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Chapter 100 Unexpected Power

The person Xiangshan is most grateful to at this moment is undoubtedly Deborah Zhao.

Among the prosthetic bodies left by Miss Zhao, there is an arm specially used for sensing. Its touch is so sensitive that it can even be used as "hearing" - it can thus sensitively supplement the vibration of molecules in the atmosphere.

Xiangshan thought this module was pretty good, so he modified it and put it in his own prosthetic body.

And now, this thing has really come in handy.

Open your fingers towards the mountain and capture the slightest movement in the air.

At this time, he was two meters away from the huge prosthetic body. The thick metal aerosol completely blocked the sight of both parties. He could not see the enemy at all, and he could not be seen anywhere. Both of them could only rely on mechanical wave perception [including

"Hearing" and "touch" in the traditional sense] plus one's own experience come to the enemy.

Of course, Xiangshan couldn't dodge by listening to the wind after the opponent punched. The opponent's punch was at the speed of sound. He simply didn't have enough time to react.

However, the speed of this big guy's punch forward is the speed of sound, which does not mean that every movement and every area on the body moves at the speed of sound.

For example, the action of closing a fist.

For example, the action of adjusting posture.

For example, the action of resolving backlash.

Or, a little weak shock wave.

The complex airflow outlines the basic boxing frame.

The remaining part is made up by the "imagination" of the biological brain and Xiangshan's "experience".

Take a step back toward the mountain and raise your hands upward.

Hitting the wrist of that giant fist.

The fist rubbed against Xiang Shan's body, and cracks shot out towards the foot of the mountain.

Without taking back his hands, Xiang Shan just moved his hands to the left.

It hit the inner edge of the giant palm squarely.

The palm force struck the ground like a blunt axe.

Backing up the mountain, he circled his hands and pressed down on the huge fist.

So, the punch came up empty again.

Take a step back and guard against a move.

Within ten seconds, Xiangshan had received more than seventy punches in a row.

The locust prosthetic body of the siege ram was still jumping around not far away, moving up and down and back, using this sound to create pressure on Xiangshan.

Fake personality overlays do not need a command system created by modern information technology. They can understand each other through each other's body language - but this is not metaphysics or magic after all. Without seeing each other, they cannot obtain another person out of thin air.

Information about a false personality mask.

Therefore, they have no way to distinguish the enemy from ours in such a chaotic environment just by sound. And Apenning's own martial arts can only be regarded as ordinary [by Xiangshan's standards], relying entirely on high-level skills.

Only performance prosthetics can suppress Xiang Shan.

All his skill points were spent on "controlling many styles of martial arts".

Things like "prejudging" and "reading first" are still a bit too high for him.

If these large-scale prosthetics suddenly rush in to take over, they may accidentally injure their own people.

Within ten seconds, Xiangshan retreated hundreds of meters.

But at this time, the warrior prosthetic body with the giant fist suddenly screamed and retreated quickly.

However, Xiangshan also recorded and played back instantly according to the preset program, and reproduced the preaching almost simultaneously.

But he retreated in the completely opposite direction.

There was a continuous noise in the atmosphere. There was also a faint smell of burning.

Xiangshan tore off the outer armor of the large prosthetic wrist.

In the continuous fist fight, Xiangshan had mastered the vibration frequency corresponding to the crystal structure of the prosthetic outer armor, and then secretly cut it open with his fingers.

Under normal circumstances, this will not cause much harm to the prosthetic person. After all, what we are using is not flesh, and there is no need to worry about incidents such as "skin tearing" or "bleeding".

However, the air is filled with metal aerosols that are quite deadly to prosthetic bodies.

The shattering of the outer armor will bring about the destruction of the airtight layer.

A large number of metal particles entered the prosthetic wrist, causing a short circuit.

I can't use that hand anymore.

Of course, the upper part of the wrist can still be moved. If you insist on using it, you can swing it like a pair of hammers.

However, the inability to adjust the angle of the wrist means that the performance of martial arts is further restricted.

In a perfect state, that guy can't even break through Xiangshan's defense, let alone a state where his martial arts cannot be fully utilized?

But Xiangshan soon discovered that the disguise he made by imitating the other party's voice seemed to have no effect.

Xiangshan felt that he had stepped on something.

It's a "whip".

This thing is made of artificial muscle fibers.

This thing can convert electrical energy into kinetic energy to curl up or stretch.

Of course, it can also be reversed.

Applying pressure to this thing will cause the displacement of electrons within the material.,

And this kind of thing can also be converted into electrical signals.

For prosthetic people, this is the "touch" that can be perceived.

That weird prosthetic body can spread its long whip on the floor. That weird thing that's more than ten meters long can form a tactile network.

