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Chapter 112 Contact

"The data you want to protect has probably been deleted."

Dai Jiutai's speech is so straightforward.

After all, Der Spiegel didn’t know much about the style of the Scientific Research Knights. If Carolina, Deborah’s follower, had been in the same position, she might have reacted earlier.

This process may not be done consciously by humans. All it takes is a thought from the system administrator, and the protection of the data in Apennines will be revoked. The system may delete it on its own.

It's just personality coverage data. It's not important at all.

However, for Ming Jing, it was as if the sky had collapsed. He seemed to have been hit by an invisible boulder falling from the sky, and almost fell to his knees on the ground.


He lost his allegiance.

More than ten years ago, when he was still a natural person, after passing the exam of "Gene Bank Defense Armed Forces", he was guided to the young Yapenning Zhao. During his adolescence, that whole period of mental

The youthful years, whose activities were full of secretion support, were spent with this person of allegiance. The rich emotions before his complete transformation were all devoted to "loyalty".

Human beings are free, so there will no longer be gods, powers or anything else higher than humans to oppress humans. Therefore, humans being dependent on humans is the only form of organization allowed in modern times.

As for the secretary...and Ming Jing has been so loyal to one person since then.

This was the whole meaning of his life. He could not think of any other way in which he could live.

Dai Jiutai shook his head. To be honest, he quite sympathized with this person.

The Scientific Research Knights, also known as the Order of Yawgmoth, are nominally directly loyal to the Father of All Machines. From this point of view, every official knight is related to the "Order of Yawgmoth" among the patrons.

"Kings" are equal. And because of the thoughts of the Father of All Machines, all scientific research knights regard "truth" as their ultimate direction.

This mixture of "loyalty" and "belief" has created such an unprecedented group.

Research knights never fall into this "lost target" dilemma.

Dai Jiutai'a stretched out his hand and patted Ming Jing on the shoulder: "If you are no longer an individual with a loyal target, you can also stay in the defense force as an ordinary military attache. If you really feel pain

...They should also provide free lobotomy services. Don’t be confused anymore, it’s actually very simple.”

Ming Jing lay on the ground and whispered: "I will consider this suggestion..."

"But I personally hope you don't think about it..." The secretary sighed and said, "You can also temporarily leave the security forces and travel around. Maybe you can find a new goal during the trip."

The warrior beside him flashed his prosthetic eyes and seemed very shocked.

Does this old man seem to be talking about something very dangerous?

If this military attache is infected by Jianghu ideological trends and degenerates into a lawless Jianghu thug, it will be a huge scandal for the defense forces of Jayhawk City!

Dai Jiutai didn't care much. The rumor that the Oslo Temple sympathized with the Jianghu knights was basically an open secret. If he said a few words in public, there wouldn't be much risk.

Rather, the supervisory forces of the "kings" are always more suspicious of those Oslo Templars who say nothing.

The logic is probably "this guy hides it so well, does he want to make big news?"

However, in essence, "the scientific knight sympathizes with the knight errant" is something that is difficult to prohibit.

Scientific methodology relies heavily on the freedom of information.

In the distant past, the monopoly of capital suppressed this freedom.

The "glory" of the Scientific Research Knights has formed another form of suppression.

After all, the Scientific Research Knights are also using "glory" as bait to lure all the Scientific Research Knights to climb in the direction of "truth".

Many scientific research knights do not care about "truth", but "the glory on the road to the truth."

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this - even if a scholar does research for money and power, as long as he objectively produces results, he is no different from a pious scholar who objectively pursues "truth."

To judge a person, we still have to look at the traces his actions leave in history.

However, this "bait" will eventually lead to "competition".

The more pure scholars are, the easier it is to be attracted by the atmosphere of "honesty and namelessness" in Jianghu - Jianghu people publish their results, sometimes without even signing their names. For a very small number of extremely pure guys,

It's more attractive over there.

But this kind of people are often quite good at doing research - after all, they are the ones who are easiest to devote themselves to it wholeheartedly.

In addition, there are always scientific research knights who, after thinking deeply about the "meaning of life", recognized what "that knight" said last night - everything is for people and everything depends on people.

