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Chapter 114 Everyone can be a God of War

——I sometimes think that we actually live in a world full of undead.

In the 1930s, Xiangshan often thought like this.

There are "immortal undead" in this world. They were born before modern society, and they either parasitize between genomes in the form of "instincts", or exist within culture in the form of "myths".

In the brains of modern people, the soul sparks belonging to our ancestors are still stirring.

It is God, it is morality, it is ignorance, it is oppression.

All the traditions of the dead ancestors are like nightmares haunting the minds of the living.

Therefore, we must "exterminate the souls of the dead."

This is Xiangshan... no, this is the goal that Xiangshan's group is pursuing.

The initial goal of prosthetic research is to cut off the basis of the existence of these undead from the source.

Use technology to completely change mankind.

The ghost existing in the instinct makes it lose the basis of survival.

The ghost that exists in culture leaves it facing a completely changed society.

This is the original goal.

Xiangshan firmly believes that only by getting rid of the ghosts that haunt the human spirit can mankind take a further step towards the "Kingdom of Freedom."

That's what he thinks.

but now……

"Xiang Shan" is also a dead spirit now.

"'Need a flag, so we created Martial God II'? Is it funny?" Xiang Shan cursed in a low voice: "Why do we bind 'martial arts' to blockchain technology? It's because we made it in the first place

After reaching enlightenment, it doesn’t matter who dies, as long as the fire is passed on, it is enough to be regarded as a staged victory.”

"So what if 'Xiang Shan' dies? As long as 'chivalry' is still there, Xiang Shan will be 'immortal'."

"When the God of War was born, the name 'Xiang Shan' already gave off a rancid smell."

"And this kind of thing actually happened at least ten times! Ten times!"

Only by being "recognized by Xiangshan's friends" can he be awarded the title of "Martial God".

Then, there should be some true personality aspects that "identify themselves as Xiangshan, but their behavior is too deviant, so they are not recognized by Xiangshan's old friends."

This kind of thing must have happened more than ten times in history.

Yuki scratched his head and said: "But no matter how many times it happens, you are the one who protects everyone after all, Master. I saw your battle with Green Lin with my own eyes. No matter who you are, you must be the best knight."


"So what?" Xiangshan stood up, half-kneeling on the ground, looking at Youki: "If I were Martial Ancestor Xiangshan, then I should be angry, because I was actually used as a shrine. And if I

If it is the personality cover of Wuzu Xiangshan, then I should also be angry - because just standing here is an insult to chivalry!"

"It's been more than two hundred years! It's been more than two hundred years! Can't these guys understand this problem? If the 'Xiang Shan' thing is dead, we can't do chivalry and justice? We have to create another 'Xiang Shan' and come out to say goodbye.

Can everyone feel at ease?"

When initially designing martial arts, everyone requested that all martial arts be packaged and uploaded to the Internet using the blockchain.

This guarantees that even if all the first batch of knights die, the fire will be hidden on the Internet. Over a long period of time, someone will always find it and use it to ignite the corrupt and fallen world.

It can be said that the "first batch of knights" really fought with the consciousness of "it doesn't matter even if I die today."

At that time, not many knights really felt that they would win the final victory - because among more than 10 billion human beings, only little people like them, less than a hundred, could raise the flag of rebellion and fight.

Therefore, "Jianghu" should be a team that "can continue to exist no matter who dies".

But now, those people are actually creating "Xiangshan" repeatedly.

——Hahahahaha... Hahahahahaha... What a big joke. Why Xiangshan? Is there really anything about a person like Xiangshan that deserves to be so admired?

After a moment of silence, he still didn't quite understand the reason for his master's anger. He might never be able to understand it.

In fact, Yuki's previous understanding of Xiangshan was limited to "a very powerful knight".

But after listening to the stories relayed by others, the young man had an intuitive understanding of how powerful his master was.

The master is a figure in mythology.

Yuki said: "Master, I don't think you should look at it this way."

"Oh...that's right. Without investigation, you have no right to speak - then let me ask you, what do you think the 'God of War' is?"

Yuki organized his speech and said: "There are many 'Gods of War' who should have become Xiangshan voluntarily."

Xiang Shan sneered: "Yes. Xiang Shan is a fool who is so naive that he is an idiot. Those who make themselves like Xiang Shan are the fools among fools."

"No, Master, please listen to me." Youki argued: "I think some of the Martial Gods voluntarily became Xiangshan."

