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Chapter 20 Boolean Operations

"Isn't it right?" Yuki frowned: "Master, it doesn't seem to be like this. In board and card games...and also in driving, computers are much more powerful than biological brains."

Xiang Shan nodded: "Yes, but a computer that is good at playing chess can only play chess. It will never understand why it is playing chess, and it may not even know that it is "playing chess." If

If its creator does not give instructions, then it will never think of doing another thing in its life."

This should be... something that happened a long, long time ago? Xiangshan felt that this might be history that happened before he was born. At that time, there was a conductor. He was a patient with Trisomy 21 - the so-called

He is a "congenital fool". Perhaps he was just born in a musical family, so he regarded "imitating conductor's movements" as a game, but he did step on the stage as a "conductor". So what's wrong with his brain?

Is there "music" in ?

Perhaps it is true that this poor man does know what music is in his heart.

But he is not very able to understand things other than "music".

The intelligence bred in the computer is even more extreme than this. After all, even a congenitally stupid child will know when he is hungry, thirsty, and will cry when he is not feeling well. But even if the AI ​​is powerful enough to crush the chess master, it will not produce

"I still need power" or "I just want more computing resources" thoughts.

"Actually, what computers can do has never exceeded the human brain. Paper-pen calculations... Damn it, you don't seem to know what 'paper' is." Xiang Shan shook his head and picked up an iron stick.

Write q and p on the ground.

Two values, 1 or 0, true or false.

Two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.

Everything about computers comes from here.

"What I want to teach you now is called 'Boolean operations'." Xiangshan said: "Humans can use an iron stick to complete Boolean operations on the ground, thus simulating any computer program - no, it should be the other way around.

.Computers just replace human hands and write Boolean calculation formulas on the ground. They are just faster and faster than human handwriting. That's all."

"This method of calculation was born from the great George Boole. Before George Boole, Leibniz and Babbage were doing the same thing - they tried to use machines to calculate. Babbage may have been close to this for a time

Realm, but in the end it was not reached. And Boole was different from all his predecessors. Just like Isaac Newton tried to describe the trajectory of material movement in the dimensions of time and space, Boole was trying to describe the trajectory of spiritual movement.

This is a groundbreaking achievement. Of course, the gap between Boolean algorithm and real human thinking is just like the gap between Newtonian mechanics and the real world. But this is already the beginning."

"After Boolean, people realized that gears and levers can perform calculations, neural networks can perform calculations, circuits that are constantly opening and closing can perform calculations, and even a bunch of chemical equipment can also perform calculations - the Boolean algorithm will

A corner of human thinking, broken down into something that machines can understand."

The history of humans using circuits to simulate neural networks and perform Boolean calculations is even earlier than the von Neumann architecture - as early as 1943, neurobiologist Warren Macavock and mathematician Walter Pitts made the first

An artificial neural network that can perform Boolean calculations.

Before Boole's time, there was an inventor named Joseph Jacquard. He invented a brand-new loom. This loom could use punched cards to control the needle and thread on the machine to weave warp and weft.

Similar things have appeared independently many times in history. This kind of "punch card" can even be traced back to the Eastern Han Dynasty in China.

This is the ancestor of the "punched tape" of the Turing machine. It is the most primitive memory with only a few bytes and is the earliest "memory" of machines.

Hilbert's plan to study pure mathematics spurred the birth of the Turing machine.

In the end, these results were finally gathered in the hands of another person named von Neumann.

Here, a tool unprecedented in human history was born. Human society, life and even politics and military were changed by it.

"However, a tool is still a tool." Xiang Shan warned his disciples: "The essence of it is to create thousands or tens of thousands of arms to perform Boolean operations for you. What the computer can do, you can use Boolean operations yourself.

What computing can do is that computers are faster - of course, this 'fastness' has already reached an essential change."

"For ordinary users, you only need to hand over the task to these 'several arms' and wait for the results. But this way you cannot practice internal skills. Those who are successful in internal skills can only wait and see if they can maximize their use of internal skills.

The power of countless arms even transmits will to these hands."

"So, you have to start with Boolean operations."

In the field of internal strength, mathematics is the "Tao" and Boolean operations are the "One".

Tao gives birth to one, gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to all things.

The Boolean algorithm itself is not complicated, it is just an extension of logic. High school level mathematics is almost enough to get started.

The rest is just a lot of practice.

Xiangshan spent some time explaining the essence of these problems to Yuki, and then wrote an exercise book directly in his mind and transmitted it point-to-point to Yuki's brain chip.

Yuki left the room with a heavy step.

Xiang Shan nodded with satisfaction. He had a feeling in his heart that he had wanted to do this kind of thing for a long time.

I don’t know why, maybe it was the impact of past experiences on him?

Anyway, he was quite happy.


This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Yuki finally finished the exercises and returned to his room.

Then he discovered that the atmosphere in the room had completely changed.

Xiangshan closed his eyes and faced the terminal as if meditating. On the screen of the terminal, countless symbols appeared and disappeared as if they were refreshing. More codes were covered on top of the codes.