It is difficult to stop these things. If these phenomena are really to be eliminated, the vitality of the Scientific Research Knights itself will be almost completely destroyed.

Of course, it must be explained.

Dai Jiutai'a is actually neither of the two.

He quickly walked into his room and sent a letter to the headquarters of the Knights of Evolutionary Language of Mars.

"Dear Deputy Commander Tingyun, I have now completed the fieldwork on language changes in the central and northern part of the New World in the past ten years as planned. Originally, I was planning to go directly to the Old World and return near the space elevator. However, due to time constraints

Because of the relationship, I chose to place an order in Jayhawk City for a few days. While I was placing an order, a knight broke into the local knight's headquarters and assassinated several key figures, including the deputy leader and important volunteers.


"You may already know the specific process. However, I still have reason to believe that this is an unusual event."

When he wrote this, he was basically retelling what he "saw on the surface" and what Paladin Assyria had done.

Nor did he say anything problematic.

However, he added some additional words after the letter.

"Finally, please allow me to use the favor I received from you. I really hope to get out of the trouble here. After all, I am in this predicament because of the Knights."

This sentence actually seems to be a very normal dialogue.

But in fact, this is an agreed code word.

If there is really "unseen" news that you want to convey, then you have no choice but to do this.

It is difficult for normal people to find secret channels from the earth to other planets.

King Agni has long existed within a few light seconds of the Earth. Any information may be censored by him and his subordinates.

As long as you follow the official information network, this process is difficult to avoid.

Of course, it is not completely impossible. Although King Agni is powerful, he is only one person after all. Neither he nor his men can completely censor all the information flowing out of the earth.

There is always something missing.

If he is an internal strength master of the same level as him, he might be able to build a stable "secret channel".

But Dai Jiutai couldn't take this risk.

The hidden meaning of this code word is to tell "over there" to find a way to come over quickly. Something big may indeed have happened in Jayhawk City.


Xiangshan input the new drawings into the 3D printer and quickly printed the new parts.

However, he still sighed.

"This is really...already short of power, and it may consume even more power now."

He is now going to print out a constant temperature box as a culture environment for Yuding bacteria.

In addition, there are fermentation tanks, centrifuges, and extraction instruments.

Thinking about it this way, there are quite a lot of things needed to restore Danzyme.

Now, the biggest problem is energy.

Vehicles such as "donkeys" and "mules" rely on solar panels for all their energy. There is also a limit to the amount of energy these panels can convert every day.

These two high-end 3D printers rely on magnetic levitation to control the flow of metal material powder, rely on lasers to melt materials, and rely on mechanical waves to interfere with the crystal forming process.

Each of these three things is a big consumer of energy.

As soon as he turned on the phone, Xiang Shan seemed to see the energy reserve slowly dropping.

However, these instruments are necessary.

If you want to prepare dandruff enzyme, you must have these things.

After confirming that the equipment manufacturing work was proceeding in an orderly manner, Xiangshan took out the artificial amber hidden in his body, crushed it, and then sprinkled the crumbs into a petri dish filled with translucent gel.

This petri dish was also printed just now. The gel inside was passed over from that gang. It was also stuffed in when giving drugs to those young people.

Xiang Shan thought about this situation when he asked about "Jade Cauldron Fungus", so he did something special.

Of course, the bacteria in artificial amber have lost their vitality. However, there may still be viable spores in the "corpses" of those bacteria.

These spores can re-establish bacterial colonies.

"Well, it's fine now. Whether it's to rebuild the inner strength yourself or let the apprentice use it, it's all settled." Xiang Shan nodded, very satisfied.

At this time, Yuki climbed into the cabin of the "mule" and asked: "Master, um, are you free now?"

"Hmm? What's the matter? I have to read a paper later..."

"Maybe... it's quite important." Yuki said hesitantly: "I have asked those big brothers and sisters about some anecdotes in the world before, and I heard them tell some stories about the past."

Xiangshan's eyes focused on Youki: "Oh? You mean..."

"Master, I may know something about your past."

This chapter has been completed!
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