mysterious master must first steal the data that he has not stolen before that happens.

Since the data was stored in a computer isolated from the Internet together with Mr. Bengel's thesis, he could not steal it directly for the time being.

At this time, the best way is to let Xiang Shan, who has physically broken through the building's defense system, enter it and steal the data.

He noticed that someone else had touched the secret hand he had left behind. He was quite surprised by this - because these secret hands included several backdoors that were so ancient that few people knew about them.

So, he followed the data and found several cameras that Xiang Shan had tampered with.

Because Xiangshan planned to carry out a one-time violent action, some "traces" hidden in the hardware protocol were not completely removed.

It took the insider expert ten minutes to find him by following the traces.

Near Jayhawk City, he only knows one guy who uses ancient internal skills.

After all, "The most difficult hacker attack to resist is to break into the office, find a working terminal, knock out its operator and then take over the operation yourself"!

The floor where Mr. Bengel's office is located is very close to the floor where Apennine is located. For Xiangshan, this is a "send-in" thing.

However, this internal expert did not leave his contact information, but asked Xiang Shan to directly upload the data to the Internet in the form of a blockchain after stealing it. By that time, he would naturally see it.

"Quite cautious." Xiang Shan smiled and typed: [Then, happy cooperation]

[I will provide you with the most basic guidance and plan the route. In addition, you may not be the only infiltrator in this building. There are also traces of intrusion. But he should have entered a completely unmonitored area now. I

I can’t find him. His internal strength is completely different from yours.】

Xiang Shan said: [That’s a good thing. The more people who come, the better. In addition, I also have something to say.]


[I have deployed a countdown bomb, which will explode in the computer room in thirty seconds.]

Xiangshan said and continued walking up.

It's just that the pace is several times faster.


Dai Jiutai, a knight of the Yangtze River, pushed open the door and walked out. The secretary, who was leading a small group of soldiers to guard the corridor, saw this and said: "Your Excellency, Knight of the Yangtze River, do you have any orders?"

"Nothing..." Dai Jiutai said: "I just plan to relax and see the construction of the Knights here. I don't intend to leave the gate of the Knights. You don't have to follow me."

The secretary was a little embarrassed: "But my current responsibilities..."

"I will not leave the station of the Scientific Research Knights." Dai Jiutai asked: "Is it not safe for the Scientific Research Knights?"


As if to answer Dai Jiutai's question, the Meiyimei Building suddenly shook, and a strong explosion echoed throughout the building.

Dai Jiutai was stunned: "What's going on?"

As soon as he finished speaking, an alarm sounded throughout the building.

"Warning, warning, there was an explosion outside the computer room in the middle of the building. It is suspected that a knight has invaded. Repeat, it is suspected that a knight has invaded."

"The entire building is on level 2 alert. All scientific research knight apprentices immediately stop their tasks and return to the nearest rest area."

This chapter has been completed!
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