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Chapter 106 Conspiracy

"Then, let's finalize the plan to kill Tao Enhai this time."

In the virtual space, a character wearing a gorgeous military uniform and a medal said this.

This is a conference room. The entire conference room is in a dimly lit environment, and the surrounding furnishings are very blurry. Only a large mahogany conference table and the seven people sitting around the table are clearly visible.

Others nodded.

At this moment, a person plugged into the officers' channel.

It was a man in a white coat. His brightness was completely inconsistent with the surrounding environment, as if he was glowing by himself.

All the officers stood up and performed military salutes.

This is a scientific research knight, and he has the authority to directly access this conference channel, which shows that the other party's authority is not low.

The research knight looked at an officer and said in a bad tone: "Amilcarre Zhao, are you paying attention to the signal from the rear?"

"What?" Mr. Amilcarre Zhao frowned slightly. He looked like an ordinary middle-aged Asian with bushy eyebrows. He stood up and said, "Your Excellency Assyria, what happened?"

Without saying much, Ashur Ray Guderian shared a video.

That was the exact image of Bengel being hunted.

"This is..." Amilcarre was surprised: "Your Excellency Bengel? Isn't this a synthetic animation?"

"No." The Assyrian leader clasped his hands on his chest and said, "Just now, about forty seconds ago, my deputy leader died. You can just drag the progress bar to the end and take a look at my

How did the deputy commander die?"

Amilcarre seemed to understand why the paladin found him directly. He stretched out his right hand, made a grabbing motion in the void, and dragged the progress bar backward.

In the picture, countless light tubes converge on the wall of the Methodist Building to form a vertical road. Then, a knight spins and cuts the official knight Bengel into pieces with a sword.

The smiles on all the officers' faces disappeared. They knew that this was no small matter.

"Just today, two knights sneaked into my Knights' station, used high-explosive bombs and EMP to temporarily disable the security system, and at the same time incited gangs to join the riot. They took away my papers, killed my subordinates, and destroyed

They stole my key data—oh, by the way, they also killed your son."

"And the most egregious thing is that this knight executed my deputy leader with a performance of swordsmanship." Assyria pointed to the virtual screen and said: "In this story, the Knights of Mana...beautiful.

Both the building and you will become clowns."

Amilcarre sighed: "This is indeed my dereliction of duty..."

"Otherwise, whose fault can it be?" Assyria asked: "Mine?"

"Sorry..." Amilcarre immediately lowered his head and said.

"No need, Amilcarre." Assyria sighed: "I just hope you can fulfill your duties now, understand? I don't want what happened just now to happen again."

Amilcarre frowned: "But the action of rounding up Tao Enhai is also my responsibility."

"Is there anyone else who can lead the team over at Taunhai?" Assyria said coldly: "But what about Jayhawk City? Since you like to play this set of medieval role-playing, then just like a medieval lord, treat yourself well.

Be more careful about your 'territory'!"

Amilcarre nodded: "I understand."

"That knight may not have left Jayhawk City too far. I hope to use his brain to erase this shame." Assyria said.

He actually had little hope of recovering the paper.

Pure information is lost very quickly.

After saying that, the paladin disappeared.

Two chuckles came from behind Amilcarre.

Not everyone likes Amilcare Zhao's family. Amilcare Zhao behaves too much like a feudal lord within the scope of his protection. Whether it is the gene bank protection force or the scientific research knights, there are people

I don't like this kind of behavior - at least they claim to be providing shelter for the sake of human sustainability and have a progressive background. The behavior of Amilcare Zhao's family has lowered the style of the entire organization.

However, each guard military attache is completely free in how he constructs the force under his command, so the gene bank operating organization has not formally punished him so far.

Some people will indeed be happy to see Amilcarre's misfortune.

Amilcarre turned around and said: "It seems that my duties have to end early."

One officer asked: "What are you going to do?"

"I will bring back general force and two-thirds of the warriors back to Jayhawk City. I need to stabilize the power in the city and then search the wilderness around the city." Amilcarre said: "This requires

A lot of manpower. However, I will leave a certain amount of strength to maintain this defense network."

The officer shook his head and sighed: "This is a little bit... Tsk, our defense network was initially estimated based on all the people we brought. If we withdraw like this, Tao Enhai's roundup may be a bit dangerous."

"How come?" Mr. Zhao was a little surprised: "I just took away some of my troops. If the reserve team is also filled in, the original blockade can be maintained, right?"