The dog-shaped prosthetic body connected to the terminal was performing various actions.

Xiangshan is understanding the meaning of each line of code, and then replacing the original code with his own code.

He wants to try to master this unseen component.

"Yuki, have you finished the exercises?" Xiangshan still maintained his original posture: "Is your brain chip a type that can be removed at any time? Isn't it convenient for me to take a look at it now?"

Yuki nodded: "Yes, yes..."

He lowered his head and opened the back of his skull. Then, a spare chip popped out.

There are always two or more driver chips for a prosthetic body. When one of them has a bug and crashes, the other one will instantly take over the body. At the same time, the buggy one will quickly watchdog and re-enable.

It is different from Mingshan's one-piece skull. Yuki's modern artificial skull is very convenient to open.

Yuki handed his spare chip to Xiangshan: "Master, what are you doing?"

"It'll be done soon. I'll tell you when it's done." Xiang Shan shook his head. He didn't notice this at first. It was indeed because he was too careless. In this era, the superiors are more likely to take the life and death of the weak than he imagined.

What's more serious is that he only found out that Dr. Schultz asked him to go online, so he naively concluded that most cybernetic bodies were not connected to the Internet all the time.

When he accepted Youki as his disciple, he only wanted to avoid the surveillance routes in the village.

But what the mayor said before reminded him.

No matter what the society is like, never underestimate the plunder of people by tyrants.

In fact, there should be a frequency band that ordinary people are not aware of, or cannot use at all. In this non-civilian frequency band, all prosthetics are connected to the network - but the users of those prostheses do not know


The only good thing is that the current "real ruling groups" seem to have insufficient manpower, or have other objective difficulties, and are not monitoring everyone all the time.

——Tsk... It probably wasn't as serious as this in the past.

——However, I should have imagined this extreme state.

"Practicing martial arts without practicing martial arts will result in nothing." The idea of ​​combating this state was included in the design of internal strength.

Therefore, after restoring some internal strength to himself, Xiangshan built Yuki's strength to resist external evil and eliminate the backdoor in the chip.

Soon, Xiangshan searched the entire chip. As he expected, there were indeed several protocols in this thing that he had never seen before, pointing to certain ports with signal transmitting functions.

This port uses shortwave communication, the signal is relatively weak, and the data transmission capacity is limited. It is estimated that it can only upload low-quality audio or images.

But this means that the ruler can indeed spy on any individual at any time.

"Very good, at least thankfully, there is no army or police in this era, and the lords have too much discretion... The most they can do is realize that I may be a knight."

Mukayama quickly programmed a firewall into Yuki's chip so that it would deny remote access to that specific port and send fake images. He then erased several other protocols.

Of course, before doing these things, he made a backup first.

Xiangshan returned the chip to Youki and said: "Try it yourself and tell me if there is anything wrong. If there is no problem, you can do me a favor later."

Xiangshan himself currently drives his prosthetic body by relying on a cheap chip given by the mayor. And there may also be a backdoor in that driver chip. Xiangshan's artificial skull cannot be opened and closed freely like Yuki. If there is no special

He had to rely on other people's help to remove the inserted chip.

This is equivalent to exposing one's brain to others. Xiangshan must have a trustworthy assistant before he dares to do such a thing.

In addition, he also had to avoid the situation where "in the middle of the process, the assistant was remotely controlled by someone and stabbed his own brain with a trembling finger." Therefore, he prioritized preparing an "initiation" for Yuki.

While transferring his math homework to Xiang Shan for review, Yuki followed Xiang Shan's instructions and ran around to test whether there were bugs in the driver chip.

Human beings learned a long time ago that "don't pursue bug-free programming". As long as the program can run, it doesn't matter if there are bugs.

According to the classification method of "type theory", high-level languages ​​can be roughly divided into "type-unsafe languages", "type-safe languages" and "strongly standardized languages". Strongly standardized languages ​​can guarantee "no errors". This type of language is suitable for any language.

The program can give a unique result and stop, and will never fall into an infinite loop. However, precisely because the strongly standardized language abandons the concept of "loop" and loses Turing completeness, any error system will not be recognized at all and will not be allowed to run.

To put it simply, a strongly standardized language is a situation in which "the program will never make errors when it runs, but if there are even a few errors in it, it will not run."

The knights, on the other hand, tend to use "type-unsafe languages". Users of this language are usually in the situation of "The code I wrote cannot run? Why is this? The code I wrote can run? Why is this?"

"Among the doubts. This language can easily produce "unpredictable errors" - this "unpredictability" can be said to be destined by mathematics itself. Even the programmer himself cannot predict it before the program runs.

Of course, this "difficulty to understand" is the same for the enemy.

Xiang Shan would rather go to the trouble of doing a few tests before writing any program and choose a "type-unsafe language".

But Xiangshan's level seems to be really good. Yuki's driver chip can still control the prosthetic body normally.

This chapter has been completed!
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