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Chapter 86 Blocking War

Dai Jiutai's left hand rested on the wall, as if lost in thought. Secretary Ming Jing urged him several times to quickly return to the guest room for refuge.

Dai Jiutai took a moment and then slowly said: "This is not possible."


"I can't just wait here." Dai Jiutai said: "I ask to join the defense."

"Ah?" This request made the secretary stunned. He whispered: "Your Excellency Tai'a, this may not be in line with our original intention. You are the guest of the group leader, and we are responsible for protecting you..."

"You are responsible for protecting this scientific research knight!" Dai Jiutai emphasized: "You are not serving a certain scientific research knight, but dedicating yourself to the truth - but the scientific research knight happens to be the person who explores the truth.


"Now, the Mana Knights are in danger. You should do what you should do!"

The secretary said: "But what I should do is to protect you! If something happens to you in this building, we can't afford it."

"You are looking down on me." Dai Jiutai quickly adjusted the parameters to make his tone sound just right "arrogant" and "satisfied": "I am not the kind of person who only stays in the ivory tower.

Nerd. The Knights of Oslo have had a glorious tradition of conducting field research from the beginning. This prosthetic body of mine has enough force. I myself even once faced off against famous knights in the world."

"But..." The secretary was still hesitating.

Dai Jiutai'a said: "The person you are truly loyal to should also be in danger, right? On the 730th floor... I remember you said that he is probably nearby?"

The secretary was slightly confused. He seemed to have no impression of this matter, but his thinking could not reach this point. Instead, he turned to another direction: "Indeed, I am not a formal patron of civilization. I completely rely on the young master to gain a foothold here.

.However, if I disobey Deputy Commander Bengel’s order at this time, I will still..."

"Then you should report it to Lord Bengel, just say it is my opinion." Dai Jiutai'a said: "Go and talk to Lord Bengel."

The secretary hesitated for a moment, nodded, and closed his eyes. [To be precise, he closed the protective structure of the prosthetic eye to temporarily block visual signals.]

A moment later, a call request popped up in Dai Jiutai's field of vision.

Bengel's virtual image appeared in Dai Jiutai's field of vision.

"Your Excellency Tai'a." Bengel said: "I am very grateful for the hand of friendship you extended at this time, but please believe in our defense power."

"Your Excellency Bengel, you should also know a common sense - knights do not advocate suicide attacks. If a knight sneaks into this place, it means that he is most likely to be sure of achieving a certain goal..."

"But they are often limited by intelligence and because of their 'adventurism', they make plans beyond their own capabilities." Lord Bengel shrugged and said, "It is common for knights to make mistakes."

"But we can't expect the knight to miss every time." Dai Jiutai'a said: "I can't accept the current situation - I stay here, and then a group of defense forces are dispersed to protect me. I can't accept it."

"I can understand this feeling..." Lord Bengel nodded: "Besides, the combat forces are now scattered in different areas. Since the explosion wiped out the surrounding storage devices, all unsynchronized monitoring data was lost, so

We don’t know whether the enemy used remote-controlled bombs or had accomplices to detonate them there. In addition, we don’t know whether they have other accomplices. The defenders must protect every area. Your idea also makes sense.


Dai Jiutai'a said: "So, let me join you!"

"But you are always a guest here to place orders. It is impossible for us to arrange you on the front line."

Dai Jiutai'a said: "I know. But at least let me stay with you with these protective forces. In this case, at least some manpower can be saved."

The biggest advantage that the patron has over the knights is the resource advantage. Although the patron cannot recruit enough people to maintain a strong rule due to its own rules, the soldiers under his command are still enough to crush the knights who engage in guerrilla warfare.

And the nemesis of "external strength" happens to be "quantity".

Lord Bengel thought for a moment and said: "Yes. However, I hope that you can go to my office. Can we meet there?"

——The office...I remember it was on the 730th floor, not far from where he was found...

This thought flashed through Dai Jiutai's mind. This was in line with his original plan. He nodded and said, "Okay, this is very reasonable."

"Then let's do this, Your Excellency." Your Excellency Bengel closed his communication.