Even if Xiangshan could imitate the roar of the large prosthetic body or even the sound of footsteps, there was something he couldn't imitate.

Xiangshan absolutely cannot imitate the "weight" of that heavy prosthetic body.

For the long whip, the awareness of both sides is very obvious.


Xiangshan realized that this kind of armed prosthetic body that appeared after he fell asleep was the most difficult enemy for him.

The long whip bounced up like a stepped snake. Xiangshan was lifted up by this force.

The next thing that caught up was the bullet that came through the air.

Twist your belly towards the mountainside, deflect your body in mid-air, and use the "body-receiving" technique to find the maximum possible entry angle for the bullet.

This was not done after the gunshots were fired. It would definitely be too late.

Upward made this reaction when his feet had nowhere to rely on.

If you didn't even have this kind of reaction, you wouldn't have been able to survive the long battles in the past.

Xiangshan caught the kinetic energy of the bullet in mid-air and accelerated the rotation. At the same time, he stretched out his hands, shook off the long whips, and landed on the ground again.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! But before he could take a breath, there was a whistling sound.

Because the distance between the two sides was too close, the small missile did not accelerate to supersonic speed.

Continuously dodge towards the mountain.

After enduring the heavy blows from the heavy prosthetic body, Xiangshan's heavy stomp, and the missile explosion, the floor of this floor could no longer bear it and completely broke.

The strongest part of the entire Methodist Building is the load-bearing structure. The rest of the areas are much less strong, but they are better because of the lightweight materials.

As soon as the hole appeared, the aerosol, which was slightly heavier than the air, began to settle toward the next floor. The surrounding silver mist gradually became lighter.

Xiangshan knew something was wrong. The reason why he was able to fight against so many enemies whose prosthetics were far stronger than his own was because the metal aerosol blocked efficient communication and information collection [referring to the information command system and vision].

After losing Tiehua, he will face a group of like-minded warriors who jointly attack.

But Apennines obviously doesn't want to wait that long.

The next moment, the siege ram locust had already crashed over.

Dodge by sliding towards the mountain.

But the whip on the ground suddenly bounced up like an ambush python.

He fled to the mountains, but was eventually hit in the abdomen by a siege ram locust.

Apenning...or rather, the pseudo-personality cover of Apenning even poked out of the rock like a hunting trap, fixed Xiangshan's lower abdomen, and led him forward together.

Xiangshan's prosthetic body was too light to withstand this force, and his whole body was knocked to the ground.

Due to the angle, Xiangshan's back and the negative side of the battering ram locust hit the floor almost simultaneously.

Apennines was convinced of its victory at this moment.

His prosthetic body originally used "impact" as its attack method. Not to mention the thick outer armor, it even had an extremely advanced shock-absorbing structure inside. Unless his entire prosthetic body was shattered, otherwise, this prosthetic body would be

The body can ensure that the internal structure will never have problems due to impact.

However, Xiangshan's back also contains a fragile vital point - a living spine.

In mid-air, Xiangshan stabbed the side armor of the prosthetic body with his sword.

The next second, the two of them hit the ground.

But...unexpectedly, this floor collapsed directly.

Perhaps it was because the missile just destroyed the structure of an entire area.

Or maybe it's just luck.

The "point" with the greatest force of this collision fell on Kongchuang.

The two of them smashed into Lord Bengel's office along with a large amount of rubble.

Behind the mountain, the floor had radiating cracks that extended several meters away.

Xiangshan made a fist with his right hand, and then pulled his palm out of the prosthetic body of the siege ram locust.

There are also a lot of parts taken out together.

But Xiangshan didn't even have time to breathe. He immediately jumped back, stretched his limbs in mid-air, and landed silently.

What followed closely was a rain of bullets.

This is the masterpiece of that fort.

Although he couldn't see the enemy and could only know a rough direction, he still tilted his firepower in this direction.

He rolled continuously towards the mountain and found a bunker.

But the tongues of flame composed of bullets were constantly moving, "licking" the floor.

Xiangshan really wanted to escape now, but the collision had no impact on him. The main nerve in his back did show signs of damage. His hands and feet were shaking slightly.

——In the end, he was too confident and lacked understanding of the martial arts of the Sleeping Sword.

Xiangshan sighed as he listened to the footsteps that kept coming and looked at the broken collections in front of him.

It seems like this time I really failed.

"Oh, at least there is one thing I can express my feelings about. At least mankind is still making progress. No matter how invincible I was back then, I still lost to new technologies."

Xiangshan glanced around, trying to find any props he could use.

Then, he noticed the "feeling" coming from the signal receiver.

A familiar... familiar port.

An access request.

"This is..." Xiangshan looked behind him in astonishment.

The antique he used as a bunker was exactly that "turret made of rubbish."

This chapter has been completed!
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