"So, your mind is still stuck in the Middle Ages?" Another officer with a beard in the avatar said: "The 'dissertation loss' has a great impact on the Scientific Research Knights. Some of us have also received reports from local scientific research

Inquiry from the Knights. Each of us should allocate some troops and go back to strengthen the defense."

"It's really strange." Amilcarre muttered: "Before coming here, we all tried our best to hunt down some famous knights. There should be no heroes in the entire New World who can threaten us. Knights also have no mature means of transportation.

The knights from the Old World must have come via the Bering Strait. This would inevitably alarm the local defenders... If they cross the sea, they won't be able to make it in time."

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "The Knights of Mana are in brain science and cognitive science, right?" One knight thought: "I remember that Tao Enhai was originally recommended to the 'transhuman group' by Chen Feng

Among them, he is presiding over the neurosurgery of the first-generation prosthetic body? If that young paladin kid still has thoughts like 'incense love' in his heart..."

"Pfft..." Amilcarre couldn't help but laugh: "How could a scumbag like Assyria have such an idea? Just him? Hahahaha..."

Assyrian Ray Guderian would never be a chivalrous sympathizer.

"It does look like we need to reduce the density of the blockade."

The leading officer sighed: "As originally envisioned, it is no longer realistic. Let's reduce the scope first...the outermost blockade will be lifted. Don't maintain such a large area."

The officers actually understood that the knight who attacked the Methodist Building wanted this effect. However, they could only go according to the opponent's ideas.

This kind of scandal cannot happen a second time.


Xiang Shan flicked his wrist and shook away the guy holding his arm.

Dai Jiutai'a stood in front of him.

Just now, when he rushed into the dark area, an arm suddenly stabbed out from the window, wrapped around his wrist, and threw him into the house.

Instead, the Six Dragons Cult envoy fell at a faster speed, and was eventually predicted by the bullet and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

Dai Jiutai'a, on the other hand, was waiting here, using his skill to resolve the horizontal impact on the mountain.

Xiangshan stared at him warily, and at the same time put the storage device in his hand into the groove behind him - at the moment of intersection, he pulled the thing out of Bengel's split brain - and asked: "

Are you the real owner? That guy is your fake personality cover?"

If he continued to accelerate downward, he would not die, but it was difficult to guarantee whether he would be injured.

But the Six Dragons Cult envoy easily died on his behalf.

This is very abnormal.

The first thing Xiangshan thought of was the newly learned word - "false personality mask".

If a life is worthless, then it is not unacceptable to sacrifice it.

Dai Jiutai, the envoy of the Six Dragons Sect, smiled and said: "Perhaps you need a little help. If I guess correctly, do you want to be able to rush to the lower area, then enter the sewer system, and then enter the underground river?"

"How did you...ah, yes, I remembered it. Have you ever had a deal with a local gang?"

Xiangshan probably still remembered that some gangster had been wiped out before he was mobilized to attack the government. That gangster had a deal with the demon sect's envoy.

Dai Jiutai'a said: "This method is indeed good, but I have a safer path. I will transfer the map to you. There is no poison in it. I really want to help you."

Almost at the same time, Xiang Shan accepted the document.

Xiang Shan frowned: "Since you can hand over the core permission code to me, why don't you do it yourself?"

"This thing? If you use this thing, it will easily leave some traces in the system. If I am the only one in the building, if I use this thing, I will only put the suspicion on myself." Dai Jiutai said.

: "Most of the security forces are now concentrated above the 700th floor. The basic inspection will arrive in a few minutes. You can leave calmly."

Xiang Shan looked at him and nodded.

Then, he asked again in his mind: "So, little brother, what do you say?"

[It is not convenient to explain my situation to you now. I am in a very dangerous state. I must not reveal clues about my existence to anyone.]

【So, what is the relationship between Matsushima Hiro and you?】

Xiangshan can identify a person's inner "style" from subtle movements. The mysterious master he met in the alley, although the external style was somewhat concealed, but added to his deliberate "avoidance" choice, then

It's very close to the Matsushima Hiro I saw that day.

But the strange thing is that it is impossible for Hiro Matsushima to have internal strength.

This is also one of the reasons why Mukayama did not give "Don't Be Afraid" to Matsushima Hiro.

The man was silent for a moment and said; [Mr. Matsushima is my partner and provides me with mobility convenience here. 】

【Personality overlay?】

No response. The "little brother" has left.

This chapter has been completed!
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