The secretary quickly received the order. He said to Dai Jiutai: "Your Excellency, please."

Dai Jiutai'a nodded and asked: "According to your original expectations, how long will it take for the remaining protector troops in this city to arrive at this building?"

"Huh? In normal times, the response time of the two nearest barracks is about ten minutes. But in order to encircle and suppress a knight, the city lord took away a lot of power, and the remaining members had to be dispersed to multiple important nodes throughout the city.

Among them, so... Sir, what's wrong with you?"

Dai Jiutai looked out the window, pointed at the fire that vaguely formed an arc on the earth, and said: "Look at this...do they need more time to get here now?"


That happened almost simultaneously with the explosion.

At the moment the explosion occurred in the Methodist Building, a command came out from the building, jumped several times along several servers, bypassed the CPUs of several broilers, and entered a row of weapons.

This is one of the secret weapons of the Fierce Hands, the most important row of tactical missiles.

The last red stick of the Fierce Hand Party watched helplessly as this missile was activated, automatically calibrated and then launched.

The target is naturally one of the few viaducts in the city.

This viaduct connects the Methodist Building, another super building.

When the missile was aimed, a rail train full of soldiers came out of another building.

This is one of the government's scheduling methods.

When the missile flew out, the rail train happened to be speeding.

When the explosive part of the missile exploded and a train derailed and fell from a hundred meters in the air, the double-headed man's mind went blank and he completely lost his ability to think.

--why is that……

——Our strategy...isn't it "hide for a while"?

——Why attack the power of the government?

However, he obviously had no room to continue thinking.

Because, they were instantly targeted.

More missiles were launched from a distance and landed on the Double Red Stick.

Amidst a series of explosions, this man who had been a gangster for more than ten years and a warrior in the forest for more than a day ended his criminal life.

But that's all.

From the current point of view, only a small group of thugs have shown the intention to attack the government, so the government will not easily carry out saturation attacks with missiles and level an entire city - this goes against their philosophy of existence.

More teams abandoned efficient routes and tried to use the original method - that is, traveling by land to the Methodist Building.

What greeted them were landmines, endless mine arrays.

Under the deception of a certain knight, the Fierce Hand Party had already made a desperate move and quickly realized all the resources they had accumulated over the years. All the mines and smart weapons that could be found in the city were concentrated in their hands.

Under Xiangshan's arrangement, these weapons formed a huge circle around the Meiyi Building.

This is a "line of defense".

Originally, the Fierce Hand Party gave instructions for these weapons. They would only attack "warriors who are obviously not members of the government."

However, a certain high-level authority secretly overrides this setting.

The target of these smart weapons has become "government".

In the first few minutes, the small group of troops that rushed towards the Methodist Building were all wiped out in a series of explosions.

However, the news of the killing of these troops was also uploaded in time.

There is no human brain to process this information. The tactical processing AI made a judgment in an instant - the local gang was suspected of being controlled by positional power and attacked the patron's power.

There is a high probability that they are connected to the intruders in the Methodist Building.

So, within this minute, all the soldiers in the city received the order.

[Instruction—Prioritize the killing of members of social groups who have not yet disarmed]

A military attache who was rushing to the Methodist Building scratched his head in confusion. However, having undergone brain adjustment surgery, he did not intend to dwell too much on this issue.

Since the command is written like this, then it is executed like this.

The military attaché picked up his weapon and then opened the rear compartment door of the vehicle he was in - this was a troop carrier with more than twenty standardized cybernetic soldiers inside.

The military attaché roared, jumped off the armored vehicle, and rushed into the narrow alley.

In fact, the fierce gangsters were frightened at the first moment - they never thought that they would face the government one day.

However, the crazy fighting in the previous few hours had eroded their sanity bit by bit.

Although the government soldiers made them feel instinctive fear, another violent pleasure that had just been carved into their souls drove them to pick up their guns and kill all these "enemies" who dared to attack them!

During this process, not many gangsters even realized that they should stand up and explain a few words.

As a result, the support force of the Scientific Research Knights immediately fell into a quagmire and was unable to move quickly.

This chapter has been completed!
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