"Yes." Xiang Shan sneered: "The mob also voluntarily handed over power to the saint-like fanatical leader."

"I think it's different, very different." Yuki shook his head: "I think, if I can really think about it, I should also choose to become a 'God of War'."

Xiangshan suddenly stood up. Yuki felt that his master must be really angry.

"If you don't tell me how ugly you are...boy, I will expel you from the school today!"

People should not have the freedom to give up their freedom - one person should not become the slave of another person by "volunteer". Because this kind of behavior tramples on the concept of "person".

In the same way, a person should not have the freedom to "give up himself".

For hundreds of years, countless people with lofty ideals have opened up the people's wisdom and called for the public to wake up, but this is not for you to throw away the awakened will like garbage, or even step on it on the ground.

This is the undisputed "blasphemy of the martyrs".

Xiangshan was really surprised. It was hard for him to imagine that his disciples would have such thoughts.

If he really doesn't give a reason, he will just say "I think this is good"...

Ah, "expelled from the school" is just to scare children. But if Yuki really answers like this, then Xiangshan must change his education policy.

Youki lowered his head and said, "Because the God of War is very powerful."

"Oh." Xiang Shan nodded: "He is very powerful, so he was beaten to his knees eleven times."

"Oh, but, Master, even if your memory is incomplete and your prosthetic body is broken, you can still fight with the gentlemen in the city." Yuki scratched his head: "If I become a god of war, maybe the town where I was born can... Live a better life. My mother can also relax a little. If we still have such rich knowledge as Master, we can produce more products and do more things."

Yuki looked at Xiang Shan and said seriously: "I used to live in pain. But the amazing thing is that I didn't even realize that it was painful, so I couldn't change it. I think everyone in the town also felt the pain. It’s almost the same. Whether it’s the people who bullied me when I was a child or the adults who took care of me..."

"If I were the God of War, everything would be different."

Xiang Shan wanted to say something, but in the end no curse came out.

This may be the view that people of this era have.

"What's the benefit of becoming Xiangshan?" Xiangshan sat back on the ground: "Without Xiangshan, wouldn't we be able to do chivalry and justice? It's simply ridiculous."

"But, Master, let's be serious..." Yuki said: "If everyone has the opportunity to become Xiangshan, then you should not be the only one here. I will It can be Xiangshan, Brother Cui can be Xiangshan tomorrow, and that old man [referring to the solo kill king] can also be Xiangshan tomorrow."

"I think the 'Xiang Shan' people are talking about now is more than the original 'Martial Ancestor Xiang Shan'. 'Xiang Shan' may not be a specific person. In my opinion, 'becoming a martial god' is like 'becoming a hero'. "

Xiang Shan was stunned for a moment, and then laughed out loud. He just laughed lightly at first, but soon, the laughter gradually increased and amplified. Soon, wild laughter filled the entire carriage.

Yuki was a little uneasy: "Ah? Master, did I say something wrong or something? Is it...such a ridiculous mistake?"

"No, no, no, you didn't say anything wrong. I just didn't expect you to say such a thing." Xiang Shan patted the disciple's mind: "Very good, you have made great progress."

Yuki looked happy: "So Master, you have figured it out..."

Xiangshan stretched out a hand and waved: "I still reserve my opinion. I think that all those who voluntarily become 'God of War' are idiots, fools, Kuchiki who do not accept lessons at all! According to Xiangshan's own thoughts , this kind of behavior must be the wrong line, it is a blasphemy against chivalry..."

Speaking of this, he sighed: "However, what you said does make sense. If Xiangshan's memory can help people of this era live better, then, if there is no other choice, become ' "God of War" is not necessarily unacceptable."

"Martial God" does not only include "artificially created false personality masks". It also includes "reading Xiangshan's memories and making the biological brain mistakenly think that it is Xiangshan's true personality mask."

But it is actually not easy to become such a true personality.

The main reason lies in "channels".

The Father of All Machines was the first to upload a small part of Xiang Shan's information. He didn't know whether he wanted to humiliate or express some other meaning. In order to prevent Wu Zu's image from being unilaterally distorted by the government, other knights also uploaded their memories to

In that blockchain, we strive to restore an objective Martial Ancestor.

As a result, the blockchain is getting longer and longer, and there are more and more forks.

Initially, it was open access.

This process continues until "the birth of a warrior god."

This chapter has been completed!
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